Chapter 564 Uncle
Under the Huan tree, Elder Xingchen was wearing a black robe, and was skillfully brewing a pot of tea. The material he used was not ordinary spiritual tea, but the extremely rare Huanhua.

"Meng Tianchen pays respects to Elder Xingchen!"

After being stunned for a long time, Meng Tianchen bowed respectfully.

There was a conflict with the Qi family at the gate of Yanying, Elder Xingchen helped Meng Tianchen and brought him back to the Elder Hall. No matter what the starting point was, he was very kind to him.

Meng Tianchen is not a gentleman, but he also knows the four words of knowing favor and repaying, so he has always been respectful in front of Elder Wanyan, Elder Quan, and Elder Xingchen.

Elder Xingchen didn't look up, but spoke lightly.

"There is no need to be too polite, sit down, and it will not be too late after I finish making this pot of tea."

While speaking, he looked at the boiling tea, took out a Huanhua, and sprinkled it into the boiling water.

Meng Tianchen didn't hesitate too much, walked to the stone table and sat down with a calm expression.

Elder Xingchen worked for a while, took out two Wenyu teacups, scalded them with hot water, then took out and filled each one, took a cup and put it under his nose to sniff lightly, then took a sip, his face showing a bit of nostalgia .

"Except for this Huanhua, I have nothing to show for it! Seeing that you have been promoted to the Great Martial Emperor, you must have gained a lot in the Yan Prison!"

Meng Tianchen's eyes were shining, he didn't have the heart to talk nonsense with Elder Xingchen, all his thoughts were on this huge Huan tree in front of him, he wished to uproot it and plant it in his martial world.

However, Meng Tianchen was just thinking about it, just kidding, this is Elder Xingchen's precious lump.

Dazed for a moment, Meng Tianchen stretched out his hand to take the Huanhua tea into his hand, drank it down, and immediately felt a wonderful energy rushing straight to the sea of ​​consciousness, round and mellow.

This kind of breath, this kind of energy, can be integrated into the soul, and it can't help giving birth to a sense of intoxication. This is the wonderful meaning that sprouts deep in the soul.

"Thank you Elder Xingchen for giving me the tea! Huanhuaguo really lives up to its reputation!" Meng Tianchen admired sincerely.

When he first entered Shengyan City, it was because of the appreciation of Elder Xingchen that Meng Tianchen had the opportunity to enter the Hall of Elders, especially since Meng Tianchen also learned that it was the Elder Xingchen in front of him who pushed him to start the blood test.

As if knowing the reason for Meng Tianchen's visit, Elder Xingchen remained silent for a while before raising his head, his eyes fell on Meng Tianchen, and the corner of his mouth suddenly revealed a bit of bitterness.

"Boy Meng, you have a deep relationship with me."

"The relationship between us is not just a clan relationship! Because, to be precise, I am your uncle!"


Meng Tianchen's heart was shocked, he suddenly raised his head to look at Elder Xingchen, the light in his eyes flashed, although his heart was shaken, he was still firmly suppressed.

Entering Shengyan City, Meng Tianchen tried his best to find out the whereabouts of the mysterious old lady, but found nothing.Now the elder Xingchen jumped out and said he was his uncle.

this?How not to surprise Meng Tianchen.

"No wonder!" Meng Tianchen immediately recalled that when he saw Elder Xingchen for the first time outside the Yan Camp, he always had a vague sense of familiarity, as if he had seen him somewhere before.

"Chen'er!" Elder Xingchen, who revealed his identity, was a little excited. For a moment, he didn't know what to say, and there was no way to start a thousand words.

"Uncle, where is my mother!"

Meng Tianchen, who was in a hurry, got up and rushed over, holding Elder Xingchen tightly.


With a long sigh, Elder Xingchen hesitated to speak, with a sad expression on his face.

However, more is resentment!
"That's all! You have grown up too. Although you are only a weak Great Martial Emperor, it's time to let you know about those things!"

It seems to have made up his mind.

Patting Meng Tianchen, Elder Xingchen said in a resentful tone: "Chen'er, do you know why among the five great holy beast families in the central region, only our Tianchen family has no patriarch?"

"Seventy-three thousand and one hundred years ago, our Tianchen family's direct lineage gave birth to a person with unfathomable talent! She is your mother, Tianchenwu!"

"At that time, our Tianchen family was so powerful that it even overwhelmed the strongest Zhongji family among the five great holy beast families in the central region." Elder Xingchen said with a strong sense of heroism.

"But! God didn't give us the Holy Flame Tiger Clan a chance! When our Tianchen Clan was at its peak, a disaster happened."

In Elder Xingchen's elaboration, Meng Tianchen was completely dumbfounded.

Even the old ghost Wuhen was shocked. This kind of secret matter far exceeded his expectations.

It turns out that the so-called Jiawu Continent is extremely mysterious!

Even the strongest members of the Holy Flame Tiger Clan who have studied it for many years since ancient times have not figured it out!The Jiawu Continent is divided into two, the Southern Continent and the Northern Continent!
Between the two continents, it is blocked by the extremely mysterious Wulian Mountains.

Not just a block, but at the core of the Wulian Mountains, there is a sky wall that completely separates the two continents from the north to the south!

The strange thing is that below the Martial Emperor, even the peak Martial King, can pass through that sky wall without hindrance. Of course, the premise is that they can survive in the hands of those wild orcs deep in the Wulian Mountains.

As for warriors at the Martial Emperor level, once they touch that terrifying sky wall, they will be torn apart and strangled.

According to the ancestral records of the Tianchen family, the Northern Continent is extremely mysterious, while the original owners of the Southern Continent are some strange races.

Even in other small worlds or middle worlds in the chaotic world, I have never seen it.

The ancestors of the Tianchen family, and the ancestors of the other four great holy beast families in the Central Territory, descended from the void to the Southern Continent one after another.

Start the journey.

After countless years of breeding or fighting, the five great holy beast families finally defeated the original masters of the Southern Continent, those alien races, and became the Central Territory, the masters of the Southern Continent.

However, those original clans did not perish, but retreated to the terrifying Azure Dragon Abyss!

The Azure Dragon Abyss, because it is close to the Azure Dragon City, is called the Azure Dragon Abyss. According to the Yuan Clan, it is a sacred place, their final resting place.

What makes the five great holy beast families jealous is that there is terrifying power in the mysterious Azure Dragon Abyss, and there are countless unimaginable treasures.

It is precisely because of the existence of the mysterious guardian force in the Azure Dragon Abyss that for countless years, the five great holy beast families have not been able to completely conquer the original clan.

Countless years of massacres, the Yuan Clan and the five great holy beast families have enmity that is as deep as the sea, too numerous to write down.

Because of the existence of Qinglong Abyss, the five holy beast families did not really tear themselves apart, and have always maintained an alliance of strangers.

Seventy-three thousand and one hundred years ago, in Shengyan City, a direct descendant of the Tianchen family, a talented woman named Tianchenwu was born.

Moreover, in the blood test, Tian Chenwu's blood concentration has rarely reached the five-star blood, and he is the eighth generation of the Holy Master.

The appearance of the Holy Master suddenly gave the entire Holy Flame Tiger Clan the hope of restoring the glory of their ancestors.

As Tianchenwu grew up against the sky, the Tianchen family became extremely powerful.

However, at the moment when Tianchenwu was promoted to Emperor Martial Emperor, the entire Central Territory was born with a vision!While bringing supreme glory, tragedy begins.

At that time, the most powerful member of the Tianchen family, the patriarch of the Tianchen family, and the father of Tianchenwu, Tianchenlie!The news of falling in the depths of Qinglong Abyss came.

It can be said that at that time, Tian Chenlie, as the rare peak Martial Emperor in the Southern Continent, had very few forces that could threaten his life in the entire Southern Continent.

How could such a powerful Tianchenlie, such a terrifying peak Martial Emperor fall into the Azure Dragon Abyss for no reason?The Yuan Clan, who were lingering on their last legs, absolutely did not have such power.

It's hard to die, but bad news came from the north of the Central Territory, saying that a tyrannical Demon King was born, leading a tyrannical army to sweep across many areas.

The edge is unstoppable.

At that time, the five high-ranking holy beast families didn't care at all. They just sent some clansmen to investigate, but they didn't pay attention to the demon king and the demon king's army at all.

And Tianchenwu was also in grief and became the head of the Tianchen family.

Leading the most elite Holy Legion of the Holy Flame Tiger Clan to conquer the Qinglong Abyss, it is bound to find out the cause of the death of the old Patriarch Tian Chenlie.

You know, the two most elite legions of the Holy Flame Tiger Clan, the Holy Legion has never been out of the Holy Flame City, and has been guarding the most core elder hall of the Holy Flame Tiger Clan.

Even if it is an expedition, it is usually the second army, the Yan army!
To everyone's surprise, the terrifying army of the Demon King swept across the Northern Wilderness and entered the Central Territory.

After seeing the strength of the Demon King's army, including the nine elders who stayed behind in Shengyan City, the five holy beast families were all dumbfounded.

The opponent is too powerful!
Even the peak powerhouse of the peak Martial Emperor is vulnerable to a single blow under the hands of the Demon King.

The alliance formed by most of the top powerhouses of the five great holy beast families retreated steadily and suffered heavy losses in front of the army of the devil king.

Seeing that the end of the five great holy beast families was coming, Wu Yue appeared.

Wu Yue broke the boundary!

At the same time that Wu Yue broke the boundary, a person flashed out from the Qinglong Abyss, the holy land of the Yuan clan.

Possessing superb supernatural powers, the suspected fearsome mighty strongman wiped out the almost invincible demon king with a wave of his hand, and imprisoned most of the demon king's army.

Moreover, apart from the Eastern Royal Family in Qinglong City, the patriarchs of the Four Great Sacred Beast Families, including Tianchenwu, were all taken away.

It even forced the five great holy beast families to surrender. Every thousand years, they would gather at the Tongtian Terrace and open the Tongtian Road!Send some top-notch geniuses to that great terror.

Having said that, seeing Meng Tianchen completely dumbfounded, Elder Xingchen paused in repeated sighs, and did not continue talking.

Meng Tianchen, who learned about such a great secret, was so dumbfounded that he couldn't speak at all.

And the Wuhen old ghost in the Blood River Pagoda seemed to have thought of something, and his face was dark and ugly.

"Master Xingchen..." Meng Tianchen, who was a little tongue-tied, said unaccustomedly: "Uncle! Uncle! Then, where did that terrifying and powerful man come from?"

After hesitating for a long time, Elder Xingchen said: "I don't really know, I just know that that fellow is a member of the Fire Clan. It is extremely terrifying, and it is definitely a power at the level of the Venerable Heaven and Earth."

(End of this chapter)

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