Chapter 566 Tianchen Dew

Elder Wan Yan really valued Meng Tianchen very much, and he bestowed this Sword Essence Orb to save his life in times of crisis!

"Thank you, Master!" Meng Tianchen hurriedly saluted, with a more sincere expression than before.

Elder Wan Yan pulled him up with a wave of his sleeve, with a satisfied look on his face, he had already thought that as long as he was sincere to each other, Meng Tianchen would definitely take him as a master in his heart.

"By the way, Xiao Tianchen, Elder Quan and Elder Potian, you should also walk around more! It is good for you! Especially Elder Potian, he is the number one refiner in our central domain!"

"The first refiner?"

Suddenly, Meng Tianchen was startled.

He does know that there are quite a few refiners in the Holy Flame Tiger Clan, who are fire-type fighters, but Elder Potian is so famous and the number one refiner in the Central Territory, he has never heard of it.

There is no way, who told Meng Tianchen to be blind to Zhongyu?
Although Meng Tianchen also mastered the magical barren weapon sacrificial method, what he could refine was only a mere low-grade elemental weapon.

In the middle domain, the low-grade elemental weapon is really to the point of being a bad street.

"Hey!" Knowing that this Elder Potian is on the side of Elder Wan Yan, Meng Tianchen made up his mind to make friends with him.

What's more, Meng Tianchen has a lot of top-quality refining materials in his hands, and he intends to establish his own power, create the Meng Mansion, and build the Martial God Palace.How can it do without some rare holy artifacts.

Moreover, even in extremely trading houses, complete middle-grade sacred artifacts can be seen at auctions from time to time, but top-grade sacred artifacts are rare.

After leaving Wanyan Hall, Meng Tianchen did not leave the Elder Hall, but headed towards the palace where Elder Potian was.

Elder Potian is the number one casting master of the Holy Flame Tiger Clan. Although his cultivation base is slightly weaker, his status is extremely high.However, Meng Tianchen's luck was not very good this time. He learned from the guards in front of the palace that Elder Potian is not in the palace now, but in the Qihang.

After understanding, I learned that Elder Potian spends most of his time refining holy artifacts in the holy artifact shop in Shengyan City.


Meng Tianchen, who was about to leave, suddenly brightened.

A beautiful woman is coming towards Elder Potian's palace.

This person is tall and beautiful.

It was a fiery beauty, but any man, as long as he saw this beauty for the first time, he would involuntarily have a frenzied idea.

"Who are you?" Approaching the entrance of the palace, the tall and slender beauty found Meng Tianchen's strange eyes staring at some hidden parts of her body, and was very upset.

"Good! What a superb beauty!"

"I've met the eldest lady!" The guards of the main hall did not dare to neglect her when they saw this woman, and hurried forward to see her.

"Who is this girl from Elder Potian?" Meng Tianchen finally came to his senses.

"Wu that boy! Who are you?" The tall beauty who ignored the guards at all, seemed to be in a bad mood today, and stared at Meng Tianchen with a bad tone, full of evil spirit.

"My name is Meng Tianchen, I'm here to meet Elder Potian!"

"What, you are Meng Tianchen?" Immediately, the tall slender beauty had a small round mouth in surprise.

"It's just a mere Great Martial Emperor!" The very disappointed tall beauty was a little disappointed when she thought of the rumors about Meng Tianchen in the entire Shengyan City during this period of time.

Suddenly remembered something, and asked in surprise: "Who is Tianchenbao?"

"Little treasure?"

The taller beauty was even more amazed, but Meng Tianchen didn't expect to know Tianchenbao.

"Xiaobao is my younger brother! He has been trained in the Yan Prison, how did you know him?"


Meng Tianchen, who secretly smirked, was immediately happy.

"Brother just came out of Yan prison, of course I know that kid!"

"You? You have completed the experience of Yanlao?" Now, how dare you underestimate Meng Tianchen's tall beauty, very excited.

Although she is also a disciple of the Tianchen family, she has limited aptitude and is not eligible to enter the Yan prison for training.

"Meng Tianchen, can you tell me about Xiaobao's situation in the Yan prison?"

"it is good!"

Meng Tianchen, who suddenly had a common topic, immediately threw Elder Potian, the number one craftsman in the central region, behind his ears, and followed the tall beauty into the hall.


The tall beauty who was deeply attracted by the situation in Yan Prison felt that Meng Tianchen was much more pleasing to the eye, but upon closer examination, she was exceptionally handsome.

As long as it is a woman, I can't help but want to get close.

After getting acquainted, Meng Tianchen knew that this girl was called Tianchenlu, and she was the granddaughter of Elder Potian.

Meng Tianchen, who is easy to catch when dealing with women, quickly gained the favor of the other party. If he hadn't had any scruples, Meng Tianchen almost couldn't hold back and accepted this woman.

After half a day, Meng Tianchen and Tianchenlu, whose relationship has become very harmonious, bid farewell.

From Tian Chenlu's mouth, he learned that for at least ten days, Elder Potian was not free, as if he was refining a rare holy weapon.

When parting, Meng Tianchen also invited Tianchenlu to visit Meng Mansion.

Unexpectedly, Tianchenlu readily agreed.

Three months passed.

Meng Tianchen enjoys the company of beauties from time to time during his training breaks, and travels with him in Shengyan City.

Many people who pay attention to Meng Tianchen seem to have foreseen that Tianchenlu is likely to enter the Meng Mansion in a short time.


In the north of Shengyan City, there is a line of utensils.

As the well-known Elder's Saint Artifact Firm, naturally no one dared to be presumptuous here. Although it was densely packed with warriors at the moment, there was no chaos at all.

Some came to the Artifact Store to buy holy artifacts, and some held the most precious materials to ask for Elder Potian to refine unique sacred artifacts.

Some of these people came from distant places, and some were local warriors in Shengyan City.

However, today's equipment store is a bit abnormal, and it is not open for business when it is time.

It wasn't until a man in blood-colored battle armor arrived that the store opened, but to everyone's surprise, the store closed today.

Until Meng Tianchen entered the equipment store, many warriors who had been waiting outside the door for a long time were still staring wide-eyed, unable to understand what was going on.

"Master Meng Tianchen, the master is refining a certain treasure in the underground oven, and told me to bring you here to wait for a while, and I will come here to meet you when the master finishes refining." Responsible for receiving Meng Tianchen Disciple of Elder Potian, spoke respectfully.

Just as the disciple of Elder Potian left, a fiery beauty swept into the main hall.

"Brother Tianchen, people have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Seeing Tian Chenlu's seductive blushing face, Meng Tianchen almost couldn't hold back, went up and pinched it.

"Brother Tianchen, let me tell you secretly, that old man, grandpa, isn't refining any holy artifacts at all, he's deliberately leaving you alone!"

"Ah!" Now, Meng Tianchen was stunned, he remembered that he did not offend Elder Potian.

After repeated requests to see him, he was pushed back, but today he reluctantly agreed, and he still has to hang out for a while, what is the meaning of this shit?
"Hmph! My good granddaughter!" An angry groan came from inside, Elder Potian's face turned red, and a hot wave still radiated from his body.

"It's said that girls are extroverts. This sentence is indeed true. Now that they are no longer close to grandpa, I would have known better if I had given it away!"

Tian Chenlu didn't show the slightest sign of fear when her grandfather heard him speak ill of him in secret, she just took a look at Meng Tianchen, her face turned red, and she stomped her feet fiercely.

"Grandpa, what nonsense are you talking about, people ignore you!"

Tian Chenlu turned around and ran away, her face blushed as if she was about to spill blood, she kept blaming her grandpa for talking nonsense, would Meng Tianchen be misunderstood by saying this?But I was still a little happy.

"I've seen Elder Potian!"

Meng Tianchen didn't dare to be negligent, and got up to salute.

Elder Potian waved his hand as a signal, and he sat down directly at the head.

Elder Potian remained silent, looking at Meng Tianchen's calm look, he gritted his teeth with hatred in his heart!

Why, he worked so hard to raise his eldest granddaughter, and was hooked away by this bad boy in a short period of time, and dared to say something wrong about him in secret.


Is this his granddaughter?
Although Elder Potian is one of the nine elders in the Hall of Elders, his cultivation has reached the limit of his aptitude, and it is almost impossible to improve.

Tianchenlu is his precious granddaughter, and also his darling, so it's strange that she can feel better just looking at her with her elbows out.

Although Meng Tianchen is very likely to become the future Holy Lord of the Holy Flame Tiger Clan, but that is nothing, how difficult it is!
In the eyes of Elder Potian, he felt that Meng Tianchen was very annoying, no matter how he looked at him, he was not pleasing to the eye, especially when he saw that he was so confident that he would eat him up, he was even more angry.

But thinking of the current situation of the nine elders in the Elder Hall, and the precarious situation of the Shengyanhu Clan, this old man was stunned.

"Boy Meng, you always see me, is there anything important?"

"I'm simply here to pay my respects!" Meng Tianchen pretended to be very humble.

Elder Potian, who was still waiting for Meng Tianchen's words, did not expect Meng Tianchen to stop talking.


Elder Potian who sighed secretly, pretended to be indifferent, and asked softly: "Boy Meng, I heard that you have several women?"

"There are so many!" Meng Tianchen didn't intend to hide it.

"What? There are really several?" Immediately, Elder Potian became angry.

You kid actually has several women, how dare you come to hook up with my granddaughter?
"There are a few, can't it?" Meng Tianchen was very surprised, and asked Elder Potian.

"I'm so confused! Yes, how many women does he have? It's none of my business? It seems that this kid has a purpose in befriending Luer, and he doesn't really like Luer."

Elder Potian was strangely angry.

Tian Chenlu thinks that she hides it very well, but how can she hide her favor for Meng Tianchen from the eyes of Elder Potian, Elder Potian has seen it in the eyes of Elder Potian in the past few months.

Ever since Tianchenlu got acquainted with Meng Tianchen, it was like a different person, as happy as a little bird!In the past, Elder Potian learned that Tianchenlu didn't care about the flattery of those so-called young geniuses in Shengyan City.

Something seems wrong, no matter how you look at it, it feels like shaving your head and shouldering the burden. Could it be that this is just Tian Chenlu's wishful thinking, Meng Tianchen has no such intention at all!
"This goddamn little bastard!" Thinking of this, Elder Potian suddenly became furious.

(End of this chapter)

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