Chapter 583 Qiang Yan
Joining the Meng Mansion might be a good choice.

"Master!" Hei Fang looked excited, "From now on, you and the disciple are both Mongolian warriors, and the disciple will no longer have to act like an outsider when he sees you."

The shadow master sighed, nodded and said: "Hei Ya, even so, but in the future you and I will be warriors under the command of the Meng Mansion, and Master Meng Tianchen's decree is the first rule for you and me. In the future, you will still be called the teacher and the shadow master. Bar."

Hei Fang took a deep breath and nodded, no matter how you call him, it's good to be with Master.

And after learning about the origin of the Shadow Killing Cave and the news that the entire Shadow Killing Cave power had joined from his uncle Xingchen Elder, Meng Tianchen almost fainted out of joy.

The shadow master is a terrifying peak Martial Emperor, and he is good at assassinating one, which is very terrifying.

Now that the Meng Mansion can have such a powerful boss joining, it suddenly becomes full of confidence.In particular, there are more than 3 shadow killers in the entire Shadow Killing Cave, and the number of shadow killers above Emperor Weiwu exceeds several thousand, which greatly increases Meng Tianchen's strength.

As for the so-called loyalty issue, Meng Tianchen is not worried at all, as long as he makes a spiritual contract under the power monument of the Martial God Palace, he will never be able to abandon the Martial God Palace.

Accepting the troubles that Shadow Killing Cave might cause, Meng Tianchen didn't know what it was, and he didn't want to think about it. Now that the Meng Mansion's actions have touched the interests of many forces in Shengyan City, the contradictions already exist, so it's not bad anymore. a bit more.

If they tolerate this matter, then everyone will live in peace, otherwise there will be some conflicts, and Meng Tianchen is not afraid.

After instructing Guan Huang or Zhu'er to carefully receive the people from the Shadow Killing Cave, Meng Tianchen left the Meng Mansion alone.

Hallows row!
There was still a sea of ​​people waiting in line in front of the door, but Meng Tianchen did not stop, and his figure appeared directly outside the main entrance of the mansion.

"I will pay my respects to Master Meng Tianchen!"

The guards of Qi Xing saluted respectfully, with awe-inspiring faces; someone hurriedly turned around and entered the mansion to report.

"Master Meng Tianchen, Elder Potian ordered that if you come, you can enter the mansion directly without waiting for a notification, please!"

The guards bowed respectfully and bowed slightly to lead the way.

Meng Tianchen nodded and walked forward.

"Brother Tianchen!" Tianchenlu's delicate appearance appeared in sight. Today, she is wearing a light blue long dress embroidered with many dot patterns, outlining her beautiful figure, and her face is full of joy at the moment.

Meng Tianchen smiled and nodded, the guards stopped when they saw this, and retreated respectfully.

"You certainly didn't come here today just to see me. You need to find grandpa for something. He is in the backyard right now. I'll take you to him directly." Tian Chenlu stepped forward to hold Meng Tianchen's arms, her soft chest rubbing against his. Arm, face flushed red, but did not let go.

The smile on Meng Tianchen's face paused, then he shook his head, but he didn't pull out his arm, he just smiled wryly in his heart, if this scene is seen by Elder Potian, I'm afraid this old guy will get angry and trouble him again.

The two chatted and laughed all the way, Tian Chenlu quickly forgot the shyness before, her expression returned to her usual cute and delicate appearance, excited like a bird, chirping non-stop, while Meng Tianchen spent most of the time He was smiling and listening to her speak.

"Hmph! You're a big girl, why don't you pay attention at all, how decent it is to hold someone's arm, you girl is getting more and more presumptuous without the old man's discipline!" There was an angry reprimand from the front, but there was no way to suppress it That sour taste.

Elder Potian saw Tianchenlu holding Meng Tianchen's smiling face affectionately, his heart seemed to be full of old vinegar, his eyes were full of envy, jealousy and hatred, and even his saliva was sour.

This is his granddaughter, since she grew up, she has rarely been so affectionate with him, but now she is holding another guy and dangling in front of his old man, it is too much!And what's more, the guy who was hugged by his granddaughter looked very embarrassed.

However, because of Meng Tianchen's status, Elder Potian was powerless to do anything about it, so he was naturally aggrieved and depressed.

Fortunately, this kid's eyes are normal, and he didn't openly move his hands or feet. If he dares to show any other thoughts, let's see how my old man will deal with you!
Elder Potian was secretly indignant.

Chen Lu hastily let go, and Qiaolian Shengxia took two steps back, staring fiercely at Elder Potian.

"Grandpa, why are you like this? You don't say hello when you appear suddenly, and you interrupt others. It's very impolite!"

"I'm angry, I decided not to talk to you today, I'll go first!"

After Tian Chenlu finished speaking, she turned around and left. Although she spoke with confidence, she still felt a little guilty.

Looking at the back of his granddaughter leaving, Elder Potian's face turned blue with anger, what is the reason for this, and after a long time, it is still his fault!He wanted to reprimand the girl so that she could remember better in the future, but when he opened his mouth, he couldn't say a word.

Tian Chenlu was weird just now, Elder Po Tian's eyes fell on Meng Tianchen fiercely.

"You boy, stay away from her in the future. At worst, you have to keep a little distance."

"Depend on!"

Meng Tianchen had no choice but to smile bitterly, seeing Elder Potian's ferocious appearance of an old hen guarding his cubs, he had no choice but to nod in response, as for how to do it, he also had a headache in his heart.

"Say something quickly, the old man still has a lot to do today."

Speaking of this, the old guy seemed to suddenly remember something, and raised his head to glance at Meng Tianchen.

"The actions of your Mengfu these days are indeed not small, but be careful to offend too many people and cause trouble for yourself."

"As far as this old man knows, there are already a lot of casual warriors who have flocked to the Meng Mansion, and even warriors who have joined various forces have also changed their sects. Although there must be a lot of spies among them, those who really want to leave definitely What's more, what you Mengfu do is poaching people's corners in Chiguoguo, be careful not to be encumbered by others secretly."

Although Elder Potian's tone was rather blunt, there was a sense of reminder.

Meng Tianchen smiled and said: "My Meng Mansion did not intend to harm their interests, everyone is just competing fairly, whoever gives better treatment will naturally be able to recruit more warriors, not my Meng Mansion Maliciously poaching people's corners, but they give too little to the warriors under their command, so they will naturally change their doors and join my Mengfu."

Elder Potian shook his head.

"Even if what you said makes sense, in Shengyan City, and even in the entire territory of the Shengyan Tiger Clan, many forces have never done anything like your Meng Mansion. Among other things, even some high-ranking Martial Emperors in Huoku Dao, They will be tempted, not to mention the temptation to other ordinary warriors, it's no wonder they can resist."

"No matter what you do is right or wrong, as long as it hurts their interests, they will take action. It has nothing to do with right or wrong, it's just to protect their own interests."

Meng Tianchen nodded to express his understanding, and said with a smile: "Since this is the case, there is nothing I can do about it. I can only see the tricks, and the soldiers come to cover up the water and soil. But if they treat my Meng Mansion as a soft persimmon, I can't say that I will let it go." They popped out some teeth."

"Now that I know that they are bound to cause trouble, I can't be unprepared. I came to see your boss today to take advantage of the situation. I hope it can be used to pull your boss' banner."


Elder Potian stared at the words.

"I knew that there was absolutely nothing good for you kid to come to me. It turned out that it was a different way to pull the old man into the water as a shield for you. Don't do it or not, this matter is not negotiable, you kid, don't make those crooked ideas."

Speaking of this, the old guy twisted his neck, as if to emphasize the matter.

"Even if the girl Tianchenlu pleads for you, it's useless. Why do you want the old man to do sinner's work when your Meng Mansion grows stronger?"

Seeing the old guy's idea that he had already made up his mind and couldn't discuss it, Meng Tianchen smiled, there was no sign of strangeness on his face, obviously he had already expected this.

"Elder Potian, don't be in a hurry to refuse. The boy will naturally not let you do it for nothing. This thing is the reward offered by me."

While speaking, Meng Tianchen took out a fiery red stone, which was the size of a millstone.

The moment the flaming red stone appeared, the entire lobby became hot, and violent fire energy radiated from the flaming red stone.

This is a magical and pure fire energy.

"Flame Stone!"

The murmuring Elder Potian looked at Meng Tianchen puzzled, this piece of flame stone as big as a millstone might be regarded as a good treasure for ordinary fire-type warriors, but at the level of Elder Potian, the mere flaming stones can be regarded as treasures. Stone, nothing at all.

However, Elder Potian, who is the number one craftsman in the Central Territory, is naturally sensitive to fire energy, so he clearly sensed that there was something different about this flaming stone.

"What the hell is this kid doing?"

Elder Potian took the Yanshi, and squinted at Meng Tianchen, this kid thought he was someone who had never seen the world?Flame stone is dispensable to him, relying on something of this level to make him change his mind, it is too small to look down on him!
While his thoughts were spinning, Elder Potian split a sliver of his consciousness into the flame stone, and the sarcasm on his face instantly froze, and gradually turned into a solemn expression. It took a full half an hour before he raised his head and let out a soft breath His eyes fixed on Meng Tianchen.

"If Elder Potian agrees to be an offering to my Meng Mansion, then this Qiang Yan boy will offer it with both hands immediately. If he does not agree, he will never force it."

Meng Tianchen stared straight at Elder Potian, the meaning was already very clear.

If you are always unwilling to become an enshrinement of the Meng Mansion, it is impossible for you to get the Qiang Yan sealed in this flame stone.

Just kidding, Qiang Yan is an extremely rare acquired flame. Although it is far behind the congenital flame, its allure is unimaginably great for any fire-type warrior.

Especially a master craftsman like Elder Potian.

However, he Potian elder, as one of the nine elders in the hall of elders of the Shengyanhu clan, could he become an enshrinement of the Meng Mansion?

The blushing Elder Potian seldom loses his composure like this.If he knew that Meng Tianchen controlled the Martial God Palace's power stele Imperial Realm, the Acquired Flame was not the only one, he didn't know how he would feel.

(End of this chapter)

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