Chapter 585 Soul Bamboo
The extremely astonished Elder Potian wanted to see what method this Meng boy had to subdue Muhuang. This guy is a typical example of not eating oil, salt or firewood.

Many forces in Shengyan City have paid a lot of money to invite him out of the mountain, and he agreed to some treasures that really moved Emperor Mu's heart, but he would attach a condition that the person who must be recruited can defeat him in alchemy, otherwise how can he match him? To be the adult served by the Emperor Mu.

These are the original words of Muhuang, and he has always done this way. Those who are not as good at alchemy as him are not qualified to recruit him, but those who are qualified to recruit him do not have such superb alchemy skills, which makes the alchemy for a long time. , the various forces in Shengyan City have acquiesced to exclude the Emperor Mu from the objects that can be recruited.

For a long time, although Mu Chenzi, the unfathomable peak Martial Emperor powerhouse, and Mu Huang, the alchemy master in Muhuangfu, were gradually forgotten because they did not intervene in the power struggle.

Today, Elder Potian is just waiting to see Meng Tianchen suffer!It seems that this kid has been learning how to walk like a crab since he came to Shengyan City. Whoever fights against him will suffer. From the ancestor of the Qi family to the Teng family to the elder Hanlin, a series of brilliant achievements are enough to prove this point.

But today I want to recruit Muhuang, hehe, boy Meng, you are probably doomed to be happy for nothing!

Thinking of this, Elder Potian only felt that his heart was full of joy, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help revealing a bit of complacency.

The inner courtyard is filled with a strong medicinal fragrance, and just taking two breaths can make people feel refreshed.

The three of them took their seats in the hall, Mu Huang left in a hurry, and after a while he returned with three more wine jars in his hands.

Seeing what was in Emperor Mu's hand, Elder Potian couldn't help but widen his eyes, and immediately cursed angrily: "Good you, Emperor Mu, when I came last time, you lied to me that you had run out of Fengchun wine. What is the altar!"

"You are too old to die, you are not enough friends!" When speaking, Elder Potian couldn't help but glance at Meng Tianchen, envious and jealous again.

Mu Huang rolled his eyes.

"Since the old man's spring wine was known to you, you have come to me every now and then to ask for it. You have used up most of the old man's storage for many years. If you don't keep any more, you will really lose it."

"If it weren't for Boy Meng's face today, the old man would never show you a drop. Do you like to drink or not? If you talk too much, the old man will kick you out. Boy Meng and I will share equally and have a deep talk. some."

Elder Potian swallowed a mouthful of spit, and waved his hands indiscriminately.

"For the sake of the spring wine, this old man is not as knowledgeable as you, so he brought the wine glass quickly, and the old man's wine bug was still hooked."

Mu Huang curled his lips, took out three triangular jade cups, and smiled at Meng Tianchen: "This old man has been addicted to elixir all his life, and he likes to drink alcohol, so he brewed this spring wine by himself, and I would like to ask Boy Meng to evaluate it. how."

Although the old monster tried his best to be indifferent while speaking, he couldn't hide the pride in his brows and eyes, obviously he was quite proud of Fengchunjiu.

Meng Tianchen immediately laughed.

"Senior Mu Huang is really close to me, I also like good wine, the thing I like to do the most is to drink with my friends."

"Since it is the nectar brewed by Senior Muhuang with all his heart, it is naturally extremely delicious. Before I open my mouth, I seem to have already smelled the aroma of the wine, and my saliva is about to flow out."

Although Mu Huang was arrogant and would not hesitate to be flattered, but the spring wine was obviously his itching, Meng Tianchen naturally didn't mind opening his mouth to give him a compliment.Besides, for Elder Potian to react in this way, it is enough to know that this spring wine is unusual, and it is not a violation of the original intention to speak like this.

The Emperor Mu was overjoyed when he heard the words, Lian Dao and Boy Meng really fell in love, and stretched out his hand to slap open the jar, and immediately there was a strong aroma of wine coming out of it, this aroma was different from ordinary wine, its mellowness and richness far exceeded ordinary people's imagination, I am afraid This burst of wine aroma alone can make those who are not well-cultivated directly fall to the ground intoxicated.

Meng Tianchen's eyes lit up, a little rosiness flashed across his face, and he couldn't help but drink: "Sure enough, it's good wine, the smell of this wine is something I've never heard of before, good wine! Good wine!"

Mu Huang waved his hand with a smile, and stretched out his hand to place the wine jar in front of Meng Tianchen seat.

"How is this wine, Meng boy has to taste it to know."

Meng Tianchen smiled and nodded, his eyes fell into the wine jar, but his complexion couldn't help changing slightly, he saw that where there was wine in it, some was actually the yellow ointment!

The fine wine in the altar has turned into wine ointment!
"It is rumored that there is an extremely fine wine that has been kept for thousands of years, and it will continue to mellow, and its liquid will become more viscous, and eventually it will turn into wine paste. It is the world's best wine, rare!"

Meng Tianchen looked solemn, and bowed his hands in a salute.

"Meng Tianchen is very grateful for the wine served by Senior Muhuang today."

For Meng Tianchen's awe-inspiring attitude, Mu Huang not only didn't feel displeased at all, but the smile on his face became more and more joyful. He entertained with good wine, and he didn't want the people who drank to know how to appreciate it, and waste the good wine for nothing. Seeing Meng Tianchen like this Solemnly thank you, I am naturally happy in my heart, seeing him is becoming more and more pleasing to the eye, I just feel that it is speculative.

"You don't have to be polite, boy Meng, let's taste it, how about the old man's spring wine?"

Meng Tianchen nodded, took the jade cup in his hand, reached into the wine jar and gently took out a little wine ointment and put it into his mouth.The wine paste melts in the mouth, and instantly turns into the viscous and mellow long liquid, which slides down the tongue. The delicious taste of the wine is clearly felt by every taste bud in front of the tongue. The warmth of winter melts into the flesh and blood, revealing the impact of taste that cannot be described in words.

Melting into the body, the wine melts, half of it is cool, half of it is hot, passing through the body, alternating cold and hot, ice and fire, making people fascinated by it.

It took a while for all the power of the wine to be absorbed by the body. Just a small sip of the wine ointment could nourish the mind and body strength at the same time.Although the improvement is very small, it is even difficult to feel it, but this kind of improvement is real.

A sip of wine ointment has such an effect, it is amazing!

Meng Tianchen, who was astonished, remained silent for a long time.

"Senior Muhuang, you have done harm to the boy. If I can't drink your spring wine in the future, how can I drink other fine wines!"

Meng Tianchen shook his head, his face was full of admiration.Although this statement is somewhat exaggerated, it also represents Meng Tianchen's true thoughts.

Compared with this spring wine, all the fine wines in Shengyan City are really bland.

"Excellent wines like Fengchun wine can be regarded as treasures in the world. If senior agrees, I am willing to exchange them with treasures."

Mu Huang waved his hand and smiled gratifiedly.

"If you can make boy Meng speak, the old man will be generous today, why not give a jar of spring wine as a gift."

"Thank you! Thank you, old man!"

This scene only made the Elder Potian on the side dumbfounded!
Damn, it's so easy to get a jar of spring wine?Is this stupid old man going crazy today?
You know, for Elder Potian who has been greedy for Fengchunjiu for many years, Meng Tianchen actually got what he dreamed of.

"Getting to know Boy Meng today should be a great joy in life. Come, you and I have had a drink."

With a long smile, Emperor Mu took a sip of the spring wine, and looked at Meng Tianchen meaningfully.

"Happy, I'm really happy today, boy Meng must have something to do when he comes here today, so you might as well say it bluntly now, if you can agree to this old man, you will have nothing to say."

Meng Tianchen didn't bother to make detours, he knew that it would be absolutely futile to use his thoughts in front of an old ghost of this level.

"Since Senior Mu Huang opened his mouth, the boy has something to say and said it bluntly. I came here today to hope that Senior Mu Huang can join my Meng Mansion, and I am willing to respect you as an old enshrinement."

Elder Potian's eyes flickered, he hesitated for a few breaths and shook his head slowly, not intervening in this matter.If Emperor Mu wants to respond, there is no need for him to speak, otherwise, even if he speaks, it will be useless, so why should he say more.

The smile on Mu Huang's face gradually faded, and he frowned.

"Since Boy Meng came to recruit me, I think he should know the rules of this seat, and discuss the matter as it stands, this has nothing to do with your friendship."

Meng Tianchen nodded, cupped his hands and said: "Senior Mu Huang, don't worry, since the boy has come, he will naturally pay the price to satisfy the senior."

In an instant, something appeared in Meng Tianchen's hand.

A bamboo seedling!
The light green bamboo shoots were no more than a foot high, and the moment they appeared, the surroundings of the three of them were filled with infinite vitality.

Moreover, the bamboo seedling exudes an extremely ancient atmosphere, and anyone with a little vision can tell that this bamboo seedling is absolutely extraordinary.

The first time he saw the bamboo seedlings, Mu Huang, who was infatuated with alchemy, was so sensitive to the breath of life. He couldn't see the origin of this thing, which was extremely shocking.

"Meng, boy Meng! This? This is?"

At the same time, the Wuhen old ghost in the Blood River Pagoda saw Meng Tianchen's bamboo sapling, complained endlessly, and sighed anxiously: "Bastard, you've lost this deal, ah! You've lost a lot!"

Ignoring the old ghost Wuhen, Meng Tianchen took a panoramic view of Muhuang and Elder Potian's surprised expressions, and said slowly: "Senior Muhuang, this is the treasure of life!"

"Soul Bamboo!"


Meng Tianchen, who was about to open his mouth to explain, was suddenly interrupted by Mu Huang's exclamation.

Seemingly remembering something, Mu Huang, who looked horrified, called out in a trembling voice: "Boy Meng, this? Is this really the Soul Bamboo?"


Not only Mu Huang, but also Elder Potian who had also heard of Soul Bamboo, was dumbfounded and could not speak at all.

"Boy Meng, are you really willing to give me this soul bamboo?" Mu Huang, who was very puzzled, calmed down and stared at Meng Tianchen puzzled.


Meng Tianchen responded decisively without any hesitation.

"This?" Immediately, Emperor Mu was in a dilemma!He doesn't pay attention to such idle treasures at all, but in front of him is the legendary double treasure of life and soul, the soul bamboo, how can he not be tempted?
Moreover, as long as he refines the soul bamboo and integrates it into his soul, he can definitely break through.His alchemy can go one step further.

It's just that this soul bamboo is so rare that any warrior will be tempted by it, especially for high-ranking Martial Emperors, referring to the peak Martial Emperors, its effect is difficult to describe in words.

Meng Tianchen is willing to give away such a treasure?

(End of this chapter)

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