Chapter 593 Pill Beast Emperor Might
Some old monsters hiding in the dark were also dumbfounded.

Meng Mansion, Meng Tianchen hides deeply!
Previously, there was a black shadow monster who easily killed the master of the Youyuan Pavilion, and now there is a strange boy who has mastered the Void Spirit Alchemy. What's the situation?
In the air, the two who competed in alchemy hadn't achieved alchemy yet, but a considerable number of people had already seen the result.

One is Kunhuang, the famous alchemy master of the Shengyan Tiger Clan, and the other is a strange boy who has never heard of it. He seems immature, but he has mastered the legendary ethereal alchemy.

Time passed by bit by bit, and two hours passed in a blink of an eye. Although the time was extremely long, none of the warriors felt anxious.

It is of countless benefits for them to be able to witness this kind of alchemy masters competing to refine elixir. They can analyze and taste the alchemy and pay attention to the details. To say nothing of being taught.

After the initial mental turmoil, the current Kunhuang looks solemn. Now in his Chifeng Cauldron, all kinds of materials have been properly refined, and the impurities are removed, leaving only the pure medicinal power, which are suspended in the pill furnace and wrapped in spiritual consciousness segmentation.

After all the materials are refined, it is regarded as the completion of the first difficulty of refining the elixir. Although it is just a mere refinement of medicinal power, there is a great deal of attention to it, and even a little error will lead to the failure of the final fusion of medicinal power.Fortunately, being cautious, there were no accidents.

Kunhuang, who didn't dare to look at his opponent at all, let out a sigh of relief. He has only one thought at the moment, which is to complete the elixir, regardless of success or failure.

After a few breaths, Kunhuang's mind moved slightly, and the power of mind and mind immediately merged into Chifeng Ding, making the huge Chifeng Ding humming, and its power soared, amazing!

The multiple streams of pure medicinal power divided by the spiritual consciousness began to gather, and gathered in the center of Chifeng Ding.

Kunhuang didn't dare to be careless, and carefully began to control the power of the medicine to fuse it according to his own experience.

Not everyone can refine elixir as easily as Kunhuang. They can directly control the combination of medicinal power with their spiritual consciousness. It is simple and fast, and it is impossible for ordinary alchemists to do it.

Even a master of alchemy such as Kunhuang, through his own rich experience and superb control ability, constantly considers and coordinates, completes the combination of medicinal power bit by bit, until the refining of the panacea is completed, the process is extremely complicated and extremely cumbersome. Be patient and cautious.

The later on, the more you can't make any mistakes, otherwise the star point error will trigger a series of chain reactions, which will eventually lead to the chaotic collapse of the perfectly integrated medicinal power and the failure of the pill refining.

Blast Dan!

Therefore, the most critical and difficult step in alchemy is the beginning of the fusion of medicinal power!
Kunhuang has already started this step, while the blood-colored little fish is still refining the materials, with a calm expression on his blood-red little face, as if he is not aware of his current backward state, not in a hurry or panic, fiddling with his little hands in a flowing manner, revealing An indifferent self-confidence.

So at this moment, even though she is far behind Kunhuang, no one dares to underestimate her. The most important thing is to take the first step of making pills. No matter how fast the medicine is refined, if she cannot make pills smoothly, it will still be a complete failure.

The blood-colored little fish drove the blood fire unhurriedly, wrapped a lot of rare materials out of thin air, burned them, and refined them!
More than half an hour later, when the fusion of Kunhuang's elixir was completed, the bloody little fish had just finished refining. Although his expression remained unchanged, his face was full of solemnity.


A muffled sound came from the blood fire group.

Chi Chi!

The terrifying bloody flames exploded.

In the huge blood fire, the majestic and terrifying pure medicinal power merged at an astonishingly fast speed. It was so fast that it reached the point of perfect fusion without any adjustment.

On the lake of fire, countless warriors stared at the strange little blood-colored fish with blurred eyes, sensing the fluctuations in the breath emanating from the bloody fire, their hearts wanted to be intoxicated by it.

They never knew that there is such a wonderful method of alchemy in this world, and their hearts are really drunk after seeing it.

But more alchemy warriors were excited and their faces turned red. They could clearly sense the rapid increase of the breath of blood and fire inner spirit pills. This speed far exceeded the common sense instilled in them when they practiced alchemy!

Fusion of medicinal power is the most difficult step in refining the panacea, but the bloody little fish has completely subverted their ideas. This kind of fast fusion of medicinal power without any mistakes in the refining method has never been heard of by them!

As for Mu Huang, his face is full of obsession, and his heart is full of excitement. This is the real alchemy foundation of Meng Mansion. If you can do all the math, why can't you make your alchemy cultivation base skyrocket !

Regarding the move of joining the Meng Mansion, the Emperor Mu can only think of surprise and happiness at this moment, otherwise if he misses this wonderful learning opportunity, he will definitely regret it in the future.

The only person who was unsure was Meng Tianchen.

As a layman in alchemy, Meng Tianchen didn't know whether the Laoshizi Ningshen Pill refined by Scarlet Little Fish would be successful or not.

Even if he succeeds, whether he can beat Kunhuang on the opposite side is up for debate!

At this moment, Emperor Kun has perfectly integrated nearly a thousand kinds of medicinal powers in the pill furnace, and now there are only the last 25 key auxiliary medicinal powers, which need to be integrated into the spiritual pill at the same moment to maintain a certain balance and increase the chance of becoming a pill to the highest level.

This step is extremely critical, and it is the most dangerous step in the entire refining of the elixir. It needs to stimulate the soul power that is growing in the elixir, the power of the soul of the elixir.

Once successful, the soul of the pill will be derived, leading to the robbery of the pill, and a top-grade holy pill will be achieved.

There can be no mistakes. At this point, the entire panacea has been perfected. Any mistake will trigger a fierce chain reaction, making all the previous efforts come to naught, and the refining of the panacea has completely failed.

Breathe gently, relax the tense mood, and the power of the mind slowly circulates. At a certain moment after a few breaths, Kunhuang's eyes suddenly burst into a dazzling light.

The last 25 regiments of medicine in Chifeng Cauldron dispersed at the same time, and merged into the already formed spirit pill at the same time. The speed began to control the fusion of the medicine with it.

At this moment, even with the state of mind of this old monster, he still showed a dignified look on his face, until after a whole stick of incense, with the perfect insertion of the last trace of medicinal power, the refining of the panacea was successful!
Kunhuang suddenly opened his eyes, ecstasy erupted in his eyes, he raised his head and smiled.

"Haha! Haha, it's done! The top-grade holy pill is finally refined!"

Although it was not the first time that a high-grade holy pill was refined, Kunhuang was quite excited to successfully refine a high-grade holy pill under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Seeming to have thought of something, Kunhuang noticed the strange boy on the opposite side and smiled wryly to himself.

Almost at the same time, the bloody flame in front of the bloody little fish gradually faded away!

Inside, a tyrannical panacea burst out, intoxicating.

The moment he sensed this breath, Emperor Kun couldn't help but jump violently in his heart, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly!Now that the refining of the Scarlet Little Fish Spirit Pill has not been completed, the aura it emits has surpassed the high-grade holy pill he refined. If this trend is followed, once the refining is successful, its grade will definitely surpass the high-grade holy pill!

Is it the best holy pill?
Do not!how can that be possible?
In the entire central region, no one has heard of anyone who can refine the best holy pill.

Emperor Kun didn't believe it, the elixir refined by this strange boy might surpass the one he refined in terms of quality, but it was absolutely impossible to be the top-grade holy elixir!

Kun Huangqi's eyes widened in anticipation.

Amidst the muffled sound, the blood fire exploded, revealing a fist-sized panacea.

Intoxicating breath, spread, endless spread.

In the Yanhu area, all warriors have sensed the panacea, even the treasure, the real treasure floating in front of the bloody little fish.

Cheng Dan!

Immediately afterwards, a sudden change occurred!
The panacea suspended in front of the bloody little fish, the panacea that had just formed, seemed to exist like a black hole, frantically devouring the vitality of the world in the huge surrounding area.

It seemed like a newborn baby, very hungry.

What's even more bizarre is that a roar instantly came out of the elixir, filled with endless unwillingness and resentment, like a ferocious beast unwilling to be imprisoned in the elixir, extremely ferocious.

This roar suddenly dissipated, mixed with endless ferocious and fierce aura, and swept across the surrounding area, but all warriors who heard the sound of the roar of the beast couldn't help but change their complexions.

It seems to have seen the savage king roaring on the top of the lonely peak in the endless mountains. This majestic aura is so strong that it carries a kind of unruly kingly power!
Where the Meng Mansion is located, by the Yanhu Lake, countless warriors looked excited, and even the alchemy cultivator was so excited that he couldn't control himself, and kept roaring and roaring!

They are waiting.

Waiting for the arrival of Dan Jie.

Even the many old monsters of Shengyan City who were secretly paying attention to the affairs of the Meng Mansion all looked shocked at this moment, with unbelievable meaning in their eyes.

They can't imagine how deep the Meng Mansion hides in secret, and how many forces that have not surfaced!For a while, many old monsters looked cloudy and uncertain, their thoughts were churning, and they didn't know what they were thinking.


The spirit pill that had been silent just now suddenly flashed a dazzling cold light, mixed with mighty coercion, and rushed directly into the sky.

Chi Chi!

Bleeding light flickered all over the panacea, extremely dazzling!
The moment the spirit pill broke through the sky, the whole world trembled suddenly, and then there was an overwhelming aura of coercion swaying down from the end of the sky. awe!

The entire sky suddenly darkened, and countless pitch-black clouds were born directly from nothingness, and mixed with endless trends in the churning, they merged into a mass and turned into a mass of clouds covering the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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