Chapter 817 Trap
Seeing thousands of soldiers under his command leave, General Xuedu shook his head slightly, feeling unbearable in his heart.Once they go this time, no matter what happens or not, they probably won't be able to come back.


The tens of thousands of troops of the Tianhan family were divided into two groups, each with 500 million people, like two vast dragons marching in the dark night, silent but menacing.

The two armies are in charge of Duke Long's third and ninth sons, and the two of them will be responsible for eradicating the Mongolian Ministry this time, and they will personally avenge the brother who died in vain.

"Remember, follow the general's orders later, and you don't need to stop after you get close to the Mongolian Ministry, and go directly to the camp with a large army! With the power of 500 million soldiers under my command, without any precautions, it is enough to easily defeat the Mongolian Ministry Great army, let our soldiers slaughter you!"

"The first achievement must be in the hands of this general!"

Duke Long's third son, Long Yuan, spoke in a deep voice, his eyes were bright, and his slowness meant excitement.


The soldiers under his command responded in a low voice, with ferocious expressions on their faces.

"With the temperament of the third brother, he will definitely rush to attack and rush to the camp first. However, the Mongolian Ministry was able to defeat the elite soldiers of our Tianhan family twice. Taking advantage of the opportunity, but a heavy loss is a failure! As long as this general can seize the right time to make a move, he will definitely be able to take advantage of the situation to uproot the Mongolian character department, exchange the smallest loss for the greatest merit, beat him for this first achievement, and win his father! Favor!"

"You can't wait to act on your own, and everything will be done according to the general's orders." Long Cheng, the ninth son of Duke Long, showed a hint of scheming success at the corner of his mouth, but his face was slightly pale, giving the city a slightly gloomy feeling.

"Obey the young master's order!"

Those who followed the two sons of Duke Long were all the generals under Duke Long's command. This time assisting in commanding the army was supplementary, but the main thing was to lead the soldiers to protect the safety of the two young masters, so naturally they did not resist their orders in the slightest.

The two sons of Duke Long were full of self-confidence, but they were thinking about how to compete for achievements to win the favor of their father, but they completely forgot why they came here.

Moreover, they never thought about what would happen to the two of them if things failed?
How could they be defeated with tens of thousands of elite soldiers?

All the way secretly and hurriedly, in order to prevent the army from being detected in advance, the elite spies of the Tianhan family army took action again, pulling out the Mongolian spies all the way to open the way for the army.

I felt it until it was less than two thousand miles away from the camp of the Mongolian Ministry, but it was safe and sound, and there was no accident.

I don't know if it's God's help or the fact that this Mongolian character is commonplace, but Long Lin would die in a fight with this kind of miscellaneous army. With his ability, he is worthy of his father's approval!Let my father know who is the person he can really entrust with important tasks today!
"The army charged and broke through the Mongolian character department!"

Long Yuan pulled out the long sword in his hand and waved his arms, and the 500 million elite soldiers of the Tianhan family under his command roared at the same time, and the fierce aura rose into the sky, and the army formation suddenly turned into a charge, and roared away.

In just two thousand miles, for a large army to charge, it only takes a few breaths to reach it!
Although Long Cheng had some calculations in his mind, he didn't dare to delay for too long. If the Mengzi Department was really weak and incompetent, how could he give up his great achievements to others, and then it would be too late to regret it.And all the way was safe and sound, and he also gave the Mongolian subordinates the concept of miscellaneous troops.

.With this in mind, how dare you delay.

"All the soldiers charged forward with this general, vowing to destroy the Mongolian character department, avenge the fallen soldiers of our Tianhan family, and comfort their heroic spirits!"

The second army charged instantly.

Tens of thousands of elite soldiers of the Tianhan family, like tigers, wolves and ferocious beasts, swept towards them with overwhelming momentum, their momentum was like a rainbow, and their evil intentions soared to the sky!

In the camp of the Mongolian Ministry, Meng Tianchen sat at the top of the tent.There is no regulation against drinking alcohol in the army, he held the jade pot and drank it slowly.But at this moment, Meng Tianchen's face changed slightly, and then the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a hint of serenity.

After days of waiting, it's finally here!

Standing up, one step down and lift the tent out.

"Pass down the governor's order, and all the soldiers of the Mongolian Ministry will stay in the camp. Without the governor's order, they are not allowed to move without authorization, otherwise the military regulations will deal with it!" The voice suddenly sounded, covering the entire Mongolian Ministry, but did not spread out Spill a little.

In the camps, the faces of many generals who were alarmed by the sudden outbreak of evil spirits from the outside world changed slightly, but they hesitated a little after hearing the order from the governor, but they still stood still, but their hearts were extremely nervous, and they didn't know what the governor was planning.

The next moment, the seven tents turned into forbidden areas in the Mongolian camp suddenly opened, like a river bursting its embankment, and the seven armies surged out, like seven giant dragons, rushing out of the camp while roaring, facing thousands of heavens Elite soldiers of the Han family!
Zeng Tai, Ke Lie, Long Duo, and the three fierce generals under Rong Leishuai's tent each led their elite soldiers with a total of 500 million hidden Mongolian characters, and they have been waiting for a long time!

"Kill the profile army, leave no one behind!"

With a wave of Zeng Tai's arms, the 500 million pot kingdom's elite soldiers roared, and the killing sound shook the sky!
Long Yuan and Long Cheng's faces instantly turned pale, and endless panic and despair appeared in their eyes!


The Mongolian Ministry is a bait, and there has been an army three times the size of theirs from the Pot Kingdom waiting here, trying to catch them all!
Before the two of them had any more thoughts, the two mighty torrents of steel had collided brazenly!A terrifying aura soared into the sky, the vanguard army had already been strangled together, and the soldiers at the front fell directly without even making a sound!

General Xuedu raised his hand, and a military order was issued immediately. After being cut off by the Wulin army, the Tianhan family army that poured out of the city successfully retreated into the city after leaving behind nearly a million corpses.

This was to attract the attention of the army of the Hu Kingdom, and it was a cover for the tens of millions of troops who were secretly rushing towards the Mongolian Ministry, but the price was that millions of soldiers died on the battlefield!But for one reason.
General Xue Du took a deep breath, he had already done what he had to do, and the rest was up to their own luck!
Just as these thoughts were turning in his mind, two fierce and evil auras rose from the right wing of the army of the Hu Kingdom, one after another, attracting his attention instantly.

The battle for the raid on the Mongolian barracks started.

But in the next moment, his body stiffened suddenly, his face was ashen!Another aura that was far superior to the army of the Tianhan family suddenly appeared, and it directly wrapped the aura of the army of the Tianhan family.

The evil spirit was churning in the sky, faintly audible in the terrifying fighting.


General Xue Du spat out the word, and the resentment in his chest could no longer be suppressed, and he raised his head and roared angrily.

"Duke Long, your father and son have misunderstood me!" He didn't bring it up in one breath, but it made his eyes darken for a while, his body shook slightly, and the surrounding generals were shocked.

Fortunately, this person recovered quickly, his gloomy face flashed sharply, and the surrounding generals also sensed the anger in General Xuedu's heart at the moment, and they all lowered their heads and dared not speak, and the entire city wall instantly became dead silent.

But this eerie silence didn't last long before it was broken.

"Report! General, Duke Long's family will sense the changes in the battle situation of the Mongolian Ministry, and they are all agitated and want to go out of the city to rescue! How to make a decision, please ask for instructions!"

General Xue Du's expression was gloomy, and he turned around slowly after hearing the words, a hint of ferocity appeared on his usually gentle and steady face.

"Could it be that they forgot who is the highest commander on the front line? Could it be that they forgot that they are the servants of the Patriarch, and they dare to shake the morale of the army at this time!"

All the generals on the city wall clearly sensed the murderous intent in General Xue Du's words, and their hearts were filled with awe, but no one stepped forward to persuade him.Duke Long's family has always considered themselves superior, and they are extremely proud in the army, and they are disrespectful to them, so naturally no one will stand up to speak for them now.

"Order! Xiaoyu Long's family will put the overall situation first and will not act without authorization. If you follow the order, then let it go, otherwise! Just kill him directly for the crime of violating the morale of the army during the war, and promote the general to take charge of the army on the spot!"


The messenger soldier kneeling on the ground let out a low cry, turned around and strode away.

In a few moments, when the four Longgongs who claimed to be the most vicious were about to be beheaded on the spot by the army's law enforcement team, before the restlessness in Dushan City spread, they were suppressed by General Xuedu with bloody means.

"The whole army is under martial law to prevent the enemy from attacking the city!"

General Xue Du gritted his teeth and sent tens of thousands of troops out of the city today. Although it was expected that only a few of them would return safely, it was completely different from falling into the trap of Hu Kingdom's army at this moment.This time, the tens of millions of soldiers are afraid that they will be strangled, and the Pot King's army will win a big victory, and their morale must be like a rainbow. If they attack the city fiercely with overwhelming momentum, things will be really dangerous!


"Two sons, something is wrong! The teleportation array outside the Mongolian Department has been destroyed, we can't leave the battlefield through teleportation!" A forward, a member of Duke Long, rushed back covered in blood, his face pale.

"What are you panicking!" Long Yuan scolded angrily, although he was still terrified in his heart, he tried to keep his composure and never lost his sense of proportion.If the main general lost the slightest bit of fighting spirit, the entire army would not be far from being destroyed.

"The teleportation array cannot be used. If you and I want to survive now, we have to fight back so that we can return to Dushan City. Otherwise, if we stay here, we will surely die!"

Long Cheng's face was gloomy, and he nodded upon hearing this.

"What the third brother said is right. The army of the Hu Kingdom has come prepared. If you continue to resist, you will only die. If you go back, there may be a glimmer of life!"

The two of them could be valued by Duke Long, so naturally they wouldn't be worthless playboys, they looked at each other at this moment, and they already made a decision in their hearts.

"The situation is critical now, my younger brother's 500 million troops are willing to obey the third brother's orders!"

"Okay! Please also ask the ninth brother to follow me and point out some shortcomings for my brother!"


The two have completed the fusion of military strength in a few breaths. Only by concentrating all their strength can they leave alive.

"Send the order, the army changes the direction of the charge, and heads towards Dushan City!"


The general under his command suddenly responded, and the tens of thousands of Tianhan family's army turned around in an instant, defending and resisting like a giant dragon trapped in the mud, struggling and roaring towards the Dushan City.

(End of this chapter)

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