Chapter 902

Amidst the loud bang, the entire meteorite collapsed instantly, turning into broken rocks flying all over the sky, and a huge arrow was shot out suddenly. In a flash, it had pierced the endless space, and it roared like an arrow of a god!

The sharp breath can tear the sky and the earth!

The bewitching red-robed man's face was calm, and he never showed any strangeness because of it. Even though the arrow slid past him with incomparably terrifying penetrating power, the astonishingly sharp aura was like invisible blades, making the red robe on his body Agitated endlessly.

With a cold and fierce breath, even with his cultivation base, he couldn't help but stiffen his body slightly, and the hair on his back was slightly raised, but the smile on his face became more and more intense.

Bewitching and beautiful, a pair of peach blossom eyes exuded a cold and bloodthirsty luster.

The wormhole boat used by the Imperial Army was specially gifted by the child master and belonged to the royal family. Its rank is as high as that of the master of the Hu Kingdom.The restriction is fully opened, even the eighth-rank great emperor powerhouse can never imagine breaking it.

But at this moment, the arrow shot out with such a resolute and fierce attitude, without any pause or hesitation, it shot down brazenly at the large array of guarding forces with aura soaring to the sky and countless flickering forbidden scriptures. .

The palpitating terrifying power fluctuations erupted in an instant, followed by the deafening, terrifying loud noise like thunder roaring, and the sound waves swept wildly in all directions like a tidal wave.

The raging chaotic power, with the source of the loud noise as the center, forms an absolute dead space.Even if a middle-level emperor-level powerhouse falls into it, he can't even think about getting out of it!

The wormhole ship, tens of thousands of miles in size, was shot down fiercely by the arrow, and its forward speed was actually stopped. The entire hull shook violently, and it quickly became dim in the flash of the defensive array, but it was still struggling , has not been directly broken.

But at this moment, in the control room of the wormhole ship formation, a warrior's eyes suddenly turned red, and he let out a roar that was not like a human voice, his body shattered, and a terrifying wave of self-explosive energy suddenly swept across the control room.

Dozens of formation masters were unprepared and let out miserable howls, and several people who were close were directly destroyed by the impact on their bodies, and only the dim remnant souls escaped screaming.The rest of the people, etc., were also wounded and weeping.

The core array of the entire wormhole ship was directly paralyzed.

In the next moment, most of the large array of textures engraved on the wormhole ship suddenly went out, and the guardian aura suddenly dissipated with a tremor.

Although the power of the blocked arrows has been weakened a lot, they still have extremely terrifying destructive power.Losing the protection of the guardian aura, it brazenly rushed into the wormhole ship and roared towards the fourth floor.

On the fourth floor, Meng Tianchen's face suddenly changed, he stepped forward without any hesitation, and slammed forward with a low palm.The void trembled, and a huge and unparalleled black blade instantly condensed!

The courtyard was shattered, and the maidservant's screams could be heard faintly, and a huge arrow headed towards Rong Zhi in the hall as fast as thunder.

But at this moment, in the place where it passed, a figure stood in front of it, and a huge black blade slammed down.

The second bang came, and the black blade collided with the huge arrow in an instant, trembling suddenly, and was shattered by the arrow's residual power.But after doing this, the remaining power in the arrow has been consumed, and fine cracks sprouted from the tip of the arrow, and then spread to the entire arrow body at an extremely fast speed.

The arrow shattered, and a black mist instantly emerged from it. After contaminating the air, it spread at an extremely fast speed, but in just a short time, it had already enveloped the entire wormhole ship with a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

In this black mist, there is a chaotic force similar to the chaotic forbidden abyss, which can disturb the warrior's spiritual consciousness. Once it falls into it, it is impossible to distinguish the direction, as if it is isolated in an independent space.

Meng Tianchen's face turned pale, and there was a sense of horror in his eyes. The power of this arrow was so powerful that if it collided head-on, even the eighth-rank Great Emperor might be killed!Even the last remaining force can defeat his strongest shadow-killing supernatural power and injure him.

At this moment when the black mist spread, Meng Tianchen's heart sank, and he was about to step back to protect Rong Zhi, but he suddenly raised his head and looked into the depths of the black mist.An incomparably powerful hot breath is rapidly approaching here.

Fire Warrior!
The moment Meng Tianchen sensed this aura, murderous intent flashed in Meng Tianchen's eyes. He didn't pause at this moment, and instead of retreating, his figure went straight to where the aura was.

He had to stop this person before he approached, otherwise Rong Zhi would not be able to bear the overflowing aura when the two of them fought.

The arrows shot in, and the sharp aura raged and swept across the road, and the screams were endless, and countless warriors were torn apart and completely lost.The smile on the face of the bewitching red-robed man became brighter and brighter, with a hint of enjoyment and enthusiasm. He walked forward in this black mist without being affected at all.

The Huo Po Arrow is the most terrifying attack weapon of the Tian Clan. It can easily tear through the defenses of any guarding formation. The black mist contained in it can spread rapidly when it encounters the air. It doesn't know where it is!The purpose is to deal with the guardian force around the assassination target. Even if there are thousands of troops, if they cannot form an army formation in the black mist, they will not be able to pose a threat to the assassin.

But as assassins themselves, they are not hindered by the black mist, taking advantage of this opportunity, they are enough to kill the target in a short time!

Although the black mist could not completely shield the emperor's consciousness, he had found out before making the move that there was no emperor in this wormhole ship.

That being the case, naturally no one can stop him from killing the target.

But at this moment, the strange red-robed man suddenly raised his head, a trace of surprise flashed in Taohua's eyes, he raised his head and looked forward, the thick black mist could not block his line of sight at all, and he could clearly see the man who stepped into the void The green robe warrior who came.

I didn't expect that on this wormhole ship, there are warriors who can not be affected by the black mist. This is really interesting.However, the corners of the red-robed man's brows suddenly frowned slightly, and soon relaxed, and suddenly felt that things were more interesting.

Meng Tianchen.

He was already the target this time, and I thought I would have to go to find him later, but I didn't want him to come directly to the door, which would save him a lot of trouble.The red-robed man didn't like trouble, so he was extremely satisfied with Meng Tianchen's behavior, thinking that he might be able to end him with a more expansive method, which could be regarded as repaying his kindness.

The distance between the two was nearly a hundred feet, and the strange red-robed man made a move without warning, flicked his fingers, and a spark appeared directly. The canyon is deep, and there are even volcanoes spewing out their own scorching power like a miniature flame meteorite.

Meng Tianchen's pupils constricted violently. What he sensed from this flaming meteorite about a foot in size was unparalleled surging firepower. It seemed that this flaming meteorite produced by Mars was really a meteorite bathed in flames. Tempered from meteorites.The power that emanates from it is even stronger than the Long Tianyan inspired by Emperor Zhenyan back then!

It is definitely an innate flame, an innate flame that is much more terrifying than Qilong Tianyan.

With Meng Tianchen's cultivation as a fifth-rank emperor, he might be able to compete with some seventh-rank emperors. He has no chance of winning against an eighth-rank emperor, that is, a king in the emperor realm, let alone stop this red-robed man whose cultivation base is even more terrifying.

But what I said above refers to Meng Tianchen's normal state, once he really goes all out, he may not be afraid of the person in front of him!

In an instant, a huge blood-colored tiger-head phantom suddenly appeared above Meng Tianchen's head!
The phantom of the blood-colored tiger's head is almost materialized, which is the power of the holy flame tiger's bloodline totem urged to the extreme.

Meng Tianchen, who didn't care about many, fought hard.

For a moment, the power in Meng Tianchen's body suddenly boiled, and it circulated crazily between his flesh and blood, and the aura outside Meng Tianchen's body skyrocketed at an astonishing speed!

His strength is far superior to that of warriors of the same level, and with his many hole cards, he is qualified to fight at a higher level.At this moment, regardless of the backlash of the power of the bloodline, the power of the Holy Flame Tiger's bloodline totem was urged to the extreme, and it was released crazily in an instant, in exchange for a surge of terrifying power in a short period of time!
The eyes of the bewitching red-robed man flickered slightly, and the smile on his face became more intense, but his eyes were cold and cold, without any warmth.

As expected of a guy who can disturb the Holy Land, he really has some means to possess the power of the Holy Flame Tiger's bloodline totem.must die
Once Meng Tianchen is killed, it will be another great achievement.After completing this matter, he might be able to pay off the debt he owed, and the Holy Land should give him freedom at that time.

The bright red tongue of the bewitching red-robed man licked his lips, and the hot color in his eyes instantly flourished!
With a wave of the robe sleeve, the crimson flaming meteorite flashed, and the fire surged and went straight to Meng Tianchen to knock it down!
The scorching fire broke out ragingly, and the temperature of the entire space rose rapidly at a clearly perceivable speed. The terrifyingly high temperature made people feel like they were facing a flaming meteorite!The entire body seemed to be reduced to ashes, and the mind was completely burned.

The king of the imperial realm, or stronger!
The instant the supernatural power was released, the cultivation of this bewitching red-robed man was fully revealed!
Meng Tianchen's pupils contracted slightly, and now the wormhole ship was shrouded in black mist, and the warrior's spiritual consciousness was disturbed, he was the only one who could stop this person.If he can't stop the red-robed man, Rong Zhi will surely escape the evil hands!
With his cultivation base, even with the power of the Holy Flame Tiger's bloodline totem, he is still not fully sure to beat this person.

But at this moment, Meng Tianchen has no way out.

A trace of fierceness flashed in his eyes, facing the falling crimson flame meteorite, he stepped forward with one step and raised his hands.On the left hand is a piece of pure white, warm, powerful and upright, gestating vitality.The endless darkness above the right hand is like the deepest black hole in the world, cold and tyrannical, capable of devouring and destroying everything in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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