Chapter 908
Gu Lun was overjoyed and kowtowed again and again.

"Thank you sir! Thank you sir!"

Zhang Xing waved his hand, and this person saluted again, then carefully took two steps back, intending to retreat.

But the moment the palace door opened, the space in front of Gu Lun suddenly collapsed and sank inward to form a black hole, from which the terrifying devouring power erupted instantly, but did not spread too much, only covering the figure of this person.

With a face full of horror and despair, Gu Lun hadn't reacted at all, and his entire body had been swallowed into the black hole.The terrifying force of tearing and strangling erupted, smashing his body directly, and obliterating his mind and remnant soul.

Immediately afterwards, the black hole suddenly disappeared.

The space returned to calm, and a handsome young man with an expressionless face appeared. If you look closely, you can find that his eyebrows and eyes are quite similar to the dead Zhang Ling.

This person is Zhang Zhan!
The butler and the guards lowered their heads tightly, their faces turned slightly pale, and their eyes were fixed on the ground, not daring to make a sound.

Zhang Zhan looked calm, stepped into the study room, the palace door closed behind him, and saluted respectfully to Zhang Long and Zhang Xing.

"Zhang Zhan sees his father, sees his uncle."

"Zhan'er!" Zhang Long's face instantly became extremely gloomy.

"My father has promised that Gu Lun will not die, how can you kill him!" Just now, everything was completed in a flash, and there was no chance for them to stop him.

"Gu Lun is Zhangling's personal bodyguard. He should have used his body to protect the safety of his master. Now that Zhangling is dead, he shouldn't have survived." Zhang Zhan lowered his head slightly and said softly.

"Even if Gu Lun can survive with his father's forgiveness, he knows too many secrets of my husband's family. Could it be that father can really let him be safe? Rather than stabbing his mind after the incident and leaving him in a daze for the rest of his life, it's better for me Kill him directly, cleanly."

Zhang Xing's face was stiff, and he spoke in a deep voice.

"The fact that Gu Lun entered my husband's residence must not be hidden from the eyes of those who care. If he dies in my husband's residence, I'm afraid it will make the situation of my husband's residence worse. Zhang Zhan, you are too impulsive in this matter!"

"Uncle thinks, can the situation of my husband's family be worse now? If His Majesty didn't have the evidence, he wouldn't be so heavy handed. Now that His Majesty has the evidence, why should we continue to hide our ears and steal the bell? If Gu Lun is let go, fall In order to attack my husband's family, even if His Majesty is willing to calm down and not punish my husband's family too severely, if the evidence is convincing, it may not be able to cover it up. In this case, it is naturally the best choice to remove this hidden danger cleanly."

Zhang Zhan was indifferent and calm, and spoke slowly.

"Okay, since they've all been killed, there's no need to continue the discussion." Zhang Long said in a low voice.

Zhang Xing and Zhang Zhan kept silent at the same time, they were in awe of the head of the Zhang family.

"Since my father will let Gu Lun go, I must have got enough important news from him, so please tell me, how did Zhang Ling die?" Zhang Zhan lowered his head slightly, with murderous intent flashing deep in his eyes.

Zhang Long remained silent for a while before nodding his head.

"If there are no accidents, the death of Zhangling should be related to Meng Tianchen, the envoy of the Hu Kingdom. But at this moment, you have been grounded by His Majesty, and my husband's family is also on the cusp, and no other actions are allowed. Even if you have any plans in mind, Not at this time. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Meng Tianchen." Zhang Zhan murmured, he had already remembered the name in his heart, and now he saluted respectfully.

"Don't worry, father, Zhang Zhan knows how to do it, please don't worry."

"Zhang Zhan resigns."

Yu Luo turned around and left, stopped in front of the door, and spoke slowly.

"My aunt went too far in this matter. Although my husband's family has today's status because of my aunt, the husband's family is not attached to my aunt. If there is such a decision in the future, please be careful with my father. In addition, I want to get rid of His Majesty's ban as soon as possible, maybe Zhang Ling is not valued by my father and aunt, but he is my brother with the same father and mother, and I will not let him die in vain."

Walking out with a flick of his sleeves, Zhang Zhan strode away with his head held high, a deep pain flashed in the depths of his eyes.

The mother is a maidservant in the husband's family, and the two brothers Zhang Zhan and Zhang Ling were born because of the accidental one-night happiness.When they were young, the two brothers and their mother depended on each other for life, and were bullied by everyone in that small courtyard.Because the mother is not favored, the two brothers are not valued by the father.

On that rainy night, my mother died of crying blood.Although everyone said that his mother died of depression, Zhang Zhan knew that his mother was killed because Zhang Ling was being bullied. .It wasn't until the family's internal test that Zhang Zhan and Zhang Ling showed their super talent for cultivation that they gradually emerged and achieved their current status.

Although both the concubine and her son were killed by Zhang Zhan, he felt resentment towards Zhang Ling.Because in Zhang Zhan's view, without Zhang Ling's willful actions, his mother would not have been killed.Perhaps also because of the guilt in his heart, Zhang Ling's disposition became gloomy and ruthless, which made him disliked.So these years, he has been quite indifferent to this younger brother.

But no matter what, Zhang Ling is his younger brother, the closest person in this world to him.Thinking of the childhood days, the two of them surrounded their mother's knees in that small courtyard, listening to her tell stories one by one.
Zhang Zhan raised his head, suppressing the sourness in his heart.

"Zhangling, I will avenge you."

The low hum sounded in his heart and echoed for a long time.

The child power empire is in a prosperous period, especially the child master is so powerful that no one dares to make decisions on the envoys of the dependent countries.Otherwise, once it is pierced and falls into His Majesty's ears, it will naturally be a catastrophe.

After Meng Tianchen led the warriors into the compound, he was treated politely and placed in a flower hall. There was a row of bungalows not far away. Many warriors hurried in and out of each room, most of them looked hurried and solemn.This is the place where the tributes of the dependent countries are counted, because they must be carefully checked before they are sent to the palace before they are sent to the child master.Once formulated, it cannot be modified.

"The tribute list is in duplicate. Please send one of the list and the tribute to me. After the review, please confirm it." The brown-clothed warrior clasped his hands and opened his mouth with a respectful expression.

Meng Tianchen was already clear about the process of paying tribute, so he nodded at this moment, with a flash of inspiration in his hand, he took out a piece of purple jade and a storage ring.

"The list of rites and tributes are here."

The warrior in brown took it with both hands.

"Your envoy, please wait." Yu Luo turned and hurried away, walking into the row of bungalows.Immediately, more than a dozen warriors were drawn out and began to check the tribute ceremony of the Hu Kingdom.

Meng Tianchen leaned on the back of the chair, his own maid served tea and delicate pastries, bowed and then stepped back.There should be no surprises in the review of the tribute ceremony. It will take a lot of time to be careful, so naturally the envoys of all countries should not be exhausted.

After the review of the tribute ceremony, the mission can temporarily cultivate in the capital for a period of time.When it was time for the Great Court Assembly, the child master would issue an edict, announcing the envoys of various countries to enter the palace and hold a grand banquet.

But before that, perhaps Rong Zhi had already been summoned into the palace by the child master.

.Meng Tianchen sighed slightly in his heart, if Rongzhi chose to leave that day, although it would take a great risk, Meng Tianchen would also send her to leave the mission and get rid of her current fate.

But Rong Zhi chose to refuse, her reasons were very good, she didn't want to involve Meng Tianchen, because she had already dragged him down a lot.

As for sending Rong Zhi away, Meng Tianchen was not sure whether doing so was good for her or harming her.Once the matter is revealed, not only will he have to bear the wrath of the child master, but Rong Zhi will also inevitably be hunted down.

Therefore, after weighing, Meng Tianchen finally chose to approve Rong Zhi's decision.

Maybe she is right, entering the child master's palace, relying on the child master's respect for her, may not be unable to achieve a noble position.Perhaps one day she will forget the present pain and find her own happiness in the child master's palace.

Meng Tianchen shook his head slightly, suppressing the waves in his heart.

After entering the capital, the matter is a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed. Since this is the case, there is no need to continue to think deeply.He has also fulfilled his promise and sent Rong Zhi safely to the capital. How can he interfere with others if he can't control his own fate in the future.

Everything depends on her own creation.

The pilgrimage palace is like a flower environment, full of flowers, the fragrance is brilliant, and the fragrance of flowers lingers in the nose.The endless sea of ​​flowers, which cannot be seen at a glance, is churning in the wind, creating layers of falling waves.

The exquisite and quiet courtyards are scattered in the sea of ​​flowers, connected by gravel paths, seemingly chaotic, but interesting.

Upstairs, Rong Zhi was sitting on the platform in front of the window, with her arms around her knees, looking slightly sideways at the blue sea of ​​flowers.

The breeze blew, disheveling her hair all over her head.

Aunt Nian waved her hand slightly, and the maid who was serving beside her bowed her knees and saluted, took two steps back respectfully, turned and left.In the entire small building, only she and Rong Zhi were left.

"Miss, why don't you seize the opportunity that Lord Qingyun gave you? I know in my heart that you don't want to enter the Child Master's Palace."

"Aunt Nian, stop talking." Rong Zhi spoke slowly.

"About this kind of topic, I hope it will be the last time Auntie Nian mentions it. I am the wife of Tongzhu. After I enter the capital, I can never change it. I don't want to bring any trouble to Brother Meng."


"Okay, Aunt Nian, I want to be alone for a while, you go first."


Aunt Nian sighed, she still didn't disobey the girl's intentions, she bowed slightly, turned around and retreated.

Rong Zhi looked at the sea of ​​blue flowers all over the sky, and there was no sadness in her heart, only a touch of peace and tranquility.

It is true that entering the Child Master's Palace was not the result she wanted, but in contrast, she did not want to see Meng Tianchen in danger because of her.

Rong Zhi felt that she owed him a lot. From the very beginning, she had unilaterally received what he gave, and had never done anything for him.

So she has to enter the child master's palace calmly.

Loving someone doesn't necessarily mean being with him, seeing him safe and happy is the most important thing.

(End of this chapter)

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