Chapter 910 Xingtai
The worry on the faces of the deputy envoys and other warriors from the Hu Kingdom's envoys also suddenly dissipated a lot. Thinking of Lord Qing Yun, they felt a little more confident in their hearts.

With Lord Qingyun in charge, they have nothing to be afraid of.

For a moment, the slumped momentum was swept away, and everyone felt eager to try.

Xianzi saw that everyone's morale had been encouraged, so he stopped talking, and immediately ordered an official of the mission to summon the strong guards. After driving the chariot, Luan headed towards Xingtai under the leadership of warriors from the pilgrimage palace.

But at this moment, the news that someone spread the news, the news of the battle between the Liuligu Mission and the Hu Kingdom Mission in Xingtai has spread in the pilgrimage palace, and spread to the capital at an extremely fast speed.

All of a sudden, countless warriors in the division capital rushed towards Xingtai.

Tribute Hall.

"Oh, there is such a thing." Zhang Huan put down the teacup in his hand, with a thoughtful look on his face, and spoke slowly.

"That Duke Qingyun of the Hu Kingdom hasn't left yet, has he?"

"No, the gift list is still being checked, so you have to be careful to avoid mistakes." Next, the confidant warrior didn't know what his lord meant, so he spoke cautiously.

"Your Majesty ordered the statistics of the tributes of the subordinate countries. You should all be careful, and there should be no accidents. Otherwise, your Majesty will blame you and no one will be able to eat." Zhang Huan said lightly.

"I just read the tribute list of the Hu Kingdom. There are indeed several precious treasures in it, and I should check it carefully."

"My lord's words are very true, and my subordinates immediately ordered them to check the tribute ceremony of the pot kingdom. Although it will take a little more time, in order not to make mistakes, this is the only way to go." The confidant warrior smiled and said. , saluted respectfully, turned and went out.

Seeing that his subordinates understood what he meant, Zhang Huan nodded with satisfaction. Zhang's family is now in the limelight, and he needs to be more careful in his actions, but if he moves a little, no one can find fault.

Although he still doesn't know the grievances between Meng Tianchen and her husband's family, but he doesn't have the slightest impression of Hu Guoguo and his party, so he is naturally happy to see them get humiliated and lose face.

Zhang Huan pondered for a while, and spoke in a low voice.

"Come on."

A martial artist outside the hall walked in quickly and spoke respectfully.

"I don't know what the adults ordered?"

"The guards outside the courtyard were ordered to check and check the tributes from various countries. In order to prevent accidents, I have never allowed any insignificant people to step into the tribute hall without my permission."


Watching his subordinates leave quickly, Zhang Huan's mouth showed satisfaction.Now that the shot is made, it is natural to make it perfect, so it should be almost the same.

Meng Tianchen frowned slightly. It had been a long time since he entered the tribute ceremony hall, but the tribute ceremony still hadn't been verified. He felt something wrong in his heart, but he couldn't find the source, so he stretched out his hand to call in a warrior.

"My Pot Kingdom's gift list and tribute gifts have been presented, why haven't the checks and registrations been completed until now?"

"My lord envoy, wait a moment, I will go and urge you immediately." The warrior said respectfully, turned around and walked quickly towards the row of low bungalows.

After a while, this person returned and saluted Meng Tianchen.

"Reporting to the envoy, I have already inquired for you. Because several treasures are extremely precious in the tribute of the Pot Kingdom, the warriors in the tribute hall need to be carefully appraised before they can be registered to avoid mistakes. Please wait a moment, my lord envoy." , it will probably be completed soon.”

Meng Tianchen nodded, and waved his hand to order the leading martial artist to retreat.But for some reason, after knowing the reason, the inappropriate feeling in his heart not only did not disappear, but became more and more serious, as if something extremely bad had happened.

He forced himself to wait for a while, feeling more and more uneasy.Guangling has a calm mind, and his intuition for danger has always been effective.Now that he is safe and sound, could it be that something happened to the mission?
Thinking of this, Meng Tianchen suddenly stood up and strode out.

He was no longer willing to wait any longer, since the Tribute Hall wanted to review the tribute ceremony, let them do it, and it would not be too late for him to come to collect the verification certificate after it was completed.

"My lord envoy, the verification will be completed immediately. According to the regulations, you are not allowed to leave before then." A martial artist from the Tribute Hall suddenly stopped Meng Tianchen, although his voice was respectful, but there was a hint of toughness.

Meng Tianchen narrowed his eyes slightly, and opened his mouth slowly.

"My lord has been waiting here for nearly two hours, and now I still have to take a step ahead. I will notify you after I have checked the tribute gift from the Pot Kingdom, and let me get back the check list." Yu Luo stepped forward again. OK.

"Mr. Qingyun stay a step, please don't make things difficult for me." The warriors in the Tribute Palace took a step back, but they still didn't move.

Meng Tianchen's heart sank, the feeling of something bad in his heart became stronger, and his face darkened unknowingly.

"Could it be that Tongli Empire's Tribute Hall still has the power to temporarily detain the envoys? Get out of here immediately, or don't blame me for being rude."

The complexion of the martial artist in the Tribute Hall turned pale, and the looming coercion on Meng Tianchen made his shoulders feel like pressing on a mountain, and a dense layer of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.But at this moment, he didn't get an order, so he didn't dare to let Meng Tianchen leave.

At this moment, a faint voice suddenly came.

"After checking the tribute ceremony, the gold casting policy needs to be handed over to the envoy to complete. If the envoy insists on leaving, although I can't stop it by force, I will not be responsible for any accidents in the future."

"See you, my lord." When the warrior saw the person coming, he hurriedly turned around and saluted respectfully as if he had received an amnesty.

Zhang Huan waved his hand slightly, and the man turned around and stepped aside.

Meng Tianchen's eyes fell on Zhang Huan, and he could sense a faint hostility from this person. Although he didn't know why, but at this moment, he had no intention of delaying any longer, so he withdrew his gaze and walked straight out of the courtyard.

A faint sneer appeared on the corner of Zhang Huan's mouth, and he really didn't stop him.

Stepping out of the courtyard here, Meng Tianchen saw Zhuo Liang who was not far away with an anxious face. This person is a confidant cultivated by Xianzi, and he also knew it. His heart skipped a beat and he spoke in a deep voice.

"What happened?"

"See Lord Qingyun!" Zhuo Liang's eyes were full of anxiety, he didn't dare to delay, and briefly explained the matter of the mission of the Hu Kingdom and the Liuligu mission to fight in Xingtai.

"The subordinates have been here for more than half an hour, but these guards did not allow me to enter and report to Lord Qingyun, and it has been delayed until now."

Meng Tianchen's face became extremely ugly in an instant, and he suddenly turned his head, his gaze fell on Na Zhang Huan.

With a calm expression, Zhang Huan bowed slightly to him.

What happened today was obviously done on purpose by this person, in order to prevent him from knowing about the engagement between the missions of the two countries.But now is not the time to pursue, Meng Tianchen's eyes flickered slightly, and he strode away without saying a word.

Zhang Huan withdrew his hand and sneered.

More than half an hour has passed, even if Meng Tianchen rushes, it may not be in time.

As for whether this action was to anger Meng Tianchen and thus make enemies for the husband's family, Zhang Huan never thought about it.It's just an envoy of the Hu Kingdom, so what if they feel resentful and unwilling, they dare to be enemies with their husband's family!


As the capital of the children's power empire, the division capital naturally has strict rules and regulations. No matter what warriors, they are not allowed to fight in the division capital, otherwise what awaits them is the arrest of the imperial army.

And Xingtai is the only exception.

Here, the child master personally ordered the building to be used by warriors who had conflicts in the capital and had to fight to settle their grievances.

The scale of the division capital is huge, so many warriors flock in and leave every day, so it is quite normal for battles to occur. Xingtai will stage countless battles every day, attracting many warriors to watch.

But today, the atmosphere here is much hotter than usual.

The entire Xingtai is crowded with people, and the restaurants and teahouses built with the popularity of this place are even more overcrowded. Everyone's eyes are all on that Xingtai, and their faces are full of excitement.

"The warriors of the Liuli Valley are indeed fierce. Just now, they used their life-threatening means to force back the warriors of the Hu Kingdom's guards and defeated them."

"That's true. I've heard that the Liuli Valley warriors are fierce, and I saw it today. Even if these defeated warriors from the Hu Kingdom envoy don't die, they may have to recuperate for a long time to recover from their injuries."

"The Hu Kingdom is just a newly established vassal state. Its envoys dare to fight the Liuligu envoys. It is a shame for themselves."

"We lost again. In half an hour, all the fighters sent by the Hu Kingdom mission were defeated. Tsk tsk, this gap!"

The faces of the warriors from the Hu Kingdom Mission were slightly pale, and their eyes were distracted.

Although they expected the strength of the Liuligu Mission, they never thought that the gap between them would reach such a level!

The Liuligu Mission has only sent three fighters so far, and they have defeated 17 members of the Hu Kingdom Mission in a row. Even the strongest of the three guards are not opponents of the Liuligu Mission's warriors.

It's not that they didn't try their best, but that the opponent was too strong.

Although they were of the same level of cultivation, the warriors from the Liuligu Mission possessed even more ferocious fighting power. Their attacks were extremely fierce, and there were even some means of exchanging injuries for injuries and risking their lives to defeat the warriors sent by the Mission of the Hu Kingdom.

The warriors of the defeated Weeping Blood Guard Army are the strongest in the Guard Army. Although his cultivation level has just entered the top-rank Emperor Realm, he is a seventh-rank Great Emperor, but he broke out desperately, but he has the power comparable to the King of the Emperor Realm.With such combat power, he still ended up crying blood and losing.

The warriors of the Liuligu Mission stood on the Xingtai, their chests were split neatly, like a blade cut through, a terrifying wound appeared on the chest, but at this moment the flesh and blood at the broken place was as tight as iron stone, not a single drop of blood flowed out.

"Saint, this subordinate has lived up to your expectations!" The Glazed Valley warrior turned around and knelt down on one knee, with one hand on his chest, respectfully saluting.

"Wute, you are indeed my strongest guard!" Wu Liqiao's face was full of smiles, and the bright smile caused many surrounding warriors to swallow and spit in secret. Glamor Satisfaction.

"You haven't asked the Hu Kingdom mission yet, do they have any fighters who dare to fight you?"

"Yes, saint!"

(End of this chapter)

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