Chapter 917 Lost?

Wu Guda exudes aura outside his body, and he controls the simple release of oppressive power in his hands, condensing into a phantom of a magic wolf, opening his mouth to swallow the sun and the moon, his aura is shocking!

This supernatural power was already broken when it was in his hands, it could only condense the phantom of the demon wolf, and could not take the crucial step from illusion to solidification.Even if he wanted to use the method of void creation, he missed the point and couldn't complete it at all.But even so, the illusory magic wolf can devour the spiritual will of a martial artist, and this alone can be called terrifying!
Inspired by supernatural powers, with the help of the phantom of the magic wolf, the seemingly simple momentum confrontation, but for Wu Guda has already gained the absolute upper hand!In the fight with people in Liuli Valley, relying on the phantom of the demon wolf, he killed countless powerful enemies before he could get to the present step by step.

With this secret technique, how could he be invincible in today's battle!
The demon wolf opened its mouth to devour everything, Meng Tianchen suddenly let out a muffled snort, his face was slightly pale, and his fighting spirit was trembling slightly, under this devouring power, there were faint signs of fluctuations and on the verge of collapse.And the fighting spirit collapsed, all his spiritual will will be swallowed by the demon wolf!

Meng Tianchen frowned, but his eyes were still calm, looking coldly at the phantom of the demon wolf, without any warmth.

Taking another step forward under his feet, he let out a low growl in his heart.


At the core of the Purple Mansion, the heart of immortality that had been silent for a long time was throbbing impressively, and an immortal terrifying aura gushed out of it in an instant, directly entering Meng Tianchen's body.

This is a strong will!This is an immortal force.

Battle days!
Can fight the vast common people in the world!

To deal with everything, we will overcome it in one battle, without fear and without bowing our heads.

Accompanied by the incorporation of this undead will, Meng Tianchen's slightly trembling fighting spirit instantly stabilized, and once again surged wildly at an astonishing rate, climbing all the way, it seemed that there was no limit!No matter how the phantom of the demon wolf roared, it could no longer shake his fighting spirit.

The crazily colliding between the devouring power of the demon wolf and Meng Tianchen's own immortality, the fight between the two powerful forces formed an incomparably terrifying mental coercion.This is an explosion from the fusion of the spiritual willpower of the two, which makes people feel palpitating!



The blue bricks on the ground centered on the two of them suddenly began to shatter, and without warning, they collapsed into dust and quickly spread to the surrounding area.

This is a sliver of power overflowing from the colliding momentum of the two people, but the power released by this sliver of power can be called terrifying.This was not caused by the explosion of cultivation, but was crushed and smashed by the spiritual will of the two.

Integrating spiritual will into one's own breath, materializing and possessing such terrifying power, is already an extremely amazing realm!At this moment, if a martial artist approaches the two of them, the physical body may be fine, but the spiritual will will be wiped out in an instant!

And this point, even an ordinary king of the imperial realm may not be able to do it!

That is to say, the strength of the aura that Meng Tianchen and Wu Guda showed at this moment has reached all the strength of the eighth-rank great emperor powerhouse.

The entire pilgrimage palace instantly turned into dead silence, and countless warriors fell silent under this aura.His face was slightly pale, and he could only protect himself under the impact of this stormy wave of spiritual will, only by sticking to his heart, his eyes were full of fear and awe.

The power displayed by the two in the fight has far exceeded their expectations!
Uguda's face suddenly became extremely gloomy, and he felt frightened and angry.Through the inquiry about the Xingtai battle that day, he originally thought that Meng Tianchen's combat power was at most comparable to that of the eighth-rank emperor. With the help of the phantom of the magic wolf, he can release the aura that is almost equivalent to the eighth-rank emperor. , will definitely defeat Meng Tianchen's spiritual will directly.

But at this moment, he realized that he seemed to have underestimated the Duke Qingyun of the Pot Kingdom.He was able to contend with the devouring power of the demon wolf, and the terrifying will outside his body made him feel faintly suppressed!

If he hadn't relied on Demon Wolf Phantom, he might have lost at this moment.His eyes flashed continuously, and finally turned into a sharp look!This battle is to protect the dignity of Liuli Valley and the dignity of the saint. He cannot be defeated, otherwise the entire mission will be disgraced, and he will be reduced to a laughing stock!

This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed to happen.

Wu Guda let out a muffled roar, like a tiger like a wolf, and fell down with the roar, he suddenly raised his head, his robe was not blown by the wind, his long hair fluttered violently, the veins on his neck were bulging, and his body was already thick The whirlwind envelops him completely, and the outside world sees it as a vast expanse, which can't be seen clearly at all.

Above the vortex, the phantom of the squatting demon wolf suddenly solidified, and even the tip of its fur was glaringly red.The gaping mouth became deeper and darker, and the obscure swirling air currents merged with each other, forming groups of cotton-like power, and even more terrifying devouring power came out of the wolf's mouth!

Due to the incompleteness of supernatural powers, forcibly arousing stronger power will cause a certain amount of backlash against oneself. The stronger the arousal power, the heavier the backlash.With Wu Guda's cultivation base, making the end of the wolf's fur red is already the limit of his tolerance!Even if he wins this battle, his own mental will will be impacted and he will suffer severe injuries.But what was obtained at such a price was a crazy surge in the magic wolf's devouring power within a short period of time!
That's enough for Ugudah!
His eyes fixed on Meng Tianchen, entering this state, even ordinary old eighth-rank great emperor powerhouses might not be able to resist, so he didn't believe that this Meng Tianchen could continue to persevere!

Meng Tianchen's face turned pale, his pupils shrank slightly, but the Immortal Heart in his Purple Mansion became more and more dazzling.When his spiritual will was enveloped by the devouring power, his whole mind seemed to be trembling.

It seems to be touched, or provoked, and the undead heart intensifies the rhythm.

This kind of trembling is not awe and fear, but a kind of excitement after encountering challenges and before fighting!

Angry, Immortal Heart found out that there was a challenge to it, and got angry.

Accompanied by the surge of aura released by the Immortal Heart, the powerful will spewing out of it also surged at an astonishing speed, making Meng Tianchen's whole mind enter a strangely calm state at this moment, and looked at where Uguda was. , there is only a kind of cold arrogance that looks down on everything.

It seems that in his eyes, all of this is not worth mentioning. If he wants to destroy it, he can do it as long as he takes action.

In an instant, Meng Tianchen seemed to be a different person.

A flash of sharpness suddenly flashed in the depths of Meng Tianchen's eyes, since you want to devour, then I will give you this chance, it depends on whether you have enough strength to swallow my spiritual will together!
At this moment, he was not impulsive, but a decision made in a state of absolute calm in his mind, because he had absolute confidence in his heart, and after the terrifying power inspired by the immortal heart was integrated into his body, the phantom of the magic wolf couldn't swallow it!
Turn your mind, and put it into action the next moment!

Outside Meng Tianchen's body, the vast and ups and downs of the immortal will seemed to collapse at this moment, without any pause, it swept into the mouth of the demon wolf like a surging tide, and was directly swallowed!

His eyes were closed directly, and he stood in emptiness like this. Although his body was still filled with powerful power, there was no more mental fluctuations. It seemed that this physical body had turned into an empty shell at this moment.

The battle is over?

At the moment when Meng Tianchen's aura disappeared and the fluctuations in his spirit and will dissipated in an instant, many onlookers who were still immersed in the destructive aura of fighting, woke up at the same time at this moment, their eyes fell on the green robe figure, sensing the An empty shell body, the pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly, and complex expressions such as shock, fear, and disbelief appeared in the eyes.

The fight between each other's spiritual will blended into the breath is so dangerous and terrifying. With Meng Tianchen's powerful cultivation base, once defeated, the entire spiritual will will be swallowed up in an instant.

The physical body is still there, and the mind is still there, but the imprint of the whole person has been directly erased.This may be called not dead, but it may also be called completely dead.

Inside and outside the pilgrimage palace, all warriors fell silent.

And those who are silent at this moment, there are countless strong men in the capital!
Naturally, they couldn't hide their feelings in the imposing confrontation here, and they came early with their spiritual thoughts, and paid close attention to the dangerous fight between Meng Tianchen and Uguda in the pilgrimage palace.Now that the results have come to an end, the expressions on their faces are different.

Child Power Empire Palace.

The child master looked at the pilgrimage palace, remained silent for a while, then turned and left expressionlessly.

Meng Tianchen is a talent worthy of cultivation, so he is naturally willing to recruit.But the mere envoy of Liuligu can kill him, which shows that his luck is not so good. Even if he cultivates the power beyond the origin of chaos, he will not be able to jump out of the chaos.

That being the case, if you die, you will die, and it is not worth regretting.

Yi Zi frowned slightly, his face showed a look of deep thought, and when he looked carefully, there was still a bit of puzzlement between his brows and eyes.Based on what he knew about Meng Tianchen, although Liuligu Wuguda was strong, he still didn't have the power to defeat him.

Now, how did he lose?

But the facts were right in front of him, so he couldn't help but believe it.

It's just such a pity that such a warrior with full potential fell like this.

Dongcheng Zhang's house.

In the space overlapping with her husband's compound, an old man in black sat cross-legged. Sensing the end of the battle, he slowly closed his eyes, and the fluctuations in the breath in his body quickly subsided.

Zhang Long, Zhang Xing, and Zhang Huan looked at each other and suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.The strength of Meng Tianchen was somewhat beyond their expectations. Even the husband's family did not want to embarrass a strong man who was comparable to the king of the emperor's realm. Naturally, it would be good to have less trouble.

In the courtyard, Zhang Zhan had no expression on his face, and a cold light flickered deep in his eyes.

Meng Tianchen, even if you don't die today, I won't let you leave the capital alive!

In the entire division, countless strong men in the open and in the dark have withdrawn their spiritual thoughts at this moment. Now that the result of the battle has emerged, they will naturally not continue to waste time here.

Wu Guda's face turned slightly pale, and his own mental will was also severely injured by the demon wolf's backlash, but at this moment, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, with a sneer on his face.

Dare to be an enemy of his Liuligu mission, it is already doomed today!

Meng Tianchen, you can go with peace of mind!

The faces of all the warriors of the Hu Kingdom mission turned pale, without a trace of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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