Chapter 920 Yun Tong
Shi Yue had a flash of inspiration in his hand, took out a wine jar, stretched out his hand and patted it away, and suddenly a cold air rose from it, and filled two white jade cups respectively.

"After returning to the capital, I have been busy with mundane affairs. I have never seen Lord Qingyun. Now that the food and drink have not arrived, I will offer you a glass of Hanchuan wine first."

"it is good!"

Meng Tianchen nodded, reached out to pick up the wine glass, touched lightly with Shi Yue, and the two drank it down in one gulp.

Shi Yue put down the wine glass in his hand, seemed to be savoring the coldness in the wine, his eyes were a little distracted, and the room suddenly fell silent.It wasn't until he woke up that he found Meng Tianchen sitting on the side with a calm face, with a somewhat apologetic expression on his face.

"For a moment of negligence and distraction, you should punish yourself with three cups of apology, and please Qingyun official to take the blame."

Yu Luo drank three cups straight away, but his expression was a little lonely.

Meng Tianchen shook his head in his heart and pondered for a while.

"My lord and you are old friends. We have been hunting and killing together. It is not an exaggeration to say that we are in trouble together. Now that you are looking for me to drink, you must regard me as a friend in your heart. If this is the case, why not tell me what happened today?" Why did it make you lose your composure?"

Shi Yue's expression was wrong, Meng Tianchen had already seen it, but he didn't say much when he saw that he had been supporting himself all the time, now that he showed it, he asked.

Shi Yue's eyes fell on Meng Tianchen, seeing his earnest expression, he felt warm in his heart, lowered his head and drank wine to cover his past, and sighed.

"Thanks to Lord Qingyun for not giving up, it is my honor to regard Shiyue as a friend."

"Brother Yue is wrong. Since you and I are friends, we should treat each other as equals. I wonder what Brother Yue thinks?"

"Brother Meng said that Shimou will be fined another cup."

Meng Tianchen didn't stop him, let him drink another cup, Shi Yue put down the white jade cup, after a little silence, he gave a wry smile, and opened his mouth slowly.

"Brother Meng must know that I have a grudge with my husband's family, Zhangling. This matter may start from here."

Shi Yue opened his mouth slowly, the bitterness on his face became more and more serious, but his voice was quite calm, and he told the whole thing here.

"Since she came under the teacher's seat and entered the Yi Palace, I have admired Junior Sister Wulian in my heart. Until today, when I was appointed as the commander of the Imperial Army, and my status was greatly improved, I formally asked my master to become a Taoist partner with my junior sister. But I didn’t think that she was the one who played tricks on me back then and caused me to lose to Zhang Ling. I think that Junior Sister Wulian came to help Zhang Ling because she liked the second senior brother. After all, Zhang Ling is the only younger brother of the second senior brother. .” Shi Yue shook his head again and again.

"Today, Master reminded me that what I have been pursuing and waiting for all these years has turned out to be such a result. Asking myself, my master is not a narrow-minded person, but I can't let go of this matter. Perhaps, in A long time ago, when Junior Sister Wulian plotted against me in order to get close to Second Senior Brother, there was no possibility between me and her."

Speaking of this, he smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Brother Meng laughed. Tong has always considered himself a free and easy person, but now he is caught in his own love net. He doesn't want to be so miserable, and he chattered for a long time."

Meng Tianchen shook his head, saying love, even if they are powerful in martial arts, how many people can see through them.

At least, he can't see through.

Not much to say, Meng Tianchen raised his glass to drink with Shi Yue, he didn't know how to comfort him, and what Shi Yue needed was not comfort, it was just a chance to talk or vent, if he figured it out, he figured it out.He couldn't figure it out, and no one could help him.

The two drank quietly, and Shi Yue shook his head after a while, as if he wanted to get rid of the sourness in his heart for the time being.

"Half a month later, after the Hundred Nations Tribute Ceremony, I wonder what brother Meng's plan is?"

Meng Tianchen thought about what he said before, and was slightly silent.

"After the mission of the mission is over, I should stay in the Tongli Empire for the time being, and return to the Pot Kingdom after my cultivation reaches the realm of the upper emperor."

Shi Yue's heart trembled slightly, his eyes widened slightly, seeing Meng Tianchen's calm demeanor, he felt a little moved in his heart.This matter has already involved Meng Tianchen's own secrets, and now he can tell him directly, which shows that he really regards him as a friend in his heart.Now that we are friends, there is no need to react too aggressively, so he nodded slightly.

But soon fell into the shock caused by the other meaning of Meng Tianchen's words, and his brows wrinkled together with difficulty.

"Brother Meng, are you ready to divide the territory and create power?"

Since Meng Tianchen had already opened his mouth, he would not continue to hide it, and nodded slightly to admit the matter.

Shi Yueyang took the first drink. He had already guessed that Meng Tianchen was not something in the pond, but he never thought about it. In a short period of time, he has already reached the point where he is ready to create power.He entered the Forbidden Army and was entrusted with the leadership. It seemed extraordinary, but compared with him, the gap was huge.

Fortunately, Shi Yue had experienced this many times before, and quickly recovered, frowning and thinking for a moment, before speaking slowly.

"Brother Meng's current cultivation level must have attracted the fear of the Lord of the Pot Kingdom. It is a wonderful move to choose to stay in the Tongli Empire and not return to the Pot Kingdom. It's not easy."

Meng Tianchen's hand holding the wine glass froze slightly. Shi Yue's words had already revealed a lot of information. He obviously knew something that he hadn't noticed yet, so he took this opportunity to remind him.

Staying in Tongli Empire, it is not easy to leave, who made it impossible for him to leave easily?

He frowned, and soon had an answer in his mind.

Boy Lord!

Shiyue knows his strength, once he is promoted to the upper emperor realm, his strength will increase dramatically, and at that time, the only one who can stop him is the master of the child power empire, the aloof child master His Majesty!
At this point, it became clear that the boy master wanted to recruit him, or in other words, wanted him to stay in the boy power empire, become a minister of the boy power empire, and bow his head to serve him.

But this matter is exactly what Meng Tianchen cannot accept.

He needs to create his own power in order to rise step by step.If he is stranded in Tongli Empire, the ideal blueprint in his heart will be destroyed before it is unfolded.The national power of the boy power empire is unfathomable, once he enters it, when will he be able to regain his freedom!
Shi Yue saw that he had noticed it, so he didn't continue to say more, and he didn't make any suggestions to him.For this kind of matter, Meng Tianchen still needs to judge by himself, and then make a choice.

After a while, Meng Tianchen sighed softly. Since the Tongli Empire could not stay, it seemed that he had to find an opportunity to escape for the time being, so as not to trouble his upper body.After all, things are not right now, nor can a solution be thought of in a short period of time, and we need to play by ear in the future.After thinking about it for a while, he temporarily suppressed the matter.

Raise your glass to Shiyue.

"Thank you."

"You and I are friends, aren't we?" Shi Yue raised his glass with a smile.

The two looked at each other and nodded, then raised their heads and drank at the same time.

But at this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the room, Shi Yue flicked his sleeves to open the restraint, and saw a woman in a light blue dress standing quietly outside the door with a smile on her face, although her expression was still calm, But when his eyes fell on Shi Yue, he couldn't hide his excitement.

"Brother Yue went away, but he never entered my restaurant all these years. I just thought you had forgotten that there is an old friend here." Although the woman's voice was calm, there was a hint of resentment.

Shi Yue faced Meng Tianchen with slightly embarrassed eyes, and extended his hand to introduce: "This Miss Yuntong is the owner of the restaurant here, and I have known each other for many years, but we have not seen each other for many years now."

"Yun Tong, this is brother Meng, a friend I met recently, and today I specially brought him to taste your delicious wine, and by the way, we will finish the celebration banquet agreed upon back then."

Yun Tong bowed to Meng Tianchen, his face blushed, and then he remembered that Shi Yue was not the only one here.Afraid of leaving a bad impression on his friends, she glanced at Shi Yue and decided to let him go for the time being, but she waved her hand with a touch of joy in her heart.

"Put down the food and drink, you guys go down."

Several young servants behind him stepped forward one by one, put down the dishes, and set up a full table before bowing and leaving.

Yun Tong landed next to Shi Yue, and took out a wine jar carved from sapphire with his backhand. It was translucent, and the slightly viscous wine could be seen in it.

"Brother Yue can only get Hanchuan wine, which he hides like a treasure and doesn't want to exchange it with others. Today, I would like to invite Brother Meng to taste the wine brewed by the little girl's home. The taste may be comparable to his ice wine .”

Meng Tianchen's eyes swept across the rather bold Yuntong, and he smiled slightly.

"Since it's Miss Yuntong's fine wine, you should taste it once or twice."

In order to break the embarrassment at this moment, Shi Yue glanced across the table, showing a bit of surprise in his eyes.

"These dishes seem to be some of my favorites, Yuntong, do you still remember?"

Yun Tong stretched out his hand to pour wine for Meng Tianchen, he paused slightly when he heard the words, and spoke softly.

"When you came here for the last time, you told me that if you win the first battle, let me make you a celebration banquet and choose all the dishes you like."

There was a hint of unconcealable affection in this soft whisper.

The embarrassment on Shi Yue's face was even worse, he hurriedly stretched out his hand to take a bite, and even said it was delicious to cover it up.

Yun Tong's eyes swept over him with a slight resentment, but finally couldn't bear to embarrass him, sighed in his heart, and didn't continue to speak.

Meng Tianchen sat on one side, shaking his head and chuckling in his heart, he already knew a little about the situation between these two people, it seems that he might not be able to eat this banquet for a long time.

However, if this matter can be resolved, Shi Yue must also be able to get out of the shadow of the previous incident.

The three of them changed the subject, most of them were Shi Yue and Yun Tong who were talking, Meng Tianchen listened quietly, and only occasionally said a few words when the topic touched him.

When it was mentioned that Shi Yue had been appointed as the commander of the Imperial Army, Yun Tong was pleasantly surprised and raised his glass to congratulate him.The beauty was drinking, her pretty face was flushed, and she looked more and more charming at the moment.

Shi Yue drank the wine in the glass with a smile, looked at Yun Tong's more beautiful face, but suddenly frowned slightly.

The long skirt on Yuntong's body was well ironed, exquisite and gorgeous, which was completely different from the Yuntong in his impression.Will a woman as stubborn as her change her persistence one day?

"Dressing up like an ordinary woman has always been the last thing you want, Yun Tong, when did you have these changes?"

(End of this chapter)

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