Chapter 940 The Mystery of the Ancient Realm

"When you and I entered the Mangu Realm, we must have other ideas besides beheading Meng Tianchen. Don't waste too much time on this matter. I hope you can understand this point. If there is no hope of success, I'm sorry that I can't be here. I am here to accompany you."

Zhang Zhan frowned slightly, his expression remained unchanged, and he spoke slowly.

"Brother Wu, don't worry. Since I invite you to join us here, I am confident. You and I will wait here for two more days. If there is still no news, we will stop this matter immediately. But brother Wuguda, don't worry. There is not enough time to delay, and the record of killing wild beasts is not only achieved by hunting wild beasts with your own hands. Perhaps hunting warriors is a better choice. After they collect it, you and I will join hands to capture the wild beasts from them. It should not be difficult to imagine. , I don’t know what brother thinks?”

Wu Guda's heart trembled slightly, looking at Zhang Zhan's indifferent and calm face, he couldn't help feeling a little chill in his heart, secretly thinking that this person has a vicious temper.However, in the Mangu Realm, he was the only warrior in Liuli Valley, no matter how many warriors were beheaded, the ones who died were also warriors from Tongli Empire and other affiliated countries, so what did he have to do with him!

"What brother-in-law said is very true. Since this is the case, we will wait patiently for another two days!"

After receiving Zhang Zhan's promise, Wu Guda was determined.With his cultivation base of the eighth-rank emperor who has just entered the imperial realm, coupled with the powerful ancient alien treasures of Zhang Zhanshen's appearance and ghosts, they can sweep everything together!
In this way, it is not difficult to hunt warriors and capture their prey.

Zhang Zhan nodded slightly, did not continue to speak, and closed his eyes slightly to rest.But he frowned in his heart, thinking to himself, could it be that his plan was wrong this time.

With Shi Ji and Shi Xiang's temperament, together with Meng Tianchen, there will inevitably be conflicts.These two idiots are now boundless in their arrogance, coupled with the notoriously gloomy and ruthless mind of that teacher, once they suffer losses in Meng Tianchen's hands, they will definitely think of the deal with him.

Everything was in his plan, so even if Shi Xiang did not agree to his transaction request out of caution that day, Zhang Zhan was not in a hurry.But at this moment, things seem to have some accidents.

Could it be that because of Yi Zi and Tong's identities as imperial clans, Meng Tianchen could compromise and dare not take action against Shi Ji and Shi Xiang?
Zhang Zhan shook his head secretly, he had already investigated many things about Meng Tianchen in secret, and it can be seen from his actions that he is a very proud and strong person in his heart.Maybe he will take into account the face of Yi Zi and Tong's imperial clan, but he will never be restrained by it.

Wait, maybe there will be a turning point soon.

Half a day later, Zhang Zhan's eyes suddenly opened, he stood up, and turned to look somewhere in the void. Although his face remained unchanged, there was a sharp and cold light surging in his eyes.

Uguda then stood up with a bit of joy on his face.From Zhang Zhan's reaction, it is not difficult for him to guess that Meng Tianchen's whereabouts have been found!

While drinking, Zhang Zhang waved the sleeve of his shirt and sacrificed the mysterious treasure. A force of space suddenly erupted, enveloping Wu Guda, and the two figures disappeared immediately after taking a step.

After just two hours, the two had rushed to the source of the breath fluctuation.

There were faint ripples in the space, and the spiritual light flashed slightly, and two figures appeared in an instant.

Zhang Zhan's face was already calm, but his breath fluctuated a little. He raised his head and swallowed a elixir to supplement the power loss in his body.It was not a small burden for him to travel in a row and take Uguda with him.

But in order to prevent accidents, he did not hesitate to come as fast as possible.

Shi Ji and Shi Xiang were not far away, looking at Zhang Zhan and Wu Guda at this moment, their expressions changed slightly.

Zhang Zhan alone was amazing enough, but he didn't expect that he even found a helper.The aura of this envoy of Liuli Valley is that of a genuine king of the imperial realm, and the two join forces, the possibility of success will increase greatly!
Thinking of this, the two of them felt completely settled.

Their betrayal of Meng Tianchen was tantamount to stabbing a knife in the dark, so they naturally hoped that Meng Tianchen would perish and avoid future troubles.Otherwise, there is no impenetrable wall in the world. If he finds out afterwards, the two of them don't want to cause trouble.

"Brothers Shiji and Shixiang, brother Wu is the helper I invited to kill Meng Tianchen together! He will never reveal any news about this matter, please rest assured." Zhang Zhan said, his eyes widened. Li Mang flickered slightly.

"I don't know where Meng Tianchen is now, but I would like to ask the two brothers for advice. After the matter is completed, there will be rewards!"

"Hehe, brother-in-law, don't worry. Since my two brothers and sisters have invited you over, they have already made a choice, so we won't make any changes. It's just the agreement between you and me, so I'm afraid there needs to be some changes." Shi Xiang Smiling and speaking, his eyes fell on Uguda.

"And whether brother Wu agrees to this matter still needs to be discussed, so as to avoid trouble from time to time."

Zhang Zhan frowned slightly, but still suppressed the anxiety in his heart, and spoke slowly.

"What Shi Xiang said is very true. I don't know what the request is, but it's okay to say it. If you can agree, Zhang Zhan will never say anything."

"As for Brother Wu, he probably won't object."

Wu Guda nodded upon hearing this.

"Everything is about beheading Meng Tianchen, and the rest is within my ability, and I have no objection."

Shiji was overjoyed when he heard the words, his eyes were full of excitement.

Although Shi Xiang was equally happy, he still did not lose his sense of proportion.

"The two brothers are really happy, and since that's the case, I won't go around in circles anymore." Speaking of this, he paused for a moment before speaking in a deep voice.

"My brothers and sisters, you can give up everything that Zhang Zhanxiongtai promised before, and just make a request. After Meng Tianchen is killed, the storage ring on his body will belong to my two brothers to pick three treasures first. If two Brothers, you can deal with this matter, and I will take you to Meng Tianchen's place without any second thoughts."

What Shi Ji and Shi Xiang cared about was only the Yuankong Crystal in Meng Tianchen's storage ring. The reason why they chose the three treasures first was to confuse Zhang Zhan and Wu Guda, lest they see the trick and have other plans in their hearts.

After all, the temptation of a treasure like Yuankongjing is too amazing, and it is even more useful to Zhang Zhan.

Be careful, you will never make a mistake.

Without any hesitation, Zhang Zhan nodded in agreement.

"Okay! Everything is according to what the senior brother said. If Meng Tianchen is successfully killed, the storage ring obtained will allow the two brothers to choose three treasures first."

Uguda hesitated a little, but also nodded in response.His face showed hesitation, but he sneered endlessly in his heart.

Succeeding in the storage ring can indeed allow Shi Ji and Shi Xiang to choose three treasures first, but whether they can take them away after getting the treasures depends on how precious these treasures are, and whether they are worth taking the two treasures. people stay!But to make Shiji and Shixiang so urgent, it must be because Meng Tianchen used some kind of extremely precious treasure. If this is the case, hehe, then we can't blame us.

Just when Wu Guda's mind was spinning, Zhang Zhan and Zhang Zhan took out a drop of blood and made a blood contract without any pause in their movements!
Shi Ji and Shi Xiang were overjoyed, and Shi Ji laughed loudly and said: "Since the matter has been settled, you and I should leave now, and settle the matter as soon as possible, so as not to cause trouble."

"it is good!"

The teacher nodded, and looked forward with cold eyes.

"Two brothers, please follow behind my senior brother. We didn't stop to catch up. We must be able to catch up with Meng Tianchen soon."

You were humiliated before, but now you will pay with your life!

Meng Tianchen, your death is not far away!

Four startled rainbows suddenly appeared, roaring towards the distant void.

After expelling Shi Ji and Shi Xiang, Meng Tianchen and Shi Yue paused at the same place, and continued on the road after the shock caused by the self-explosion of the wild stone beast in Meng Tianchen recovered.

"Brother Meng, although there are savage beasts in the void, they are still too few in number. If you want to overwhelm the heroes and take the top spot, you may have to enter the meteorite to hunt savage beasts." Shi Yue looked at A meteorite with a rich chaotic aura in front of him spoke slowly.

Meng Tianchen nodded slightly when he heard the words. He has also discovered that although he can encounter wild beasts along the way, the number is too small, which does not match the name of the royal hunting ground.

But now that Master Wen Ting opened his mouth more, he was not in a hurry to enter the meteorite, and frowned slightly.

"Brother Yue, you and I have traveled all the way, going deep into the depths of the ancient domain. Have you ever noticed that the chaotic spiritual power of the meteorite belt here is extremely rich, and the chaotic spiritual power of the meteorite in front of you is even more abnormal. So Brother Yue, don't you think it's a bit wasteful to use a good training place to build a hunting ground?"

The teacher nodded.

"What brother Meng said is very true. In the capital, it was widely rumored that the Mangu Domain hides a great secret, but every time the Mangu Domain has been opened, there has never been any news."

Meng Tianchen had a pensive look on his face, there must be something hidden in it.But he changed his mind slightly and put the matter aside. Since no one has discovered the hidden secrets of the Mangu Region all these years, it is obviously unrealistic to find them in a short time.Right now, it's still hunting wild beasts, keeping Mu Yuanshui in his hands is the most important thing!
"Brother Yue, let's go."

Although Meng Tianchen's doubts were not resolved, he did not continue to delay. He took a step forward, and his figure turned into a stream of light and roared towards a huge meteorite in front of him.

Shi Yue followed closely behind.
"They have stopped and have not continued on their way. At the current speed, you and I will be able to find them in two hours at most." Shi Xiang suddenly raised his head, looked ahead with gloomy eyes, and spoke slowly.

Before entering the Mangu Realm, Yi Zi prepared a token for each of the three disciples, which could sense each other's breath so that they could take care of each other in the Mangu Realm.But now, this treasure has become a sharp weapon to locate Meng Tianchen's trace.

Because Shi Yue was with him.

Zhang Zhan's expression remained calm upon hearing this, but his eyes became colder and sharper, like two arrows about to shoot out in anger.

"Zhangling, brother, I will kill this Meng Tianchen today to avenge you!"

There was a ferocious look on Wu Guda's face, and the faint evil spirit outside his body was enough to show what was going on in his mind at this moment.

The corner of Shiji's mouth was full of sneers, with these two people making a move, let's see how Meng Tianchen escaped this time.But at this moment, he thought of one thing, and suddenly frowned.

"Senior Brother, Junior Brother Shi Yue is now by Meng Tianchen's side, and if he finds out about this matter, if it gets out, I'm afraid there will be trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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