Chapter 943

Meng Tianchen frowned, and his face was a little gloomy. Although he was extremely fast, Zhang Zhan was chasing after him. The speed of the master of space power was enough to make any warrior of the same level fall behind.

The main reason why he has not been intercepted until now is because the two cannot see through each other.

Before Meng Tianchen chose to back away without hesitation, although Zhang Zhan believed that Meng Tianchen did not possess the power of the eighth-rank great emperor, but when he was chasing and facing Meng Tianchen's back, he felt a sense of palpitation.

This feels inexplicable, but out of trust in his own intuition, Zhang Zhan has never pushed Meng Tianchen into a desperate situation.

In Meng Tianchen's eyes, Zhang Zhan's performance is the pinnacle of a seventh-rank emperor. Although his strength is strong, he is only a king who has just entered the emperor realm.But for some reason, Meng Tianchen sensed an extremely thin sense of crisis from him.

This was the feeling that Guangling conveyed to him, Meng Tianchen didn't dare to be careless.

This person, Zhang Zhan, must have hidden means, which can even pose a threat to him.

It was precisely because of the mutual fear between the two that they chased and fled in a hurry, and never directly entered into a life-and-death fight.But at the moment, the two gradually became impatient, because in the sense of consciousness, there are already many powerful auras rushing here in the surrounding void space, obviously attracted by the aura of the two people's struggle.For these warriors approaching, they don't think they have good intentions.

Meng Tianchen's face became more and more solemn, because only half of the Great Yin Sect had the remnants of the Great Yin Emperor due to poverty, so he never made a move to kill Zhang Zhan and Wu Guda in order to keep his hole cards.It is hopeless to get rid of them right now, if you continue to delay, when many warriors arrive, I am afraid the situation will be even more difficult.At that time, even if Zhang Zhan and Wu Guda are wiped out, it will be difficult for him to save himself. If someone takes the opportunity to make things difficult, things will be really dangerous!
That being the case, it is better to act as soon as possible and settle the matter!

Once successfully killed, the strength of the remnant souls of Zhang Zhan and Wu Guda, although not as good as the top Emperor Realm King, can also replenish his strength.

Thinking of this, Meng Tianchen's eyes flashed sharply!
At the same time, Zhang Zhan's heart was full of murderous intent.

He knew His Majesty's intention to solicit Meng Tianchen, and because of this, he didn't want people to know that he was the one who killed Meng Tianchen.If he is surrounded by people, today's matter will certainly not be able to continue to be hidden.

Now, the only way to kill Meng Tianchen is before these fighters get close!
Although he didn't want to expose his strength, he couldn't care less now.

If you don't kill Meng Tianchen today, you may have no chance in the future!
Meng Tianchen and Zhang Zhan, the two of them were murderous almost at the same time.

The tyrannical aura burst out of his body suddenly, Zhang Zhan's figure stopped, his feet stepped on the void and stood upright, the robe on his body flapped and rattled.Facing Meng Tianchen's figure, he stretched out a single palm from the inside of his robe sleeve in an instant, and squeezed hard towards him!
"Space confinement!"

Zhang Zhan shot with all his strength, and the space suppression force released was far stronger than the level of space tearing he had used before!
Under the direction of his hand, the entire space seemed to be instantly frozen by a cold current, rejecting the existence of all breath fluctuations.This is an absolutely tyrannical space suppression force, mobilized with the power of space origin, ignoring the rules of the chaos world!

The stronger the cultivation base, the larger the range of space that can be suppressed, and the stronger the suppressing power gathered.If you want to break free from the sealing of this space, you no longer have to fight against Zhang Zhan alone, but to shake off the suppressing force of the entire space!

Meng Tianchen's figure stopped instantly, and even the aura in his body was suppressed back into his body, and he didn't move a bit!
Zhang Zhan drank in a low voice.

"Brother Wu, if you don't make a move now, when will you wait!"

In the rear, Wuguda's face suddenly showed a ferocious color when he heard the words, and the aura flashed outside his body. Without any pause, his figure directly turned into a startled rainbow, and rushed towards Meng Tianchen like a comet hitting the moon!

He didn't know what kind of method Zhang Zhan used to make the power of space suppression soar in an instant, but he didn't care about it.All he knew was that Meng Tianchen was being suppressed now, and he was already a piece of meat on the chopping board, and he was allowed to kill him!

As long as Meng Tianchen is killed, the flaw in his mind can be broken!
Wu Guda's figure entered the range of space suppression. Due to Zhang Zhan's control, this person, without the influence of space power, appeared behind Meng Tianchen in an instant, punching forward with fists in his hands!
With this punch, he did his best, without any reservations.

The eyes are full of excitement and ferocity!

Meng Tianchen, go to hell!
Roaring wildly in his heart, he is already ready to watch Meng Tianchen be killed by him, his body shattered, and his remnant soul collapsed!

But today, Wu Guda can only be a delusion after all!

Just when he was about to hit Meng Tianchen with a punch, and the smirk spread from the corner of his mouth to the whole face, a shocking wave of terrifying power suddenly erupted from the tall figure standing with his back facing him!
Strong and irresistible!
The terrifying power is like an invisible wave, centered on Meng Tianchen's figure, sweeping wildly in all directions!
Uguda was the first among them, his face turned pale in an instant, his pupils shrank, and he was full of despair!
He screamed in his mouth, unwilling to accept his doomed fate, not only did he not take back his punch, but it was even stronger, intending to use this to protect himself!

The muffled sound was like a galloping bull, knocking headlong onto the mountain peak.

The tingling and horrifying sound of bone cracking came into the ears clearly, and Wu Guda's entire arm collapsed directly, the flesh and blood shattered, exposing the white bones, and then broke inch by inch.

The collapse of his physical body started from his arm, and spread wildly to his entire physical body at an astonishing speed!

Wu Guda's remnant soul escaped from the collapsed body, but before he could run away, his face showed a look of ferocious pain. While rolling, it shattered like a balloon and dissipated in the sky and the earth.

In Meng Tianchen Zifu, the golden light of the roulette shone, and a slightly illusory remnant soul appeared, it was this Wu Guda!

This man's remnant soul had a ferocious face, roaring in his mouth, trying to break free from the shackles of the roulette.But since the Lord of the Pot Kingdom, Roupan has devoured the remnant souls of three eighth-rank great emperors, and his own strength has recovered a lot. With the power of Wu Guda's remnant soul, how can he resist!

The golden light converged, and Wu Guda's remnant soul was directly swallowed!
But at this moment, the power that Meng Tianchen swept out of his body did not stop at all, but launched an impact on the entire suppressed space with a powerful posture!
Space cracks centered on his body and spread wildly in all directions.

The number is increasing, and the sound is getting denser!

Meng Tianchen turned around slowly, with a calm expression, and spoke softly.


One word is spoken, not high-handed and domineering, and there is no breath fluctuation.But as the sound spread, the space already densely packed with cracks completely collapsed at this moment!
The entire space collapsed, revealing a pitch-black background, and the tyrannical space tearing and devouring power spread out from it, but it couldn't affect Meng Tianchen in the slightest.He just stood there in emptiness, standing in the shattered space, but before all the power invaded him, he would be crushed by the power overflowing from his body!
He stood in the void with a powerful and proud posture, wantonly releasing his powerful aura.

Looking at Zhang Zhan, there is an undisguised killing intent!
Forcing him to make a final move would cost him death!

Zhang Zhan's face suddenly turned serious, he witnessed Wu Guda being killed instantly, and at this moment, sensing the aura in Meng Tianchen's body, his heart shook!
He had expected that Meng Tianchen might have a hole card in his hand, so he just shot to suppress the space, and let Wu Guda make a shot to end his life.But at this moment, he really sensed Meng Tianchen's strength, and only then did he realize how correct this decision was.

If he had shot rashly before, without precautions, the consequences would be disastrous!

But at this moment, although he was shocked in his heart, he quickly calmed down, his eyes were dignified, but there was no panic or fear in the slightest!
Meng Tianchen, is this your real hidden power?

Really powerful!

But I am not afraid of you!

Zhang Zhan slowly raised his head, and met Meng Tianchen's murderous eyes full of lust, and the cold light in his eyes confronted him without showing any weakness!
He is the eldest son of her husband, and everyone knows that he has terrifying potential and extremely strong cultivation. Everyone knows that he has mastered an extremely mysterious treasure of another world!But no one knows how powerful it really is.

Because in the division capital, with his status, there are very few people who are qualified to let Zhang Zhan take action.

But today, he let the world know what he relied on to become the commander-in-chief of the Forbidden Army!
There was a flash of inspiration in his hand, and a treasure like a talisman appeared in his hand. Without any hesitation, Zhang Zhan exerted a little force on his hand, and the silver light splashed.

A wave of breath suddenly spread out from the talisman, covering the entire space.

"Meng Tianchen, you must die today."

Before the voice fell, the aura in his body suddenly surged at an astonishing speed!

Zhang Zhan is indeed the pinnacle of the seventh-rank emperor, and he has not become the king of the emperor realm, but the power accumulated in his body is far beyond the level of the general emperor realm king, and even the old emperor realm king is almost the same!

Over the years, he has been suppressing his own cultivation, otherwise, if he wants, he can make a breakthrough at any time, and his cultivation will be promoted to the rank eight Great Emperor!

Now, although he has not been promoted immediately, but his unreserved burst of cultivation is enough to give him the power to fight head-on with the eighth-rank emperor warrior. Coupled with the powerful and strange power of space, he is naturally confident that he can kill Meng Tianchen. !

"My supernatural powers haven't been completed yet, so if I do something today, it's enough to kill you!" Zhang Zhan felt the powerful force rushing freely in his body, closed his eyes slightly, and showed obsession on his face. Feels great.

"Sea of ​​Silence!"

He never opened his eyes, opened his mouth lightly, and the moment the sound fell, the entire space suddenly collapsed, and silver-white space power gushed out, sparkling in the flickering, like blades, releasing a palpitating cold light .

Between heaven and earth, it turned into a silver ocean!
The berserk aura that tore everything up soared into the sky, wantonly revealing his ferociousness and strength to the whole world!
(End of this chapter)

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