Chapter 945
Shi Ji nodded repeatedly when he heard the words, feeling a little more at ease in his heart.

"Senior brother is very right. It is the brother who is too unbearable and made the brother laugh."

Shi Xiang was equally terrified, but his mind was gloomy, he was always calm, and he had stronger self-control, and now he pondered a little.

"Let's go, let's continue chasing and killing Shi Yue. No matter who wins Meng Tianchen and Zhang Zhan, Shi Yue will die! Otherwise, you and I will join forces with Zhang Zhan and Wu Guda to plot against Meng Tianchen, and if we go after him Leaking, the teacher and His Majesty will not bypass us!"


Shi Xiang nodded fiercely. Although he is not in a good mood, he is not really stupid, otherwise he would not be able to cultivate to the current state.Now reminded by the teacher Xiang, he has naturally figured out the twists and turns of the matter.

The spiritual light flashed outside the two people's bodies, and they rushed forward with a whistling roar.

Outside the Mangu Territory, a large number of warriors entered it, but there are still many staying here, to see who can win the place for Gulongtan.

These warriors came from all over the world, and their identities were mixed. Naturally, they were not allowed to approach the child master Luanjia, and were driven away by the Golden Cavalry Army.

The palace used by the child master is a treasure that is extremely difficult to refine. It can be as big or small as you like, and the luxurious defense is even more astonishing.After all, as the master of Tongli Empire, although he has not entered the Mangu Realm, he will not stay in the void like an ordinary warrior.

"I've been busy with state affairs all year round, and I can finally relax for a while when I come to Mangu Domain." The child master stood in the courtyard, looking at the hunting void through the shining aura.

"Teacher, you said that this time the Mangu Realm is opened, who can win the three Gulongtan places?"

There are Golden Cavalry troops stationed outside, and the surrounding area has been cleared. Naturally, no warrior can get close to see this place.

Hearing this, Yi Zi bowed slightly to salute, pondered for a while, and then opened his mouth slowly.

"My father-in-law's husband Zhan, his cultivation base in his early years was already comparable to that of an eighth-rank emperor, plus he controlled a trace of space power. Not surprisingly, he should be the one in Gulongtan. Meng Tianchen of the Pot Kingdom is so mysterious that even I I can't see through it, and there are a lot of means hidden in him, so it shouldn't be difficult to win a Gulongtan spot. As for the third one." Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and still shook his head.

"Among the remaining warriors, there are quite a few eighth-rank great emperors, and each has a hole card in his hand. I don't know who can get it."

The child master nodded.

"What the teacher said is almost the same as what I think in my heart. Although Zhang Zhan is strong, but for some reason, I am more optimistic about Meng Tianchen! This matter in the Mangu Domain will inevitably face many strong competitors. This seat is I want to take this opportunity to force him to reveal more cards. This seat wants to see how many secrets are hidden in Meng Tianchen!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Yi Zi cupped his hands and opened his mouth.

He can naturally see the child master's plan, but the emperor's mind, even if he knows it, he must not know it, otherwise he will not know the depth of his advances and retreats, and troubles will eventually arise.

The boy master smiled faintly, he was very clear about Yi Zi's thoughts, but it was because of this that he was satisfied.But at this moment, his eyes fell on the Mangu Domain, and he let out a light sigh.

Yi Zi raised his head when he heard the sound, and just happened to see a cloud cluster suddenly appearing outside the void, and a faint star glow emanated from it. It seemed to condense into a picture shadow during the tumbling, but for some reason, it finally dissipated, and his eyebrows frowned. Couldn't help wrinkling slightly.

In the Mangu Realm, once there is a fight at the level of the eighth-rank Great Emperor, the Mangu Realm's forbidden formation will automatically open, releasing projections and the outside world for His Majesty the Child Master to watch.

But this is of course the superficial meaning, the real meaning is to warn the eighth-rank great emperor powerhouses in the ancient domain not to fight each other, otherwise every move will be exposed in front of everyone.

In this way, in order to avoid trouble, even if there is a fight between the eighth-rank emperors, it will mostly end with a winner, and there will be no killer if there is no deep hatred.

After all, every eighth-rank great emperor warrior has a very deep background. It's okay if someone unknowingly kills him, otherwise, once he is discovered, whether he wants to or not, the perpetrator will inevitably be attacked by the forces behind the fallen warrior .

"Teacher, the meteorite cloud has appeared, which means that there has been a battle of power at the level of the eighth-rank Great Emperor in the Mangu Territory. Why is there no image now?" The child master said in a low voice, his face slightly gloomy.

In the mind of the child master, a slight movement can generate a mighty pressure, which is irresistible!

Yi Zi also stepped out of a super strong man, but facing the child master's aura, his heart was still awe-inspiring for an instant, and he hurriedly bowed his head to show awe.

"Your Majesty, don't get angry. I will go to Lord Xuanjiao immediately to answer. He will definitely be able to explain this matter to Your Majesty."

The child master nodded slightly, and Yi Zi hurried away. A moment later, he came quickly with an important minister of the child power empire, and knelt down on the ground to salute the child master respectfully.

"Chen Jiaoyan, see Your Majesty."

"Jiao Yan, why did this meteorite cloud incident happen?" The child master said calmly, his voice was quite peaceful.

But Jiao Yan's forehead was covered with cold sweat.Hearing the words, he didn't dare to delay, and spoke respectfully.

"Your Majesty, although I'm in charge of trivial matters in the Mangu Region, I can't understand the Forbidden Formation of the Barbaric Region, so I don't know what happened to the current situation."

The child master was silent, and waved his hands slightly after a while, Jiao Yan, as if being pardoned, bowed respectfully and then retreated.

Looking at Man Guyu, he couldn't help frowning.

As the master of the child power empire, the child master is used to controlling everything in his hands, so he is quite displeased with this inexplicable situation beyond his control.

"Teacher, go and check this matter."

The child master opened his mouth lightly.

Yi Zi's heart was awe-inspiring. Although His Majesty's words were plain, he had already sensed the slight coldness in it. Although it was not strong, it was deadly enough!

Apparently, His Majesty has sensed some kind of aura provoking his majesty from this uncontrollable incident.

I'm afraid this matter is going to cause a storm.

Patriarch Zhang's face was pale. He looked up at the meteorite cloud appearing and then disappearing. For some reason, he suddenly felt uneasy.

"Zhang Zhan, this matter must not be related to you."

He spoke in a low voice, the blood on his face faded.

Having been in the court for many years, he has a good understanding of His Majesty's mind. He likes to be in control of everything, and he hates people trying to deceive the sage.And this kind of person, after being found, generally does not end well.


Supernatural powers, lonely empty sea.

Composed of the power of space, it is vast, boundless, and crazily scrolling and cutting. The space power can be torn or squeezed in the surging, and can explode with extremely fierce power to destroy everything.

This is the most powerful manifestation of space power!

According to rumors, in ancient times, there was a space power master who collapsed the entire void in a fit of rage, devoured the endless void, and could kill hundreds of millions of living beings with a single gesture.

The Ji Konghai that Zhang Zhan is currently displaying is far from this step, but the power of annihilating life that he can release can kill an ordinary eighth-rank great emperor warrior!
This is his true strength, to be able to become the governor of the imperial army, he naturally has his own advantages.

Meng Tianchen's face was solemn, and the spiritual light outside his body was shining, guarding him inside, resisting the forces from all directions.

The power of space is one of the strongest forces, so naturally it is not in vain!Whether it is the oppressive force of the crashing waves, or the tearing force of the sharp knife-like rotating cutting, each of them has extremely powerful power, and the horror cannot be resisted!
Even if Meng Tianchen's cultivation level is comparable to that of the veteran king of the imperial realm, he may be safe in a short period of time in the sea of ​​emptiness formed by the power of space, but if he is trapped in it for a long time and cannot escape, he will still be unable to escape. perish.

Zhang Zhan dared to chase and kill him and entered the Mangu Domain, so he really had something to rely on!

Although Meng Tianchen has experienced too many winds and rains in his life, he has never experienced any kind of crisis and predicament. The current situation is dangerous, but he is not without strength. Although his face is solemn, his eyes are calm and there is no panic.

To take a step back, even if he can't break free from Jikonghai's supernatural power, don't forget that he still has the Monument of the Demon God and Shurayan in his hand!If the situation is urgent, he will not desperately use the power of Qinglong's bloodline to the limit!
At that time, Zhang Zhan's Sea of ​​Silence will be broken, and he can even be chopped off directly.

But Meng Tianchen was worried, he was worried that once too many hole cards were revealed, the child master, and even some old antiques in the child power empire would know about it.

But at this moment, Meng Tianchen suddenly raised his head, his eyes gleamed with a dazzling luster, and his eyes swept across the surroundings, as sharp as a knife.

Although his body does not control any mystery of the power of space, the magic wheel avatar is extremely mysterious. Long ago, Meng Tianchen learned that the power controlled by the magic wheel avatar contains the power of space!
Even if the magic wheel avatar is still in the distant Pot Kingdom, this does not prevent him from relying on the power of the magic wheel avatar.

This Lonely Sky Sea is formed by Zhang Zhan relying on the mysterious and terrifying space treasure, forcibly tearing apart the space, and summoning the power of deep space turbulence.

If you fall into it, there is only one way to escape safely!
Defeat Ji Konghai and open a passage!

This method is very stupid, but it is the only way to break Ji Konghai.

Zhang Zhan shot with all his strength and directly used Ji Konghai, hoping to kill Meng Tianchen directly in the shortest possible time, so as to prevent the strong in the sensor from approaching and let the news of his attack be publicized.

But relying on this magical power to kill Meng Tianchen, what a joke!

In Meng Tianchen's chest, a haughty air of contempt was born instantly, between the brows and the flesh and blood, the undead power flowing with aura of aura suddenly burst into glory at this moment, streams of light flowed quickly along the zigzag lines, and at the same time, a A blatantly immortal aura burst out of his body!

Meng Tianchen's mind turned, and the power outside his body seemed to be stimulated, and it suddenly surged wildly at an astonishing speed.

Powerful, domineering, immortal, eternal, looking down upon all things!

It seems that there is nothing invincible in this world!
No matter how difficult and dangerous you are, I will defeat you in one battle!
At the same time, a golden light flickered in Meng Tianchen's Sea of ​​Consciousness, and he forcibly borrowed a sliver of power from the magic wheel avatar.

The foot stepped down, and the muffled sound suddenly exploded, even in this sea of ​​silence, it can be clearly heard, like an ancient giant's foot landing on the ground, the whole space suddenly shook, even the endlessly circulating power of space seemed to be captured by this One step was shocking, and there was a sudden sluggishness in the flow, and there was an instant pause.

(End of this chapter)

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