Chapter 955

Things went wrong with the plan, and now she is fighting with the devil snake from another world, no matter who wins, it is afraid that Meng Tianchen will benefit from it.

Thinking of this, Linxiang's magical power weakened immediately, and the ribbon's restraint on the otherworldly snake was also slightly loosened.The savage beast had already sensed the danger, and felt that the Linxiang ribbon was slightly loose, and immediately struggled violently. This might be its chance to escape.

Linxiang alone could barely withstand it, but at this moment, it sensed Meng Tianchen's gaze, which made the strange snake's body stiff, and it was hard to suppress the panic in its heart.If Meng Tianchen makes another move, it is afraid that it will only have a dead end.

This savage beast king has already begun to retreat.

"Brother Meng, hurry up and help me. I can't hold on any longer. Be careful to let the otherworldly snake escape." Lin Xiang exclaimed, his pretty face was flustered, and he looked at Meng Tianchen with bright eyes, completely forgetting that it was just now. She sent a black-clothed swordsman to kill Meng Tianchen.

What she said was both a reminder and a threat, if Meng Tianchen really didn't want to make a move and made up his mind to reap the benefits, then she would really let this strange snake go.Otherwise, even if she tried her best to kill this wild beast, it would be useless to make a wedding dress for others, and someone would even take the opportunity to erase it.That being the case, knowing that letting go of the otherworldly demon snake is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain, she will still do so.Even if you die, you have to drag everyone to be buried with you!

Meng Tianchen understood Linxiang's meaning, and he nodded slightly without any strange expression on his face.

"Okay, you and I join hands to kill the otherworldly snake!" It was clean and tidy, without haggling at all.

Lin Xiang's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "Brother Meng is really straightforward, why don't you and I expose all the previous matters, and discuss other matters after killing this beast, how about it?"

"it is good!"

Before Meng Tianchen could finish his voice, he took a step forward and the spiritual light flickered outside his body, and his figure had already emerged.

Stretch out with one hand, and slap it down brazenly forward!
The huge palm blade transformed into a huge and unparalleled black blade!

There was a sudden shock in the space, the huge and unparalleled black blade, the whole body was pitch black, and the aura was cold and tyrannical, just like the blade of a demon king, it slapped the snake from another world.

At this moment, he shot, but he didn't hold back, and he had already exploded with all his strength.

Surprise flashed in the depths of Linxiang's eyes, as if she had never thought that Meng Tianchen would work so hard. She paused for a moment when she originally wanted to play by ear, but then she understood what Meng Tianchen meant, and now she is beheading the aliens. The best opportunity for the world demon snake, if it is missed to let it escape, and then return after recuperating from its injuries, all of them will die!Glancing at Meng Tianchen, the woman finally let go of some calculations in her heart. With a coquettish drink, the pink ribbon was tightened immediately, restraining the demonic snake from the other world, and she raised her crisp hand slightly, and immediately released a treasure like a fishing net, and went straight to The otherworldly demon snake left.

This treasure is made of snow-white velvet thread weaving in a cross pattern, forming spaces of uniform size, but on this snow-white velvet thread, hook-shaped needles are fastened, and after the treasure is released, the wind quickly spins and shines There was a cloud of cold light, which made one's scalp tingle at a glance!This treasure looks inconspicuous, but it is extremely vicious. Once wrapped around the upper body, the rotating hooks can be directly inserted into the flesh and blood. No matter how hard you struggle, you will never get out.And the more you struggle, the more pain you will bring out!

The wounds all over the body of the strange snake should be thanks to this poisonous treasure.If it wasn't because of its physical strength, if it were a weaker beast, it would have been torn to pieces under this treasure.

With a swing of its giant tail, it collided brazenly with the black blade that Meng Tianchen slashed.

The black sharp blade was smashed to pieces, and a large piece of scale armor collapsed at the tail of the strange snake. The wound cut by Linxiang's net treasure had collapsed and torn again before it fully healed, and blood spurted out frantically.

With the self-healing power of the otherworldly snake, it could have allowed the surface of the wound to butt up and grow quickly to prevent blood loss, but when the black blade was smashed, a cold breath burst out and merged into the flesh and blood of its tail.This breath was extremely yin to cold, and it crazily damaged the vitality of the otherworldly snake's flesh and blood, and even offset most of its body's self-healing power. Although the wound was slowly shrinking, the blood still flowed continuously.

At the same time, Linxiang suddenly contracted the ribbon-shaped magical power, and the net-shaped magic weapon also fell at this moment, passing across the body of the strange snake, cutting countless fine wounds again.It seems that the injury is not serious, but it has already destroyed the amazing defensive scale armor on it, which is equivalent to breaking the defense method that the strange snake relies on most.

The angry roar came from the mouth of the otherworldly demon snake, and its fright and panic could be clearly sensed. The combination of Meng Tianchen and Lin Xiang was enough to knock it down completely.Even though the physical body of this thing is tyrannical and its vitality is amazingly tenacious, it still cannot last for too long.

The injuries on his body became more and more serious, and the feeling of weakness in his body became stronger and stronger, making the struggle of the strange snake gradually become weak. Although it was still struggling, it was doomed to be cut off.

Meng Tianchen was expressionless. The alien snake is a well-known ominous creature. If it hadn't happened to be weak today, and it had been wounded repeatedly, how could it be so easy to deal with.Right now is the best time to cut it down, he will naturally not be careless and give it a little chance to escape.

With every gesture, the supernatural powers poured out and slammed down towards the otherworldly snake.

Linxiang's pretty face was also tense, and he tied the body of the alien snake with ribbon magic power, and manipulated the net magic weapon to cut wildly on its huge body.

The two shot with all their strength, and the otherworldly snake was getting more and more injured, and was on the verge of death.The black scales all over its body have been completely broken, large and small wounds are all over the whole body, the wounds are turned outwards, and the blood is continuously flowing, which has burned its whole body red, and every time it struggles, more blood will be gushed out, like rain. The yellow sand is scattered.

The body gradually became colder, and it had already sensed the approach of death, but it was still unwilling to die like this. In the struggle, perhaps it was a flash of light, and at this moment, the demon snake from another world broke out with powerful power again.At the same time, the terrifying wounds on its body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the broken black scales were also being repaired quickly.

Seeing this scene, Meng Tianchen and Linxiang were slightly startled, and then a little happy.

The alien snake is about to die!

The flashback can make it erupt in a short period of time with a power that is almost comparable to the peak period, but it is destined to not be able to last for too long. As long as it can persist for this moment, its power will quickly fade away and then die.But at this time, the alien snake is undoubtedly in the most dangerous state. It has already known the end of its inevitable death, and frantically squandered its remaining power, wanting Lameng Tianchen and Linxiang to be buried with it!

Linxiang's face changed, and the power of the alien snake increased greatly. The ribbon-shaped magical power she used to restrain the beast suddenly trembled violently, and there was a faint feeling that it was about to collapse.

"Brother Meng, give me a helping hand!" At this time, if the alien snake breaks free from its restraints, it will inevitably release extremely terrifying power, and even pose a great threat to the safety of the two of them.

Meng Tianchen heard the words without any pause, Shadow Killer made a move, black blade!
An even bigger and terrifying black blade suddenly appeared in the sky, as if a god or demon in the sky had shot, with a sinister aura!
The black blade slashed down and fell from the sky, and with a loud bang, it was crushed into the sea of ​​sand!

Gathering the strength of Meng Tianchen and Linxiang, at this moment, they can barely suppress the ferocious alien snake. Its huge body is churning and beating wildly on the sand sea, causing the whole sand sea to tremble violently, setting off waves and sand tides. , Sweeping wildly in all directions, stirring up yellow sand all over the sky, covering the sky and blocking out the sun!

Amidst the loud bang, the last power of the otherworldly snake was quickly exhausted.The savage king suddenly raised his head high, his ten eyes were filled with resentment and resentment, and he let out a sharp whistle, which resounded through the entire yellow sand power world at this moment.

The next moment, its huge body suddenly became limp.


It fell into the sea of ​​sand, revealing a long ravine, and the wounds on the body that had been forcibly healed due to the burst of powerful force collapsed again, tearing a lot of flesh and blood, the black scales were shattered, and trickles of blood flowed out quickly.

The savage king, the alien demon snake, is a terrifying existence that is almost close to the emperor. After several twists and turns, he still ended up being cut off.

In the whole world of yellow sand, there was a sudden gust of wind, and countless yellow sand rose into the sky, "Woooo!" The sound of wind and sand seemed to be crying.The decaying breath of death spread from the space, and the space of the yellow sand power monument was cut off along with the alien snake, and died together, turning into a dead power monument world!
Meng Tianchen withdrew his hands, his face turned pale slightly, and his mouth gasped slightly. In order to kill the demon snake from the other world, the strength in his body wasted a lot.Looking at the huge corpse stretching thousands of miles at this moment, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

Now that the demon snake from the other world is dead, and the space of the monument of power has entered a state of death without an owner, they already have the qualifications to tear apart the space and leave.It's just that before that, there are still some things that need to be resolved to determine the ownership of the corpse of the alien snake.

In the Ancient Realm, the body of the otherworldly demon snake not only represented its own preciousness, but also the key to the hunting ranking.If you can get this object in its entirety, it is equivalent to having one of the three Gulongtan places in your hands.Such a temptation is enough to make any warrior's heart flutter.

Linxiang's pupils were of a different color, but there was a smile on her pretty face, like a peach blossom blooming, charming and seductive, and her cherry lips were lightly parted, revealing neat and small white teeth.

"Brother Meng, you and I will work together to kill the demonic snake from another world. Otherwise, it will be considered as a shared property between you and me. How about it?"

While speaking, she moved forward with lotus steps and took a step forward, the gust of wind brought a faint fragrance, quiet and elegant, like Titian from her daughter's house, faintly wafting.

Meng Tianchen had no expression on his face. This woman is not weak at cultivating the technique of charm, but it is not enough to shake his mind.He was slightly silent when he heard the words, and nodded slowly after a while.

"Okay, as you say."

(End of this chapter)

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