Chapter 957 Promoted to the Eighth Grade Great Emperor
The strength of this beast has exceeded his imagination!

The strongest in the Emperor's Realm may be even stronger!

If it waits for it to make a real move, maybe Meng Tianchen will lose even the chance to resist!Being on the verge of death at such a close distance, Meng Tianchen didn't hesitate at all under the threat of the cold destructive aura, a light flashed in his hand, and the Monument of the Demon God had directly appeared in his hand, releasing a frightening dark golden radiance.

As if sensing a crisis, the Monument of the Demon God moved slightly, and a fierce aura shot up into the sky!The black texture on it squirmed rapidly, locking on to the magic dragon in an instant, releasing an incomparably terrifying aura of destruction!

Momanglong's heart trembled suddenly, and the overwhelming wave of consciousness stopped instantly. Its huge eyes looked at the dazzling black gold through the crack of the collapse, showing shock and fear.

Locked by this breath, it sensed great danger, even threatening its life!Momanglong is already the most powerful emperor, and his physical body is strong and indestructible. Unless a demigod takes action, he is confident that no one in the world can kill him, but at this moment, the crisis sensed from this dark golden color is so clear. It made the Momanglong's body stiff, and the fierce ultimate move that followed was interrupted.

But its reaction was extremely fast. At the moment when it stopped shooting, there was a roar in its mouth, its body curled up high, a layer of black light gushed out from its body, and it became slightly viscous during the rolling, covering the entire figure of the magic dragon. .

Outside the Mangu Territory, the boy master and Yi Zi were shocked.No one knows the power of the Demon Dragon better than them, and it is definitely the most peak existence under the demigod.The forces that have not yet completely collapsed blocked their sight. I don't know what the Momanglong saw, and he assumed a posture like an enemy?
The golden light released by the Monument of the Demon God became stronger and stronger, and the black texture imprinted on it trembled slightly, as if it was about to break free from its restraints, and shot out in anger to tear everything apart!
"Now is not the time to use the Monument of the Demon God." Meng Tianchen said lightly, his voice was calm without any emotional fluctuations, and his whole aura changed drastically, becoming ethereal, indifferent, cold and unfathomable.There was a slight flash of inspiration in his hand, and he had put the Monument of the Demon God into the storage ring, and slowly raised his head to look at the Demon Dragon, his face was indifferent, his eyes were calm, without any waves.

This calmness and indifference is not intentional, it seems that he is like this naturally, even if the world destroys hundreds of millions of living beings, he cannot be moved.This is an absolute detached gesture, built on unparalleled strength, his eyes seem calm but he stares at everything in the world, any existence is meaningless to him, existence or destruction is all in a single thought.

Facing the Momanglong, in the midst of a life-and-death crisis, Meng Tianchen once again entered this icy-cold state.

Perhaps, this state can be called the state of God. In a short period of time, while maintaining the state of mind, one enters an absolutely cold and indifferent state, like a god overlooking all things and common people, possessing a power almost as powerful as a god.

In the magic light dragon's induction, the aura that was so sharp that it almost made him sense the threat of life and death suddenly disappeared, making it a little bit suspicious.He could sense Meng Tianchen's cultivation clearly, comparable to an eighth-rank Great Emperor's aura, although not weak, but in front of it, he was no different from an ant, if it wasn't for the treasure in the opponent's hand that made him afraid to make a move, the ant would have perished.

But now Meng Tianchen put away this treasure, could it be that he wants to ask for death?

Momanglong looked at Meng Tianchen, just in time to meet his eyes, his mind froze and almost froze instantly!What a pair of eyes, cold and ruthless, indifferent and cold, like a god's slander overlooking it, giving it a long-lost sense of fear and irresistibility!Even when Meng Tianchen took out the Monument of the Demon God, although it was afraid, it was never as unbearable as it is now.Just one look is almost unbearable!This power has exceeded its expectations!

Demi god!

Only a demigod warrior, this kind of supreme existence, can bring it such a terrifying sense of oppression.If it was really a demigod warrior who killed the alien snake, no matter how resentful it was, it would not dare to provoke it.But soon Momanglong realized that something was wrong. Although the martial artist in front of him had a great change in his aura and possessed some powers like a demigod, his aura remained unchanged and remained at the rank eight Great Emperor.

Two groups of raging flames burned in the huge eyes of the magic dragon, because it remembered an ancient legend.

A demigod warrior possesses the power to destroy heaven and earth, just like a high-ranking god, above everything in the world.But this god-like existence is not impossible to perish, but their realm has surpassed a certain limit, and it is extremely difficult to be completely killed. Even if they perish, the remnant soul can reincarnate and regain new life.When the cultivation base of the reincarnated body has improved to a certain level, it will naturally open and accept the memory of the previous life, and have the possibility of stepping into the demigod again.

And Meng Tianchen is very likely to be the reincarnation of a certain demigod almighty long ago!

Thinking of this, Mo Manglong looked at Meng Tianchen again, and felt that things were just as he had guessed, otherwise how could he explain the changes in him at this moment.

The Momang Dragon was completely immersed in excitement and anticipation. It looked at Meng Tianchen, and all the resentment and hatred faded away, leaving only the endless heat.It has been promoted to the realm of the emperor for tens of thousands of years, but it has been a coincidence to reach this step, and it is almost hopeless to go further.The stagnation of cultivation for tens of thousands of years undoubtedly directly proved this point.But at this moment, there is an opportunity to change its fate right now!
Swallow Meng Tianchen!
If he is really the reincarnation of a demigod, there must be a demigod's inheritance hidden in his body, and if he devours him, the magic dragon may inherit all this!This kind of inheritance can even help him go one step further, break through the shackles of his cultivation base and set foot on the demigod!If this can be done, it is tantamount to directly expanding its future, opening a path to the supreme existence!
Breaking away from this barbaric ancient realm, detached from this chaotic world, truly free.

In the eyes of the world, the supreme emperor is already an untouchable figure, but only when he has truly reached this level and sensed the power of the demigod, can he know what is truly supreme and invincible!In the eyes of demigod warriors, the emperor and the strongest are not weak, but that's all there is to it. If you want to kill, you can only do it with a gesture of your hand.The power gap between the two sides is as unimaginable as the gap between heaven and earth.

Therefore, after seeing the possibility of stepping into the demigod, the excitement in Momanglong's heart is beyond words.At this moment, it has completely forgotten the hatred of the death of its only son, and what it has is only greed and passion.

After a short period of thought, the remaining sliver of fear in his heart was completely thrown away by it. This is the only chance for him to break free from the shackles of fate and soar into the sky. , What's the use of being trapped in the barbaric ancient domain for a lifetime!Even though Meng Tianchen is the reincarnation of a demigod, his real power is only the eighth-rank Great Emperor, and with his cultivation level of the strongest emperor, it may not be impossible to kill it!

Opportunity seeks in danger, when let go!
The demon dragon raised its head and let out a crazy roar, the aura of the emperor and the strongest erupted, spreading wildly to the surroundings like a huge ocean wave, shaking the entire ancient domain!At this moment, countless warriors or savage beasts looked up into the depths of the void in amazement, their hearts were shocked and filled with endless awe.

This is below a demigod, the strongest power in the world!
It wantonly displayed its powerful power, and challenged Meng Tianchen!

In the space of the Fragmented Force Monument, Meng Tianchen looked at Momanglong, his expression was still calm, and he never showed the slightest strange color because of the power it displayed. It seemed that its strength was meaningless to him .

"Are you challenging me?" As he whispered, his eyes gradually brightened, and then he shook his head slightly.

"It's a pity that the current power is still too weak. If you want to kill such an ant, you need to rely on external power."

As the voice fell, he stretched out one hand from the sleeve of his robe, and slapped it down calmly into the depths of the yellow sand world.The direction where the palm fell was exactly where Di Tianzhen's shattered disk was located. Wen Su and more than a dozen warriors sensed the breath of the most powerful Momanglong Emperor, and their faces were pale without a trace of blood.But now facing Meng Tianchen's palm, a severe life and death crisis suddenly appeared in their hearts.


Wen Su let out a roar of unwillingness, broke free from the suppression, and wanted to escape.But at this moment, his figure was moving, but he was suddenly stiff and motionless, the aura outside his body disappeared immediately, and a gust of wind blew by, his physical body collapsed and turned into dust.

Around Wensu, more than a dozen seventh-rank emperor warriors ended up in the same fate as him, and were wiped out in an instant.

A palm print silently appeared on the ground above the sea of ​​sand, the size of a hundred miles, dark and bottomless.

In Mengtianchen Zifu, the remnants of dozens of warriors including Wen Su appeared directly.The roulette floated up by itself, and delicate and fine textures grew rapidly, and the rich golden light burst out instantly, illuminating his entire purple mansion.

In this golden light, all the remnant souls were instantly suppressed, devoured by the roulette without the slightest resistance.After a short pause, the mighty force like a river bursting its banks frantically gushed out from the roulette and merged into Meng Tianchen's body.All the remnant souls in the roulette were simultaneously refined at this moment, releasing extremely terrifying power!

But seeing the violent tremors in the space around Meng Tianchen, the power on his body climbed up like a beam of light, breaking through the bottleneck in an instant, promoted!
Promoted to the seventh-rank emperor, and became a strong man in the upper emperor realm.

But, this is just the beginning!
Eighth Grade Great Emperor!

Still climbing!
Climb all the way to the peak of the Eighth Grade Great Emperor!

At the same time, in the Zifu, the golden light of the roulette is even better. Although its shape has not changed, the golden texture on the surface has become more fine and complex. The color of the golden body is a bit thicker and more solid than before. In the soul, the roulette also gained great benefits, and the golden light it released also skyrocketed again at this moment, the brilliance was too dazzling to look directly at!

(End of this chapter)

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