Chapter 959 The Golden Finger

The demigod, to the Linglong Great World, has transcended the constraints and confinement of any rules, and is the most powerful peak existence in this world. The Linglong Great World is so big, and there are hundreds of millions of living beings, there are only a few who can finally set foot on the demigod !Even if the child master succeeds in attracting Meng Tianchen, from now on, he will treat him with courtesy and will never despise him at all, this is the respect he deserves in his capacity.

Just speaking of this, the child master looked at the projection, but couldn't help frowning slightly.

"It seems that Momanglong has also sensed the secret of Meng Tianchen, and he is going to take a risk and take a chance."

"Hmph! Although Meng Tianchen has not received the inheritance from the reincarnation of the demigod, but at the moment of crisis, he has obviously obtained some power of the demigod for the time being. Even if it is not much, it is not something that warriors of the supreme emperor realm can contend with! Manglong aimed his ideas at Meng Tianchen, fearing that he would seek his own death, and he would be doomed!" Yi Zi sneered.

Momanglong didn't think that he would die, at this moment its whole mind had been enveloped by the temptation to break through the demigod.Instead of being trapped in the Barbaric Ancient Territory and being banned, it is better to fight with all your strength, and maybe you will be able to soar into the sky!But facing Meng Tianchen, it still didn't dare to be careless, its huge eyes were full of coldness and fear.It's just the desire-desire in his heart, which gradually made him impatient. With a roar in his mouth, a different breath suddenly descended, covering the entire void.From the outside, there is no change, but if you feel it carefully, you will find that the connection between this space and the outside world has been completely cut off, as if separated from the void, forming an independent world!
This side of the world is the power monument space of Momanglong!
Empty, with nothing, directly capture Meng Tianchen into the space of the power monument, not giving the opponent a chance to get away!In this space, its power can be superimposed to the greatest extent, while Meng Tianchen will be suppressed!

The Momang Dragon is passionate about the opportunity to break through the demigod, but it is not impulsive and has no calculations. It let out a roar, and its giant tail slammed down, and its whole body turned into a black shadow. go.

Ordinary savage beasts don't cultivate supernatural powers or refine treasures. Their biggest reliance is their physical body. After countless years of careful tempering, their teeth and claws are the strongest attack methods of savage beasts!
But there are always surprises.

The magic dragon is a savage beast that has been cultivating supernatural powers. Although there is only one kind, it is born with it, and its power is terrifying after years of hard work!The scarlet unicorn on its head shot out a crimson aura without warning, and in a flash, it seemed to penetrate the barrier of space, appearing directly beside Meng Tianchen, and burrowed into his body.

Momanglong's eyes were slightly dimmed, and the blood glow obviously took a toll on him, but at this moment, he couldn't help but be overjoyed to see the supernatural powers in his hands!Its blood glow supernatural power is an innate supernatural power, but it can suppress the mind. With its current cultivation base, it can do it with all its strength, even if it is a reincarnated body of a demigod, it will be imprisoned for a moment!And this time is enough for it.

The giant tail swayed wildly, its whole figure was even faster, it opened its mouth wide and went straight to Meng Tianchen to swallow it!As long as you enter its mouth and bite down with sharp teeth, no matter what your status is, you will be directly chewed into a ball of meat paste!For his own strength and the sharpness of his teeth, Momanglong has absolute confidence in his heart!
Meng Tianchen looked at the huge figure galloping towards him, his face was calm, his eyes lighted up slightly, but the coldness and indifference in his eyes did not decrease in the slightest, but became more intense, with a faint chill in the calmness.Although thin, it represents death and extinction.

Under the frightened and angry eyes of the Momanglong, he slowly raised his hand, stretched out one hand from the sleeve of his robe, and pointed at it!
The crimson aura entered the body, but it didn't affect him at all!

With one finger down, a touch of extreme compression, the dazzling golden color instantly appeared on Meng Tianchen's fingertips, like a scorching sun between heaven and earth, releasing endless light and heat, illuminating the entire space!
The golden aura slowly stretched and turned into a golden finger, the size of an ordinary person, with clear palm lines, because the golden aura it emitted was too strong, covering all the dim colorful colors without being touched by anyone. people notice.And at the moment when the golden finger appeared, the blood flow in Momanglong's whole body stopped instantly, making it envelop him with the cold breath of death. This feeling was so strong and real that it seemed to have foreseen his own death. Outrage and panic.

When the golden finger appeared in front of Meng Tianchen, it was already outside the huge head of the Demon Dragon amidst the shining golden light.In the next breath, the golden light subsided, and a blood hole appeared between the two huge eyes of the Momanglong. The surrounding flesh and blood seemed to be burnt and disappeared in an instant. It was smooth and smooth, revealing bright red blood, but no blood flowed out.

There was still fear in the huge eyes of the Demon Dragon, but the pupils had been dilated, dim and without any luster.

With the most powerful cultivation base of the Demon Dragon Emperor, plus the aura outside his body and the black scale armor with amazing defense, he had no resistance at all under the golden finger, and was instantly wiped out!From the outside, its entire body didn't suffer any damage, but the golden fingers that disappeared between its eyes had already obliterated its mind!This majestic and terrifying beast, a demigod supreme existence, was killed directly in an instant!
Meng Tianchen's eyes dimmed suddenly, although he still maintained absolute coldness and indifference, it was difficult to conceal a deep exhaustion.This golden finger is the Su Heng seal condensed after Meng Tianchen's promotion to the eighth-rank great emperor, after the strange transformation of the immortal heart.

This Su Heng Seal, compared to before, is so terrifyingly powerful!
The only thing that makes Meng Tianchen regret is that this Su Hengyin consumes too much power of immortality!

Fortunately, the transformed immortal heart no longer falls into dead silence, and is derived all the time, deriving slight traces of immortal power.

The remnant soul of the demon dragon appeared in Mengtianchen Zifu, but it seemed to maintain a little wisdom, roaring and struggling frantically under the golden light of the roulette, and with the power of the roulette, it couldn't be sealed off smoothly at this moment!


Meng Tianchen let out a low snort, Guangling's mind was beating, and a streak of seven colors suddenly shot into the remnant soul of the Demon Dragon.The demon dragon's remnant soul trembled suddenly, and its resistance suddenly weakened.Seeing this, the roulette will miss a good opportunity, the golden light soars, and slowly pulls it to the side, the remnant soul of the magic dragon shrinks rapidly, and is finally swallowed by the roulette.

However, the demon dragon is the most powerful emperor, and its remnant soul is so powerful. It is extremely difficult to refine it in the current state of the roulette. It lasted for a while before it was barely suppressed.After doing this, the roulette was silent, and there was no more breath coming from it.

Helping Roupan to suppress the remnant soul of the demon dragon, the magic power in Meng Tianchen's purple mansion was almost exhausted, and the tiredness in his eyes became heavier. He reluctantly raised his hand, and a flash of inspiration flashed, and put the huge body of the demon dragon into the storage ring.

His current state is still unstable. He repeatedly forcibly raised his cultivation level and used more power than he could bear to kill the magic dragon. He also suffered a lot of wear and tear. He may have to sleep for a long time to recover. .

Meng Tianchen closed his eyes, but opened them again in an instant, the ethereal and cold aura disappeared, and his own thoughts regained control over his body.At the last moment when he activated the Demon God Monument, the dark space in the hidden sea of ​​consciousness reappeared, occupying the dominance and control over the body.

During this period, Meng Tianchen's will was completely awake, and he was able to see everything that happened, but he couldn't sense any pain from his physical body, and he couldn't control everything he did.

It seemed to be cut off, and even when the physical body was completely destroyed by the rushing power in his body, he didn't bear the pain at all.

Meng Tianchen's eyes suddenly darkened, but he forced himself to suppress the shock in his heart, and his thoughts turned rapidly.The dark space is too weird and mysterious.

Although the roulette devoured the remnant soul of the demon dragon, it was obvious that he was not qualified to refine it in a short period of time, and he could not get any supplement of power.The pain in the body, the emptiness of power behind Su Heng's seal, and the torment of waiting between life and death made Meng Tianchen's mind bear a heavy temper. If it was any other warrior, his mind would collapse at this moment, and he might die in an instant.

But Meng Tianchen did not give up, and slowly operated the secret method with difficulty, cultivated, and recovered.

Time passed bit by bit, and now, for Meng Tianchen, every breath of time is a painful torment, as long as a class every year, but it is precisely in this kind of pain that he is still struggling.

Suddenly, a huge meteorite closest to Meng Tianchen in Mangu Realm suddenly lit up, and a beam of chaotic spiritual power dazzlingly shot into the sky.And the appearance of this beam of chaotic spiritual power seemed to start some kind of chain reaction.With Meng Tianchen as the core point, huge meteorites light up quickly, and a beam of chaotic spiritual power shoots up into the sky.

A phantom of a large formation emerged in the ancient domain, and each meteorite was a node of the formation. An ancient, vast and powerful aura emanated from the phantom of the formation.

And at the moment when this large array of phantoms appeared, an invisible force of traction appeared instantly, and the soaring beam of light suddenly bent as if attracted, and the beam of chaotic spiritual power spread wildly, converging towards where Meng Tianchen was.Looking down from a high altitude, one can clearly see that the beam of chaotic spiritual power is like a river rushing, and the vast soup converges into a nine-day galaxy, which hangs down from the void, and the place directly below it is where Meng Tianchen is.

The galaxy composed of pure spiritual light instantly enveloped Meng Tianchen, and pure and powerful forces seemed to be attracted by some kind of force, rushing madly into his body!These strands of power are pure and powerful. The vast soup is endless and contains endless vitality. When it enters Meng Tianchen's body, it directly begins to restore his nearly collapsed body. Restoration, the withered and dim mind in Zifu suddenly became a little more angry, and golden light kept flashing.When this power repaired Meng Tianchen's physical body, it was also replenishing the huge emptiness in his body after the war.

(End of this chapter)

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