Chapter 12
Yanyan and Wu Guli were fighting in the tent, they didn't want to make too much noise and alarm the eldest sister.The two were so frightened that they immediately put away the pillows, quickly lay down obediently and put on the quilt, pretending to be obedient and obedient, not daring to move.After a while, seeing Hu Nian still standing there staring at the two of them, Yanyan didn't dare to make a sound, but only poked in the black bone, motioning for the second sister to speak.

Wuguli had no choice but to bite the bullet and apologize to Hu Nian: "Sister, you haven't slept yet?"

Hu Nian rolled his eyes, and said with a sneer, "Can I still sleep when the noise is so loud? If I don't come here again, I can hear your noise from my father's side. I see, you two can't be together In the tent. Yanyan, you go to sleep in my tent."

Yanyan was startled, she rushed forward and hugged Wu Guli, and shouted: "No, no, my second sister and I have already fallen asleep, so don't change."

"No change? If you don't change, you still have to fight."

Wu Guli also hurriedly smiled and hugged Yanyan: "No, no, we didn't fight, we are getting better."

"Yes, yes, my second sister and I are on good terms."

Hu Nian had no choice but to say, "Don't let me hear you making noise again, otherwise, we will all be separated tomorrow." After speaking, he lifted the curtain and went out.Wu Guli and Yanyan looked at each other and smiled, sticking out their tongues.

"It's so fierce."

"That's right, it's so fierce, whoever marries her must be very pitiful." The two little girls were talking vigorously, when suddenly the curtain was lifted, and Hu Nian went back and forth.

The two were so frightened that they quickly pulled up the quilt and threw themselves on the bed, closing their eyes and pretending to be asleep.Hu Nian naturally knew that, and secretly scolded these two little bastards for making her up behind her back, but he could only shake his head, twist the quilt, blow out the candle, and retreated.

Seeing that the eldest sister was gone, the two little bastards immediately opened their eyes and snickered, then pinched me again, and I pushed you to make a fuss, but they didn't dare to make too much noise, so they only secretly exerted force.

Hu Nian could hear clearly from outside, but he smiled helplessly and shook his head.

The maid Fuhui asked: "Miss, do you want to go back to the tent and rest?"

After thinking for a while, Hu Nian went to Xiao Siwen's tent. She still had something to discuss with her father.

Candles were brightly lit in the tent, and Xiao Siwen was crouching over his desk to review the memorial, when he saw Hu Nian come in with the door curtain open, he stopped writing and asked, "Is Yanyan asleep?"

Hu Nian poured a bowl of milk tea for his father with a pot, and said with a smile: "Not yet, tonight she and Wu Guli should have met the boy they liked while dancing, talking about the little girl's thoughts together, It is estimated that it will be very late."

Xiao Siwen took a sip of the milk tea, put it down, and sighed: "The third house in the horizontal tent has never stopped fighting for the throne over the years. Now that it's spring season, you should be more careful."

Hu Nian hurriedly responded: "Dad, don't worry, I will watch over my sisters."

"That's all for nothing, she's got a grumpy temper at best, but Yanyan has been making trouble every now and then since she was a child, you have to be careful."

Hu Nian naturally knew what his father meant. When she came out this time, Yanyan was cautious in the first few days, but after a few days of running, she became more courageous. Ren was worried about her, and entrusted Xiao Darin to follow and supervise, and rescued Yelu Xianhe in time.During this period of time, a lot of things happened, big and small, so she had to smile and help Yanyan explain: "Father, this kind of thing happens often, the children of our grasslands will never bump into each other. I have already taught her what happened that day, and she also knows that she was wrong."

"She knows she's wrong? Every time she gets into trouble when she's mischievous, you always say she'knows she's wrong', but next time, she'll just keep getting into trouble, hmph!"

Hu Nian had no choice but to continue to persuade: "Father, when my mother was dying, she took my hand and said: 'You are the eldest sister, take good care of the younger sisters, Yanyan is the youngest, and she is the one I worry about the most.' For mother's sake, please forgive her one more time." Ever since she was a child, every time Yanyan got into trouble and Hu Nian couldn't protect Hu Nian, she could only pull her dead mother to intercede for Yanyan, and most of the results were very good.Every time Xiao Siwen thought about the death of his late wife, Yanyan was still unaware, and his heart softened.

But this trick has been used a lot, and Xiao Siwen will be immune: "Hmph, don't mention your mother, you have to follow your mother's temper, a aggressive monkey like Yanyan, she has to be beaten three times a day."

Princess Yelulu Bugu of the Kingdom of Yan is a Khitan woman through and through, and her temper when she beats up a child is not weaker than that of the former queen Sagezhi. My mother beat me countless times.

Hu Nian covered her mouth with a smile: "At that time, I'm afraid it's your old man who will stop her from beating her. Besides, even if I don't stop you, are you really willing to beat her? If you really make up your mind, who am I?" I can't stop it!"

Xiao Siwen was choked, and was speechless for a moment, so he could only hum heavily.

Hu Nian smiled and stepped forward to rub Xiao Siwen's shoulders and beat his back to comfort him: "Father, although Yanyan is naughty, naughty children are smart, right?"

"Hmph, smart! Smart kids don't get into so many troubles."

"You see, although she often gets into trouble, it is different every time. The mistakes she has made have never been made again, which means she has grown up. If she is really a troublemaker, it is better to take advantage of her age and make mistakes. Misfortunes have happened before, and there will be no more troubles in the future.”

After listening to her persuasion for a long time, Xiao Siwen knew that the eldest daughter wanted to protect her, but she was still soft-hearted. She sighed a long sigh: "I'm afraid that she will cause trouble again, and there will be no future! You know that the three parties are fighting for the position now, lurking in secret. And the Lord Suspicious and easy to kill, even the most noble person may be questioned, imprisoned or even executed tomorrow. How many days have you done the blood on the execution ground? Yanyan is also a troublemaker. If you don't take good care of her, I'm afraid we She is reluctant to teach her a lesson, and then she will cause a catastrophe at the cost of her family and her life, which is the worst."

Hu Nian was surprised: "That's not the case. The lord can't be unreasonable. Besides, he must remember the relationship between his mother and him back then." Lu Bugu is the same mother and sister of Mu Zong. Everyone is very convinced by this elder sister.Although she died early, the Mu Zong brothers also remembered their old love for Xiao Siwen's family and loved her a little bit.

"But can you reason with the Lord? Is he a reasonable and affectionate person? How many important officials of the royal family and descendants have died in these years, who has he reasoned with? Who has he talked with? "

Hu Nian was startled, walked to the side of the curtain and lifted it to have a look, then turned back to Xiao Siwen's desk, and sighed: "Yes, the situation is getting more and more difficult now, it seems that Yanyan has to take care of it, at least she can't be let She went out and caused trouble."

Xiao Siwen turned to her and asked, "What do you think should be done?"

Hu Nian chuckled.

"You're still laughing, but tell me, what should you do with her? I think it's better to send her to Han Derang tomorrow. Only he can control this little wild horse."

Hu Nian shook his head: "Daddy is talking nonsense, Han Derang has no time to take care of her."

Not wanting to talk about Han Derang, Xiao Siwen's heart suddenly moved: "Hu Nian, look, has Yanyan grown up a bit? Like boys?"

"Impossible, she even beat Master Hugu's son Molugu a while ago. Molugu just said that he likes her, and she beat him up. How can a girl with something on her mind do that?" What did you do?"

Xiao Siwen nodded, and suddenly asked: "So, what about you? Where's Wuguli?"

Hu Nian's face turned red immediately, stomped his feet and said angrily, "Father!"

Xiao Siwen smiled: "What's so embarrassing about it? My Hu Nian is so beautiful, how can there be no boys to pursue it, but, are you really not interested in any of them? For example, Han..."

When Hu Nian became nervous, he immediately interrupted Xiao Siwen: "Father, Xiyin deliberately approached me tonight and said that he wanted to give me a gift. I thought he had ulterior motives, so he refused."

Xiao Siwen got up vigilantly: "Xi Yin? Xi Yin of Li Hu's family?"


"Li Hu and his son are only capable of this. Since you are not fooled by him, naturally you don't need to pay attention to it."

Hu Nian nodded, and suddenly thought of what he vaguely heard while dancing tonight, hesitantly said: "Father, I just heard that...the Lord seems to be getting worse and worse recently, and I heard that he listened According to the words of the witch Xiao Gu, it is medicine with human heart and bear gall."

Xiao Siwen lowered his face: "What did you say, is it true?"

"I just listened to it vaguely. When I asked in detail, the man dared not speak."

Xiao Siwen was furious: "It's unreasonable, it's unreasonable." He pushed away a few cases, paced up and down in the tent, and couldn't help scolding: "'The king treats his ministers like grass, and the ministers treat the emperor like a bandit." So cruel, An How long can it last?"

Hu Nian was startled: "Father, be careful."

Xiao Siwen sneered: "I have to say it in front of him, so what?"

"I don't know whether this matter is true or not. You should find out and discuss it with other ministers!"

Xiao Siwen slapped the case bitterly: "I really regret it... After the change in Xianggu Mountain that day, why did I listen to Wu Zhi and embrace him as the master?"

But under the circumstances at that time, if you don't support Yelvjing, can you still support Li Hu?
Xiao Siwen let out a long sigh, momentarily flustered.

Such a night of singing and dancing is bound to be restless.

Xiyin returned to her father's camp from the ball to report what happened tonight.

The camp of Emperor Taishu Li Hu is very rough, retaining the distinctive characteristics of nomads, with portraits of Yelu Abaoji and Empress Dowager Shulu hung in the middle.

Although Li Hu is old, he is still vigorous and ambitious.His face was gloomy at the moment, and he was rather unkind. After hearing what his son said, he also said that the people of the clan had been secretly serving him these days: "Hmph, at the beginning they opposed me and pushed Wu Yu to the throne. Later, Wu Yu favored Han women They regretted it when they uplifted Hanchen. After killing Wuyu, they were afraid that I would have a bad temper and take revenge, so they pushed Shulu to the throne. As a result, he became the emperor, and he regarded those people as a threat to the imperial power Killing them one by one, these people are really self-inflicted, and now they know that they have regretted it, and they come to serve me instead, hmph, who cares!"

Xi Yin did not dare to be as reckless as Li Hu.Under Mu Zong's repeated suppression, the power in their hands has gradually declined.After the death of Empress Dowager Shulu, most of the Changning palace tent army in her hands was controlled by Li Hu. With this manpower, although Li Hu was able to protect himself in several treason cases, but he wanted to seize the throne. More support is needed.

Xiyin had no choice but to persuade: "Father, even if they are good or bad, it is always a good thing if they are willing to serve you. Even if you don't have this intention, but you used to be the emperor's younger brother, and now the emperor's uncle is far away from the throne. Recently, Shu Lu has suspected us for more than one day, and has taken action against us more than once, how can we wait to die?"

Li Hu patted the armrest and shouted: "Since you know this truth, I told you to win over the clan and win over the descendants, how could you be disobedient? I told you to approach Hu Nian, why are you entangled with Wuguli? You know Hu Nian is Xiao Siwen's most important daughter, isn't it a waste of time with Wu Guli?"

"Father, it's not that I don't go to Hu Nian, but that this woman is too assertive, she doesn't care about me at all, and I don't think she is a master who can be controlled by others. On the contrary, once she becomes My woman will definitely consider me wholeheartedly. To Xiao Siwen, whether she is favored or not is just a comparison. If there is only one chance to make her daughter a future queen, I am not afraid that he will not support me. "

Li Hu walked back and forth with his hands behind his back, and said, "Are you sure?"

Xi Yin raised his hand and smiled triumphantly: "That girl, everything is under my control."

Li Hu laughed loudly: "Okay. I'll listen to you this time. With Xiao Siwen's support, this time I will win over the clan again, and great things can be expected."

In Han Kuangsi's tent, the Han family father and son were also discussing matters.

Han Kuangsi's face was livid, seeing Han Derang coming in, he only asked in a deep voice, "Where are you from?"

Han Derang hurriedly said: "The son is from King Mingyi."

Han Kuangsi didn't speak any more, just panting heavily.Han Derang saw that Han Kuangsi's expression was very wrong, he stepped forward to hold his hand worriedly, checked his pulse, and was surprised: "Father, what's wrong with you? Your pulse is beating very chaotically. What happened to you?"

Han Kuangsi suddenly beat the case hard, breaking a piece of wood on the case.

Han Derang was surprised: "Father—"

Han Kuangsi gritted his teeth, but his voice was extremely low, almost hissing: "I want to kill, I want to kill that tyrant!" Han Derang had never seen his father lose his composure like this, and he couldn't help but lose his voice in fear: "Father—" Intuitive reaction Just turn around and lift the curtain to look outside.

"Don't look at it, since I said such things to you, why didn't I let someone guard them outside first?"

When Han Deranguo saw the guards of the Han family standing a little far outside, Fang heaved a sigh of relief, turned back and asked, "Father, what happened?"

Han Kuangsi suddenly burst out laughing wildly. After laughing for a long time, he finally stopped. He sat down slowly and said slowly, "Just now, the Lord appointed me to stay in Nanjing."

Han Derang was surprised. Han Kuangsi had been asking Mu Zong for an official post for a long time, but because Mu Zong had been ill for many years, he kept holding him and refused to let him go.Although most of the time Mu Zong was governed by imperial doctors and witches, once something happened that the imperial doctors and witches could not solve, the presence of Han Kuangsi would always make Mu Zong feel more at ease.

So, what made Mu Zong change his mind, could it be——

"Does the lord feel that there is no need to detain father?"

Han Kuangsi nodded, reached out to pick up the jug on the desk, and wanted to pour himself a glass of wine, but his right hand trembled, spilling most of it, Han Derang hurriedly reached out to help his father pour it.

Han Kuangsi picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp. After a long time, he said slowly, "I'd rather he not agree to me!" Han Derang knew that he was about to talk about something important, so he bowed his head to listen.

Han Kuangsi was silent for a long time, rubbing the cup wall: "This matter came out of my mouth, if it gets into your ears, no third person can know about it."

Han Derang nodded quickly: "Yes."

Han Kuangsi didn't speak immediately, and after a long time, he slowly talked about the past.

Back then, he served as a bodyguard under the tent of the Empress Dowager Shulu and made good friends with the princes.Because the eldest son Yelubei disagreed with her, the Empress Dowager Shulu forced the officials to support the second son Yelu Deguang, and then controlled the princes, grandchildren and important officials' families in the palm of her hand.It is declared to the outside world that it is a heart of love, and it raises all the grandchildren under its own account.But in the eyes of these children and grandchildren, the Empress Dowager Shulu is not so much kind as she is fearful.These children are not taken care of by her personally, but by the maids and maids around her.A teenager like Yelubei is fine, but a child like Yelujing is helpless.

The Empress Dowager Shulu had a very good relationship with Taizu Abaoji. After Abaoji died, her heart was ascetic, and the most favored female officials and maids around her did not dare to indulge in love. Abnormal thoughts, by touching and harassing Yelvjing while changing clothes and bathing, Yelvjing actually developed fear of women when she grew up to be a magistrate.

After they reached a certain age, the Empress Dowager Shulu would give these princes and grandchildren several maids, and it was only at this time that Yelvjing's fear of women was discovered.The Empress Dowager Shulu's treatment method was also very simple, that is, she killed the female official, called a wizard to pray, and gave Yelvjing several docile maids, forcing Yelvjing to overcome her fear of women by herself.The old lady has been strong all her life, so how could she accept that her children and grandchildren are incompetent and timid in such trivial matters. Seeing that Yelvjing accepted the maid, she thought that the problem was solved.

No one knew that Yelvjing's mentality became even more distorted under this kind of coercion.From then on, he appeared timid in front of the Empress Dowager Shulu, but he became more violent and violent in private.

After the death of Emperor Taizong Deguang, it was not that no courtiers wanted to support him as emperor, but he simply didn't have the courage to face the empress dowager Shulu directly against him. All his preset plans were to continue to submit to Li Hu. After death, after Li Hu's death, he was able to become emperor.

But no one expected that someone would dare to face the wrath of the Empress Dowager Shulu and challenge her authority.Not to mention that he succeeded.When the authority of the Empress Dowager Shulu collapsed, everyone was at a loss, and once they woke up, they all beat their chests and feet.Therefore, after Yeluruan succeeded to the throne, various royal families continued to conspire against each other, which eventually led to the rebellion. Yelujing Huangque followed and won the throne.

After Yelujing ascended the throne, he killed all the concubines that the Empress Dowager Shulu had bestowed.He finally cured his fear by killing, and he no longer has female fear, only misogyny.In fact, in the second year after the Empress Dowager Shulu bestowed on the maid, he had gradually become inhumane.

When Han Derang heard this, he understood and sighed softly.The reason why Wu Zhi and others agreed to Mu Zong's succession in that year was because before the Xianggushan Incident, Mu Zong was still a timid prince who didn't have much fighting spirit in everyone's mind. His temperament changed drastically, he was moody, and he killed people at every turn. Not only did he kill a lot of royal relatives who were slightly disobedient, but even the maids and servants around him were accidentally killed by him.

"Do you know how the queen died?"

Han Derang was stunned: "Didn't you say that she fell from a horse the year before last and died of serious injuries?"

After Yelvjing succeeded to the throne, she did not accept concubines, and only the queen was in the harem. Han Derang also heard that all the ladies in Beijing envied the queen's good fortune, and the emperor exclusively favored her.But now knowing the inside story, I just feel that the queen is really too unfortunate.But this queen is different from those concubines, she was married by Yelujing when she was young, and she has always been virtuous.Since Yelujing succeeded to the throne, she has always respected the queen very much.

But today, listening to my father’s words——

"Could it be that the Lord killed him too?"

"He felt sorry for the queen, and he didn't intend to kill. It's just..." Han Kuangsi sighed, "It was an accident. He kept hiding the real illness from the queen, so the queen didn't have the heart to guard against him. As a result, One night, the queen saw him asleep and covered him with a quilt, not wanting him to have a sudden dream and slashed wildly with a sword.

Han Kuangsi was urgently summoned into the palace, and when he saw the dying queen, he murmured fearfully before dying: "He is a madman, he is already mad, run away, run away..."

That night, he was not only going to treat the queen, but also Mu Zong, who was about to collapse again.From then on, Mu Zong's mood became more unstable. He began to frantically seek help from witches, and gradually lost confidence in Han Kuangsi.

Han Kuangsi poured another glass of wine and sneered: "He was hoping that my medical skills could cure his illness. After that time, he finally had no patience to wait, and decided to go a different way."

"What is he going to do?"

Han Kuangsi stared at the wine in the glass, the color of the wine was blood red: "The witch Xiao Gu presented him with a prescription, which is a combination of living heart and bear bile. With 99 prescriptions, he can be cured."

Han Derang only felt a chill rise in his heart: "How could he believe such a ridiculous prescription?"

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. He doesn't care how many people he kills. Xiao Gu claimed to be able to cure his illness. He lied to him for the past few years and exhausted all his tricks before he came up with such a prescription. I thought he wouldn't believe it, or rather, he couldn't do it!"

"Could he have started combining medicine?"

"That's right. I heard that he has been taking the medicine for human heart and medicine since last month. I thought it was just a rumor. I didn't expect him to admit to me today that he has already taken the second medicine."

"Then how many people will he kill next?"

Han Kuangsi slammed his fist on the table: "If I can't stop this massacre, how can I be born!"

Han Derang was shocked, he knew the weight of these words, and urged: "Father, the Lord is cruel, what does this have to do with you?"

Han Kuangsi burst into tears: "Derang, do you know how our Han family got to where it is today?"

Han Derang was silent, how could he not know?

The Han family in Yutian was originally a wealthy family in Youzhou, with countless relatives and old friends, who have lived in this land of Youyan for generations.Since the chaos at the end of Tang Dynasty, during the ten years of the Five Dynasties and a hundred years, the old land of China has been fighting for years, falling apart and killing continuously.Human life is like an ant, who lives in the morning and never dies in the evening.And the Han family was also destroyed in this kind of turmoil, only Han Zhigu, a six-year-old boy, was taken captive as a slave, and went north alone, until it became the Han family of Liao Kingdom today.

Han Kuangsi murmured: "Father once told me about my childhood, the Han family is a rich family, the house is connected to the house, and the relatives are connected to the relatives... In the end, he can only remember that sentence, live, no matter what. No matter what, we have to live. He also escaped before, but at that time, there was no place to escape. The south and south were only more chaotic. , and sooner or later will become the bones of the road. Besides, even if my Han family can escape, where can the millions of Han people in Yanyun's hometown escape to?"

Han Derang Moran, the Han family originally came from Yutian, Jizhou, and their ancestors held official positions in the Tang Dynasty.From the end of Tang Dynasty to the Five Dynasties, the Khitan people went south to invade many times, and his grandfather Han Zhigu was captured at the age of six.Although he was young, he was taken into captivity with his tribe and learned Sinology. It was he who suggested to A Baoji the national policy of dividing the Han people from the Khitan people, and based on the contributions made by the Han people, he fought for more rights and interests for the Han people step by step.In the early years of the Liao Dynasty, most of the policies and guidelines for the Han people came from the hands of Han Zhigu.

Han Zhigu had eleven sons, and Han Kuangsi was the third son. He was smart and smart since he was a child. Once, he was seen by the Empress Dowager Shulu. He liked this little boy who was innocent and sweet, so he asked Han Zhigu to bring him into his tent to play with him. play.The Empress Dowager Shulu fought for many years and suffered many illnesses. Han Kuangsi learned good medical skills when he was a little older. General.

Han Kuangsi gave birth to nine more sons, and the family has grown to dozens of people.Who would have imagined that this family would struggle hard and rise again after being devastated with only one child left.

Han Zhigu was a slave at the age of six, Han Kuangsi was a servant boy at the age of eight, and Han Derang picked up the prince Yeluxian when he was ten.

Han Kuangsi suddenly asked: "De Rang, let me ask you, what is Han and what is Di?"

Han Derang naturally knew: "When Han people enter Di, they follow Di, and when barbarians enter China, they follow China."

Han Kuangsi nodded slowly: "We have also resisted before. Countless people shed blood and died, but in the end we couldn't resist the result of becoming slaves of foreign races. The price the Han family paid was the destruction of the family and the death of hundreds of people... "

Han Derang knelt down and choked, "Father!"

"From the Khitan people going south at the end of the Tang Dynasty, to Shi Jingtang's dedication to Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures, we people who have lived for generations have lost the army that should protect us, and the farmers who hoe the ground can't keep their homes even if they take up arms. If resistance is exchanged There is only death and no other way. If you want to survive, you can only find another way. If you can’t overthrow this world, then the change that drops through stone is also a way.”

Han Derang said softly: "I remember my father read Changle old Feng Dao's poem to me before: 'Don't be a god when you are in danger, and there is always a future for the future. I finally heard that Haiyue returned to the Ming Lord, and I didn't save the universe and fell into auspicious people. Morality When did you die, where can the boats and cars not pass through? But there is no evil in the teaching area, and you can stand among the wolves and tigers.'”

"Stand up among wolves and tigers, and stand among wolves and tigers... The Han family wants to stand out among wolves and tigers, change the nature of wolves and tigers, domesticate wolves and tigers, and coexist with wolves and tigers. Your grandfather and I grew up together. Empress Dowager Shulu’s servants began to influence them slowly, and after three generations of Empress Dowager Shulu, Emperor Taizong, and Emperor Sejong, we almost succeeded.”

However, no one expected that the counterattack of the former Khitan troops would come so quickly, but in the end, the success was on the verge of failure, and the great ambitions were all in vain.In order to preserve his strength, all these years he could only bear the humiliation and steal his life, gain the emperor's trust with his medical skills, and take it slowly.Unexpectedly, he endured it again and again, and now he can't bear it anymore...

Han Kuangsi stood up and patted Han Derang on the shoulder: "I neglected to discipline your eldest brother back then. Although he was excellent in martial arts, he was dull in aptitude and could hardly entrust him with important tasks. As a father, he brought you by his side and taught him carefully. Among them, you are the most talented, smart and persevering. What is even more rare is that the prince Xian also trusts you. This is an opportunity for our Han family, and it is also a great opportunity for you. You must cherish it. The Han family and the North The future of the local Han people is entrusted to you as a father."

Han Derang already felt something, and asked tremblingly, "Father, what are you going to do!"

Han Kuangsi gritted his teeth: "I know he is a fatuous king, but I didn't expect him to be so mad. In order to cure his hidden disease, he would not hesitate to listen to witches and use living guts as medicine. Hmph, hum, who can he take? I am the heart of the Yan Han people! Life and death are at stake, and more people will be victimized one day later. I can no longer wait any longer. When necessary, I will do it and sacrifice me to get rid of him!" Having said this, Han Kuangsi's eyes There was a flash of murderous intent.

Han Derang knelt down in shock: "Father! You must not be like this. Both the Han family and Daliao need you. If you want to get rid of that stupid king, Prince Xian and I will do our best. You must not impulsively sacrifice yourself. You know, the one who overturned the nest There is no end to laying eggs, if something happens to the Han family, Prince Xian's help will be even less, and the goal that grandfather and father hoped for will be even more difficult."

Han Kuangsi didn't listen to anything Han Derang said, patted his son on the shoulder, and handed a token to him: "Don't worry, I won't be reckless. I don't regret dying, but you must work hard to live In the future, the ideals of the Han family for generations and the future of more people in the fiefdoms under your rule will be borne by you in the future. This token can mobilize the power of the subordinate lands of the Han family. People, take as many people as you want."

Holding the token, Han Derang felt that it was burning like fire, but he knew that his father seemed to be kind, but in fact he was extremely resolute, so he could only answer with a sob: "Yes."

Han Kuangsi stared at his son. More than ten years ago, he handed over the little prince to him, and now, he handed over this token to him.He had nine sons, only five survived.Han Derang is his favorite and most dependent, but he has always owed the most since he was a child.

What Han Derang has to bear is not only the entire Han family, but also the subordinates of the Han family and the people ruled by the fief over the years.Not only does he have to face death, but he is more likely to live with more pain and difficulty than death.Even for the rest of his life, like himself and Han Zhigu, he will be shattered when he sees hope, and destroyed when he gets close to his ideal.

Han Kuangsi sighed and waved his hands: "Go out."

Han De let Fu Di choke up. After a long time, Han Kuangsi still didn't make a sound. Knowing that his father was persevering, since he had made up his mind, words to dissuade him would be useless.I had no choice but to knock my head three times, wipe away my tears, bow my head and exit.

It was pitch black at this time, although his eyes were red and swollen, but no one saw him, he hurried back to his tent, so that the attendants standing outside the tent did not have to follow, he lay alone in the tent, tossing and turning all night, unable to fall asleep.He didn't fall asleep until it was almost dawn, and he got up late that morning. When he was getting up, he heard the noise outside and asked, "What's the matter?"

The attendant Xin Ning hurriedly opened the curtain and came in: "Master, Miss Yanyan is here."

Han Derang was startled, but before he could react, he saw that Yanyan had come in with Xinning, and shouted, "Brother Derang, let's go hunting today, I forgive you."

Seeing this, Han Derang quickly put on his coat. He hadn't slept all night. He already had a splitting headache. His heart was filled with pain and he suppressed himself. Seeing Yanyan's intrusion, he couldn't contain his anger. He shouted : "Go out, you are also a big girl, why are you so ignorant of taboos?"

Yanyan broke up with Han Derang last night, and she had made up her mind not to talk to Han Derang again.However, when he fell asleep after arguing with Wu Guli for a long time, the anger in his stomach had already dissipated.Waking up early in the morning, watching Wuguli change new clothes, match jewelry, and dress up in front of the mirror for a long time before going out happily. Knowing that she must be going to meet her sweetheart, I feel envious and jealous.When Wu Guli went out, she was the only one left in the tent, and suddenly felt that she was lonely and desolate, and it would be pointless to get angry any longer.

So I said to myself, "Yanyan is a good girl, Yanyan doesn't have the same knowledge as him, Yanyan forgives him" and waited for self-consolation, and excitedly went to Han Derang again.The spring is so good, the grassland is so beautiful, it's not worth living alone just because of a little anger.

Unexpectedly, Han Derang hadn't slept all night, and he happened to bump into his disheveled appearance.She just got carried away for a moment and rushed in without thinking about it.Ben was a little shy, but after being reprimanded by Han Derang, he lost his temper instead: "What's the matter, you're not always shirtless when you wrestle, but you are as coy as a girl from the Han family."

Han Derang was already in a bad mood, seeing that Yanyan was still messing around, he said sharply: "Xinning, take her out." Xinning came back to his senses, and pulled Yanyan with an apologetic smile: "Miss Yanyan, look, we You haven't changed your clothes yet, you should go out first."

Yanyan was ashamed and annoyed, she stomped her feet and said angrily, "Hmph, whoever wants to talk to you, I won't talk to you anymore!"

Han Derang wanted to catch up and ask her why she came to find him so early in the morning, but at this time he had to get ready first, and saw Han Kuangsi walking in.When Han Kuangsi saw Yanyan rushing in excitedly and then leaving angrily, he knew what was going on, entered Han Derang's camp, and asked, "Derang, what happened?"

"It's nothing, Yanyan is being naughty again."

Han Kuangsi glanced at Han Derang, obviously seeing that he hadn't slept all night, waved his hand to signal Xinning to go out, and said, "I lost my temper so early in the morning! Derang, I don't think she is being naughty, but you are venting your anger on her." "Han Derang was caught by his father's words, and when he thought of what he was about to face, he couldn't help feeling a pain in his heart, lowered his head, and whispered: "Father——"

Han Kuangsi was unmoved, and only said coldly: "Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself. Derang, just a little thing keeps you up all night, can't you control your emotions?"

Han Derang had no place to vent his emotions overnight. Seeing his father's questioning, he was filled with grief and indignation, and couldn't help but burst out: "Father, you clearly know that this is nothing, this is, this is..."

Han Kuangsi said coldly: "What is this?"

Han Derang paused: "I, I..."

Han Kuangsi looked at Han Derang, and said slowly: "Even if the sky is falling, you should look normal, don't talk about people who are not close to you, even those closest to you can't see your emotions .”

Han Derang's heart trembled. How many life-and-death disasters did his father go through in his life? After saying such earth-shattering words, he was able to say such seemingly ruthless and cold words in one night as if nothing had happened.From now on, he also wants to make the world fall apart without changing his color, and he also wants to be a close relative without seeing joy, anger, sorrow and joy?Thinking of this, Han Derang gritted his teeth and responded: "Yes, father."

"Although King Mingyu is younger than you, he is stronger than you in this regard."

"Yes, the child understands."

Han Kuangsi pointed to the outside: "Go and chase Yanyan back, just pretend nothing happened." Han Derang lowered his head and hurriedly chased her out.After chasing Xiao Siwen, he found that Yanyan hadn't come back, so he wanted to look for it again.

But Xiao Siwen called him back: "Let Hu Nian go find Yanyan." He ordered his subordinates to go out, and then said slowly, "I want to meet King Mingyi today, and I hope Han Langjun will arrange it."

Han Derang was startled. He had been restless after the father-son conversation last night. He was even more surprised when he heard Xiao Siwen's words at this time. He couldn't help but glance at Xiao Siwen, but seeing the other party's serious expression, his heart shivered.

Although Han Kuangsi lobbied before, Xiao Siwen did express some inclination towards Ye Luxian, but in the original plan, it was Han Kuangsi who arranged for Xiao Siwen to meet Ye Luxian for a detailed discussion in Chun Nabo.But before Han Kuangsi made arrangements, Xiao Siwen took the initiative to make an appointment this time. Could it be... something that made Xiao Siwen speed up his tendency towards Yeluxian?

Han De's heart turned like electricity, but his face remained respectful as usual, and he saluted: "Yes." After all, he is a junior, and Xiao Siwen made this suggestion, and he could only convey the order from it.

Leaving Xiao's tent, he hurriedly went to see Han Kuangsi and told about this matter, Han Kuangsi and Han Derang went to see Yeluxian together, and agreed to meet in Xiao Siwen's tent in the afternoon.

One, Mu Zong was taking a nap at that time; two, many people who participated in the Spring Nabo went hunting in the morning and returned at night, and the camp was the least crowded in the afternoon.

At that moment, after noon, Han Derang accompanied Ye Luxian, who was pretending to be an attendant, to gallop slowly to Xiao Siwen's camp. Hu Nian was already waiting outside the tent to welcome them in.

(End of this chapter)

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