Chapter 16
Seeing Yeluxian falling asleep, Han Kuangsi ordered Chu Bu to leave Yeluxian's tent.

Han Derang had been waiting outside the tent for a long time, saw him coming out, and when he was about to ask a question, Han Kuangsi gave him a look and had to go back with his father.As soon as he entered the camp, he knelt down and pleaded guilty: "It's my child's dereliction of duty that caused the king to be seriously injured. Please punish my father."

Han Kuangsi waved his hand wearily: "Get up, what can you do about this matter? You are not allowed to enter the lord's driver, even if you are there, it is useless." Seeing that Han Derang was still depressed, After seeing that there was no one in the tent, he lowered his voice: "Besides, I think this matter is the king's bitter plan."

Han Derang's complexion changed drastically: "Bitter tricks?" As soon as he said the words, he had already figured it out, felt a pain in his heart, and sighed: "Oh, the king is too aggressive and too disregarding his body. If you lose your life trying to save you, then All plans are over."

"But with this rescue work, at least for the next few years, the prince can be safe. According to that one..." Han Kuangsi pointed to Mu Zong Yujia, and sighed, "Now this kind of killing method, every time Even if the princes and princes of the various clans and counties did nothing, they would die inexplicably one day. Although his move was risky, he could at least get rid of that person for three to five years. Suspicious."

Han Derang felt very uncomfortable in his heart. When Han Kuangsi was only ten years old, he bound him to Yeluxian for the rest of his life. He had a secret resentment. His brothers could be by their parents' side without any worries. However, since he was a child, he was lonely and far away from the murderous intentions, but every time he saw the child who was younger than him but also had more burdens, the resentment in his heart disappeared completely.Compared with this child who lost everything at the age of four, wakes up in nightmares every night, and bears more serious murderous crises than him, what else can he complain about.But no matter how much he has experienced with Ye Luxian, the words "bitter tricks" still make him so painful that his liver and gallbladder are broken...

He stood there in a state of confusion, and only heard Han Kuangsi give him a few words, then he turned to look at Yeluxian.Ye Luxian was leaning on the bed, Dili Gu had just changed his medicine, when he saw Han Derang coming in with a sullen face, he felt guilty for no reason, and said with an apologetic smile: "Brother Derang, you are here."

Han Derang was full of worries, seeing him with his upper body naked and wrapped in a white cloth, his heart ached sharply, he walked up to him and looked him up and down, but he pursed his lips and did not speak.

Ye Luxian's voice became weaker and weaker: "Brother Derang, are you angry?"

"Your Majesty is decisive, wise and decisive. How dare I be angry." In the eyes of others, Prince Mingyu is so gentle and harmless. Only Han Derang, who has been watching him grow up, understands that under his sickly body, sometimes there will be desperate people. gambling.And he couldn't stop his ruthless determination, and felt heartbroken for his desperate, so he could only sulk himself.

Chu Bu understood Ye Luxian's wink, and immediately slipped out with the others.Ye Luxian saw that there was no one in the tent, so he leaned on the small shop and got up: "Brother Derang, don't be angry. It was my mistake, I promise, there will never be a next time, okay?"

Han Derang gave Ye Luxian a hard look: "Do you dare to do it next time? You don't know what your body is like when others save you? There is only one in the car, and it's your turn to save him." drive?"

Handerang got angry, but Yeluxian heaved a sigh of relief. He said with a smile, "Okay, I'll listen to you. Next time something like this happens again, I'll directly pull Fu Sage to block the sword."

Han Derang let out a long sigh: "It is the incompetence of the minister that made the king take this risky plan."

Ye Luxian was joking with him out of thick skin, but when he saw him like this, he also stopped smiling and took his hand: "Brother Derang, no one can dispel his suspicions except myself. No matter how big you are, So what can he do? Since he was suspicious, he would never accept the blood..."

Hearing the last sentence, Han Derang couldn't help but tremble with fear.He naturally knew Mu Zong's temperament, this extremely intelligent and extremely fragile lunatic may not understand government affairs and never listen to people's words, but he has a beast-like intuition for changes in people's hearts, dangers and shadows.Although he guessed that there must be some unavoidable reason for Yeluxian's scheming, but when he heard it from his own ears, he was still startled and asked in a trembling voice, "How could he be suspicious of you?"

Ye Luxian shook his head: "I don't know... I just said, that lunatic sometimes makes me... very scared!" Speaking of this, his hands couldn't help but tremble.

Han Derang couldn't help reaching out and holding him: "It's all right now, the danger has passed."

Ye Luxian glanced at Han Derang, and then explained again: "Actually, the group of assassins wanted to kill not only him, but also me. The situation was critical at that time. If I hadn't rushed in front of him to block the sword in front, I would have escaped." I can't open the other sword stabbing from behind. I might as well take a gamble..." At this point, he let out a long breath, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Fortunately, I won the bet."

What he said also explained to Han Derang that he had no way out of his cruel tricks, and it was not intentional, so as to avoid Han Derang's guilt.

Han Derang sighed: "Fortunately, it was only an external injury. Something seemed to block the knife in the heart, and it did not hurt the internal organs. It is finally safe and sound."

Ye Luxian was stunned: "What?" He raised his hand to search for it on his chest, but realized something, lowered his hand in a slump, coughed twice, and smiled wryly, "The situation was chaotic at the time, so I had no choice but to shout 'Beware, Lord' , the right should be rescued, otherwise, I'm afraid I will be the first object of suspicion."

"This can be regarded as a mistake. It's just that the assassin is so mad. If he doesn't solve it completely, he may have endless troubles."

Ye Luxian sneered: "The three branches of the royal family, the Dongdan king's line is me, and the Taizong line is the master. Someone wants to get rid of both of us at the same time. Who do you think it will be?"

"Li Hu?"

"Exactly, hmph, I didn't expect Li Hu to be so brainless. This time the assassination failed, how could the lord spare him. He doesn't matter, we lost a wall to keep out the wind, and many actions in the future will be inconvenient." Ye Luxian frowned tightly and let out a long sigh.

This time, with Mu Zong's temperament, he would never let Li Hu go easily.But once Li Hu fell, what should he do next?

At this time, he has not been able to go out of the palace to build his own wings, to take over the Oruduo power left by his father, and more importantly, he will face Mu Zong directly next.He's not ready yet, but he has to face it.That person used Chagua to plot to kill the king and seize the throne, ruining everything about him.

And he, in the future, will kill that person and regain his father's throne.He paused, and said: "Among the three houses left by Taizu, the palace guards in our house and Emperor Taizong's house have experienced several dismantling and closing, but Li Hu's house has always been the same. Now they Although the strength of the troops under his command is not comparable to that of the Lord, it is far superior to ours. In the long run, this is not good for our plans."

Han Derang understood: "What do you mean, let Feng Sage take action to dismantle the power in Li Hu's hands?"

"Li Hu also has a few sons, who are also part of the power to help us contain the Lord."

"But they currently don't have the ability to fight the Lord."

"So we have to find another strength."

Han Derang frowned: "Since the founding of the Daliao Dynasty, Emperor Taizong has been supported by his mother and seized the throne of the emperor of the Rang Kingdom. The first emperor was supported by the power of the army..." Ye Luxian didn't get along with these two points at all. No, there is another thing: "If you are the master, you are colluding with the police to murder the first emperor..." But after Mu Zong succeeded to the throne, he understood the reason for his success, so he was very strict with his guards, like the police. It is absolutely impossible to do it again.

Ye Luxian was also silent, and smiled wryly: "Think again, we have plenty of time."

"If you can take advantage of the Lord's suspicion to be eliminated, you can ask the Lord to leave the palace and set up a mansion after the king recovers from his injuries." In this way, Yeluxian can start to control the Orudo left behind by Sejong, so that he can have a fight for the throne force.

Ye Luxian nodded: "This is also a way."

The two talked for a while, Han Derang saw that Ye Luxian's condition was fine, but Mu Zong's army was about to return to Beijing, Ye Luxian stayed behind to recuperate, there must be many things to deal with, so he went out to take care of it.

Ye Luxian watched as Chu Bu came in after Han Derang went out, and beckoned.

Chu Bu understood, went to his bedside and asked in a low voice, "What's your order?"

"Do you remember my Pisces jade pendant?"

Chu Bu nodded hurriedly. He served Ye Luxian since he was a child, and all the clothes were handled by him. The Pisces jade pendant came from nowhere a few days ago, but Ye Luxian hid it close to his body and never left it.Hearing Ye Luxian's question, he was astute and thought of the reason, and hurriedly said: "Yesterday, the king was injured, and he still held this thing in his hand. I'm afraid it will be inconvenient for the villain, so I put it away. It's just that jade pendant, that jade pendant..."

Seeing him hesitating, Yeluxian asked angrily, "What's the matter?"

Then Chu Bu took out something wrapped in a handkerchief from under Ye Luxian's pillow, opened it and held it in front of Ye Luxian: "Please look at it, Your Majesty."

Ye Luxian's face suddenly changed, the jade pendant had been split in half, and the cracks were all incomplete.

Chu Bu looked at Ye Luxian's face and persuaded him, "Your Majesty, if you didn't have this jade pendant to block him, the injury of your Majesty would be unpredictable."

Ye Luxian stretched out his hand with difficulty, holding the shattered jade pendant tightly through the handkerchief.Today's bitter trick is really dangerous and dangerous. He is still alive at this time, and he even resolved Mu Zong's suspicion. Not only his own decision, but also the reason why this jade pendant helped him offset the damage of that sword.

Who was that girl, who helped him block the pursuit of Feng Sage among the chaotic horses, brought him safely back to the camp to avoid detection, and left behind the Pisces jade pendant to help him block the fatal sword.Is this the fairy that Changshengtian took pity on his loneliness and sent down for him?No matter who she is, he must find her.He closed his eyes for a long time, opened them, and said: "Chu Bu, after returning to Beijing, you can ask the craftsman to see if you can find the same jade quality and carve another piece?"

After Chu Buying answered, he said again: "This kind of jade is rare, and I think the carver looks like this dynasty. Go and find out who the original owner of this jade pendant is."

Chu Bu was stunned, and quickly responded, Ye Luxian heaved a sigh of relief, closed his eyes and fell back into a deep sleep.

After all, he still lost a lot of blood and couldn't hold it for long. He slept in a dark sleep that night and didn't wake up until dawn.He has always had light sleep, and he usually does not get up when he wakes up. He just closes his eyes and continues to lie down for as long as he can, which is considered to calm his nerves.At this time, only Chu Bu and Po'er took turns to watch the night in the tent, and they didn't know that he was awake.The curtains in the tent were extremely dark, and in the darkness, only one person could be heard breathing heavily, who was asleep; the other person was breathing lightly, who was sitting watch.

In the distance outside the tent, there was a faint sound of horses singing and carriages moving. It was believed that Mu Zong and others were leaving the camp to return to Beijing; but there were birds chirping nearby. It seemed that they were afraid of the noise of the camp, because he did not have a camp here, and everyone was afraid of disturbance. It made him sleep, so there was no sound.After listening carefully, there seemed to be a lively voice like a bird among the birds' chirping, if there was nothing there, it was somewhat similar to the voice of the girl who left behind the Pisces jade pendant that day.

Ye Luxian propped himself up, wanted to probe and listen carefully, but touched the wound, he couldn't help "Ouch", startled Chu Bu, woke up the mother-in-law, two attendants hurriedly rushed up to lift the curtain to let in the light, and helped to ask.

After this commotion, the sound from outside could no longer be heard, Ye Luxian became anxious and hissed: "Don't talk!" Although the two attendants didn't understand what he meant, after checking Ye Luxian's body and found that his wound was not open, they also They all shut up obediently.

Yeluxian pricked up his ears to listen again, but he could only hear the chirping of birds instead of the girl's voice.He was a little irritable, but seeing the expressions of the two loyal servants, he couldn't bear to scold them.I also have some doubts, could it be that I missed it too much and misheard it?
Distraught for a moment, he finally waved his hand, lay down again, closed his eyes, and tried to hear the girl's voice again.However, after waiting for a long time, I didn't hear anything.He thought he was hallucinating.What he didn't know was that Yanyan was talking to Han Derang not far from his camp just now.

What happened yesterday was a mess, only Yanyan didn't know the inside story, and her concern for Han De made her heart flutter.I didn't sleep well that night, and kept tossing in the black bones, asking for a while: "Where did you say this assassin came from?" After a while, I asked: "Do you think Prince Xian will die?" After a while, I asked: "Derang Is brother going to be okay?" So angry that she sat up on the quilt, raised her eyes and scolded her, and vowed that she would not be allowed to sleep with her again tomorrow, Yanyan calmed down.It's just that after Wuguli fell asleep without any worries, Yanyan opened her eyes and it was dawn.

Yanyan heard that everyone was going back to the capital with Yujia, and Ye Luxian stayed because of serious injuries, so she was the first to ask, "What about brother Derang?"

Hu Nian said: "Derang will naturally stay to take care of King Mingyi."

"Then I'll stay too."

Hu Nian's face darkened: "Nonsense, what are you staying for? Do you want people to think that Daddy is going to marry you to King Mingyi?"

Yanyan stamped anxiously: "Who is going to marry that sick prince? I mean, I'll stay with Brother Derang."

Hu Nian ignored her, Yanyan was young and ignorant, she couldn't let her sister play wild.

At this moment, Han Derang must be inseparable from Yeluxian. If it was normal, if Yanyan wanted to go to Han Derang, others would just joke, "The child has finally grown up, and spring is here." But if Yanyan passes by at this moment, she will change Cheng "Xiao Siwen wanted to be optimistic about the prince Xian of the Shizong family, so he sent his daughter to see him."

Mu Zong's assassination this time, going to Beijing this time will definitely involve many royal family descendants, how can he let himself be involved in trouble at this moment?Seeing that her sister refused to agree, Yanyan knew that finding her father would lead to the same result, so she was unwilling in every possible way and wanted to find a reason to stay.Unexpectedly, Hu Nian was already on guard and exposed all her attempts before saying: "Don't mess around, you must go on the road with me. Otherwise, I will personally come and arrest you."

Yanyan looked at Hu Nian, and suddenly asked, "Sister, will you stay?"

Hu Nian was startled, and asked in surprise, "Why did I stay?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Yanyan immediately smiled brightly: "Okay, big sister, I will listen to you, and I will go with you. But I have to pack some things for Brother Derang, okay!" said In the end, Yanyan's voice couldn't help being a little coquettish.

Hu Nian's heart moved, looking at the innocent expression of his sister in front of him, he wanted to say something, but finally swallowed it, just shook his head.But Yanyan didn't understand her sister's mood. If she was still troubled by a joke in Wuguli before, then Hu Nian's answer seemed to solve all her troubles, and finally regained her spirit and became happy. He packed a lot of things in a hurry, and hurriedly came to Han Derang.

Han Derang set up another small tent next to Yeluxian's tent. Yanyan arrived at the tent and was about to go in. Remembering what happened yesterday, she called Xinning to go in and report.

Han Derang was about to get up and go to Yeluxian's tent, when Xinning came in to announce that it was Yanyan.He couldn't help laughing. It seemed that after she broke in early in the morning and was angered by him last time, she paid extra attention this time. Thinking about it this way, he couldn't help but have a new view on this little girl who usually has a headache.

Thinking about it, although she has had a lot of troubles, she didn't cause them on purpose, but because of her excessive curiosity and a certain physique that easily turned small things into big things.In the past few years, it seems that she has become much more sensible, and will learn from the mistakes she has made, at least she will not make the same mistake twice in a short period of time.Thinking of this, he hurriedly got up and changed his clothes and went out.

Yanyan was standing outside, turning around anxiously, when she saw him coming out, she called out, "Brother Derang—" her eyes were red, she was so wronged that she almost cried.

Startled, Han Derang quickly supported her and asked, "Yanyan, what's wrong with you?"

Yanyan took his hand and said as if complaining: "Brother Derang, elder sister won't let me stay."

Han Derang thought something was wrong, so he smiled reassuringly: "Yeah, what are you doing here? You were supposed to go back to Beijing with your father and sister."

Yanyan was even more aggrieved: "Brother Derang, don't you want me to stay? Do you not like me anymore?"

Han Derang thought of what happened that day, and felt guilty in his heart. It was because he had something to leave her behind. It was already very rare for her to come and say forgiveness to him, but she was also angered by him, and there were many changes that day. "How could it be? It's just that it's inconvenient for you to stay here. I think your sister must have told you the reason. Yanyan is a good and sensible girl. I was wrong last time, and I haven't had time to apologize to you... ..." At this point, he asked Xinning to go to the tent to take a box he had prepared long ago, and handed it to Yanyan: "This is my present to make amends for you."

Yanyan saw that the box was about one foot square and was inlaid with flowers. It was very exquisite. She quickly opened it and cried out in surprise: "This is really interesting, where did it come from?"

"How do you like it?"

Yanyan laughed so hard that she couldn't see her teeth, she said in a loud voice: "I like it, I like it so much."

In this box is a set of porcelain-fired little people, horses, birds, lambs, etc., which are extremely small, exquisite, and lifelike, and they are all padded with silk to avoid collisions.Yanyan picked up a porcelain figurine of a little girl, looked at herself, picked up a porcelain figurine of a little boy, looked at Han Derang, picked up a porcelain bird, and found that there was a whistle on it. He put the hole in his mouth and blew it, and he could actually make a sound similar to birdsong.

She was overjoyed and exclaimed: "Brother Derang, where did you get this? It's so fun." She was rich and wealthy since she was a child, and all the gold and jade utensils were thrown away at will. She couldn't put it down because of her gifts, and each one was carefully preserved.

Han Derang just smiled and said nothing, this set of porcelain dolls was brought by the caravan from the Song Dynasty, the firing was so exquisite, even in the Song Dynasty, it was worth more than ten cents, and when transported to Beijing, the price doubled.This is already a popular game device in the capital of the Song Dynasty, but it is very rare in the Shang capital.Seeing that Yanyan really liked it, he put the matter of the day before yesterday behind him, so he didn't speak, just watched Yanyan playing with toys with a smile.

Yanyan only played for a while, then thought of the purpose of her visit, closed the box and handed it to the maid, Brother Qing, and took a huge burden from Brother Liang, and put it in Han Derang's hand: "Here."

Han Derang took the burden and asked in surprise, "What is this?"

"You stayed here suddenly. You must have not prepared enough things. My eldest sister refused to let me stay, so I had no choice but to ask them to pack some things for you."

The so-called clean-up is of course that she ordered the maids to clean up. In such a rare short time, she packed up a lot of things, most of which were various spare medicines, incense from snakes and insects on the grassland, and so on.

Han Derang listened to her rambling, in fact, with their identities, they don't need to worry about many things, but... Although there are many girls who please him, there are not many girls who are so sincere and considerate of him. , he has been used to worrying about others since he was a child, and if someone treats him like this, he naturally feels a little different in his heart.Looking at the little girl in front of her, she couldn't help but feel moved, and sighed: "Yanyan has really grown up."

Yanyan raised her head and looked at him happily: "Brother Derang, do you also think I have grown up and am a big girl?" Hui ran over and urged: "Third Miss, the eldest girl asked me to rush you, we have to go."

Yanyan was reluctant to part with her, she was so nostalgic, she looked back three times at every step, and finally left.

Hande asked Ling Xinning to put away his things, and went back to Yeluxian's tent. He was relieved to see that his wound hadn't deteriorated during the night.

Mu Zong returned to Shangjing in a hurry, and got the news of the official attack of the Southern Dynasty army, so he could only hand over all the investigation and conspiracy to Taiping Wang Fu Sage.

On this day, Fu Sage received the report from Bi Nianmugun, Yili of Beiyuan, so he ordered his soldiers and horses, and went straight to Li Hu's emperor's uncle's mansion.Yilibi is the official name of Khitan, in charge of punishment and prison, and he was originally a close friend of Fu Sage. This time when investigating the case of treason, Fu Sage handed over the matter to Nianmu Gun.Nian Mugun repeatedly interrogated the people caught on the grassland, and finally got a preliminary confession.

When Li Hu returned to the capital, he also arranged for the royal families to join forces in order to protect himself.But on this day, everyone was gathering in Li Hu's mansion. Hearing the sound of fighting outside, Fu Sage laughed and led someone to rush in from outside: "It's so lively, what are you discussing here?"

Everyone knew that they couldn't escape, so they had to retreat.

Yelu, Shizong's half-brother, dared to say a little bit: "Yes, the emperor's grand uncle invited us nephews to drink. In previous years, we would often get together to drink together when we were holding bowls in spring."

Fu Sage ignored everyone, sat down in a grand manner, held up the wine bowl and smelled it: "Oh, why don't you call me for drinking?" He looked at Li Hu with a half-smile, "I am also your Uncle Li Hu's." Nephew, why do you despise me so much?"

Li Hu grimaced, and snorted: "Don't dare, you are now the Taiping King with the power of life and death, I'm afraid you don't like us."

Fu Sage laughed, and slammed down the wine bowl: "Well said, since you know that I hold the power of life and death, how dare you play tricks in front of me?" He immediately changed his face, pointed at the crowd and shouted: "Take them all away." The guards rushed in, with their knives and guns out, aiming at everyone present.

Everyone's face changed, and they shouted angrily: "King Taiping, you, you dare to be rude to us."

Fu Sa Gepi smiled and said: "My lord was assassinated the day before yesterday, brothers, I'm sorry, please come to my tent as guests for a few days, and when I find out that it has nothing to do with you, I will let you go... If The real mastermind, he can't escape."

Li Hu stood up: "Fu Sage, how dare you be rude to me."

"You are always the emperor's uncle, so I naturally dare not be rude to you. Come, control the emperor's uncle's mansion, don't allow him to go out, and don't allow him to see other people. We will deal with it when we return to the Lord." After finishing speaking, Fu Sage walked out.

Li Hu wanted to step forward, but was forced by the guards with knives: "You, Fu Sage, do you dare to be an enemy of all the relatives of the royal family?"

Feng Sage stopped, and looked at Li Hu sharply: "Back then, the Taizu only led one party to dare to fight against the seven tribes, and turned against the brothers. Uncle Li Hu, thanks to the fact that you are still the biological son of the Taizu, you have the courage No, hahaha..."

Fu Sage laughed and walked away, Li Hu beat him bitterly.

Xi Yin panicked and said, "Father, what should we do?"

"Hmph, I don't believe that the emperor can do anything to my uncle! Xiyin, go to Yuyue's mansion and ask the king of Wuzhi for help, saying that you are afraid that the emperor will kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"Will Da Yuehui be willing to stand up for us?"

"If I were to go, I would definitely not want to. You may not. Although he is old, he is still willing to protect the young people of the royal family."

Xiyin nodded: "Yes, my son will go now..."

But Li Hu said: "Wait a minute, you still have to bring someone with you." As he spoke, he whispered a few words into Xiyin's ear, seeing that Xiyin hesitated, he gave him a hard look: "Our father and son are dying, and you still What is there to worry about?" Xi Yin gritted her teeth and finally nodded.

Li Hu sneered, and said: "Come here, tidy up here and help me to lie down. Ouch, I've suffered from asthma again, and I haven't been able to get out of bed for more than ten days. Xiyin, why are you still standing there? Call the shaman in our mansion to dance for me to drive away my illness."

Xiyin was taken aback for a moment, then understood, and hurried to make arrangements. He only said that Uncle Huang was frightened by King Taiping and could not afford to be seriously ill. There was a lot of rumors in Shangjing.

This day Yanyan was lying by the window, but she saw that Wu Guli was very beautifully dressed outside the courtyard, and she walked past Yanyan's courtyard, she hurriedly waved and called: "Second sister, second sister—"

Shocked in the black bones, she looked back to see Yanyan, turned around and walked to her courtyard and glared at her: "I don't know who it is, it turns out it's you little girl, almost frightened me."

Yanyan asked her, "Where are you going?"

Wu Guli turned around, showing off his new skirt: "Go out and play!"

Yanyan was puzzled: "Didn't dad say that it's dangerous outside and we are not allowed to go out? How can you go out?"

With a chuckle in the black bones, he said triumphantly, "Father means that you won't be allowed to go out and cause trouble. I haven't caused trouble, so what does it matter if I go out?"

Yanyan was stunned, she was originally determined to be a good child and not go out to cause trouble, but when compared with Wu Guli, she suddenly became upset and beat the window lattice anxiously: "This is so unfair, why do you go out? Can't go out?"

Wu Guli walked to the window, stretched out his hand to touch Yanyan's head, Yanyan's head was avoided, Wu Guli was not angry, just smiled and said: "Xiao Yanyan, stay at home and don't cause trouble again !"

Yanyan closed the window angrily: "I'll ignore you."

Looking at the closed window, Wu Guli felt even more complacent, and shouted loudly: "Be obedient, and wait for sister to come back and bring you some fruit." Hearing Yanyan's loud voice, "Who cares?", she didn't care, Giggling and walking out, out of the yard, to the corridor.

Walking towards Hu Nian, seeing Wu Guli's outfit, he was stunned: "Wu Guli, where are you going?"

Wugu smiled and said, "I'm going out to play."

Hu Nian's eyes fell on the white jade earrings she was wearing, and he felt as if he had seen them somewhere before, and suddenly doubts arose in his heart: "Where did you get these earrings?"

Shocked in the bones, he instinctively covered the earrings: "No, it's nothing, it was a gift from someone else."

"Who sent it?"

Wuguli didn't dare to say it, and stomped his feet pretending to be coquettish: "Anyway, it was given to me by a young and handsome man when I was in spring. There are so many people who like me, I don't know who it is."

Hu Nian glanced at Wu Guli, saw that she was just coquettish and refused to say anything, and sighed softly: "I hope you really don't take this person to heart..." She spoke so softly that Wu Guli couldn't hear clearly, Can't help asking: "What did you say?"

Hu Nian shook his head: "Nothing."

With a guilty conscience, he waved his hands pretending to be impatient: "Okay, okay, can I go now?" Hu Nian could only say: "Let's go."

Wuguli Fang breathed a sigh of relief and was about to walk out, when Hu Nian suddenly heard: "Wait." She stood still in fright, and forced a smile: "Eldest sister, what's the matter?"

Hu Nian looked at his sister, hesitated to speak, and raised his hand: "Forget it, you go to play first. After a few days of free time, I want to talk to you." Wu Guli hurried away.Seeing Wu Guli walk away, Hu Nian sighed softly. She had seen that pair of earrings before. On the grassland night, Xi Yin took them and wanted to give them to her. She thought that since she rejected Xi Yin, this matter was over. But I didn't expect that the pair of earrings were not worn on her, but on my sister.

Xiyin——Hu Nian's face turned cold. These royal children were really disgusting. In order to fight for a dragon chair, they would use any means to attack their sisters in turn.Based on this alone, she would never let her father support this person.She looked at Wuguli's back, turned her head to look at Yanyan's courtyard, and sighed softly.

As the eldest daughter of the descendant family, she is burdened with many, many things, which cannot be shared with others, and she can only bear them silently.The only person she can confide to once in a while is her clan brother Xiao Darin.

Xiao Darin would sometimes persuade her: "Hu Nian, you still don't talk about marriage now, can you really be an old woman who guards the stove?" Khitan also has a childless family, the eldest daughter does not marry and guards the stove. Houses are extremely rare.Princess Yan died early, and in the early years, someone persuaded Xiao Siwen to adopt a nephew from the clan as his heir, but Hu Nian and his two younger sisters resolutely refused, so the matter had to be let go.

Hearing Xiao Darin's question, she couldn't help sighing softly, how could a woman at such a young age want to be an old woman who guards the stove from the very beginning, but year after year, so many marriage partners have this or that What is dissatisfied is that she is very intelligent since she was a child, and Xiao Siwen treated her like a son when she was a child, and asked her to marry into an ordinary royal family family to manage the family affairs, but she despised those mediocre men. Excellent Ji concubines are in groups, teach her how to be willing.But the man who moved her once was as far away as the clouds in the sky and the snow on the mountains, unable to approach or melt.

"After all, I am the daughter of the descendants, and I am also the eldest daughter," she replied, "so, Brother Darin, you naturally know that there is not much choice in my marriage. People like us, marriage It is often a political alliance, and a useless marriage cannot be formed. If there is no suitable marriage, then being an old lady is not a bad choice." At least, she has power and freedom.

Xiao Darin was in pain and annoyed: "Hu Nian, can you live your life like a girl instead of weighing interests like a man."

"Brother Darin, I don't have a son in my family. I have to behave like a man so that my sisters can feel at ease and live like girls."

Xiao Darin let out a long sigh: "Hu Nian, you have been too determined since you were young, not to mention me, even Uncle Siwen can't do anything about you, I hope you feel good about yourself."

She is willing to take on the responsibility of the family, and only wants her sisters to be safe and happy, but can the younger sisters really be safe and happy?Thinking of Yanyan's infatuation but not knowing what Han Derang's thoughts belonged to, thinking of the love in Wu Guli's eyes and Xiyin's sinister intentions, she was in a state of confusion, sighed softly, and called the maid Kong Ning, and told her to keep an eye on him for the past few days. In order to avoid accidents.

(End of this chapter)

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