Chapter 4
The change of this night is called the change of Xianggu Mountain in Liao history.And the beginning of the matter has been fermented since the day when Liao Shizong worshiped his ancestors, or even before.

Khitan originally had eight divisions, and the Khan selected them once every three years, but basically they all came from the Yaoren division.At the end of the Tang Dynasty, Yelu Abaoji of the Diela tribe became the khan, and the position of Khan was transferred from the Yaoren tribe to the Diela tribe.At the end of the Tang Dynasty, the world was in turmoil. A Baoji went south several times. In addition to plundering a large number of Han people to enrich the tribe, he also gained many Han advisers. He learned about the establishment of the dynasty. Heart.Therefore, after the expiration of the Khan's term of office for three years, he did not give up the position of Khan to other nobles of the tribe as usual, but continued to hold it by himself.

The nobles of the Diel tribe were waiting to take turns to take the seat of the Khan, but they refused to give up.Abaoji's younger brothers Lage, Diela, Yindishi, Anduan and others first joined hands to kill Abaoji and seize the Khan throne.The brothers' rebellion was soon known by A Baoji and suppressed, but the brothers refused to be convinced and rebelled again, like this three times.In the end, Abaoji resolutely beheaded several younger brothers under the urging of his wife Shuluping.

The tribal civil strife began when Abaoji got the Khan position, and it has been going on for many years.

After A Baoji's death, his wife Shuluping feared that the tribal leaders would make trouble again, and massacred a group of tribal leaders and generals.Because of the dispute between Han and Liao Dynasty, she pulled the crown prince Yelubei from the throne and replaced her second son Yelu Deguang as emperor.After the death of Emperor Taizong Yelu Deguang, Shuluping wanted to support his youngest son Li Hu to ascend the throne. Yelu Deguang's sons and other close branches of the royal family did not dare to disobey Shuluping.Only Yelubei's eldest son, Yeluruan Dezhen, made a point and established himself as emperor in the army.

In fact, the generals have long been dissatisfied with Shu Luping for many years, and when they saw someone coming forward, they all supported Yelu Ruan.The Empress Dowager Shulu was defeated by her grandson and was imprisoned in Zuzhou together with Li Hu.Shuluping's defeat, the royal family who were afraid of Shuluping's prestige, suddenly had a new idea.

Yelu Abaoji's younger brother, Yelu Anduan, originally wanted to seize the throne, but he was not very courageous, and after being taught a few times by Abaoji, he became honest.When Sejong was fighting with Empress Dowager Suryul, he opportunistically sided with Sejong.After Sejong succeeded to the throne, Anduan was granted the title of King Ming, and his son Yelucha was granted the title of King Taining.

However, An Duan's ambition was endless, and he plotted a rebellion with several clans, which was known by Yelu Wuzhi and reported to Shizong.After knowing about it, he rushed to Sejong and made up a set of lies, saying that he was loyal to Sejong and urged his father not to rebel, but the father and son turned against each other, so he had to come to inform him and asked Sejong to spare his father.Shizong was moved with compassion, not only spared An Duan, but also kept Cha Ge as his confidant, and let him lead the female Shi Lie army, enter and exit the forbidden palace, and take charge of the guards.

After a long time, Chagao couldn't hide his dissenting intentions. He was not only noticed by Yelu Yazhi, but also by other ambitious people, who induced and promoted him.

After the banquet, when Empress Zhen saw Sejong returning, she was not only drunk herself, but also drunk the eldest prince, and could not help complaining: "My lord, it doesn't matter if you drink it yourself, you are not so small, you dare to give it to him." Drink so much wine, be careful that Sage only asks you to settle accounts." Then he ordered the maids to serve Hou Ahbu to change his clothes and clean his face, separated him with a screen, put him on the couch to sleep, and came to serve Sejong himself.

Sejong also felt a little regretful, so seeing that Hou Ah was not drunk, he did not dare to send him back to Sage's camp, but took him to Zhen Hou's camp to be taken care of by her. At this time, he heard his wife complaining, and apologized with a smile: "I am not On purpose, just forgetting about it for a while... You take care of the child and send it back to Sagezhi tomorrow, don't tell her that Hou Ah is not drunk."

Empress Zhen scolded: "Then you have to promise me that next time you can drink it yourself, and don't get the child drunk."

Sejong hiccupped and said with a smile: "Well, yes, yes! Ah Zhen, let me tell you, in fact, I drank a few more glasses today... I am happy, but... I don't know. Happy. Ah Zhen, why don't you ask me what makes me happy and what makes me unhappy?"

Listening to his drunken talk, Empress Zhen couldn't reason anymore, so she could only agree: "Okay, what are you happy about, and what are you unhappy about?"

Sejong laughed drunkenly and said: "I'm happy... I fulfilled my father's last wish, became the emperor, I implemented the New Deal, gained support, and even now I can send my troops to the south. If we can seize this opportunity, we can... can re-enter the Central Plains."

Empress Zhen hurriedly responded: "I know, I know!"

But after Sejong finished speaking, he turned to hold Empress Zhen's hand, with an expression of grievance and anger on his face: "But I'm not happy, they, they won't let you enter the ancestral hall, won't let you enter the ancestral hall... "

When Zhen Hou saw his childish expression, such aggrieved and angry, and this expression was because of her grievance and grievance, she felt a soft heart.She coaxed Sejong by his nickname: "It's okay, it's okay. Wuyu, you know, I don't care about these things."

Sejong was coaxed for a long time before the expression on his face gradually subsided, and he sighed: "You don't have to care, but I can't. Ah Zhen, if you come back from the Southern Expedition this time, I will definitely let you enter the ancestral hall to sacrifice." Zu."

Empress Zhen's heart warmed, she helped him to lie down, and said with a smile: "My lord, if you want to march south now, you must win people's hearts. For some things, you can give up a step if you can."

Shizong drank too much, and paused: "I am the emperor, and I don't want to let it go. Who dares to refuse? Ask him to compete with me to see if he is better than me."

Empress Zhen smiled and coaxed: "Yes, my lord is invincible..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly thought of something, and took the opportunity to persuade her: "But it's easy to hide from an open spear, but it's hard to guard against a hidden arrow!"

Sejong muttered: "You, you are the same as Yu Zhi. One is a woman who is suspicious, and the other is a woman who has read too many Han books and is suspicious like a woman. He, he was always nagging me a few days ago. Check if there is something wrong with the cutting..."

Empress Zhen trembled in her heart: "The king of house quality also said that? I think you have to be careful. After all, Chage and Anduan are father and son. On the surface, he is loyal to you, but it may not be true in his heart. What's more, someone like him People, if they can betray their father, they can even more betray you!"

Shizong asked: "Then what do you say? His father rebelled, so wouldn't he give him a way out?"

Empress Zhen feigned anger: "You give others a living, but they may not give you a living."

Sejong was startled, at this time his alcohol gradually passed away, he became a little more sober, shook his head and sighed: "Ah Zhen, I know, you have your reasons. But the Khitan people are different from the Han people, we don't have the rules of the Han people , No one is born a king. On the grassland, he can be called a king only by his own fist. From the Taizu to the present, which emperor has been appointed without a clan conspiracy? Among the royal clan, is there any father, grandfather and brother who have not participated in it? Conspiracy? If it's all because someone's father is not a good man, he is not reliable, and he is not given a way out, then I will become an empty emperor. Ah Zhen, you have to know why I established myself as the emperor back then, and I was able to respond to everything. It is because the emperor's grandmother is too suspicious and can't tolerate others, so the clan abandoned the emperor's grandmother and voted for me. My country is not stable, we have to win over most of the clan leaders, even if they have different ideas, even if they They are not loyal to me, but as long as they think that I am more lenient than others, they can attach themselves to my royal banner, and I, the emperor, can do it for a long time."

Empress Zhen thought that he was drunk, but she didn't expect him to say these words, but she was taken aback for a while, and seeing Shizong was a little drunk again, she closed her eyes slightly, and thought about what he said just now, although A bit heart-piercing, but also understanding.Sejong never talked much, and he usually listened to her advice.These words seemed to have been hidden in his heart for a long time, and he couldn't bear to say them to hurt her heart, now he felt a little bit drunk, so he said them out.

But according to her experience of several dynasties, although Sejong's words are reasonable and can be used to appease most clans, they should not ignore the personal danger because of her good wishes.How should I say this?

She thought for a while, then slowly persuaded: "My lord, your words are very reasonable. I'm not too suspicious to tolerate others. It's just that you must not have the heart to harm others, and you must be defensive. We can be lenient There are clans with different intentions, but you can't hand over your life to someone who knows it's untrustworthy. Since even the property says that the inspection is untrustworthy, it's not easy to entrust him with the post of guard. We'd rather give him something more What do you think about positions of authority, more titles and population?"

After Shizong said what he said just now, he was a little sober from the drunkenness. After seeing Zhen Hou insisted, he had to agree: "Okay, it's all up to you."

Empress Zhen was worried, so she said truthfully, "Or if you wake up tomorrow, you can cut off the police. The next battle will be fierce and dangerous, and I don't worry about anyone who is not safe by your side."

"Okay, I'll change the Chacut tomorrow."

Before the words finished, a person outside the tent sneered and said, "Unfortunately, it's already too late."

The emperor and the empress were a little surprised, they got up and looked out, the curtain was lifted, Cha Ge came in with a murderous look, and led a group of personal soldiers.There was a lot of shouting and killing outside, and the scouts had already started fighting with Sejong's guards.

Empress Zhen was shocked, she stood up and scolded: "Chagao, what do you want to do?" All the maids turned pale with fright, but usually Empress Zhen was very strict in training, at this time, although her face was ashen, she did not panic and yell.

Seeing her stern look, Yelucha froze for a moment, and turned to a sharp voice: "You are a Han maidservant who confuses the lord and harms my tribe. I am here today to get rid of you, a monster, and to clear the king's side."

Shizong was already drunk, and when he saw him coming in, he couldn't turn his head for a while. After seeing Cha Ge drawing his sword at Zhen, he stood up abruptly and scolded: "Cha Ge, you are so bold. Do you still remember that day? When you abandoned your father and voted for me, did you make an oath?"

Having made up his mind, how could it be stopped by Sejong's reprimand, he turned to sneer: "My lord, you are the emperor of our great Khitan, but you let the Han women manipulate you, and you want to turn our Khitan country into a Han country." country. Although I once swore allegiance to you, but now you have abandoned your ancestors and blood, and you can no longer be our king."

Sejong was furious, and opened his mouth to curse: "Chaga, you shameless thing..."

Zhen Hou knew that it would be useless to scold at this time, so he said seriously: "Chaga, I didn't expect you, a Khitan boy, to have learned duplicity. You are a traitor just like An Duan, but you saw An Duan's failure, and pretended to be with you. Father broke off the relationship and joined the Lord, in fact, he always wanted to plot something wrong, didn't he?"

Yelu Chagao was pointed out by Zhen Hou's words, and he simply stopped covering up: "No wonder people say that if you want to kill, you must kill you, the maidservant first. You are too smart. You are by Wu Yu's side for one more day. Our clans Sooner or later, it will be cleared by you. Therefore, our death is not as good as your death!"

As he spoke, he raised his knife and slashed at Empress Zhen.When Shizong jumped up just now, he had already drawn out his knife, and now he blocked it.Empress Zhen screamed sharply: "Come on, someone, Chagao plotted rebellion, Chagao killed the king!"

Chagua was furious, greeted him, and slashed his knives all at once.

The screams in the king's tent pierced through the darkness and echoed in the endless tents, appearing particularly horrific, unveiling the prelude to the conspiracy and massacre that night.

At this time, all the officials were drunk. Although they were startled by the cry, a few attendants could not be rescued because they were all sleeping near the king's tent, and the soldiers and horses were all at the foot of the mountain.And Chagao had planned it long ago, and laid down his soldiers and horses. At this time, he rummaged through the tents one by one, killing or arresting them.There were a few quick-witted and quick-witted ones, but they could only flee under the cover of a small number of personal soldiers with their hangover heads in disheveled clothes.

The property of Tiyin Yelu House is also one of Chagao's main targets.But Wu Zhi has always been vigilant, seeing that everyone was drunk tonight, he didn't drink much, and he didn't even take off his clothes to relax when he fell asleep. With the sword and the soldiers, he went to King Sejong's tent.

However, at a glance, there were scouting soldiers and horses everywhere, and only a small number of Sejong's personal soldiers were still fighting with the rebels, so he knew that the situation was not good.Seeing Cha cut holding a knife and coming out of the king's tent covered in blood, he knew it was impossible to save.

Chage's confidantes were holding torches to search for people, Yuzhi was wearing a purple robe very clearly, someone saw him immediately, pointed at him and shouted: "Grab Yelu Yuzhi, grab the man in the purple robe."

The property is a veteran of the three dynasties, who has experienced several times of seizing the throne, so he didn't know the opportunity, and immediately took advantage of the darkness to go to the direction of the stable. He put on the clothes of the guards in black while taking advantage of the chaos, and took advantage of the darkness to grab several horses and galloped away to join the soldiers and horses of the Imperial Army at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, most of the officials were arrested by the police, and the other half fled down the mountain, but because they followed the queen mother and the queen's sacrifice to the sky, they all brought their families with them, and all the family members fell into the hands of the police.Yelu Wuzhi met up with the few ministers who had just escaped, looked at each other in blank dismay, for a moment he didn't know what was going on on the mountain, so he didn't know what to do.

The sound of killing and screaming also alarmed Empress Xiao Sa Gezhi.

Sage only fell asleep halfway, and suddenly felt heart palpitations. He was half asleep and half awake, when he heard a woman's shrill scream from a distance outside, he woke up in fright and sat up, instinctively calling out: "Hooooo—"

At this time, the night guard maid had also woken up, and when she heard the empress calling the eldest prince's name, she hastily lit up the lamp.Seeing that the light was on, Sage recalled what happened last night, and asked, "Hasn't Hou Hou come back yet?" When he felt that there was no one around him, he felt something was wrong. ? Where did Mingyu go?"

The maid came in hastily from outside: "Queen, it's not good, the outside is surrounded and people are killing people everywhere." Sage asked anxiously: "Where did Ming Yi go?"

Everyone didn't know, so Sage ordered: "Hurry up and go to Mingyu."

At this time, a guard who knew about it came to report: "Queen, check the rebellion. I heard that the queen mother, the emperor, and Queen Zhen have been killed. Let's run away!" Sage was startled for a moment, but couldn't understand what he said What was it? My head was buzzing, I couldn't judge at all, I just stared at the guard: "What did you say?"

The guard had no choice but to say again: "The police are planning to make trouble, queen, let's go!"

Sage's eyes went dark, and he felt that the candle had been extinguished for an instant, and the tent was completely dark. When he regained his composure, he found that everything was still the same. Did he just go wrong?
The emperor is dead, the queen mother is dead, and even the Zhen family is dead... The sky seems to be falling.She only felt that her whole body had been divided into two, one half of her body was numb and completely unable to respond; the other half had escaped from this body, like another person, and even her voice was indistinct: "Ho abu Where? Where are they? Where are they?"

The guard bowed his head and didn't dare to look at her: "During the big banquet before, the First Prince got drunk and was taken to Empress Zhen by the Emperor..."

Sage only felt that half of his heart had been cut off, half of his body was numb, and half of it seemed to be numb again, only the parts above the neck were turning with difficulty, and he made a difficult voice: "What about Ming, he has been sleeping on my bed all the time. Beside, where did he go?"

The maids stared wildly, but they didn't dare to look at her. Sage's mind was numb, and he could only think of one thing, which was just before going to bed, Mingyu yelled that he was going to a big banquet.

Sage only asked with difficulty: "Is it because Ming has slipped out to look for his father and elder brother?" Suddenly the whole body fell down like a log, and the maid rushed to support her and screamed urgently.

After a long while, Sage only came back to his senses: "Prepare the chariot, I'm going to see Chagao."

Regardless of the maid's crying and dissuasion, she just repeated the word "walking chariot".She was going to see Chagao. At this moment, only the murderer could tell her whether her sons were dead or alive.

Several servants were fleeing, and the guards came chasing after him. They raised their knives and were about to cut down, but they saw a group of maids holding the queen's chariot and coming with torches.Under the firelight, the queen's face was solemn and quiet, her majesty remained the same, which made them unknowingly put down their knives.

When everyone was running for their lives, they couldn't help feeling a little awed when they saw a person who they knew was going to die.Sage walked all the way, but the rebels couldn't help but stop and retreat to the two sides to get out of the way.

At this time, the sky was just getting bright, and there were corpses lying all over the ground, and the smell of blood rushed to the face.When he arrived at King Sejong's tent, Sage only raised his eyes to see that the bodies of Sejong's guards and Chagao soldiers were mixed together.

Chagao's personal soldiers were guarding in front of the tent, but Chagao was not in the tent, but he had already rushed over when he heard the news, seeing Sage walking in in a daze, he waved to the guard and let her in.

Inside the tent, there are corpses scattered all over the place, most of them are court ladies.Sejong's body was at the front, his knife was thrown aside, he had been cut several times on his body, his eyes were wide open, his expression was angry and anxious.After Chagou came in, he must have raised his knife to resist first, and then the murderers surrounded and killed him.

Sage's legs went limp, and he knelt in front of Sejong, stretched out his hand tremblingly, and gently closed his eyes.This is her husband. She has been married to him since she was 11 years old. He is her God. She treats him like all Khitan women treat their husbands. She takes care of his food and clothing, cares for his safety, serves his mother, and bears children. his children.He treats her no differently from other royal families who treat their wives. He gives her respect, tenderness, status and the protection of his children, except...

She raised her head, stood up, and looked for the whereabouts of the other person.In the direction where everyone in the tent fell, who was they covering?
She followed the direction and searched all the way until she saw the fallen woman in the back tent.

She lay there on her back, her body twisted strangely.The wounds on his body are the most among all the people in the tent.The most elegant woman in life died the most tragic death.The face was cut several times, and the beauty and tenderness of the past could not be seen.The upper body was almost chopped off, one hand was also cut off, the broken palm fell on the other side, and the phalanx was broken.And the back window was open, and blood flowed from it, and Hou Ahbu's small body, half facing in and half facing out, hung on the window.

Sage just knelt down, hugged Ah Bu, and could no longer stand up.But she still has one more thing to do. With trembling hands, she picked up Ah Zhen's severed palm and placed it in front of her severed wrist.

In front of Sejong's body, she did not shed tears. At this moment, she burst into tears.

Everyone thought she hated Empress Zhen.She took her queenhood and her husband's heart.However, she does not hate.

They are people from two worlds, and when she saw Ah Zhen for the first time, she already understood.

Ah Zhen said only one sentence to her that day: "I will not be your enemy. We are all relatives of Wuyu, and we must help him be the emperor together."

And she only asked, "Will my son be the emperor?"

Ah Zhen nodded without hesitation.Two hands clasped together, forming an alliance.

Ah Zhen did not fail her, Ah Zhen used her life to protect her son until she died.The corpse told of her actions before she died, and tried her best to hold the murderer, trying to let the child escape through the rear window.Therefore, when the murderer couldn't break free for a while, he almost chopped up her body before tearing her off from him.Even though the child still didn't escape, she gave her life.

Sage just sat next to Ah Zhen's body, could only tremble and cry, but couldn't even make a sound, fear, anger, and hatred blocked her throat.

She hugged her son's cold little body, feeling absurd and unbelievable.A few hours ago, he still ran away to ask her to catch him to take a bath, and even made a fuss about going to drink, but now, he just lay there motionless, he could no longer laugh, he could no longer make trouble.

Someone is asking, "Why are you here?"

Sage only looked up and saw Chagua.The murderer who killed her husband and son looked quite embarrassed at the moment, covered in blood and disheveled. Sa Ge only saw the torn and bloody places on his clothes, and he knew that the person who was dragged by Queen Zhen with his life , is him.

"I came to collect the bones for my mother-in-law, for my husband, for my sister, and for my son."

"You are not afraid of death?"

Sage only stared into his eyes, and her eyes made even a murderer like Cha Ge fear: "My dearest and dearest are all here. Without them, what joy would there be in life, and what fear would there be in death? "

Chaga nodded: "Okay, I will fulfill you."

"What about the queen mother?"

"In her own tent."

Sage only looked at Chajia, and when the next question came to her lips, her heart beat like a drum suddenly, and a guess came to her heart, which made her dare not open her mouth.She lowered her head and covered her face, not daring to let the demon in front of her see her intentions.

Chagao suddenly asked, "Where is your youngest son? Where has he gone?"

His heart was beating so hard that he was about to jump out of his chest, Sage only covered his face tightly, trying not to make his voice abnormal: "You promised, let me collect their bones." Chagua was furious: "I promised, but if you If you dare not answer, I will turn you into a corpse!"

Sage only slowly lowered the hand covering his face, clenched it tightly with all his strength, looked at Chagua, and repeated dumbly: "You promised, let me collect their bones."

Chaguao stared at her, threatened her with a knife on her neck, and killed her maid in person.

She gritted her teeth, but only repeated one sentence: "You promised me to collect their bones."

Chagua was already frantic, and in a fit of rage, the knife crossed Sagezhi's neck, and Sagezhi fell down, with a strange smile still on his face.Chage was terrified, and ordered his subordinates: "If a child can't run far, search for me immediately, and bring everyone to the main hall, and guard them." What he said, of course, was referring to the tribal leaders, generals, family members, and slaves. The stream is not considered human.

Naturally, this conspiracy cannot be accomplished by cutting off a single person.Sejong's rapid promotion of Sinicization had already offended the leaders of various tribes, and this time he forced the tribes to go south with him to fight, which made everyone even more dissatisfied.The last time everyone went south with Emperor Taizong, although they went straight to Bianjing and proclaimed themselves emperor, but the good times didn't last long and they failed all the way.Back in Shangjing, there was another battle for the throne, coupled with internal cleaning, coming and going, everyone lost a lot of troops, but didn't gain much.Now Sejong wants to go south, so naturally he doesn't want to.

Chage had already secretly contacted many tribal leaders. If not for this, even with his own soldiers, he would not be able to control the overall situation in one night.Those tribes were stuck in the periphery and did not participate in the conspiracy, they just stood by and watched, and then the world inside was under surveillance.

However, Chaga failed to control the situation well, allowing Tiyin to escape.The Emperor's Pishi Army is stationed at the foot of the mountain. Once Wu Zhi's command of the Pishi Army is out of control, things will be difficult.At the same time, Sejong's younger brother Yelulou also fled.Sejong also has a pro-army. If it is controlled by the Yelulou Kingdom and joins forces with Wuzhi, the situation will change drastically after dawn.

Cha Ge anxiously walked back and forth a few steps, and asked, "Where is King Shou'an?"

Shouan Wang Yelujing, Khitan name Shulu, is the eldest son of Taizong Yelu Deguang. When Taizong passed away, he was the first heir.But the Empress Dowager Shulu strongly appointed his uncle Li Hu as the successor.Who would dare to disobey the old lady's decades of prestige?Yelujing didn't want to end up like the former prince Yelubei, so he backed down and endured it.

No one could have imagined that Yelu Ruan Fuling, returning from the north, would launch a coup in the army and proclaim himself emperor, and what was even more unexpected was that he would be able to defeat the old queen and secure his position as emperor.

Chage knew that many people regretted it, including his father, An Duan, and himself.But the person who regrets the most should be Shouan Wang Yelvjing.If they had known that they could win the confrontation with the old lady, then many people must hope that the situation will start again.

Before the attack, Chaga made an appointment with Yelujing, expressing his willingness to support him as the new emperor, as long as his soldiers and horses fight with him.

"Wu wanted him to favor Han women and carry out Han government. Just like his father, the emperor, he betrayed our Khitan lineage from the bottom of his heart, and betrayed the covenant made by our ancestors with the eight tribes. Therefore, he can no longer be the emperor. "That night, Chagao made a secret meeting with the kings, and Yelujing, his younger brothers Fu Sage and Di Lie were all present.After hearing this, everyone nodded their heads.

"I, King Chagao of Taining, son of King Anduan of Ming Dynasty, and nephew of Taizu Abaoji, cannot sit idly by. At that time, the Empress Dowager Shulu saw that the King Renren had betrayed his ancestors, so he abolished him to support the family. Make Taizong Deguang the emperor. Today I..." Chagao paused, glanced at Yelujing, and said, "Today I am willing to support Taizong's eldest son, Shou'an Wang Yelujing, as the new emperor. What do you think? "

Yelvjing had already seen Chagao's intentions, stood up, and said with emotion: "Chagao, I want to favor and trust Han women and lose my mind. We are very dissatisfied, so everyone agrees that he cannot continue to sit in this position. I I can help you, but I have no intention of fighting for the throne, if you choose someone else to be the emperor, don't look for me."

After checking the cut and then looking at the people, everyone is like what Yelujing said.Cha Ge thought to himself that he had recruited enough people, so he dared to do it.He had his own plans to become emperor, so he didn't care about Yelvjing's concession that night.But what happened this night deviated from Chagua's original expectations, and Chagua was a little scared, and he hoped to bring other people to bear it with him.Once Wuzhi and Yelulou led their troops to counterattack, he had to catch someone, if it wasn't Shizong's youngest son Mingyi, then Taizong's eldest son Yelujing.Since Mingyu can't find it, let's find Yelvjing.

However, at this time, Yelujing had already persuaded those tribal troops who held a neutral wait-and-see stance on the incident despite their opinions on Sejong, and joined forces to camp on the southern slope, formally establishing the third camp.

Now Chagua's soldiers and horses are in the palace, Wuzhi leads the Pishi army at the foot of the mountain, and Yelujing's soldiers and horses are on the south slope, forming a three-party force.

(End of this chapter)

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