Chapter 7
Someone galloped over: "Hu Nian, what happened?"

Hearing this voice, Hu Nian immediately shouted: "Hurry up, Yanyan's horse is startled, and the west market is ahead."

The man immediately understood: "I'm going to stop her." He said again, "Go around and stop her." Hu Nian hurriedly responded, and the man urged his horse's head and chased after her.

This man's horse is comparable to Hu Nian's steed, and it is no less than dark clouds and snow.He went straight to catch up, flung out the soft holster in his hand, and was about to cut off the startled horse.Unexpectedly, the dark cloud and snow are extremely wild, and seeing a horse chasing him, he felt that it was a threat. In addition, the mixed smell of Xishi made it lose its mind, so it jumped up and accelerated its legs, and rushed straight into the execution ground of Xishi .

At this time, Xishikou was filled with chills.Several families who had fled to the south were arrested, and the whole family was executed.There was wailing on the execution ground. Dozens of prisoners were dragged to the execution ground. There were white-haired old men and young men with long horns. There were also women and children crying in a circle outside.

The beheading officer is also very headache, no one wants to take over this mess, seeing that the time is coming, he wants to order to be executed.Suddenly there was a commotion outside, the supervisor's eyelids twitched, and he wondered in his heart if someone wanted to rob the practice field, he didn't hesitate, he slapped the table and stood up and shouted: "Slay immediately!"

As soon as the order came out, the executioners immediately waved their knives together, and the heads flew down in an instant, the blood radiated into the sky, and the screams were heart-wrenching.At this time, soldiers in West Market had already stepped forward to block the horses, but they were trampled and trampled by the horses one after another.It's just that the horse was blocked by these few blocks, jumped over the fence again, was already weak, and smelled blood in front of him again, instinctively backed up, hit the fence again, and finally stopped.

Yanyan had been bumped to the point where she didn't know where she was going, let alone where she was. Seeing that the horse finally stopped, she hurriedly reined in it. Then she breathed a sigh of relief and raised her head.

I didn't want to, but I ran into this bloody sky, dozens of heads were cut off and fell to the ground, although she was usually bold, but after all, she was rich and well-dressed, she had never seen this before, she was so frightened that her heart was shattered, she screamed and fell off the horse .

Wu Yungaixue was already tired, and was also frightened by the bloody aura soaring into the sky. Seeing her fall off the horse, he didn't run anymore, just sticking to her side obediently.Seeing that the girl broke into the execution ground, but fell off the horse, and there was no other movement behind her, the supervisor was secretly relieved, then became furious, and shouted at the table: "Come here, take the accomplice who trespassed in the execution ground Come on, cut them all together!"

The soldiers were about to rush forward to grab Yanyan, but Yanyan was so frightened that her feet went limp and her mind was muddled, she couldn't react.At this most dangerous moment, one person shouted: "Wait!"

A young man in brocade clothes came on horseback, jumped off the horse, bowed his hands to the supervisor and apologized with a smile: "My lord, forgive me. She didn't mean it. It's just that the fierce horse was frightened and strayed into the execution ground. It wasn't trespassing. I hope my lord will forgive me."

The supervisor saw that the couple was dressed in extraordinary clothes, the two horses in the front and back were extremely handsome, and there were so many nobles in Shangjing, they didn't know what their backgrounds were, so they couldn't easily offend them.So he put away his prestige and asked, "Who are you? Dare to come to intercede?"

"The late birth was Han Derang, the son of Han Kuangsi, Xiangwen of Taizu Temple. Today, he is accompanied by the prince Xian. This girl is the youngest daughter of Prime Minister Siwen."

The supervisor sneered in his heart when he heard the first sentence, and he was about to explode, but he immediately suppressed his seizure after hearing the second sentence.He is a branch of the descendant family, the son of a mere Han official, how can he be taken seriously, but when he heard that he was the daughter of Prime Minister Siwen, he knew that he could not be punished, and he was secretly annoyed that this kid was surprised when he said something, and he waved it off angrily Waving: "Hurry up and go."

Han Derang hurriedly thanked the beheading officer, and turned around to help Yanyan up.Yanyan is always bold and daring, but she was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child. She has seen killing animals during big hunting, but she has only heard of such a large-scale killing, and has never seen it with her own eyes.In a sudden shock, he was petrified.

Seeing Han Derang supporting her, she cried out in fright, and threw herself into his arms: "Brother Derang, I, I..."

"It's okay, Yanyan, let's go." Seeing that Yanyan was frightened, Han Derang didn't dare to let her ride the untamed horse alone, and helped her ride away with him.Wu Yun Gaixue stopped making noise and obediently followed behind his horse.

Hu Nian and Wu Guli had also rushed over, seeing the two coming out, Hu Nian breathed a sigh of relief: "Derang, is Yanyan okay?"

"She's fine, she was just frightened." Han Derang wanted to help Yanyan off the horse and hand it over to Hu Nian, but he felt that Yanyan was stiff in his arms, and knew that she must be frightened too much. At this time, the West Market was still noisy. Fearing that it would be unsafe, he said, "I'll take you back together first."

Hu Nian also saw it, and nodded quickly: "It's just right, I'm sorry to trouble you." In front of the mansion, after Hu Nian got off his horse, he turned his head and saw that Wu Guli had already dismounted, but Yanyan kept holding Han Derang, and hurried forward to ask: " What's wrong with this kid?"

"She should have been overly frightened and hasn't recovered yet."

Hu Nian was startled: "So serious?"

Seeing Yanyan getting into trouble again, she was extremely angry and wanted to teach her a lesson, but seeing her like this, she couldn't help but feel sorry for her, and wanted to take her home first to recover and then deal with it.Unexpectedly, Yanyan didn't even respond to Hu Nian calling her this time, but only desperately grabbed Han Derang and refused to let go.

Yanyan is not a timid girl, but at the moment her mind was in chaos and her heart was beating so hard that she couldn't get back to her senses for a while.Just now, there was blood in front of his eyes, and the screams in his ears could not go away.She had never encountered such a situation, and she was so out of touch.

Hu Nian persuaded her twice, seeing that Yanyan didn't move, she felt a little embarrassed in front of Han Derang, so she had to apologize to Han Derang, "I'm really sorry, Derang, I have to trouble you to send her in with me."

"It's no wonder that she, the place of punishment and killing, let alone a little girl like her, even a handsome man will be scared." Han Derang is the son of Han Kuangsi, a Han official. Well, so the two families often come and go.Han Derang has known the three sisters since he was a child, so he came to help when he saw them on the road.

After sending Yanyan into the room to lie down, Hu Nian hurriedly asked someone to ask the imperial doctor to use a decoction for calming the mind, and at the same time asked someone to ask the witch of the clan to calm Yanyan away.

When Yanyan arrived in her room, Fang cried loudly: "Eldest sister, second sister, there are a lot of dead people."

Hu Nian coaxed distressedly: "It's okay, it's okay, it's all over."

Wugu cried and cursed: "You idiot, you dare to ride a horse before you have tamed it. You scared me to death just now, do you know that?"

Hu Nian said angrily: "She already knows she's wrong, and you still want to scold her, go get Ningshen Tang quickly."

Shocked and regretful at the same time.She was the one who took the younger sister out, and she didn't stop her from riding back just now.She has always been sharp-tongued, but because she felt guilty just now, her words became sharp.Seeing that the eldest sister was angry, Fang Wu himself said something wrong, wiped away his tears, hurriedly turned around and left, and after a while, he brought the maid to bring Ningshen soup for Yanyan to drink.

Yanyan has been in a trance, returned to the familiar environment, and then was gently comforted by Hu Nian, who gradually relaxed her mind. She fell asleep shortly after drinking the Ningshen soup, but for some reason, her hands still held He kept holding Han Derang's sleeve.Hu Nian pulled it twice but didn't pull it away, Han Derang hurriedly said: "It's okay, I'll read a book here, and I'll leave after she falls asleep."

Hu Nian had no choice but to say, "This kid is really frightened today, Second Brother Han..." Seeing Han Derang nodding, he was relieved, and Yanyan pulled his sleeve and took the quilt for Yanyan cover.Seeing that nothing had happened in Wuguli, he couldn't sit still, so he left early.Hu Nian turned away the maid so that Yanyan could fall asleep earlier, and only her sisters and Han Derang were left in the room.

Seeing Han Derang sitting withered, Hu Nian hurriedly went to his father's study to get the book, and sat on another couch, picked up the book, but looked at Han Derang secretly.Han Derang took the book and saw that it was "Zhenguan Political Leaders". He was very familiar with this book, so he only picked a few pages and read it slowly.

At this time, the shadow of the sun was slanting to the west, projecting on Han Derang's face, half golden and half shadow.

Hu Nian was a little taken aback.She only knew that she was the only one secretly watching Han Derang, but she didn't know that Yanyan was not asleep at this time.

After getting over the initial shock, Yanyan lay down for a long time, and she had already recovered. Then she felt very embarrassed by the behavior of holding brother Han just now, and secretly opened her eyes to look.At this time, the room was quiet, and Han Derang was the only one within Yanyan's perspective.Seeing that he didn't blame him for being irritable, holding the book in his hand, he seemed to be distracted.

Yanyan was both ashamed and uneasy.She went to train the horse, not only to show off in front of her friends, but also to show off her skills in front of Han Derang during the Spring Bowl, so as to get his attention.But I didn't expect that before the Spring Nabo, it was because the horse was frightened that it caused a catastrophe.He hadn't even boasted about his success yet, yet he was humiliated in front of him first, and he was completely stupid when something happened, and he was asked to come to the rescue, which almost hurt him.What's even more embarrassing is that he cried like a child in front of him, staining his clothes.The eldest sister Hu Nian said softly: "Second brother Han, I think Yanyan seems to be fast asleep."

Hander let out a "hmm".Seeing him coming to see, Yanyan quickly closed her eyes, but her whole body was tense.

Han Derang didn't know, but seeing Yanyan's eyes closed and hands still pinching the corners of her clothes, he was afraid of waking her up, so he smiled wryly: "Forget it, I think she seems a little surprised. I have nothing to do today anyway, and I'm not in a hurry." Seeing that Han Derang's clothes were soiled, Yanyan pulled them on again, and hurriedly said: "In this case, I think your clothes are also soiled by this girl, why don't you change this one, so you can get out."

"Alright, please let the boy go to my residence to get clothes."

At this time, Yanyan was about to let go, but it was useless, so she could only feel annoyed secretly, and hid helplessly in the tent, feeling ashamed for a while, and also a kind of secret joy that came from nowhere.

Seeing Han Derang changing his clothes and seeing him leave, he didn't dare to make a sound or even move, so he could only pretend to be asleep and didn't know anything.She knew it was reckless, but she didn't know why she did it at the time. When she woke up, it was too late to regret it, but she was secretly happy in her heart.

A young girl's heart is so reckless and timid, chaotic and simple.She has liked Han Derang for a long time.When she realized that she liked seeing Han Derang's figure and his existence, she had liked him for countless years.When did it start?she does not know.When she was very young, she already regarded the Han family brother as a relative like her father, eldest sister, and second sister.As soon as he came, she would run to haunt him, occupying every moment he was in the house.

Although there are also close brothers in the clan, for example, the clan brother Xiao Darin also keeps in touch with each other frequently, and Xiao Siwen relies heavily on him, but in her eyes, Xiao Darin is a bit too serious and boring, unlike Han Derang who can let her have no scruples Acting like a baby.

In the past few years, the three sisters have grown up, and Hu Nian has also started to be pursued by young men. The sisters will jokingly talk about who they will marry in the future when they are together.Governor Hu Nian knew a lot earlier, and his sisters were not allowed to talk about her.In Wu Guli's mouth, seventeen or eighteen "I must marry him in the future" objects have been changed.But since childhood, when asked about Yanyan, there is always only one answer: "I want to marry brother Derang."

However, Han Derang didn't know the thoughts of a little girl like Xiao Yanyan, and even if he knew, he wouldn't take it to heart.For Han Derang, the things he undertakes now are far more important than these.

When Han Derang returned to the Han Mansion, he saw his attendant Zhi Ning stepping forward and said, "Your Majesty, I have already told the palace that King Mingyu invites you to enter the palace tomorrow." Han Derang nodded, threw the whip to him, and went straight in. , Waiting to tell my father what happened today.Han Kuangsi said: "The Spring Nabo is about to begin. You enter the palace tomorrow, meet the King Ming, and tell him that I have contacted Nvli and Gao Xun. Prime Minister Siwen is also interested, and I will be there during the Spring Nabo. , try to give them a while, get him ready."

Han Derang replied respectfully: "Yes, father."

Han Kuangsi glanced at his son and wanted to say something, but seeing his son's attitude was respectful but not close, with a faint sense of distance, he finally swallowed his words and waved his hand to let him go down.Looking at his son's back, Han Kuangsi sighed in his heart, he certainly knew why his son was alienated from him, it's just that generations of the Han family have come here like this.When the possibility of overthrowing the world occurs, no matter how young or immature shoulders, they must shoulder the cruelest and most difficult burden of fate. There is no choice between life or death.

Han Derang walked out of the study and sighed softly. What his father explained just now was only a few words, but the thrill behind it was by no means simple.As in the past, he thought about everything and every detail one by one.

Over the years, it has been like this.The father explained the matter, and how to carry it out, how to deal with the violent and suspicious emperor for the little prince, how to take care of a sick and frightened four-year-old child, until he learns and grows, are all up to him between life and death. Find out.

The child would wake up in a nightmare every night, crying and crying, and he had to coax him to sleep again and again.For more than ten years, I accompanied him to study, study, ride and shoot, and planned everything.

As a result, he was far away from his parents and relatives, and gradually alienated from his family.Occasionally when I go home to be with my parents and siblings, I don't know how to express my emotions.He envied the closeness between his siblings and their parents, but he couldn't integrate into it.

Han Derang is both civil and military, tolerant and gentle, and he is one of the best figures among the younger generation of the powerful and powerful in Shanghai.Boys regard him as a good brother, and girls regard him as a secret lover.He seems to be on good terms with everyone, but his heart has always been lonely and closed.

After tossing and turning all night until dawn, Han Derang entered the palace as usual.His current nominal identity is the companion of the prince Ye Luxian.Yeluxian is the little prince Mingjian who survived the chaos of Chagao, and Xian is his Chinese name.

Han Derang walked into Yeluxian's palace, and his servant Chu Bu came forward to meet him, and said in a low voice, "Han Langjun?"

When Han Derang raised his head and saw the silence of the people, he understood a little: "Your Majesty didn't sleep well last night?"

Chu Bu smiled bitterly: "The king hasn't slept well these two days."

Han Derang let out a long sigh.He naturally knew the reason.Over the past ten years, Ye Luxian has changed from a four-year-old boy to the young prince today, and the changes that have taken place in him can be clearly seen.But what remains the same is the nightmares that have haunted him since he was four years old, and his emaciated and sickly body tortured by the nightmares.

Han Derang waved his hand, and Chu Bu greeted him and sat down outside Yeluxian's bedroom.Through the screen, he saw that Ye Luxian was still asleep.Han Derang knew that this was a rare sleep for Ye Luxian who had been troubled by nightmares for many years, so he didn't disturb him, just sat outside quietly, silently thinking about what might happen in Chunzabo in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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