God of online games, I'm just passing by

Chapter 109 How Much Do You Know

Chapter 109 How Much Do You Know
Yao Yao was still somewhat suspicious of Shen An's words, but seeing that he really parked the car at the meeting point and dragged Yao Yao directly into the dining hall, Yao Yao really believed Shen An's words.

As soon as Shen An and Yao Yao came in, they were pulled away by the chairman and Su Yun respectively.For the behavior of the three of them abandoning her just now, Yao Yao despised them all.Seeing how Shen An and Shen An were discussing important matters at the conference hall, Yao Yao said with some doubts: "Although Senior Shen graduated from K University, after all, he has graduated for a long time, but why did he come to be our instructor for the centennial celebration this time? "

Just after asking, the three people in the dormitory all looked at Yao Yao with strange eyes, as if she asked something strange.Yao Yao couldn't help but took a deep breath, and continued to ask anxiously: "Uh... Is my question strange? Why are you all looking at me like this?"

"Hey... Yaoyao, let me ask you, how much do you know about Shen An?" Su Yun looked at Yao Yao seriously, although she had already guessed the answer to this question, but she still wanted to hear from Yao Yao herself Come out to give up.

"Eh...why do you ask that?" Yao Yao felt that Su Yun's question was inexplicable. Does her understanding of Shen An have anything to do with him being the instructor of the centennial celebration?Why can't she understand what Su Yun said now?
"You just need to answer, and then I'll tell you why Shen An became our instructor." Su Yun gave Yao Yao a white look, and told her to answer the question quickly, without procrastinating.

"En?" Yao Yao thought carefully about what she knew about Senior Shen. "I know that he is a former senior of our K University, and I also know that he is the owner of Anxin Internet Cafe."

"What else?" Su Yun nodded and continued to ask.

"Eh..." Yao Yao was a little embarrassed, so she really knew very little about Shen An.And about Shen An's ex-girlfriend, she couldn't tell Su Yunming.I don't know why?Yao Yao didn't want to mention anything about Cheng Xue.Because once she remembered that she had a past with Shen An, she couldn't help being jealous.

"I'm going to faint, don't tell me, that's all you know about him." Su Yun made an expression that I was going to faint, then looked at Yao Yao with hatred, and gritted his teeth: " You only know so much about him, and you sold yourself to him without hesitation. Yaoyao, even outsiders like us know more than you."

"Obviously you sold me." Yao Yao muttered softly, this Xiaoyun, did she forget?Whether it was a game or reality, she sold herself first.Why are you blaming yourself now, even though you know too little about the senior, it's her fault.But she really didn't know what to know about the senior?Even though they have known each other through games for a long time, how many days has it been since they officially met in reality?
"What did you say?" Su Yun didn't hear what Yao Yao said. Fortunately, this girl likes Shen An. Although this girl doesn't care, she has considered it.Otherwise, this girl was really sold, and she still helped count the money?

Su Yun wanted to say something more, but someone stopped her suddenly, saying that he had something to discuss with her, and pulled her away.Only then did Yao Yao breathe a sigh of relief, she would never ask Xiao Yun about her senior again next time, and she never taught her a lesson every time.It should be said that the person who knows the senior best is Yun Ge, Yun Ge is gentle and will definitely answer her own questions.

Yao Yao searched for a long time, only to find that Yun Ge was hiding in a corner by herself, she couldn't help but walked over, and asked, "Yun Ge, why are you hiding here alone?"

"It's too noisy inside, I'll come out to get some air." When Yun Ge looked at Yao Yao, she had already calmed down all the emotions on her face, and she smiled at Yao Yao: "It's you, my cousin Will let you out alone."

Hearing the word cousin, Yao Yao blushed, and said shyly, "Haven't you written off your horoscope yet? Don't talk nonsense, I don't have that kind of relationship with the senior right now?"

"Okay, I won't make fun of you anymore." Seeing that Yao Yao's face turned red all of a sudden, An Yunge knew that she was already very shy, and couldn't bear to continue teasing her. Seeing that she took the initiative to look for him, there must be something wrong, so she went He opened his mouth and asked: "Yaoyao, you are looking for me, is there anything you need to ask me for help?"

"Enen, I have something to ask you." Yao Yao nodded and said the business, her face eased a lot, and it was no longer so red.

Sure enough, there was something wrong, but judging by Yao Yao's expression, this matter should have something to do with her cousin. An Yunge looked at Yao Yao in front of her, and was really envious of her, that she could find someone who liked each other.She really hoped that Yao Yao and her cousin could have a good relationship, so she pulled Yao Yao and said with a coquettish smile, "Do you want to ask about my cousin? Ask, I will know everything, Even the embarrassing things about my cousin when he was a child, I will tell you secretly."

"No need, I just want to know why the senior was chosen as an instructor." Although Yao Yao was also very interested in Shen An's childhood, but the relationship was not confirmed yet, so she decided not to inquire about the senior's privacy.

"Okay, then I'll keep it for you. When you want to know, you are welcome to ask me anytime." An Yunge looked at Yao Yao, feeling that her cousin had really chosen the right person this time, and he had a certain degree of advancement and retreat. , I won't deliberately seek other people's privacy just because I said so. No matter who is such a cousin, she will like it.However, regarding Yao Yao's question, An Yunge obviously couldn't laugh or cry, and couldn't help but said: "Didn't you know, Yaoyao, that my cousin used to be an officer in the student union? He planned the most successful college celebration back then, so this time my brother will Come check on him."

This Yao Yao really doesn't know, it seems that Xiaoyun is right, she really knows too little about the senior.She is always taken care of by her senior, who knows what she likes and dislikes?Knowing many things about her, but she didn't understand the senior at all, so she couldn't help feeling a little bit sorry.Yao Yao is deeply self-criticizing in her heart, she must ask Yun Ge about her senior after she returns home.Of course, what Yao Yao was referring to was not about privacy, but about Shen An's preferences.

Affected by this kind of mood, Yao Yao has been thinking about how to understand Shen An better.So much so that when Shen An sent her back to school, she didn't hear Shen An's question.When he reached the downstairs of the dormitory, Shen An couldn't help shaking Yao Yao and asked her what's wrong?
Yao Yao just shook her head, smiled at Shen An, and said she was okay?Did she tell Shen An that the reason why she lost her mind was just because she was reviewing that she didn't care enough about him?

(End of this chapter)

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