Chapter 119 Nightmare
Seeing this situation, Shen An had no choice but to follow her words and said that he would not approach her.He kept talking to Yao Yao, telling her not to be afraid, the bad guy has been subdued.He is Shen An, he came to save her, he is not a bad person.

"Shen An?" Yao Yao finally had a little reaction when she heard these two words, "Senior?"

"It's me. Girl, don't be afraid, I'm here." Shen An tried to approach Yao Yao slowly, and he slowly sat on the side of the bed, but he didn't dare to touch Yao Yao directly, he could only keep touching Yao Yao. Comfort her, and slowly calm down her emotions.

Yao Yao heard Shen An's voice, and couldn't help looking up for him, but the surroundings were too dark, she couldn't see Shen An clearly at all.Yao Yao slowly stretched out her hands, intending to look for Shen An.Seeing Yao Yao's hands stretched out, Shen An tentatively grabbed her hands.Seeing that although her hand was shaking, she didn't intend to brush her away.

In fact, because the door was open, the room wasn't too dark. It was only because Yao Yao looked too nervous that she felt that there was darkness in front of her eyes.Yao Yao felt her hand being held by someone, it was big and warm.When he held his hand, he was very gentle and missed Shen An very much. Yao Yao tentatively asked, "Senior? Is it you?"

"Yes, it's me." Seeing that Yao Yao's expression was no longer so nervous, and her whole body seemed to have calmed down, he boldly approached her and hugged her into his arms, "Girl, don't be afraid, Don't be afraid, I'm here. The bad guy has been caught, and he won't come to hurt you again."

Feeling the familiar embrace and the familiar smell of laundry detergent on Shen An's clothes, Yao Yao finally couldn't help but hugged him back, and cried loudly, "Senior, are here, come save me Is it wrong? I have been waiting for you to save me? I knew you would come to save me..."

Feeling the fear and uneasiness of the person in his arms, Shen An couldn't help but break his heart when he heard her crying so aggrieved, but fortunately he caught up, almost, almost he thought he was going to lose her, " Sorry, girl, I'm late. Sorry..."

Now that Yao Yao's mood has stabilized, Ji Feng has also been subdued by the police who came later.Su Yun supported Chi Mo who had just woken up, and when he entered the door, he saw such a scene, Yao Yao curled up in Shen An's arms, her body was still trembling.Su Yun wanted to go forward and say something, but Shen An stopped him with his eyes.

And because Chi Mo was worried about Yao Yao, he disregarded the doctor's orders as soon as he woke up, regardless of the injury on his head, and insisted on seeing Yao Yao's recovery in person, so that he could feel at ease, so he came here with Su Yun.But the scene in front of him made Chi Mo's heart ache, why was he always one step late?Looking at Yao Yao's appearance, Chi Mo knew that he had lost. No matter how much the knight loved the princess, the princess already had her prince, a prince who loved the princess as much as the knight.The most important thing is that the princess also loves the prince deeply.

Since Su Yun and the others have arrived here, it means that the ambulance has also arrived.Shen An gently hugged Yao Yao and refused any help. Now he is like a wild beast, not allowing anyone to approach his territory.Even the police wanted to go along with them to take notes, but he refused.Now he only has Yao Yao in his eyes and heart, and no one can get close to his girl.

Shen An carried Yao Yao into the ambulance. The nurses wanted to help check Yao Yao's injuries, but Yao Yao hugged Shen An tightly, buried her head in his arms, and refused to let the nurses examine.The nurse saw that Yao Yao's mood was not very stable, and she also understood very well that the girl who had experienced this kind of experience, whether it was physical or mental or otherwise, was extremely hurt.The nurses did not dare to ask Yao Yao for an examination forcefully, so they could only look at Shen An, hoping that he could help, because if Yao Yao did not cooperate with the examination, the treatment would not start, and they did not know where she was hurt.

Shen An knew that Yao Yao didn't trust anyone now, so he patted her on the back lightly, and said softly: "Girl, the nurses and sisters are not bad people, how about asking them to check your injuries?"

Yao Yao glanced at the nurses in white coats around her, and shook her head desperately, expressing that she was unwilling to undergo the examination.In fact, Shen An wanted to help Yao Yao check, but after all, the two of them were considered different from men and women, and Shen An didn't want to do that when Yao Yao was unconscious.After all, this is the woman he will cherish for the rest of his life. If he doesn't get her approval, he won't touch her, even if it's just a body check, he won't do it.He has to respect Yao Yao, otherwise when she wakes up, even if she doesn't blame him, there will be some influence in her heart.

When several people were in a stalemate, Su Yun suddenly got into the ambulance, looked at Yao Yao in Shen An's arms, Su Yun gently stroked her long hair, and said slowly: "Yao Yao, I am Xiao Yun .Since you don't want to let the sister nurses check your body, how about I come? You forgot that we often bathed and slept together when we were young."

"Xiao Yun?" Yao Yao poked her head out of Shen An's arms, and seeing the familiar smiling face, she couldn't help but let go of Shen An's hand, and threw herself directly into Su Yun's arms, muttering: "Xiao Yun?" Yun, I saw him again, he came after me, he came looking for me. Xiaoyun, what should I do? I'm so scared..."

"It's okay, it's okay. Don't be afraid, Yaoyao, I'm here." Su Yun comforted Yao Yao softly, and the tears in her eyes couldn't help staying. She was the only one who participated in the whole process, so she Knowing the fear in Yao Yao's heart.The shadows in her childhood are really not easy to forget, just like Su Yun herself, she thought she had forgotten it, but when she thinks about it occasionally, she still can't help being startled.It can be said that Su Yun is the person who knows Yao Yao best. She knows all the uneasiness and fear in her heart, "Have you forgotten? He is still locked in prison? It is impossible to come out to find us. This is just your doing." It's just a nightmare, so don't be afraid, there is no way he will find us."

"Really? Is this just a nightmare?" Yao Yao looked at Su Yun with fear and doubt in her eyes.

"Well, I promise, don't you believe me?" Su Yun smiled at Yao Yao, then motioned for Shen An to let Yao Yao go, and led her into the car, "Yao Yao, let me help you freshen up now." How about it? Look at you, your hair and clothes are messed up."

"En." Yao Yao nodded, leaned on Su Yun's arms, and followed her into the car.

Seeing that Yao Yao agreed, Su Yun waved to the nurses and said, "Sister Nurse, can you lend me your medicine box?"

After seeking the consent of the nurses, Su Yun closed the curtain and helped Yao Yao to check the injured parts of her body.

(End of this chapter)

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