Chapter 122 Relief
"Let's go later. I just want to go to Xiaomo to deliver food. Besides, he just had an operation yesterday, and he is still asleep?" Su Yun hurriedly pressed Yao Yao's movement of getting up, and said slowly: " Besides, let Chi Mo see what you are doing now, at least wait until the swelling on your face has almost subsided before you go."

"That's right." Yao Yao forgot that her face is still hurt?Thinking of Shen An's forbearance when she saw her face hurt, Yao Yao was so worried not wanting to harm Chi Mo.She knew that Chi Mo must be the same as herself. She thought it was his fault that she would be kidnapped. She didn't know how to blame herself now?If he sees himself hurt again, it will definitely be even more uncomfortable.

In fact, Yao Yao went to Chi Mo just to dispel his worries and tell him that this matter had nothing to do with him, it was just an accident.She didn't want Chi Mo to feel a strong sense of guilt because of this, after all, Ji Feng could only be blamed for this matter, the culprit.

Seeing that Yao Yao was finally comforted, Su Yun told Yao Yao to take a good rest and come to see her again in the afternoon.Seeing this, Xinran and Yun Ge also left one after another, telling Yao Yao to rest well when they left.After drinking the chicken soup, Yao Yao also felt a little sleepy. After Su Yun and the others left, she fell into a deep sleep.

Probably because the smell of Shen An still remained in the quilt, Yao Yao slept soundly and did not have any nightmares.

After Su Yun left the room, he didn't go back to school, but turned around and went to Chi Mo's ward.Just now the doctor told Su Yun that Chi Mo had woken up.So Su Yun took another chicken soup and went to visit him.

As soon as he entered the door, the room became dark for a while.It was only then that Su Yun discovered that Chi Mo hadn't opened the curtains.For this childhood friend, Su Yun also understands his knot.But heart disease still needs heart medicine, and even if she wants to help with emotional matters, she can't help.That's why when she saw Chi Mo at the airport, she couldn't help but talk to him and inoculate him for such a day.

In fact, in all fairness, Su Yun still hoped that Chi Mo and Yao Yao would be together.After all, the three of them are friends who grew up together, so their relationship is naturally deeper.But still the same sentence, who can say accurately about emotional matters, there is no question of who comes first?Seeing that Shen An cares so much about Yao Yao, and seeing Yao Yao's attitude towards Shen An, Su Yun already expected that Chi Mo's affection for Yao Yao is destined to end without a problem.

"Yaoyao, you're already awake. You don't have to blame yourself too much, I went to see it, and I'm in a good mood." Su Yun opened the curtains to let the sunlight into the room, and said to Chi Mo.

"Is she really alright? Is she alright?" Chi Mo's voice was very hoarse because his fever had just subsided and he hadn't eaten all night, which sounded very distressing. "Is the injury you got when you were a child okay?"

"You know all about it?" Su Yun originally guessed that he knew it when he heard Chi Mo say the words in his heart.When Chi Mo told about his childhood, Su Yun knew that Chi Mo knew everything.It turned out that he went back to his hometown this time to investigate this matter.Su Yun sighed for a long time, and said: "What happened in childhood will eventually pass, and besides, it has nothing to do with this one, so you don't need to blame yourself."

"Xiao Yun, I didn't expect that something like this would happen to you after I left. If I had known this would happen, I shouldn't have left in the first place." When Chi Mo thought of that, his expression became very painful.

"Xiao Mo, as I said, no one expected that incident, how could you blame you?" Su Yun didn't know how to explain it to Chi Mo, seeing her friend in such pain made her very sad.

" were there for..." Chi Mo hadn't finished speaking when he heard a female voice from outside the ward: "Xiao Yun is right, Xiao Mo, it's none of your business."

The two turned their heads in surprise and found that Yao Yao had come outside the ward at some point.Yao Yao limped to Chi Mo's window and smiled at him, although she knew that she might not look very good when she smiled at the moment, after all, her face was still swollen.

Although Su Yun prevented her from seeing Chi Mo, she was still a little worried, and she slept well at night, so she woke up not long after.While the nurse was changing the dressing, Yao Yao found out about Chi Mo's ward, and then came over.Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the door, he heard Chi Mo's self-blaming words, and finally couldn't help but speak.

Seeing Yao Yao coming, Su Yun retreated very consciously.She knew that at this time, a separate space must be left for the two of them to chat alone.Just like what she said just now, a heart disease requires a heart medicine, and Yao Yao is Chi Mo's heart medicine.

Just as Su Yun exited the room, he found Shen An standing outside the ward.Shen An gestured to silence Su Yun, pointing to Yao Yao in the room.Su Yun understood immediately, this man knew that Yao Yao was worried about Chi Mo, but seeing that she kept refusing to speak out, he pretended to go out by claiming that he had something to do.So that Yao Yao had a chance to come to Chi Mo alone, but she was worried in her heart, so she came back to guard Yao Yao.

Su Yun shook his head helplessly, it seems that it is not completely unreasonable for Yao Yao to like Shen An.This man is indeed very good.

Inside the door, Yao Yao came to Chi Mo's bedside, and handed the meal brought by Su Yun to Chi Mo. "I heard from them that you haven't eaten all night, so you must be hungry now. Eat some. I tried it, and Yun Ge's craftsmanship is not bad."

"Yaoyao, don't you really blame me?" Chi Mo took the food, but still didn't move his chopsticks. He just looked at Yaoyao directly. When he saw the injury on her face, he couldn't help it. The pain started to hurt, he couldn't help reaching out to touch Yao Yao's face, and asked, "Does it hurt? How dare that bastard treat you like this."

"It doesn't hurt anymore, the sister nurse gave me medicine." Yao Yao shook her head slightly, and said with a smile: "You don't even know how brave I am, but he hurts worse than me? Besides, he is being hurt now. He deserved the punishment."

"Yaoyao, I'm sorry." Seeing Yao Yao comforting himself so much, Chi Mo felt even more guilty, but apart from being sorry, he didn't know what to say?What should I do to make up for Yao Yao, if I didn't find her out last night, she wouldn't be hurt again.

"In this case, then I accept your apology, and I forgive you." Yao Yao still looked at Chi Mo with a smile, "However, you also have to accept my apology. If it wasn't for me, Xiao Mo wouldn't be hurt either. sorry."

"This..." Before Chi Mo finished speaking, Yao Yao continued: "Now we don't owe each other anything, because we have forgiven each other, there is no fault, and we will still be good friends in the future."

Looking at Yao Yao's face, Chi Mo suddenly felt relieved, he knew where he had lost.

"Yaoyao, you have changed."

(End of this chapter)

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