God of online games, I'm just passing by

Chapter 124 Chi Mo's departure

Chapter 124 Chi Mo's departure
Looking at the back of the two leaving, Chi Mo looked at the sunshine outside the window, and suddenly felt much better.I also swept away the haze of the past few days in my heart, and felt my whole body relax.But regarding Yao Yao, he will not give up.If she is happy, he will silently bless her, but if she is unhappy, even if Yao Yao hates him, he will take her away.

Shen An directly carried Yao Yao back to the ward, fortunately the two wards were close to each other, and no one around saw them, otherwise Yao Yao really felt unable to meet people.Because of that scene, no matter how you look at it, it looks like the husband caught the cheating wife.Especially Shen An, who had a black face all the time, was scary to watch.

"Senior?" Yao Yao couldn't help feeling a little guilty, but in fact she didn't know why she was guilty.Because she didn't think she did anything wrong, it was purely that Shen An's behavior was too scary, and she looked angry, which made Yao Yao really uneasy, feeling that she really did something wrong and treated Shen An badly. An average.

"En." Shen An gently placed Yao Yao on the bed, and found that she was too agitated just now, and she couldn't help pulling the wound on her face again.Looking at the swollen face again, Shen An couldn't help feeling distressed.Then he took the medicine box from the nurse, and gently rubbed the medicine on Yao Yao.

Because of the conversation with Chi Mo, Yao Yao didn't feel that she was hurting the wound, but now that Shen An applied the medicine to her, she felt a dull pain on her face.Yao Yao, who was always afraid of pain, was touched by the potion, and her small faces couldn't help but tugged together.

"Do you still know it hurts? I tell you to show off." Although Shen An complained, she couldn't help but relax a lot when applying the medicine, being careful not to hurt Yao Yao.

"Senior, when did you come? I didn't even know you were outside the door?" After applying the medicine, Yao Yao looked at Shen An who was packing the medicine box, remembered what Chi Mo said, and asked with some doubts.

"You little idiot, what do you know?" Shen An suddenly smiled helplessly. It seemed that he was really worried. It wasn't that he didn't have confidence in Yao Yao, but he was still a little uneasy in his heart, fearing that Yao Yao wouldn't be able to control him. She said her heart out, fearing that she would not be able to refuse Chi Mo.I didn't expect this girl to do a good job.Except for the scene of embracing Chi Mo at the end, which made him feel a little annoying, he was very satisfied with the rest.

"Tell me, if you don't tell me, how would I know?" Yao Yao pouted slightly, knowing that she was calling herself a fool, but he didn't explain clearly, so of course she couldn't guess what he was thinking.

"I mean, there is one sentence that I'm very satisfied with." Shen An looked at Yao Yao's pouty mouth, and couldn't help laughing, why is this girl still such a childish temper, and she just praised her for growing up.She didn't expect to show her childish nature so soon, Shen An really didn't know what to say?

"En? What are you saying?" Shen An inexplicably said such a sentence, which made Yao Yao puzzled.Aren't they talking about when Shen An will be outside Chi Mo's room?Why was he suddenly taken away by the senior again?

"You said that you only have me in your heart. I am very satisfied with this sentence." Shen An looked at Yao Yao, and when he said this sentence, his gaze became more affectionate.Yao Yao became more and more shy when she saw Shen An's eyes, she couldn't help lowering her head slightly, feeling a little bit annoyed, and said: "Hmph, so you have been eavesdropping outside the door for a long time. It's so disgusting, such embarrassing words ……I……"

"Silly girl, am I very happy? You can tell your heart." Shen An gently hugged Yao Yao, feeling satisfied, "Yao Yao, thank you for your kindness to me."

"Well, forget it, I forgive you for eavesdropping, you don't have to be so sensational." Yao Yao leaned in Shen An's arms, her face full of happiness.The senior is really foul. He knows that he is soft-hearted, but he deliberately said these lyrical words to touch his heart.

"No, I have to reward you." Shen An looked at Yao Yao and said suddenly.Yao Yao was puzzled, reward?Don't need it.So Yao Yao quickly waved her hand, saying that there is no need.Seeing that Shen An's face was getting closer and closer to Yao Yao, when the two were only a few tenths of a centimeter closer, Shen An smiled and said, "Silly girl, close your eyes."

Yao Yao closed her eyes very obediently, only to feel a warm touch from her mouth, with Shen An's unique breath.However, Shen An was obviously dissatisfied, but considering Yao Yao's injury, he endured it again.

"Hmph, no wonder Xiaoyun and the others always say you are an old fox. This reward is clearly for you." Yao Yao deliberately said so in order to hide her heartbeat and nervousness.

"I'm not a fox, but Qingyi is a fox. I'm a wolf at most, and I'm too lazy to make calculations if I see a prey I like." Shen An hugged Yao Yao and explained to her.

Because of Shen An's company, the time in the hospital passed quickly.Yao Yao's injuries are almost healed, and the police records are all ready.In the past few days, everyone was cautious and did not dare to mention the word Jifeng in front of Yao Yao.In fact, Yao Yao herself didn't care, she was not that fragile, since Shen An appeared and rescued her that day, she felt that the shadows in her heart gradually dissipated.It is not like before, so afraid of the dark claustrophobic space.

Although it was a good thing to be discharged from the hospital, there was also one thing that made Yao Yao very sad.That means Chi Mo is going back to his school tomorrow, and he came here as an exchange student.It stands to reason that after the centennial celebration, he should return to school.But because of the monsoon, Chi Mo was injured and hospitalized, so it had to be delayed for such a long time.And this semester is gradually coming to an end, and Chi Mo is going back to school to prepare for the final exam.So as soon as he was discharged from the hospital, he had to leave.

When Chi Mo left, Yao Yao and Su Yun went to see him off, and Shen An followed because he was worried.But for some reason, An Qingyi came with Shen An, and even made excuses to say goodbye to Chi Mo's school experience and so on.Yao Yao didn't want to expose President An's petty thoughts, and Yao Yao had noticed her recent interaction with Xiaoyun.

When he was about to board the plane, Chi Mo told Yao Yao that if Shen An wronged him, she was welcome to come to him at any time.She also gave Yao Yao a box of her favorite white rabbit toffee when she was a child, and said softly: "Although you said you don't like white rabbit toffee anymore, I still can't help but buy it. If you don't like it, you can buy it." Throw it away."

Yao Yao cried immediately and gave him a big hug emotionally.

(End of this chapter)

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