Chapter 132 Weekend Dates
After finishing the boss, the rewards for completing the task are distributed.They parted ways, originally Mo Yan wanted to ask Yao Yao to play together, but Shen An drove him away directly, saying that he was willing to bet and admit defeat.

[Team] Miss Yao: They are all gone, senior, where are we going?

[Team] Don't Forget Peace of Mind: Girl, tomorrow is the weekend, you will leave the dormitory by next week at the latest, right?

[Team] Miss Yao: Well, because Uncle Su is very busy at the company these days and has no time to pick me up and Xiaoyun, so I have to wait for a few days.

[Team] Don't Forget Peace of Mind: I know.

[Team] Miss Yao: What's wrong?Why did you suddenly ask me when to leave?

[Team] Don't Forget Peace of Mind: It's okay, go to bed early tonight, I'll pick you up tomorrow morning.

[Team] Miss Yao: Good.

Although she felt that Shen An was a bit weird, Yao Yao still said good night to him very obediently.Seeing that Su Yun and Xinran were still fighting in the game, Yao Yao didn't bother them either.After drawing the curtain, I lay down on the bed on my stomach.Thinking about what Shen An said tonight, she gradually fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Shen An was waiting for Yao Yao outside the girls' dormitory.Yao Yao hastily washed up and went downstairs.Su Yun rolled his eyes behind her, saying that it's really a girl who doesn't want to stay, so why can't brother-in-law Shen wait for a few minutes?
Yao Yao didn't care about Su Yun's teasing, she just went downstairs when she saw Shen An standing under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree outside the girls' dormitory.The weather has been getting colder and colder recently, and it snowed lightly in the morning, Shen An's face was tinged with a bit of chill.But after seeing Yao Yao again, the chill gradually dissipated, he smiled slightly at Yao Yao, and walked towards Yao Yao with an umbrella.

Yao Yao didn't care about being reserved, and rushed towards Shen An directly.Most of the couples on campus are like this, so even if someone saw Yao Yao's behavior in the morning, they wouldn't find it strange.Shen An quickly caught Yao Yao, looked at her red face, couldn't help complaining, "Why don't you go out with a hat, isn't it cold?"

Yao Yao listened obediently, her heart was full of sweetness.Seeing her obedient appearance, Shen An couldn't continue to say more?Seeing that she was still warmly dressed, he dragged her slowly towards the outside of the school gate.Both of them were wearing ivory white coats today, looking from a distance, they really looked like a fairy couple.

Shen An's car was parked outside the school gate, and Yao Yao opened the door very familiarly, and got into the co-pilot.Shen An knew that Yao Yao, a little slob, would definitely not have time to eat breakfast in the morning, so he had already prepared it for him.Because I was afraid of getting cold, I turned on the heater and put it in the car to keep warm.

Yao Yao obediently ate the breakfast bought by Shen An, watched the car gradually drive out of the city, and couldn't help asking: "Senior, where are we going today? Are we going out of the city?"

"Well, do you remember the small island outside the city? I remember that all the new juniors will go there once." Shen An drove the car with one hand, and seeing that Yao Yao had finished breakfast, he handed the tissue beside him to Yao Yao. her.

Shen An said that the small island is the most famous lover's island in Z City, just because the shape of the small island looks like a couple embracing each other from a distance.Yao Yao has also been there, but with Su Yun and the others.What did you say back then?Since love cannot last forever, friendship must last forever.The island is not only very beautiful, but the snacks are also very distinctive.Back then, Yao Yao and Xinran walked and ate while walking on the island, but they didn't finish the island's snacks.Moreover, most of the snacks on the island are freshly made, and there is no way to buy them as special products and eat them slowly.And if you buy it back, the taste should not be as good as it was when you made it.

When they finally left, both Yao Yao and Xin Ran were reluctant to leave the island, just because of the unfinished food.Unexpectedly, the senior told me to get up early, and it turned out that it was to take me to that small island.Yao Yao was very happy, because there is still a legend circulating on that small island. On the top of the small island, there is a forest of love.If two people who love each other start from two different entrances and finally meet in the middle of the woods, it means that these two people are destined lovers.And when you are leaving, you can't use your mobile phone to contact, you have to rely entirely on the induction of the two.

Although Yao Yao is a road idiot, she also wants to experience it.Back then, because he didn't have a lover, he wanted to drag Su Yun to try, but Su Yun said he was childish, so he refused.

Although the island is outside the city, the distance is not very far, but Yao Yao and the others will leave early because they need to go there by boat.Soon we arrived at the place where we took the boat. Probably because of the snow, the whole sky was very foggy, and the small island was looming in the fog, which was very beautiful.

While Shen An was buying tickets, Yao Yao held an umbrella and looked at the small specialties sold along the river.Yao Yao was very happy to see a stall selling Tang people. She still remembers that when she was young, she and Su Yun liked Tang people the most. At that time, the grandfather in the alley made this very similarly, and the pinched herself was lifelike. .

Shen An had already bought the ticket and came over. Seeing Yao Yao standing blankly in front of the Tangren's shop, she couldn't help but smile knowingly. This girl really doesn't change her foodie nature.Moreover, Shen An noticed that there were a few single men around who saw Yao Yao alone, and they were whispering about something?Shen An quickly strode forward, put his arms around Yao Yao's slender waist, and declared his sovereignty.

Feeling the familiar atmosphere behind her, Yao Yao looked back at Shen An, smiled sweetly, and said: "Senior, do you know? When I was young, Xiaoyun and I liked Tang people the most. They are delicious and good-looking. It's a pity that we moved later. It’s gone, and I can’t find anyone who sells Tang people anymore.”

"Boss, let's be a pair of Tang people, just pinch me and this girl." Seeing Yao Yao's happy look, Shen An couldn't help but get excited, and directly opened his mouth to buy all the things she likes.

"Then I'll keep it for collection and not eat it." Yao Yao was not polite to Shen An, she was used to the feeling of being taken care of by Shen An all the time.While everyone was not paying attention, she gently tiptoed and pressed a kiss on Shen An's face.

Seeing Yao Yao's mischievous appearance, Shen An couldn't help being emotional, if he didn't consider too many people around, he wished he could pull this girl into his arms and attack her fiercely.But what?He is not in a hurry, there will be opportunities as soon as possible.

Yao Yao didn't guess what Shen An was thinking, she was staring intently at the Tang Ren who had just been made, it was indeed a bit like Shen An and her.The boss is very kind, and specially made the two of them hold hands, and carefully helped Yao Yao pack it.

After buying the items she wanted, Yao Yao followed Shen An to take the boat so as not to miss the time.

 Thank you Xu Xu for the reward, hee hee, the following will be sweet and sweet, spoiler, the two will be trapped on the island... and then a certain big shot will come...

(End of this chapter)

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