God of online games, I'm just passing by

Chapter 136 A Different Mother-In-Law

Chapter 136 A Different Mother-In-Law
Because of Shen's mother's sudden arrival, Yao Yao suddenly became a little cautious.After changing back into her own clothes, Yao Yao came out of the room cautiously, brought a glass of water to Shen's mother and handed it over.

"Auntie, please drink some water." Yao Yao sat gently beside Shen's mother, although she was smiling, she was very disturbed in her heart.After all, it was the first time for Yao Yao to meet the elders of Shen An's family, and it was still in such a situation.

Yao Yao really wanted to cry in her heart, it was completely different from her previous imagination.In Yao Yao's mind, she would dress up properly, and then follow Shen An to visit his family formally.Who knew that he was caught off guard before he was mentally prepared.

Shen's mother also saw Yao Yao's nervousness, and knew that her sudden appearance must have scared the girl.But she really couldn't wait any longer. Ever since she heard Yun Ge talk about it, she has been very curious about Yao Yao in her heart. Although Yun Ge showed her a picture of Yao Yao, she didn't see her in person after all, and she didn't know the specifics. How is your personality?

Mother Shen is well aware of her son's temper. Ever since that Cheng Xue left him, he has been single until now.Shen's mother also knew that her son was hurt in his heart, so she didn't dare to urge him to find a girlfriend again.After finally waiting for her son to become enlightened and have a new girlfriend, of course she has to rush over to take a look.

However, Shen's mother is very satisfied with Yao Yao. This girl is completely different from Cheng Xue. She is very gentle and shy. Although her personality is a bit reluctant, she can be seen to be a very innocent little girl.The more Shen's mother watched, the more satisfied she was, she couldn't help holding Yao Yao's little hand, and said, "Daughter-in-law, your name is Yao Yao, right? I heard from Yun Ge that you are from the Department of Literature and Art, right?"

"Well, Auntie. I'm in the Department of Literature and Art, and I'm already a junior, and I'm going to be an intern soon." Regarding the name Shen's mother, Yao Yao no longer wants to be entangled. Anyway, no matter how Yao Yao explains, Shen's mother is still firm. Call her daughter-in-law.Moreover, Shen An didn't care about the name of his mother, which made Yao Yao very embarrassed.

"The Department of Literature is good, and everyone in our family is educated. Even this girl, Yun Ge, studies science." Shen's mother looked very helpless, "When you come, then someone will accompany me Talking, I don’t understand any poems when I talk to them..."

Seeing Shen's mother's aggrieved appearance, Yao Yao couldn't help laughing from the bottom of her heart. She knew that Shen's mother was afraid of her embarrassment, and she was a little courageous, so she deliberately said these things, in order to make herself less nervous .For Shen's mother's kindness, Yao Yao was really grateful in her heart.

In order to live up to Mama Shen's kindness, Yao Yao followed Mama Shen's words and asked, "Don't seniors chat with you? I remember that seniors like classical literature very much."

"He's just like his father, he's a piece of wood. And he's not at home all day long, and he only comes back to accompany me every time I call him." The more Shen's mother talked, the more wronged she became, and she began to scold Shen An from head to toe. , trying to complain to Yao Yao about her grievances. "It's all right now, daughter-in-law, come and see me more, I don't believe this kid won't come back."

"Mom, don't talk nonsense with Yaoyao. By the way, I have notified my dad, and he will pick you up right away." Shen An stretched out his head from the kitchen, and said to Shen's mother, "Did you bring the medicine? Have you taken your medicine today?"

"I ate, and I came here after eating." Mother Shen's smile was suddenly a little embarrassed, and she didn't dare to look like her son's face.

"Yaoyao, you can accompany my mother first, I'll be back after a while." After Shen An finished speaking, she took off her apron, turned around and left the room.

After Shen An went out, Shen's mother lay on the window, watched Shen An walk away, and said to Yao Yao: "Daughter-in-law, the housekeeper is gone, let's go out too."

"Aunt, but didn't the senior tell us to wait for him here?" Yao Yao was a little puzzled, wondering why Shen's mother said that suddenly.But Yao Yao couldn't directly reject Shen's mother's request, "How about we wait for the senior to come back before going out?"

"When that kid comes back, I won't be able to go out." Shen's mother's voice suddenly became very sentimental, and her tone was full of longing, "I have been to this island countless times, and there is a place I want to go, but I have never been there. It has been many years, and I have never had a chance. Forget it, it seems that I will never be able to go in this life..."

Yao Yao was originally soft-hearted, but when she heard Mother Shen say this, she couldn't bear it even more, so she agreed to go out with Mother Shen.The two of them sneaked out of the apartment. In order to avoid encountering Shen An who came back, the two deliberately took a long way around.

Yao Yao originally thought that she was already a complete snack, but who knew that Shen's mother was even better than her.As soon as the two arrived at the snack square in the town, they began to try one by one.Yao Yao was not very hungry because of breakfast.However, they couldn't hold back the enthusiasm of Shen's mother, and the two began to binge eat.

"Auntie, don't you want to go somewhere? If you don't go now, it will be too late." Yao Yao looked at the excited mother Shen, and couldn't help reminding her aloud.

"For a while, I've always wanted to eat this candied chestnut, but I never had the chance." Mother Shen stood in front of the candied chestnut shop, looking very excited.Yao Yao couldn't help sighing, from this point of view, Mother Shen really looks like a child.

After a while, the cell phone in Yao Yao's pocket rang, no need to guess, she knew it was from Shen An.Just as Yao Yao was about to answer the phone, Shen's mother quickly pressed the hang-up button.Mother Shen, who was still holding candied chestnuts in her hand, shook her head vigorously at Yao Yao, "Don't answer anyone's call today. This is the time for our mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and no one is allowed to disturb."

Seeing the strangeness in Shen's mother's eyes, Yao Yao nodded with a smile.In the end, the two finally reached their final destination, the vast ocean outside the island.

After the typhoon, the weather was very clear, Yao Yao and Shen's mother sat on the spot.Shen's mother's thoughts had already flown away, Yao Yao tried to call her, but she never got an answer, so she had to sit silently beside her.

Shen's mother suddenly took out the harmonica from her pocket, and played a lingering tune, the tune was gentle and moving, making people intoxicated.Yao Yao remembered that there was a small clarinet in the special product she bought with Shen's mother.So I tried to play along with Shen's mother's tune.

But the two people who were immersed in the song didn't realize that there were two men silently guarding them not far behind them.

(End of this chapter)

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