Chapter 139

After getting off the car, Yao Yao couldn't help taking a deep breath, she was almost suffocated in the car.So as soon as she arrived at the destination, she couldn't wait to jump out of the car. Yao's father and Yao's mother were already waiting for Yao Yao at the door.Although they were always noisy and Yao's mother said that it would be good if Yao Yao didn't come back, she still missed each other very much.

When Yao Yao got out of the car, she threw herself into her mother's arms, acted like a baby, and said that she was hungry.Yao's mother couldn't help laughing when she saw Yao Yao's shameless behavior, and said that the food had been prepared for her a long time ago.

Yao Yao rushed directly to her house, she was really hungry, in order to avoid embarrassment in the car, she didn't even dare to eat anything, she could only drink some water, it was really hard.Yao Yao casually picked up a few snacks on the table, first barely filled her stomach, and was rushed by Yao's mother to take a bath.But Yao Yao also felt a little uncomfortable, so she turned and went upstairs to take a shower.

Just after taking a bath, Yao's mother brought a glass of water and handed it to Yao Yao. Yao Yao saw that it was brown sugar water, and looked at her mother with some puzzlement.Who knows that my mother suddenly smiled at Yao Yao ambiguously, and said: "Xiao Shen called us long before you got home, saying that you are not feeling well, and asked me to help prepare this."

Yao Yao blushed all of a sudden, she didn't expect Shen An to be so careful, and even reminded her mother in advance.So under her mother's ambiguous gaze, Yao Yao shyly took the water glass in Yao's mother's hand, then said that she knew it, excused that she wanted to blow-dry her hair, and then pushed her mother out of the room.

Yao Yao finished drinking the brown sugar water in her hand, and suddenly remembered that she should call Shen An, just took out her mobile phone, but found that there were several missed calls on it, all of which were from Shen An.Looking at the time, Shen An dialed in when she was just taking a shower, no wonder she didn't hear it.

Without further ado, Yao Yao called back directly, and just after two rings, the phone was connected, and Shen An's unique gentle voice came over, "Have you finished taking a shower?"

"How do you know I'm taking a bath?" Yao Yao didn't expect Shen An's first sentence to be like this, she didn't tell Shen An that she was taking a bath, how did he know.

"My aunt told me that I just called your cell phone and no one answered. I thought you hadn't arrived yet, so I called my aunt. My aunt said you went to take a shower." Shen An suddenly smiled and explained solemnly .

But Yao Yao was a little shy when she heard Shen An's laughter, she didn't know why?She always thinks of that night on Kojima, and the feelings of that night. "Well. I'm already home."

Hearing Yao Yao's inexplicable words, Shen An couldn't laugh or cry, this girl must be in a trance again.But Shen An also knew that Yao Yao must be a little tired after sitting in the car for so long today.Then he softly told her to go to bed early and call her again tomorrow.

Yao Yao agreed softly, but after Shen An hung up the phone, she refused to put down the phone for a long time. I don't know why?She actually misses him a little now, even if the two of them have nothing to talk about, it's good to be by each other's side quietly.

It wasn't until Yao's mother went upstairs to ask Yao Yao to eat, that Yao Yao put away her sad emotions and walked downstairs slowly.Looking at the dishes she likes on the big table, Yao Yao slowly smiled happily.

Every year, the pattern of celebrating the Spring Festival is the same. Yao Yao stayed with her parents for several days. She felt so boring that she stopped going out altogether.Shen An is also very busy these few days. Every time Yao Yao calls, he basically handles things in the company.As the year approaches, he has more and more meetings.Most of the time, Yao Yao didn't dare to disturb him, because after all, Shen An was so busy that she only slept for a few hours.

And Su Yun has also disappeared recently, and I don't know where he and Chi Mo went?I can't see anyone every day.Yao Yao is really bored, she can only lie in front of the computer and play games every day.

The game is very lively, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, the entire game interface is full of joy, and there are a lot of gift packs and activities.But without the company of the black-clothed assassin, only Miss Feiyu was left to walk in Feixian alone, which made her a bit lonely.Many times, what we care about is not the game, but the person who can accompany us in the game.

Accompanied by Da Da to scan several copies, Yao Yao suddenly felt that it was meaningless, so she went offline.The screen saver of the computer is still a screenshot of Feixian's game, which is the scene of the black-clothed assassin and the green-shirted Feiyu embracing under the old tree.I remember that it seemed that the screenshot of Yao Yao and Su Yun embracing was suddenly uploaded on the forum, so Shen An's big jealousy was overturned, and he hugged Yao Yao at the same place, and uploaded it to the forum. A certain person declared very naively, and he can only be hugged in the future.

Thinking of the past events of that day, I couldn't help feeling sweet in my heart.But at the same time, Yao Yao couldn't help but sighed, maybe it was because Shen An was always by her side, now that the two had been separated for a few days, Yao Yao was not used to it.Even though Yao Yao forced herself not to think of Shen An every day, he was always wandering in her mind, wondering what he was doing?Did you have a good meal? Wait...

Yao Yao has grown up so much, it's the first time she feels that time passes so slowly, otherwise it's only been a few days apart, but she feels that they have been separated for centuries?

That night, there was a light snowfall in the sky, and red lanterns had been hung up in the community, which looked extraordinarily festive.A group of children in the community are chasing each other, holding a few small fireworks in their hands.In the past, Yao Yao would definitely go out to join in the fun, but today she suddenly lost her mood.

Yao's father and Yao's mother went shopping, and they wanted to drag Yao Yao to go together, but Yao Yao excused that she was not feeling well, so they didn't force her.Both people who have been here know that their daughter has grown up, and now there is someone she can miss.Yao Yao was absent-minded these past few days, and they all noticed it.Fortunately, that child Shen An is also very in line with their wishes, he behaves very well in the world, and is a person worthy of entrustment.However, they didn't point out this small thought about their daughter, so they had to let her go.

When the fireworks outside the community started to bloom, Yao Yao received a call from Shen An, the other end of the phone was very noisy, Yao Yao couldn't hear what he was talking at all?I just heard something going downstairs...

Suddenly, something knocked on Yao Yao's window, she opened the window suspiciously and saw that Shen An was downstairs in her house.Yao Yao didn't care about anything, and ran downstairs directly, looking at the person she had missed for several days, she threw herself into his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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