God of online games, I'm just passing by

Chapter 142 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 142 The Uninvited Guest

Yao Yao couldn't care less about being shy anymore, she pulled Shen An and hurriedly said: "Senior, look, is it Xiaoyun and the president of the assembly over there?" Just after finishing speaking, Yao Yao planned to walk in the direction of the two In the past, want to make sure.But suddenly being dragged back by Shen An, Yao Yao turned her head to look at Shen An very puzzled, but she heard Shen An explain meaningfully: "Girl, let them solve some things by themselves."

"But..." Yao Yao originally wanted to say something, but she was hugged by a princess from Shen An and directly carried her out of the community.Many people looked at the young couple along the way, Yao Yao was so ashamed and anxious, she quickly told Shen An to put her down, and immediately forgot about Su Yun's affairs.

Shen An kept walking out of the community before putting Yao Yao down. Looking at the slightly angry Yao Yao, she couldn't help but stepped forward and put her arms around her waist, and whispered in her ear: "Girl, if you are really busy, Why don't we open a room and talk slowly. I can take a look at the scenery of City B, after all, to me, you are the most beautiful scenery in this city, why don't you let me see you first. "

"Shameless." Seeing Shen An acting like a rascal, Yao Yao was ashamed and anxious, and couldn't help raising her little pink fist, kicking and hitting him.Shen An quickly grabbed Yao Yao's little hand, a look of sleepiness flashed across his face, and said: "Last night, I don't know which little wild cat sneaked into my room, causing me to not sleep well. If If I don't get a good night's sleep now, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat at night."

Hearing what Shen An said, and seeing that his eyes were black and blue, Yao Yao couldn't help but feel distressed, and at the same time blamed herself very much, knowing that Shen An was tired after rushing over, and she still messed around with him like this, so So he obediently followed Shen An to open a room to catch up on sleep.

Unexpectedly, in the end, Shen An would still need to open a room to sleep well, and if he knew it earlier, he would not have asked him to go to his own home.Shen An was probably really tired, after setting the alarm clock, he hugged Yao Yao and fell asleep.Yao Yao didn't dare to disturb him, she obediently let him hold her, and gradually fell asleep in his arms.

When she woke up again, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon, looking at Shen An who was sleeping soundly in front of her, Yao Yao couldn't help but looked at Shen An carefully.With fair skin, long eyelashes, and a well-defined face, Yao Yao couldn't help feeling a little jealous.No wonder they are happy to say that Shen An is their school grass?Is it really a well-deserved reputation?I don't know how many girls were fascinated by it?
However, Yao Yao still finds the fate of the two unbelievable.Even though he has missed so many realms, he never thought that the one who stood next to him in the end was himself, a little elementary school girl. I don't know if the senior girls from the previous classes would hate him to death if they knew about it.Looking at it, Yao Yao began to get angry, and gently touched Shen An's face, his eyes, his eyebrows, this man who is domineering but loves her, Yao Yao suddenly felt that something filled her heart. It's full, this should be what they said they were happy.Even if she just stayed quietly by Shen An's side like this, Yao Yao felt very happy.

"Girl, are you sure you want to get angry?" Shen An suddenly opened his eyes, saw the naughty girl in front of him, and said helplessly: "Anyway, uncle and aunt are not here, so we can be unscrupulous?"

"What are you talking about? Well, I'm going to get up..." Thinking of what happened last night, Yao Yao couldn't help but blushed again, and hurriedly pushed Shen An, and got up by herself.However, Shen An obviously didn't intend to let Yao Yao go just like that, and directly used his actions to express what he wanted in his heart.It wasn't until Yao Yao was kissed so dizzy and begged for mercy that Shen An let her go.

After Shen An's confinement was released, Yao Yao immediately jumped out of the bed, and ran into the bathroom of the hotel in a hurry. Looking at her blurred expression and red and swollen lips, she could tell what a good thing she had just done.Huh... what should I do?How could she go home to see her mother?

When Yao Yao was very confused, Yao's mother called her and told them to come back for dinner, and there was no need to pick up Su Yun, because they had already arrived.After leaving the bathroom, Shen An had already dressed, and Yao Yao told him about Yao's mother telling them to go home.The two checked out and went home.

At the door of the house, the door was not closed, Yao Yao directly pushed the door and walked in.Yao's mother and Su's mother were busy in the kitchen, Yao's father and Su's father were not in the living room, they should have gone to the study.Su Yun and Chi Mo were helping to arrange the tableware on the dining table. Seeing Su Yun's appearance, he seemed to have something on his mind.At this moment, Yao Yao recalled the scene of seeing Su Yun and An Qingyi outside the community, wondering what they said?Even Su Yun, who has always left no trace of his thoughts, did not hide his emotions well today.

"Xiao Yun, you are here." Yao Yao came to the dining table and called softly.Su Yun came back to his senses, saw Yao Yao and Shen An behind her, smiled softly, and said: "The two busy people are willing to come back, come and help, today is your home game."

"What is my home field, you should come to help." Seeing that Su Yun was still joking with herself as usual, Yao Yao didn't point her out, but took her words, and laughed and quarreled with her as usual up.

Chi Mo was not surprised that Shen An would appear here. According to this person's personality, if he knew that he was back, he would definitely be impatient.After Ji Feng's incident, although Chi Mo and Shen An still treated each other indifferently, their relationship has improved a lot.After the two nodded to each other, they didn't say a word.

Yao Yao had already gotten used to the way the two of them got along, so she drove the two men to play with her father, and she was noisy with Su Yun in the living room.The picture is warm for a while, but it really feels like the Chinese New Year.

But at this moment, the doorbell of Yao Yao's house rang. Mother Yao and the others were in the kitchen, so she asked Yao Yao to open the door.As Su Yun was the closest to the door, he took the initiative to trot to the door.But everyone was a little puzzled, it was so late, who would come?Who knew that after Su Yun opened the door, he froze in place.Seeing that Su Yun didn't respond, Yao Yao ran over and asked, "Xiaoyun, who's here?"

Then, after seeing the people outside the door, Yao Yao also froze in place, swallowed suddenly, and shouted with some uncertainty: "President? Why are you here?"

An Qingyi didn't speak, but smiled at Yao Yao, then pulled Su Yun, and said, "Let's talk."

"I'm sorry, I don't think we have anything to talk about? Please go back." After Su Yun finished speaking, he was about to close the door, but An Yiqing kept pressing the door to prevent her from closing it.

(End of this chapter)

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