Chapter 146 Cold War
Hearing Yao's mother's persuasive tone, Yao Yao knew that Yao's mother was worried about herself and Shen An, but she didn't know the reason for their quarrel, so she tried to persuade her.

"Well, I know." Yao Yao nodded, and in order not to let Yao's mother continue to worry, she drank the porridge in her hand and said, "I'll go and see Xiaoyun first, Mom, I'm fine. Don't worry about it. Don't worry, go back and rest early."

"I haven't gone to see Yun girl yet?" Yao's mother put away her things, watched Yao Yao jump off the hospital bed, and couldn't help but said: "Slow down, didn't I just fainted yesterday, why are you still so frizzy?" Fierce."

Yao Yao directly ignored Yao's mother's nagging, and as soon as she opened the door, she saw Shen An standing outside, she couldn't help being startled, and stammered, "Senior? Didn't you go back?"

In fact, Shen An already knew that Yao Yao was awake, and knew that she must be hiding from him on purpose, so she refused to open her eyes.That's why I did this on purpose, pretending that I wanted to go back, but actually kept guarding outside the door.Seeing Shen An's expression, Yao's mother also understood that the two children should have something to talk about, so she hurriedly said: "Yao girl, I'll go to see Yun girl first, you and Xiao Shen can come together later."

Yao Yao knew that she couldn't hide, she looked at Yao's mother's back, turned and went back to the ward.Shen An followed Yao Yao in and closed the door of the ward.

"Girl, you're still angry with me, aren't you?" Shen An looked at Yao Yao with her back turned to her, couldn't help but stepped forward to hug Yao Yao, and asked in a low voice.

"No, I'm just angry with myself." Yao Yao couldn't help sobbing, but she refused to turn around to let Shen An see the tears, so she said softly: "Senior, you go back Well, I want to be alone."

"If you're not angry, why don't you want to see me?" Seeing Yao Yao tense up in her little emotions, but still refusing to turn around to see her, she knew she must still be blaming herself.

"I just don't know what to say when we meet? After all, I was the one who caused Xiao Yun's injury, I really..." Yao Yao was already in a state of complete crying, and the tears fell on Shen An's arms, which were scorching hot .Yao Yao seemed to cry out all the unhappiness in her heart, she broke away from Shen An's embrace, hugged herself and squatted down.This is Yao Yao's unconscious action to protect herself. Whenever she is sad or afraid, she likes to hug herself tightly and give herself strength. "Senior, do you know? Xiaoyun used to be a famous dancing genius, but it was because I ruined her feet that she lost her dream. Now it's because of me that she almost couldn't stand up again. I It's really Xiaoyun's disaster..."

"Girl, these are all accidents and have nothing to do with you." Seeing Yao Yao's sad appearance, Shen An's heart couldn't help being scratched like a knife, bursts of distress, he really wanted to hug her into his arms , to share her pain for her.But Shen An didn't dare, because he was afraid that his actions would only arouse Yao Yao's resentment.So he just stood quietly behind Yao Yao, looking at the person in front of him, in great pain.

"Senior, can you let me be alone for a while? I really don't know what to do now?" Yao Yao asked suddenly. She really didn't have the time to think about the problems between her and Shen An. I just want to take a look at Su Yun and apologize to her.

"Okay." Hearing Yao Yao's request, Shen An couldn't refuse at all.I don't know how long I looked at Yao Yao, then I turned around and left the room.After Shen An went out, she saw Chi Mo who was also waiting outside, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Girl, I'll leave it to you in a few days."

And after hearing the footsteps behind her disappear, Yao Yao's heart doesn't know why?It seemed empty.She stood up suddenly, but because she squatted for too long, she couldn't help feeling dizzy and numb. She was about to fall backwards, but was supported by a strong arm.Yao Yao subconsciously turned around and shouted: "Senior."

But when he found that the person supporting him was Chi Mo, he couldn't help but smiled awkwardly.That's right, I just drove away the senior with my own hands, how could he come back to support me, I couldn't help putting away the disappointment in my heart, smiled at Chi Mo, and said, "Xiao Mo, thank you."

"Patients should not be brave, lest they cause people to worry in vain." In fact, when Yao Yao called out 'senior', Chi Mo couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. It seems that no matter what Shen An did?No matter how Yao Yao gets angry with him, in her heart, Shen An will always be the only one.That being the case, for Yao Yao's happiness, I should help someone to protect Yao Yao, this is what the knight is doing.

"I'm fine." Yao Yao gently pushed Chi Mo's arms away, and after she stabilized her figure, she walked towards Su Yun's ward, "Xiao Mo, have you visited Xiao Yun? Let's go together." .”

"En." Chi Mo looked at Yao Yao who was so brave, and didn't stop her. He knew Yao Yao's character, although confused but stubborn, if she didn't see Su Yun with her own eyes, she wouldn't be at ease.

As soon as she arrived at the door of the ward, Yao Yao saw An Qingyi outside the ward, also looking very haggard.Yao Yao glanced at him, but ignored him, instead bypassed An Qingyi and entered the ward.Sure enough, Su Yun had woken up and was drinking porridge.Su's father and Su's mother were taking care of her in the ward. They didn't see Yao's mother, so they might have gone back.

Su's father and Su's mother saw Yao Yao walking in, they quickly got up to greet her, and said, "Yaoyao is here, how is your health? I planned to see you in a while, but I didn't expect you to come first."

"I'm fine, Mother Su, I heard that Xiaoyun is awake, I'll come and see her." Yao Yao looked a little unnatural, seeing Father Su and Mother Su who were so gentle to her, felt deeper guilt in her heart up.

"Pfft..." Su Yun, who was sitting on the hospital bed, couldn't help laughing when he saw Yao Yao's appearance like this, and said, "Beauty, you came to see me without bringing anything, it's too rude, but I What about the patients? Visiting the patients, but empty-handed, you are getting more and more stingy."

Yao Yao knew that Su Yun said that on purpose, in order not to blame herself too much.Su Yun is always like this, he is very tolerant towards himself, sometimes Yao Yao really wishes she could scold him, so that he would not feel so guilty.But seeing Su Yun with a smile on her face, Yao Yao couldn't help but her eyes turned red, and said: "Xiaoyun, I'm sorry, it's all my fault..."

"Enough, stop. What does my injury have to do with you?" Su Yun was very helpless. Yao Yao was good at everything, except that she always blamed herself for everything and always felt that it was her own fault.This time her foot was injured, in fact, no one was wrong, it was just her own carelessness.

(End of this chapter)

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