Chapter 148 Reconciliation
Su Yun also knew that if he didn't make it clear, that person would definitely not give up.Well, let her end it all.So he nodded to Yao Yao, and said: "Yao Yao, you go and ask him to come in, but don't tell my parents, I don't want them to worry and misunderstand."

"Okay. I'm right outside the door, call me if you have anything to do." Knowing that Su Yun wanted to make it clear to An Qingyi, Yao Yao turned around and left the room, looked at An Qingyi who was sitting outside, and sighed involuntarily. With a sigh of relief, he said: "Xiaoyun said that she wants to see you, so go in. But there is one thing, you must stay three meters away from her, and you are not allowed to approach her again. There is also..."

An Qingyi rushed in without waiting for Yao Yao to finish speaking.Yao Yao wanted to hold him back, but was suddenly stopped by Chi Mo. Looking at the closed door, Chi Mo said to Yao Yao, "Let him go in, this time he should give up."

"Hey...Xiaomo, why do you think Xiaoyun's life is so hard? Why is God always treating her so unfairly?" Yao Yao really couldn't figure out why Su Yun always had to bear all the sufferings.Obviously she should be the happy woman.

"Happiness will come at the end of suffering. Xiaoyun will get the happiness she wants." Chi Mo let go of Yao Yao's hand and looked at her still red eyes, feeling really distressed.He seemed to hug her and comfort her gently.But Chi Mo knew that he was not the one who could comfort Yao Yao, so he could only suppress the pain in his heart, and said with a smile: "Shen An is in the hospital, are you sure you don't want to visit him? According to the nurse, he seems to be injured .”

"Injured? How could you be injured?" Yao Yao suddenly became very nervous when she heard that Shen An was injured, wishing she could go to find Shen An right away.

"I don't know, but he doesn't want to cooperate with the treatment. Go and see, he's in the consultation room." As soon as Chi Mo finished speaking, Yao Yao ran towards the treatment room.Seeing the back of Yao Yao leaving, Chi Mo smiled bitterly, and said silently: I can only help you here, remember to cherish your own happiness, my princess.

When Yao Yao rushed to the treatment room, she pushed the door open and walked in without hesitation, still shouting: "Senior? What's wrong with you?" But she saw a group of doctors and nurses in the treatment room looking at Yao Yao suspiciously, and in the treatment room There is no shadow of Shen An in the movie.Yao Yao is wondering?Suddenly, he heard someone calling his name behind him.Yao Yao turned around and saw that Shen An was holding something and looking at her. She was safe and sound, without any signs of injury. Only then did Yao Yao realize that she was cheated by Chi Mo.Thinking of his tense expression just now, he couldn't help being ashamed and anxious, and turned around and ran away.

Shen An hurriedly stepped forward to hold her back, but Yao Yao burst into tears, punching and kicking Shen An, "Let go of me, woo are all liars, you all lied to me, I hate you, I hate you. Never bother with you again."

Because of Yao Yao's actions, passing doctors, nurses and patients were onlookers. Shen An knew that this was not a place to talk, so she directly put Yao Yao on her shoulder and walked out of the hospital quickly.Today's hospitals basically have leisure areas for patients to go out and relax.But because it was morning, there were not many people in the leisure area.

Shen An kept holding Yao Yao in the leisure area before letting her down, at this moment Yao Yao has calmed down.But she didn't pay attention to Shen An, she just shed tears silently.Seeing this, Shen An quickly wiped away the tears on her face with her hands, but Yao Yao turned her head away to prevent him from touching her.

"Girl, I did something wrong to tell Qingyi your home address. I didn't know that Su Yun would be hospitalized. It doesn't matter how angry you are. You can beat me and scold me, but don't cry, you When I cry, my heart hurts." Shen An also lost her usual rationality long ago, and looked very anxious seeing Yao Yao's non-stop tears.So he was the first to admit his mistake, and then squatted in front of Yao Yao, asking her to beat him out.

"Hmph, you liar. You lied to me and got hurt, and I ran over here." Thinking of Su Yun's words, and hearing that Shen An began to admit his mistake again, Yao Yao's heart softened a little, but she was still very happy. Annoyed that Shen An even teamed up with Chi Mo to deceive him, causing him to be so embarrassing in the hospital.

"Injured? How did you start?" Seeing that Yao Yao had finally spoken to him, Shen An couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, but hearing what she said about being injured and a liar, Shen An was very puzzled. When did he lie? Yao Yao said she was injured?

"Couldn't it be that you told Xiaomo that you were injured and refused to seek medical treatment, which made me worry, so I ran over to you directly?" Seeing Shen An's confused look, Yao Yao also didn't understand, if it wasn't for Shen An Tell Chi Mo to lie, so why does Xiao Mo deceive himself so deliberately?
"Girl, I really didn't do this. I just went back with my aunt to get something. Didn't I just bring it to you? I never told Chi Mo that I was injured." Shen An thought about it carefully Thinking about it, could it be that Chi Mo deceived Yao Yao on purpose, is he helping himself?Shen An felt a little unbelievable, but felt that this was indeed something Chi Mo would do.

"But why did Xiao Mo say that you were injured and asked me to come to you in the treatment room." Seeing that Shen An really didn't know, Yao Yao was dumbfounded. Could it be that Xiao Mo really deceived herself on purpose? what?But Yao Yao still thinks it's impossible, because Chi Mo has no reason to do so.

Hearing Yao Yao's explanation, Shen An already understood it completely. It seemed that he owed Chi Mo a favor.Although Shen An knew that the reason why Chi Mo did this was not for himself at all, but probably because he wanted to help Yao Yao.No matter what his purpose is?Shen An has accepted his favor, and will definitely return it to him if he has the opportunity.But thanks to him, Shen An had the opportunity to untie Yao Yao's knot.It's Chinese New Year, he came here specifically to find Yao Yao, not to make the two of them quarrel.

Seeing that Shen An was fine, Yao Yao felt a little uncomfortable, turned around and wanted to leave, and planned to go back to Chi Mo to find out, but who knew that Shen An suddenly hugged her and told her not to leave.Seeing that Yao Yao didn't break free from his embrace, he knew that she was willing to listen to his explanation.So Shen An completely explained the reason why he did this to Yao Yao, and promised her that he would never hide anything from her in the future.

After listening to Shen An's explanation, Yao Yao began to forgive him in her heart. Xiaoyun was right, she couldn't miss her senior just because of her own willfulness, and she and her senior had to make up for this mistake together.So Yao Yao turned around and hugged Shen An lightly, expressing that she had begun to forgive him.

 Don't worry, don't abuse, after this matter is over, they will start living together...

(End of this chapter)

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