God of online games, I'm just passing by

Chapter 159 Let's Get Married

Chapter 159 Let's Get Married

Seeing Yao Yao's appearance like this, Shen An's heart couldn't help beating fast.This should be the best expectation of all men. When you are tired from working outside, you can see the person you like is cooking a table full of dishes waiting for him as soon as you get home.At that time, I am afraid that all the hard work will disappear, and only happiness will remain in my heart.

Shen An didn't even bother to change his shoes, so he stepped forward and hugged Yao Yao.Yao Yao was serving a meal, she was taken aback by Shen An's sudden movement, and quickly asked what's wrong?
Shen An just shook his head slightly, and after a long time, he said, "Yao Yao, why don't we get married?"

Yao Yao was obviously taken aback, wondering why Shen An suddenly said that?Is this a marriage proposal?Or are you just kidding yourself?But looking at Shen An's appearance, it seems that he is not joking.So Yao Yao looked at Shen An in confusion, and asked in confusion: "Senior, are you proposing to me? Or are you joking with me?"

"Looking at your expression, girl, you don't seem to be very willing, even if I'm joking." Shen An was a little helpless, he just suddenly felt that the apartment was gradually becoming warmer because of Yao Yao's joining.Unlike before, he felt that the apartment was just a place to sleep. Because of Yao Yao, now he gradually feels like home.

Shen An went directly to the bedroom to change clothes, while Yao Yao was still lost in the living room.Although Shen An said that his proposal was a joke, Yao Yao was still very happy in her heart, at least it showed that Shen An really wanted to marry her.In fact, Yao Yao's hesitation was not because she didn't want to marry Shen An, but she felt it was too sudden.

It's not that Yao Yao has never imagined the scene of Shen An proposing to her, but in her mind, it should be a very romantic picture. Who knows that it was only in the living room, and the most important thing is that she didn't kneel on one knee, and she didn't have a ring .No wonder Yao Yao suspected that Shen An was joking?Which girl would accept such a simple marriage proposal from her boyfriend? This is a once-in-a-lifetime scene.

Seeing Shen An throwing the bomb and turning around to run away, Yao Yao was slightly dissatisfied.But seeing Shen An's tired appearance, Yao Yao still prepared a sumptuous dinner for him, even though it was all half-finished.After Shen An finished changing clothes and came out, Yao Yao happened to bring out the meal and said to Shen An: "Senior, come and eat."

Shen An nodded, hummed, looked at the rich dishes on the table, looked at Yao Yao in shock, and asked with some doubts: "Girl, you made all these dishes?"

After all, Shen An heard from Yao's mother that Yao Yao never went to the kitchen because she was a kitchen killer.So when living with Yao Yao, Shen An basically cooks?Even if he couldn't cook for Yao Yao for lunch, Shen An would call Yao Yao to come to the company to eat with him.

"Eh...half and half?" Yao Yao was a little embarrassed. After the rice came out, these dishes basically only need to be reheated. Ready to eat?
"I am a little impressed with you?" Shen An looked at Yao Yao's expression, and knew that the dishes on the table were definitely not from Yao Yao's hands, but seeing her meticulously preparing dinner for herself, Shen An did not intend to expose her .She continued to cooperate with Yao Yao, saying that her cooking skills are really good, and the temperature of this dish is just right.

After the two were full, Yao Yao put the rest of the dishes in the refrigerator, and urged Shen An to take a bath, while she stayed in the kitchen to pack things.Shen An originally planned to help Yao Yao and clean up with her, but Yao Yao flatly refused, saying that she could handle it by herself.Yao Yao actually felt that Shen An had done so much for her, and she wanted to do some small things to repay him.Although many people say that love does not need to be equal, there will always be someone who pays more.And love does not need to be reciprocated, because loving her will bring her the best.

But Yao Yao doesn't think so. She thinks that love should come and go, and of course you should be rewarded if you give. This is the real way to get along.It has to be said that Yao Yao's repayment was successful, and she succeeded in making Shen An love her more, and if Yao Yao hadn't graduated yet, Shen An would have liked to marry her home immediately.

After the kitchen was cleaned up, Shen An had also taken a shower.At the moment, she was lying on the bed reading a magazine, Yao Yao then went into the bathroom and began to wash herself.The glass window of the bathroom gently outlined the woman's better figure, looking at Shen An's mouth became dry for a while, and he didn't even bother to read any magazines in his hand.

So when Yao Yao came out of the shower, she saw that Shen An was holding a magazine in her hand, and her face was already stuck on the magazine. The most important thing was that Shen An's magazine was held upside down. I don't know how he read it?

Of course Yao Yao didn't know Shen An's pain at this time, if Shen An hadn't closed his eyes in time, he might have turned into a wolf and rushed towards Yao Yao.Yao Yao also climbed onto the bed after washing up, and told Shen An about meeting Xinran today, and that Xinran was in a relationship with Feng Qin, and asked Shen An if she knew about it?

Shen An just hummed, and continued to look at the magazine in his hand.Yao Yao was very dissatisfied with Shen An's perfunctory answer, she directly took the magazine from his hand, and said helplessly: "Senior, what are you reading? The magazines are all upside down?"

At this time, Shen An realized that his book was really held upside down, and he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. After all, he was too fascinated by the figure just now. When he saw Yao Yao was about to leave the bathroom door, Shen An quickly blocked himself with a magazine. In a hurry, I even turned the magazine upside down.Having grown up so big, Shen An has never made such a fool of herself before.

"Pfft..." Yao Yao suddenly laughed, looking at Shen An's flushed face, she thought that Shen An felt a little ashamed when she found out that the magazine was held upside down.She didn't know that Shen An's blushing was not because of embarrassment when she was found out, but because of shyness.Because Shen An didn't suppress the desire deep in his heart, he watched Yao Yao outside the door for a long time. "Senior, your face is so red, like a monkey's butt?"

Shen An also knew that his face must be very red, because he could feel the temperature on his face, but when he saw Yao Yao's unsteady smile, he rushed forward and blocked Yao Yao's lips with a kiss. Now Yao Yao couldn't laugh anymore, she just struggled a little, and fell into Shen An's tenderness.

Yao Yao is no longer the same as before, she only blindly respond to Shen An, she has learned to cater to her now, she hugs Shen An's neck with both hands, and enjoys the sweet time between the two in the most comfortable direction.

(End of this chapter)

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