God of online games, I'm just passing by

Chapter 161 Multiple Personalities

Chapter 161 Multiple Personalities
"What's the matter? Here's a guest, why don't you invite me to sit down?" Cheng Xue didn't answer Yao Yao's question, and sat down on the sofa beside her without waiting for Yao Yao's answer, and saw that the sofa had been replaced with a warm color. , couldn't help but frowned slightly, and said: "An never liked such childish colors, it's simply lowering her own taste."

Yao Yao was speechless, this Cheng Xue must have deliberately satirized her.Shenma is called lowering one's own taste. How did this warm color become a lowering of taste?Besides, even if it's just lowering the taste, does it have anything to do with her?Usually, guests who come to other people's homes as guests, would they talk like this?Now that people have started to mock her directly, Yao Yao didn't intend to be polite to her anymore, and asked again: "What are you doing here?"

"Pfft...don't be nervous, I just came to see our former love nest..." Cheng Xue suddenly glanced at Yao Yao provocatively, obviously very satisfied with her slightly angry expression, and then continued: "Although the furniture The colors have changed, but the style is still the same as before I left?"

After speaking, Cheng Xue got up directly, bypassed the living room, and walked directly to the door of the bedroom.Seeing this, Yao Yao immediately went to stop her.This time Yao Yao was really angry, this Cheng Xue is too strange, she came to other people's house for no reason, not to mention, and took the initiative to visit it very familiarly.The bedroom is Yao Yao and Shen An's private place, she doesn't want outsiders to step in, especially Cheng Xue is Shen An's ex-girlfriend.

Seeing Yao Yao blocking the door of the bedroom, Cheng Xue suddenly smiled smugly, and said pretending to be ambiguous: "Don't be so nervous, isn't it just a bedroom... I have entered it more times than you?" After finishing speaking, Cheng Xue Seeing Yao Yao still guarding the door of the bedroom and refusing to give in, Xue pushed Yao Yao away. She was half a head taller than Yao Yao. Although she looked thin and weak, her strength was not small. After a moment, he quickly fell backwards. In order to stabilize his figure, he accidentally twisted his foot.

Cheng Xue didn't look at Yao Yao, and went directly into the bedroom. Yao Yao didn't care about her foot injury, and immediately followed her in with a limp. But this time Yao Yao behaved, she quietly picked up the On the mobile phone, Shen An sent a text message, telling him to go back to the apartment quickly, saying that Cheng Xue is here, and he really doesn't know how to deal with her.

Shen An had just finished the meeting and was about to call Yao Yao to ask if she got up?But he found the short message Yao Yao sent to him. As soon as he saw the content of the text message, Shen An left the office directly, ignoring the secretary asking where he was going, Shen An came all the way to the garage, drove out of the company, and rushed back to the apartment .Shen An was helpless for a while, this Cheng Xue just saw her blindly forbearance, although she came to the door again and again, because Shen An was concerned about her face, she just said she didn't see her, and didn't find anyone to directly send her away.Unexpectedly, now that he is getting more and more insatiable, he actually found it in the apartment.If she dared to hurt Yao Yao, Shen An would never soften her heart, and must tell her clearly.

When Shen An was rushing back, another group of people was also quietly walking towards the apartment, but because of their arrival, this matter became very simple.

When Yao Yao sent a message to Shen An, Cheng Xue sat directly beside the bed, gently stroked the pillow on it, and said seemingly unintentionally: "At the beginning, we also experienced our first good night on this place, I still remember that I was crying so badly at that time, and he kept coaxing me, saying that he would love me forever. At that time, I really felt that I was the happiest woman in the world."

Yao Yao clenched her fists involuntarily, forcing herself not to listen, not to think, that is all in the past.Now this woman is nothing more than Shen An's ex-girlfriend, and their experience is nothing but the past.Although Cheng Xue deliberately told Yao Yao about the past between her and Shen An, Yao Yao was still very concerned, but who didn't have the past?And she is just Shen An's past, and only the past, and Yao Yao cares more about her and Shen An's future.

Yao Yao doesn't want to talk to Cheng Xue any more, she can go shopping if she likes, anyway, the apartment is only this big, and there is nothing to see inside.In order not to be affected by Cheng Xue's words, Yao Yao simply left the bedroom. Her ankle hurt more and more. Yao Yao looked down and found that her entire ankle was swollen, which really looked like a pig's trotter.

But Cheng Xue was at home, and Yao Yao couldn't go out to see a doctor, so she could only ask Shen An to come back soon.Because of her ankle injury, Yao Yao sat directly on the sofa in the living room and placed her injured ankle on the other side of the sofa to prevent it from becoming more serious due to exertion.

Not long after, Cheng Xue also came out of the bedroom, looked at Yao Yao who was sitting on the sofa, looked at her red and swollen ankles, pretended to show a surprised expression, how fake that expression was, and asked pretendingly caring: "Yao Yao Yao, what's wrong with you? Why did you accidentally hurt your foot?"

"Er..." Seeing Cheng Xue's appearance, Yao Yao really wanted to roll her eyes at her. Didn't you hurt me when you pushed me?Now he pretended to be innocent and blamed her.

"Wait, if you don't deal with this in time, it will get worse and worse. Just wait, I'll get you the medicine box." After finishing speaking, Cheng Xue walked into the study, looking like she was just It's like the owner of this family, and Yao Yao is just an injured guest who came to visit.

Soon, Cheng Xue came out with a big medicine box, and said with a smile, "Fortunately, An's habit of all these years has not changed, and she still keeps the medicine box in its original position." Then Cheng Xue opened the medicine box. Box, intending to help Yao Yao with medicine.

Yao Yao shook her head hastily and said no.But hearing Cheng Xue talking about Shen An's habits, Yao Yao felt a little uncomfortable. Cheng Xue was too familiar with this family, even more familiar than Yao Yao herself.And from the very beginning, Yao Yao has always felt that it was very strange. Since Cheng Xue came out of the bedroom, her attitude changed 180 degrees, which made Yao Yao completely puzzled.She has multiple personalities, changing every now and then?
Seeing that Yao Yao insisted on not letting her take the medicine, Cheng Xue suddenly felt as if she had been wronged, her eyes suddenly became foggy, and she wished she could cry immediately, "Yaoyao, I know you don't like it." Me, but this is not the reason for your willfulness? I really want to help you with the medicine. I know that I am an open-mouthed person. What I said unintentionally may make you feel uncomfortable. Can’t I apologize to you? You How can you make fun of your own body?"

(End of this chapter)

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