Chapter 179 New Apprentice

When the system announced that Miss Yao was the winner of the duel, all the players in Feixian were stunned, except for some people who knew the truth.What was even more astonishing was Zongsihai, he quickly contacted the agent and asked what was going on?He spent so much money, not for this result.

But the other party just said that this female account is too powerful, and she may have hired a proxy or something, and he is not the opponent's opponent.In a fit of anger, Zongheng Sihai demanded that the person who beat him for him pay back the money, but who knew that the other party refused, and directly said that he might not be able to win completely after the agreement, so he ignored Zong Sihai.

This time Zongheng Sihai is really stealing chickens and losing money, and the Zongheng Gang has caused a large loss of personnel. After all, who wants to stay with a gang that wants to explode, and what happened this time is not ordinary. It was initiated by the public, there is no need to take responsibility for a stranger in the game.Even those who usually followed Zonghengsihai's buttocks every day, such as Buaijiangshanaimeiren, Hua Wuxin, etc., secretly quit the gang while Zonghengsihai was not paying attention.When Zongsihai came back to his senses, he was the only one left in the whole gang.

Zongsihai did not expect that these brothers who followed him every day and expressed their sincerity to him would abandon him one after another at critical moments.He couldn't help laughing out of anger, thinking of this, he was really stupid.Just when Zongsihai was about to delete his account, he suddenly received a private chat from Miss Yao.

[Private chat] Miss Yao: Is it me now?

[Private Chat] Across the World: What's wrong?Do you want to be like the people in the world, to mock me, the defeated general?
[Private chat] Miss Yao: I'm not that boring, besides, this competition is not a competition between you and her, is it?

[Private chat] Zongsihai: But I still lost, I would like to accept the bet, I will delete the account and compensate you for the loss.But for the **** matter, I hope you can hold your hands high.

[Private chat] Girl Yao: Isn’t it too cheap to delete the account now, for those who watch the show?

[Private Chat] Across the World: What do you mean by that?
[Private chat] Girl Yao: Didn't you realize that all of this was deliberately calculated by someone?

Shen An's words undoubtedly dropped a huge rock in Zongsihai's heart, causing ripples in his heart. Could it be that this matter was deliberately designed by someone?It's just a game, is anyone really so boring?

[Private chat] Girl Yao: I just want to ask you, how did you know Yaoyao, and who told you?
Shen An didn't believe that this man who had nothing to do in the world would be so boring that he would look through the postings made a long time ago, and then he would fall in love with Yao Yao at a glance.After all, how could two people who have no intersections have such a big conflict in such a short period of time. It is obvious that someone is fueling the flames.

Hearing what Shen An said, Zongheng Sihai remembered that he didn't know what a girl Yao was, but one day someone who didn't love Jiangshan and beauty suddenly sent him a few photos of Miss Yao, saying that he knew the photos The girl in the middle, intends to introduce her to Zongsihai.As for men, they all like beautiful women, and of course Across the World is no exception.That's why the scene where Yao Yao went online and they surrounded her to propose marriage.Moreover, Zongsihai proposed to compete with Miss Yao, because he didn't love the country and love beauties to give advice.The more he thought about it, the more he thought about it, the more something went wrong, why every time there was something about not loving Jiangshan and beauties, could it be that he deliberately designed himself for all this?

[Private chat] Across the world: I don't love Jiangshan, I love beauties. He gave me all the news about Miss Yao.

[Private chat] Miss Yao: Alright, we've settled our relationship. If you don't mind, the Fenghuo Gang will welcome you.

Shen An, who got the correct answer, hurriedly tracked down the ID of the beauty who does not love Jiangshan with Feng Qin. Sure enough, this person has a problem. Recently, he browsed news pages about Yao Yao and tried to hack into Yao Yao's computer system. .More importantly, Shen An and the others discovered that there are several trumpets at the same time who do not love Jiangshan and love beauty, and they all log in from the same IP address.It's just that this address, Shen An and the others found out, it's just a black Internet cafe in an alley.

The reason why Shen An suspected this was because an anonymous person sent him an email, saying that Yao Yao was in trouble in the game and it was related to someone.The anonymous sender was so mysterious that Shen An couldn't find his IP address.But Shen An guessed that the people who could do this must be Yao Yao and his acquaintances.Shen An's first suspicion was Chi Mo, but Chi Mo said that he didn't know anything about the game at all.It wasn't Chi Mo, Shen An couldn't help being slightly concerned.

Yao Yao looked at Shen An who obviously won the duel, but looked sullen.He couldn't help coming to his side, and asked softly: "Senior, what's wrong with you? What's on your mind?"

Shen An held Yao Yao in his arms and asked, "Girl, have you met any strangers recently?"

Yao Yao didn't know why Shen An asked such a question?But he still replied obediently: "No, I haven't been out much recently? Did something happen?"

"It's okay, by the way, you're going to report at Manying Magazine next week, right? Have you thought about it? Do you want to change it?" Shen An suddenly changed the topic, these things that haven't been clarified, it's better not to tell Yao Yao, lest she worry.Seeing that Shen An hesitated to speak, Yao Yao also knew that he had his own thoughts, so she didn't ask any more questions.In fact, Cheng Xue should be one of the strangers Yao Yao has met recently.Besides, she didn't know if it was true or false when she said that Ji Feng was released from prison?

Yao Yao originally wanted to tell Shen An about this matter, but seeing that he was so tired recently, she couldn't bear to make him worry about it anymore.Yao Yao decided to take some time to check on Ji Feng's affairs, lest she always worry about it and feel uneasy.

Both of them are thinking about each other, but they don't know that because of this, it will cause a huge misunderstanding in their future, and almost break their relationship.

After cuddling each other for a while, Yao Yao found out that someone on her account was chatting about her in private, she quickly clicked on it, and it was a female player named Xuanyuanxue who applied to be Yao Yao's teacher.Yao Yao directly clicked to agree. It can be said that this is really Yao Yao's first apprentice in the game.

"Senior, do you see someone worshiping me as a teacher in the game? It must be because of the duel just now." After Yao Yao finished speaking, she added Xuanyuanxue as a friend. The other party's level was only forty. It's a newbie.

(End of this chapter)

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