God of online games, I'm just passing by

Chapter 185 I'm Waiting For You

Chapter 185 I'm Waiting For You
The next day, because Yao Yao was going to be an intern, Shen An drove Yao Yao to the gate of the magazine, and Qian Dingling ten thousand told him that if he was wronged, he must not bear it by force and must tell him Yunyun.Yao Yao felt that Shen Ankuai was more verbose than her mother. In order not to waste time, she quickly nodded in agreement, expressing that she remembered it and was about to get out of the car, but was suddenly pulled into her arms by Shen An. Liang, and then let go by Shen An.

Yao Yao is used to the behavior of someone stealing food anytime and anywhere, she gave Shen An a slight look, and complained softly: "What if someone sees it? I don't have the face to face people."

"What is there to be ashamed of my own daughter-in-law." Shen An suddenly approached Yao Yao, and whispered seductively in her ear: "Go to bed early tonight, I miss you."

Yao Yao blushed, he understood the meaning of Shen An's words, quickly pushed him away, cursed shamelessly, then turned around and got out of the car.However, he still couldn't hold back, and told Shen An to be careful when driving on the road, then tidied up his clothes and walked towards Daxia.

Because it was working time, there were quite a lot of people entering Daxia, so Yao Yao checked the time and quickly quickened her pace.Manying Magazine is on the [-]th floor of Daxia, and Yao Yao has to squeeze the elevator.After finally reaching the [-]th floor, looking at the well-decorated and fashionable magazine office, Yao Yao couldn't help but feel yearning flashed in her heart. She will work here in the future.Looking at the employees in the magazine, all of them were dressed in very fashionable and eye-catching clothes. Yao Yao was very excited when she thought that she would become one of them in the future.

Based on the reminder from the girl at the front desk, Yao Yao came to the personnel department smoothly, submitted her own information, and signed the internship contract. According to Yao Yao's major, Yao Yao was assigned to the editorial department, responsible for reviewing the manuscripts of the magazine and typesetting.The girl from the basic personnel department came to the editorial department. After reporting to the editor-in-chief, Yao Yao became an assistant to the editor-in-chief and had her own desk.

Since Yao Yao just arrived, the editor-in-chief is a very nice man with a gentle personality and a very handsome appearance.He didn't have the habit of being harsh on his subordinates, so he asked Yao Yao to get acquainted with the assistant's work first, and then assign the work to her alone when he was able to get started.Yao Yao nodded, secretly lamenting how lucky she was to meet a good boss.

The girl next to Yao Yao also just came to the company for an internship, only one month earlier than Yao Yao.She is a very lively and cheerful girl, and she also helped Yao Yao get office supplies.Give Yao Yao a brief introduction to the company, and the leaders of various departments.Yao Yao memorized everything one by one. Thanks to this girl, Yao Yao got started with the company's affairs very quickly.

At noon, the girl originally planned to ask Yao Yao to have dinner together, but because Shen An had already called Yao Yao and said that she would come over to have dinner with her at noon, so Yao Yao had no choice but to refuse the girl's offer. A sensible person, looking at Yao Yao's appearance, knew that her boyfriend must be coming to accompany her, but he teased Yao Yao ambiguously, and went to have dinner with other people instead.

Yao Yao, who was very bored, planned to go downstairs to the company and wait for Shen An's arrival.But when she just walked out of the editorial office, she saw Cheng Xue coming to the company. Because Yao Yao's seat was very secret, Cheng Xue didn't notice her.Seeing that Cheng Xue bypassed the editorial department in a hurry and came to the office of the head of Manying magazine's division, Yao Yao couldn't hold back her curiosity and hurriedly followed.Cheng Xue looked around cautiously, then opened the door and went straight into the office.Yao Yao wanted to listen to the corner, but the phone in her pocket rang suddenly. Yao Yao quickly pressed the answer button and ran away, fearing that the two people in the office would find out.

Seeing Yao Yao rushing down in a hurry, Shen An couldn't help laughing, saying, is someone chasing her?How to run so fast.Yao Yao wanted to tell Shen An about seeing Cheng Xue, but she couldn't open her mouth, so she had to excuse that she was hungry, and dragged Shen An away.What Yao Yao didn't know was that Cheng Xue was looking at the two of them from the floor-to-ceiling windows on the eighteenth floor.

Seeing the sweet appearance of the two, Cheng Xue couldn't help clenching her fists. She didn't expect that the incident in the photo didn't affect them at all. This was completely beyond Cheng Xue's expectation, but it doesn't matter, it will be a good show soon. It's time to continue playing. Will she still be able to smile so happily when she sees it?Suddenly a fat big hand touched Cheng Xue's face from behind, Cheng Xue frowned involuntarily, a trace of nausea flashed in her heart, but she resisted and turned around, looking at the pig's head behind her with a smile.The head of the division, who was as fat as a pig, started to take off Cheng Xue's clothes, and said, "Honey, I haven't seen you for a few days, you look even more beautiful."

"Don't be so anxious, what about the things you agreed to?" Cheng Xue had a look of half-pushing and half-confirming, but accidentally moved her hands and gently teased the other party, making the other party want to stop.Sure enough, the fat pig head couldn't resist Cheng Xue's temptation at all, and nodded quickly: "Baby, no matter what it is, I promise you."

Seeing that she had achieved her goal, Cheng Xue didn't refuse the other party anymore.Let the other party press himself under him, and then start galloping on her body.Anyway, it is not the first time for Cheng Xue to use her body to achieve a transaction. She is already used to it. How can she use her body to achieve her goals and bring the greatest benefits to herself.

In order to celebrate Yao Yao's first day of internship, Xinran and An Yunge came downstairs to Yao Yao's company without saying hello, saying that they would pick Yao Yao up to celebrate, and now Shen An expressed his desire to go home early this morning I'm afraid it's going to be a mess, so Shen An's face is always not very good throughout the party.There were quite a lot of people at the party, even Da Da, Xing Zui, and even Chi Mo participated.

However, everyone was still very restrained, and they didn't make a fuss too late, because they all knew that Yao Yao still had work the next day, so before twelve o'clock, the dinner party officially ended.But for their kindness, Yao Yao is really grateful.It's just a small internship, I didn't expect them to have a celebration party.Yao Yao will never forget this friendship.

After everyone left, Chi Mo walked out of the hotel silently. Unlike their pairing, he was used to being alone.But what Chi Mo didn't expect was that he saw an acquaintance as soon as he left the restaurant.Looking at the woman with a smile like a flower but a heart like a snake, Chi Mo couldn't help but twitched his lips, and said mockingly: "Wait for the wrong person, Shen An and the others just left."

Who knew that Cheng Xue walked directly in front of Chi Mo, took his arm, and said, "No, I'm just waiting for you."

(End of this chapter)

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