Chapter 187 Deleted Number

Yao Yao had no choice but to resign herself to her fate and went to interview Cheng Xue with the people from the interview department. Yao Yao was already prepared to be caught by Cheng Xue.Unexpectedly, Cheng Xue suddenly seemed to be a different person, and she cooperated very well with the interview work.Moreover, the whole person is very gentle and polite, even treating Yao Yao equally.Although she didn't know why Cheng Xue didn't target her suddenly, Yao Yao just wanted to finish her work properly.Since Cheng Xue is willing to cooperate well, Yao Yao is also happy to relax.

Thanks to Cheng Xue's cooperation, Yao Yao can basically commute to get off work normally every day, and she is much happier than other interns in the same period.Many people strongly expressed their envy and hatred towards Yao Yao, and even the seniors at the side said that Yao Yao was really lucky this time to meet a gentle interviewee.For example, some interviewees like to deliberately play big names, and some of them have not accepted the interview after waiting for several days.

Shen An has become a little busy recently, and is mysterious all day long.But Yao Yao is also busy recently, so she doesn't have much chance to pay attention to Shen An.But even though he was busy, Shen An would definitely drive Yao Yao to the company every day. In fact, Yao Yao also refused, saying that he could go by car, but Shen An refused.And every day for dinner, Shen An will come back to eat with Yao Yao, the most important thing is that even though he is so busy, Shen An has not forgotten the daily exercise with Yao Yao at night, the two of them have always had a very happy life .

So during the free night time, besides preparing the materials for the magazine, Yao Yao also went back to Feixian to play games.Shen An will also play with Yao Yao when he is free, but most of them are played by Yao Yao.Because of the last duel, Yao Yao became famous again, and the video of the last duel was also uploaded on the forum. Many people expressed that they were willing to bow down to Yao Yao's manipulation.There are still many people who want to worship Yao Yao as their teacher. If Yao Yao hadn't disclosed her gender a long time ago, she would definitely be mistaken for a transvestite again.

In fact, it is not wrong to say that shemale, because after all, the person who operated that day was not Yao Yao at all.Because Yao Yao recently accepted a young apprentice named Xuanyuanxue, she is a very quiet girl.Yao Yao basically took her to write the book every time, and devoted herself wholeheartedly to Master's life.This little apprentice is still very obedient, and he is also a good person, not fighting or grabbing.

After the little apprentice reached level [-], Yao Yao pulled her into her guild.Soon, Yao Yao found that her little apprentice was very familiar with the members of the gang.And this girl has a good voice, she often sings on YY.It caused a group of wolves to salivate, and they all bowed down under Xuanyuanxue's skirt.

Until one day, Yao Yao couldn't go online because she had to sort out the data.At this time, her little apprentice Xuanyuanxue said that the task could not be passed, and hoped that Yao Yao would go online to help.Yao Yao told Xuanyuanxue about her situation, Xuanyuanxue was silent for a long time, and asked if she could lend her Yao Yao's number?Then she double-opened and single-swiped.Because they had known each other for a while, Yao Yao didn't think too much, so she directly lent her account to Xuanyuanxue.

And when Yao Yao went online again, she found that her account was much better, and her fighting strength almost doubled.Yao Yao is now in the top ten of the rankings, and all of this should be the credit of her little apprentice.Yao Yao hurriedly asked the young apprentice why she did this. Who knew that Xuanyuanxue just said that she could not repay Yao Yao's care in many ways, so she had to express her heart in this way.

Looking at the gleaming gold equipment, Yao Yao didn't need to guess, she also knew that Xuanyuanxue had spent a lot of money.Yao Yao originally wanted to return the money to Xuanyuanxue, but who knew that the other party was determined not to accept it.But Yao Yao made an agreement with Xuanyuanxue that she would not do this again next time.

Later, Xuanyuanxue said that to do the task of planting flowers, one must have a man and a woman, and she didn't want to go with the men from the gang, so she asked Yao Yao if she could be with her.And Yao Yao has been added a lot of work recently, and she has no time to go online at all, so she simply sent Shen An's account to Xuanyuan Xue, and asked her to do it by herself.

And until one day, rumors of Shen An and Xuanyuanxue began to spread on the forum. It was probably that Xuanyuanxue used Shen An's account every day to accompany her on the task of planting flowers, so some boring people saw it and deliberately fabricated it. Say these silly words.Yao Yao laughed off these rumors at first, because she knew that it was just Xuanyuanxue's double opening.

Until one night, Xin Ran called Yao Yao and asked her what was going on?Ask her why she suddenly wants to divorce Shen An?Yao Yao couldn't help feeling a little confused, what is all this about?Neither she nor Shen An were married, so how could they get divorced?It was only later that Yao Yao realized that Xin Ran was talking about a game, so Yao Yao quickly logged into the game and found that her partner was empty and her equipment was gone.

[System] The wedding of Don't Forget Xin'an and Xuanyuanxue is about to begin, and I hope all flying immortals will attend.

[World] Gossip again: what's going on?Has the leader of the Fenghuo Clan abandoned Miss Yao?
[World] Playing Feixian is worse than dancing: I didn't expect that everything said on the forum is true, this Dou Wang Xin An is really cheating.Abandoning Miss Yao and falling in love with her apprentice?
[World] Ali's little tail: Men, they like the new and dislike the old.

The world is still very lively, but Yao Yao was a little dazed, and quickly clicked on the private chat of her apprentice, only to find that Xuanyuanxue's name had long disappeared from the list of master and apprentice.Yao Yao hurried to Yuelao Temple, only to find that the wedding of Dou Wang Xin An and Xuan Yuan Xue had already started.

[Scene] Miss Yao: Little apprentice, why?
[Scene] Xuanyuan Xue: Master, I'm sorry, Master said he likes me.

[Scene] Miss Yao: What are you talking about?
Yao Yao got angry, the one who is now on the account is not Wuwangxinan at all, Yao Yao really doesn't understand why Xuanyuanxue said that on purpose.Yao Yao directly started to log in to Shen An's account, but found that the password had been changed. Thinking of Xuanyuan Xue's frequent questions to her recently, it turned out that she had planned all of this long ago.

But seeing the current channel, Yao Yao has been killed, and it was none other than Wu Wang Xin An who killed her.Don't forget Xin'an made such a move, and the onlookers became even more arguing.After all, this is just an online world. They didn't know that Yao Yao and Shen An were living together in real life. Later, they saw that Dou Wang Xin'an in the game abandoned Miss Yao and married Miss Yao's apprentice instead, so they speculated a lot about it.

There had been a lot of rumors about Dou Wang Xin'an and Xuanyuan Xue recently, but now that Yao Yao was killed by Shen An on the spot, the rumors became more solid, and more melon eaters began to fabricate these unwarranted truths.Yao Yao just wanted to explain, but found that she was disconnected.The system prompts that someone has logged into her account.Yao Yao hurriedly logged into the game, but found in front of the game interface that her account had been deleted.

(End of this chapter)

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