Chapter 200
Hearing Yao Yao's straightforward words, Cheng Xue somewhat admired her courage.But she didn't like Yao Yao's appearance at all, she should have trembled when she saw her, afraid of crying.When did the woman who could only cry when she was kidnapped grow up so strong.But it doesn't matter, Cheng Xue will soon stop her from laughing, she has prepared everything, and Cheng Xue's main goal today is not Yao Yao, but Shen An.As long as Yao Yao is in her hands, she doesn't believe that Shen An can hide so calmly.

Seeing that Cheng Xue was just immersed in her own thoughts, she kept silent.Yao Yao didn't have that much patience to wait for her, because her cell phone had rang countless times, but luckily it was silent, otherwise it would definitely attract the attention of the whole store.The callers were basically An Yunge and Xinran, they must be very anxious, they just ran out without saying anything.Yao Yao also knew that it was not good for her to do so, but it was about Chi Mo, and Yao Yao didn't want to tell anyone about it.When he was a child, Chi Mo was often bullied and ridiculed every day because of his appearance. Now that he has finally changed his appearance, Yao Yao doesn't want him to suffer any more harm.Since he was a child, he has always been taken care of by Chi Mo, let her help him this time, this is what she owes him.

So Yao Yao repeated her words again, this time Cheng Xue came to her senses, looked at Yao Yao with a determined face, and said with a half-smile: "Don't worry, it's not time yet? Since you have to return the things, Why do we have to wait for everyone to arrive? And such a wonderful scene, if there are no audiences, it would be boring. I am a big star, and I can't lack audiences for a moment."

"What do you mean? Role? What are you talking about?" Yao Yao felt that Cheng Xue was a little weird. Could it be that she was really planning something?Seeing Cheng Xue's smug expression, Yao Yao could only try to get words out of her mouth slowly. "By the way, who are we waiting for?"

"Wait for someone you want to see, and someone I also desperately want to see." Cheng Xue kept looking out of the window, and suddenly found someone making a gesture to her, and she knew the plan could start.So Cheng Xue stood up directly, took off the sunglasses she had been wearing on her face, and suddenly roared: "Miss Yao, don't go too far, you obviously took my money and promised to leave my husband, why don't you talk now?" Count it, you're back again."

Cheng Xue's voice was very loud, and all eyes in the coffee shop were immediately attracted. Yao Yao looked confused, wondering why Cheng Xue was acting like this all of a sudden?But she also knew that Cheng Xue was acting and slandering herself.So Yao Yao also stood up and retorted: "Miss Cheng, I don't know what's the point of your doing this? Also, I didn't take your money at all, and when did you have a husband?"

"I didn't expect you to deny it completely. Ms. Yao, I beg you to stop pestering him. I am pregnant with his child now. Please, please let our family of three go." Cheng Xue She complained tearfully, she really deserves to be an actress, her expression is so well controlled, if Yao Yao wasn't the person involved, she would almost believe what she said.Yao Yao thought so, not to mention the onlookers, pointing at Yao Yao one after another, and some even recognized Cheng Xue and Yao Yao as the women who made the headlines these days.Immediately, there was a lot of discussion, saying that what the newspaper said was true.

Yao Yao was so angry by Cheng Xue that her stomach hurt slightly. She thought of the child in her stomach, suppressed her anger, and said calmly: "Miss Cheng, if you insist on saying that, then we have nothing to do today. Are you ready to talk?" After Yao Yao finished speaking, she was about to turn around and leave, but Cheng Xue suddenly grabbed her, Yao Yao didn't want to entangle with her anymore.As for the things she used to threaten Chi Mo, Yao Yao already had other ways to exchange them with her, but she has to leave here now.

Seeing Cheng Xue pestering her all the time, Yao Yao couldn't help but gently pushed her, and then Cheng Xue's eyes flashed a tricky expression, and then she immediately pretended to be pushed by Yao Yao, and fell backwards, Yao Yao She wanted to go forward to pull her, but Cheng Xue deliberately pushed her hand away, and then fell heavily to the ground.

This sudden turn of events stunned everyone, and the coffee shop fell silent for two or three seconds, only to see Cheng Xue clutching her stomach, and kept shouting: "My stomach, my child..." She Blood had already started to overflow from her lower body, Cheng Xue was in so much pain that she shed tears, and the skirt under her body was gradually stained red.Yao Yao thought of Ji Feng's words, Cheng Xue was really pregnant.At this time, Yao Yao didn't want to argue so much with her, no matter what the relationship between the two was, the child was at least innocent.So Yao Yao hurried forward, intending to help Cheng Xue up, and then shouted to the surroundings: "Who can call an ambulance, thank you."

But at this moment, a pair of reporters suddenly rushed into the coffee shop, took pictures of Yao Yao and Cheng Xue, and asked them various questions.Yao Yao was already a little suffocated, but now she felt even more dizzy.There were flashing lights and microphones everywhere, and Yao Yao didn't know how to avoid them.And now Cheng Xue is still lying on the ground?If the ambulance is not called, her child will definitely not be saved.So Yao Yao hurriedly shouted: "All of you give me a break, call an ambulance, don't you see that she is about to have a miscarriage?"

But these reporters don't care what Yao Yao is talking about?Still asking her questions one after another, Yao Yao was also pushed to the ground, Yao Yao couldn't help retching, and her stomach hurt more and more.Yao Yao only felt that there was a lot of noise around her, which made her feel very uncomfortable. Yao Yao couldn't help but covered her ears with her hands, not wanting to hear the sound at this time.

Not long after Yao Yao covered her ears, the surrounding voices suddenly quieted down, and all the reporters around Yao Yao were pushed away, and a person quickly came to her side, leaned over and hugged her. she.Looking at the familiar face and smelling the familiar smell on his body, Yao Yao couldn't help but shed tears, "Senior, are you back? I knew you would definitely come back."

"Well, I'm back. I'm sorry, girl, for causing you to suffer." Shen An looked at Yao Yao's pale face, and couldn't help feeling extremely guilty. He was really stupid, and only thought about how to solve this problem. However, she forgot Yao Yao's feelings.

"Senior, you save Cheng Xue, the child in her stomach is innocent." Yao Yao looked at Cheng Xue who was still lying on the ground, but she couldn't bear it after all. Some people might say that she was too stupid to do this, but all of them were innocent. As a mother, how could she bear to see a child disappear like this.

"Don't worry, the ambulance has arrived." Hearing Shen An's words, Yao Yao was immediately relieved, and then couldn't hold on any longer, and fainted in Shen An's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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