God of online games, I'm just passing by

Chapter 203 Start to fight back

Chapter 203 Start to fight back

Cheng Xue looked at the news on the computer, it was basically all her news, and the current public opinion was basically oriented towards her, while the reputations of Shen An and Yao Yao were completely rotten, it could be said that they were street rats , everyone yelled and beat them.I have to say that these netizens are really enthusiastic now, they don't know the truth of the matter, and they are all on her side with just a few words and guessing.But this is just right, she can continue to use these public opinions to achieve her goals.Thinking of this, Cheng Xue contacted those reporters who specialized in gossip again, saying that there was something important to announce to them.

Cheng Xue had just finished making a call when the door was suddenly pushed open. Cheng Xue was startled, but found that it was Chi Mo who came.Cheng Xue couldn't help frowning, and said dissatisfiedly: "What are you doing here? Didn't you ask you to help me monitor Shen An and Yao Yao?"

"I came to look for you, of course I have my reasons." Chi Mo closed the door directly, then slowly walked towards Cheng Xue, and stopped when he was a few steps away from her. "I have some questions and I plan to consult Miss Cheng. I wonder if Miss Cheng is willing to tell the truth?"

"What do you mean?" Cheng Xue felt that there was something in Chi Mo's words, but she couldn't guess the meaning of his words.She always felt that Chi Mo was weird today, but she couldn't tell what was weird.But Chi Mo's handle was still in her hands, and Cheng Xue thought he couldn't play tricks, so Cheng Xue walked directly to the side, then sat down, and said, "Ask me face to face if you have any questions? Quickly ask, am I still in a hurry?"

"Don't worry, those reporters are doing things with money anyway, so they should wait a while." Chi Mo also went to sit opposite Cheng Xue, and he poured himself a glass of water very slowly, took a sip, and then He took out a piece of paper from the bag and handed it to Cheng Xue before continuing: "Miss Cheng, I believe you should be familiar with this, right?"

Cheng Xue picked it up and saw that it was a certificate from the hospital, and there was also a composition analysis report.Looking at the ingredients displayed above, Cheng Xue couldn't help but clenched her hands tightly. How did Chi Mo discover this, and how did he get this report?She clearly remembered that the evidence had been destroyed at that time, so why did she appear here?Cheng Xue tightly held the report in her hands, and then asked with a bit of anger: "What do you want to do? How did you get this?"

"People say that the heart of a woman is the most poisonous, and I really saw it this time." Seeing Cheng Xue's appearance of wanting to eat people, Chi Mo seemed much calmer. This woman almost caused Yao Yao to have a miscarriage. It also caused her reputation to be ruined and she was reviled by thousands of people.Now he must let her experience the same feeling, but thinking of Shen An's words, Chi Mo still endured it, and then chose to negotiate with Cheng Xue. "You deliberately put abortion pills in the coffee. I really didn't expect Miss Cheng to be so cruel that she could kill her own child with her own hands."

"You..." Cheng Xue was irritated by Chi Mo's deliberate mocking tone, and couldn't help being furious.She didn't know how Chi Mo knew about it, she obviously didn't tell anyone about it, not even Ji Feng.Besides, this child should not have appeared in her womb, and she never thought of giving birth to her. Anyway, it will be taken away sooner or later, so why not make some contributions to her?She wants to be a top star, how could she let a child hold her back.At the beginning, Cheng Xue planned to use the child to destroy the relationship between Yao Yao and Shen An, but who knew that Yao Yao, who had always been a fool, would not believe her at all, and would not be fooled at all.Fortunately, she is smart, and using children to create a sensation in public opinion, does not mean that Yao Yao has fallen into her trap.Originally, all of this developed according to what Cheng Xue thought, and no one knew about this matter at all. How did Chi Mo discover this? "Hmph, I don't even know what you're talking about?"

"Since Ms. Cheng doesn't know? But I believe those reporters outside are very interested in knowing?" Seeing that Cheng Xue had gradually calmed down, she showed a deadpan expression.Chi Mo admired her a little. This woman is really cruel. Most people would be soft-spoken no matter how they mentioned their own children. Unexpectedly, Cheng Xue was indifferent.However, since the contact with Cheng Xue during this period of time, Chi Mo has long known that she is a selfish woman who only has herself in her heart.Although she keeps saying that she loves Shen An, she is only interested in Shen An's creative talent, otherwise she would not have abandoned Shen An in order to enter the entertainment circle.If Shen An couldn't satisfy her one day, she would definitely abandon him directly.

"Hmph, do you think the reporters will believe it just based on this report? You have no evidence to prove that I did it?" Cheng Xue still couldn't hold back and tore up the report in her hand, then stood up , and shouted at Chi Mo: "Don't forget, I still have the photo of you when you were a child? Believe it or not, I will blow him up tomorrow."

"I don't care." Chi Mo looked at Cheng Xue's furious expression, and seeing that she had torn up all the reports, Chi Mo took out another copy from the bag very calmly, and said. "Anyway, I'm just a small person, and not many people will pay attention to it. At worst, I can still go abroad to live, but you are different, Miss Cheng. You can be a big star in the entertainment circle, even if it's just a matter of speculation, it will cause a lot of trouble. It's sensational, believe me, Miss Cheng knows better than me."

"What exactly do you want?" Cheng Xue stared at Chi Mo viciously, wishing to tear him into pieces.But she suppressed her anger, because in this situation, she absolutely can't make the relationship between the two of them worse.Chi Mo was right, if he gave this report to those reporters, even if Cheng Xue denied it, there would still be many bad rumors.Cheng Xue finally cleared her name, and she must not allow herself to fall into the vortex of the past again.

"I want Ms. Cheng to apologize publicly, saying that Shen An has nothing to do with you, and that Yao Yao's reputation must be restored." If Shen An hadn't said that he didn't want this matter to become bigger, because in the end it was Yao Yao who was criticized, The best way now is to let Cheng Xue come forward to clarify, and then calm down all the turmoil.So although Chi Mo and Shen An had a lot of evidence about Cheng Xue in their hands, they would not show it unless it was absolutely necessary.Because if it really broke out completely, no matter who wins and who loses in the end, both parties will be injured.Chi Mo is also very clear about this truth, that's why he came to negotiate with Cheng Xue instead of directly going to court to sue her for intentionally damaging someone's reputation.

(End of this chapter)

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