God of online games, I'm just passing by

Chapter 207 Press Conference

Chapter 207 Press Conference

"Well, aren't you feeling well? Why don't you take a good rest and come here?" Seeing that Yao Yao was well dressed, Chi Mo felt relieved.But I still can't help but feel a little worried. After all, today's press conference is unusual. In fact, Shen An and Chi Mo didn't want Yao Yao to participate. She just needs to raise her baby with peace of mind.So although Chi Mo said these words to Yao Yao, the person watching was Shen An.

"I'm not as fragile as I imagined. I've already figured it out. I have to face what I have to face, and I can't always avoid it blindly. I believe the child must think the same way. In front of her, I am Be a strong mother." When the child in her belly was mentioned, Yao Yao's face softened a lot, and her whole body exuded a kind of maternal brilliance, which was so beautiful that it made people's heartbeat.This kind of beauty was completely incomparable to Cheng Xue.And because Cheng Xue didn't understand this truth, she always couldn't figure out the reason why she lost to Yao Yao.

Probably sensing Chi Mo's gaze, Shen An coughed a little dissatisfied, then gently hugged Yao Yao, signaling his sovereignty.Although Shen An and Chi Mo seemed to be on the same front, it was all for Yao Yao, and it didn't mean that Shen An recognized Chi Mo.So when Chi Mo looked at Yao Yao with such affectionate eyes, of course Shen An, a big vinegar bottle, couldn't let others look at his wife with such affectionate eyes, so Shen An directly hugged Yao Yao and blocked Chi. Mo's eyes.

Yao Yao didn't notice the way Chi Mo was looking at her, but she was a little strange about Shen An's sudden behavior, so she couldn't help but look back at Shen An, only to see that Shen An just helped Yao Yao tidy up her clothes and said, "Standing for so long is also tiring." Okay, let's sit over there for a while?"

"It's okay, I still want to talk to Xiao Mo for a while." Actually, Yao Yao wanted to ask about Cheng Xue's knowledge of Chi Mo's childhood. If Cheng Xue really apologized today, she might take revenge on Chi Mo in the future.Moreover, Cheng Xue hated herself so much that Yao Yao didn't want to drag Chi Mo into trouble again because of her own reasons.But Yao Yao was relieved to hear that Ji Feng would take Cheng Xue out of this place and the city.After all, it was the psychological shadow of Chi Mo when he was a child, and Yao Yao didn't want anyone to reveal it again. This is undoubtedly revealing Chi Mo's heart for others to watch, which is really cruel.

Chi Mo probably expected what Yao Yao would say to him?He didn't want to hear Yao Yao say those alienating words anymore, for her, Chi Mo was willing.He no longer begged her to love her, but only begged her not to deprive him of his right to love her.So Chi Mo, who was deliberately avoiding him, left the scene in a hurry under the pretext of having something to do.Shen An, who is also a man, understands Chi Mo's thoughts somewhat. Seeing Chi Mo's disappearing back, and Yao Yao's look of disappointment, Shen An deliberately comforted Yao Yao: "Girl, you have to look at me like this." I would be jealous of other men, didn't you say that I am a big vinegar jar? Do you want to experience the taste of vinegar jar? Be careful that I will punish you?"

"En?" Yao Yao looked at Shen An with a confused expression.She didn't listen to what Shen An was talking about at all, and she focused all her attention on Chi Mo's running figure. She didn't know when she could talk to Chi Mo alone again?But Yao Yao knew that she must not bring Shen An with her when they met, otherwise she would not be able to say anything at all.Because of Shen An's jealousy, Yao Yao felt that she and Chi Mo might be taken away by Shen An before they finished speaking.

Seeing Yao Yao's absent-minded appearance, Shen An couldn't help lowering her head and gently kissed Yao Yao's lips.Yao Yao hurriedly pushed Shen An away, and found that everyone was waiting for the press conference to be officially held, and no one paid attention to the two of them who were dressed so low-key.Only then did Yao Yao breathe a sigh of relief, remembering Shen An's bold action just now, Yao Yao said half shyly and half complaining: "Senior, you are really, now we all have babies, it's still like this Not serious."

"It's okay, the child won't blame us. Besides, the child likes to see his parents loving each other, doesn't he?" Shen An retorted shamelessly, but Yao Yao was powerless to refute with such a confident tone.Just when the two were about to say something, it was time for the press conference to officially start. Cheng Xue, wearing big sunglasses, walked out of the backstage slowly.I don't know if it was Yao Yao's illusion, but she always felt that Cheng Xue glanced at her, and then showed a smile that was not a smile, which made Yao Yao feel very uncomfortable.

Cheng Xue walked onto the stage very calmly, and the cameras of the reporters kept flickering.Then the host on the side began to signal everyone to be quiet, and slowly started asking questions one by one.However, the group of reporters did not stop the host's request, and started to ask questions as before.

"Miss Cheng, do you have any news to announce at this press conference?"

"Miss Cheng, how do you feel about the love triangle between you, Shen An and Yao Yao?"

"Miss Cheng, I heard that your new song is Shen An's compensation for breaking up with you?"

"Miss Cheng, I heard that you had a miscarriage because of Shen An, but he didn't show up, but just stayed by Xiaosan's side? How do you feel about this?"

Seeing that the venue was in chaos, Shen An directly signaled to the security personnel on the side to 'invite' all the unruly reporters out. No problem, but the order of the venue is much better.

Regarding the questions from the reporters, Cheng Xue was very cooperative and began to answer well, and also explained the specific situation, saying that her miscarriage had nothing to do with Yao Yao, but she misunderstood Yao Yao, and I apologize to Yao Yao.Moreover, it was rumored that in the love triangle between them, she was just friends with Shen An, and everyone misunderstood it.The reason why they came out from the same hotel was because the two were discussing the new song and so on overnight.

Everything went very smoothly, and Cheng Xue cooperated very well.Being so smooth made Yao Yao feel uncertain, but she would rather think about it by herself.At the end of the press conference, a reporter suddenly asked: "Miss Cheng, why are you wearing sunglasses all the time and burying your head so low? Why don't you give us a frontal photo? Otherwise, we will all suspect this reporter Will it be true, because we didn't see your face at all?"

At first, it was just a reporter's suggestion, but somehow it turned into a collective request for Cheng Xue to look up and verify her identity.Then Cheng Xue took a quick look at Shen An, and slowly raised her head, causing everyone to gasp involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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