Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 104 Offending People

Chapter 104 Offending People
"My lord, Second Uncle is right, I really shouldn't bother you with trivial matters at home."

Bai Ningxiang hid the sarcasm in her eyes, her tone was sad,
"But I was really puzzled, so I wanted to ask, does my mother have the right to be the master of the tea garden allocated to my family? If she wants to make a dowry for me, is it against the laws and regulations of our Daqing country?"

Xu Lichang listened to Bai Ningxiang's narration, and looked at the Bai family's guilty eyes, what else did he not understand?
This is bullying orphans, widows and mothers who are helpless.

"Sister Bai, since the family is separated, as long as it belongs to your own property, your mother has the right to make decisions without the interference of others. Even blood-related brothers have no right to interfere."

Xu Lichang said, turning his head to look at Bai Lao Er and Bai Lao San,

"Separate, don't think too much, it's not easy for mother and daughter, it's fine if you don't reach out to help, and don't make trouble."

Bai Er Er listened to the chief's lesson, with a embarrassed expression on his face,

"Yes, yes, we will never dare to do anything unreasonable about what Mr. Xu taught us... just to suggest to my sister-in-law, don't give away the property of Lao Bai's family, after all, the ancestors earn a little money. easy."

Xu Lichang looked at Bai Er Er, his eyes flashed with disgust,
"Didn't you hear what I just said? Now that the family is separated, how can others dispose of the property in your hands? You have no right to interfere. Whether it is sold or given to the children, it is Madam Bai's own business."

"What's the old saying? A good man doesn't eat a family meal, and a good woman doesn't wear wedding clothes. Only those who earn it with their own hands are considered real skills."

Bai Er's face turned red, he was so embarrassed that he didn't know how to explain.

But in his heart, he hated Bai Ningxiang, a little girl, unexpectedly asked the chief to support her, it was their negligence.

A look of joy flashed in Bai Ningxiang's eyes, she didn't expect that Xu lichang would be so powerful, he didn't save face for Bai Lao Er Bai Lao San.

"Thank you, Master Li Chang, for speaking out. The younger generation also thinks this is the case."

Bai Ningxiang seemed confident, with a relaxed smile on her face, "If I want to manage the tea garden of my second uncle and third uncle's family, do you agree?"

Bai Er: "..."

"Sister Xiang, what are you talking about?"

From the moment he saw the chief, Bai Laosan was intimidated and had been an invisible person all along. Now that he was named, he was in a bad mood.

"Look, Third Uncle also knows nonsense, so why are you one or two trying to persuade me? Isn't it good for each of you to take care of your own business? You have to let the head of the village explain it in person to be at ease."

As Bai Ningxiang said, she shook her head helplessly, and then blessed Xu Lichang, "Thank you Lichang Xu for clarifying the confusion."

Xu Lichang looked at Sister Bai's family, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he quickly covered it up, "Ahem... that's fine, since we've asked you clearly, let's go, what does it look like to be together? look."

The moment the melon eaters saw the Li Chang, they wanted to break up, but now when they heard the Li Chang's words, they all ran away.

As for the Bai family, they were humiliated by Bai Ningxiang, all of them had stiff facial expressions, laughing was uglier than crying.

The chief watched the Bai family leave, and then looked at the obedient and quiet Bai Ningxiang,
"Little girl, you have offended the Bai family. I'm afraid you will have a hard time in the future."

"My lord, I can't do anything about it. My mother can't be frightened for the time being, and I can't disobey my elders. If I make such a bad plan, I will be forced to do nothing."

 New article, favorite friends collection, five-star praise~~
(End of this chapter)

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