Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 1102 Arrangement

Chapter 1102 Arrangement
The prince is dead, the matter is important, and the frontier is tense. Han Jing personally guards it, and she also believes it.

But Yang Han is different, he usually only needs to guard one checkpoint, and when he switches defenses, he has enough time to rush back to visit Zuo Lan.

There is only one reason why he didn't come back. As Han Jing's right-hand man, he must be involved in important matters and have unavoidable reasons.

Only by taking the place of Han Jing and sitting in the tent, can he stay close.

Therefore, when Zuo Lan said that Yang Han hadn't returned home for 20 days, she guessed it.

Bai Ningxiang rubbed her belly, took a deep breath, and silently recited a few heart sutras, and waited for her to calm down before speaking.

"There is news from Qingdu that the general is guarding the border and cannot return privately without a transfer order. If he is discovered, it will be a serious crime of deceiving the emperor. Why don't you stop it?"

"Return to madam, in fact, the general is just as you imagined. He felt that the monarch would use the prince's affairs to make things difficult for the Han family, so he led people to sneak in in disguise. Before the general, a group of people went to inquire about the news. If the Han family is fine, The general came back quietly."

"Then what if there is something wrong? What is the general's plan?" Could it be that he is going to fight the court desperately with the few people he brings?
Didn't this just fall into the trap set by the monarch?

"...Although the general didn't say anything, but based on the subordinate's understanding of the general, he will naturally not act recklessly. Madam, please rest assured."

Yun Ni knelt on the ground, lowered her head, looking anxious,
The general only asked them to help hide it, but he didn't expect that the madam would react so quickly, how should they respond now?
Bai Ningxiang looked at Yun Ni's prostrate body on the ground, and hearing her anxious tone, she was almost amused,

"Do you think the general will not act recklessly, and he quietly led people to Qingdu, isn't that considered reckless?"

What else is reckless?

Yun Ni blushed, only Madam dared to accuse the general like this.

"The general didn't tell you because he was afraid that Madam would be worried. Madam must understand the general's painstaking arrangements."

"Yun Ni is right. Before the general left, he had indeed sent a group of people to investigate. As long as we don't leak the news, the monarch will not get the news."

Ding Yang straightened his body, looked at Bai Ningxiang's calm expression, and added something.

"How did I tell you in the early stage, if the prince's affairs were designed by the monarch, he would definitely think of this link. No matter how strict the general's plan is, there will be clues left behind. As long as the monarch grasps a clue, You can take advantage of the problem and make things bigger.”

Bai Ningxiang raised her hand and pinched the center of her brows, her expression was exhausted, so it turned out that the anxiety in her heart came from here.

"Three, four, hurry up to meet the general, make sure he comes back and guard the barracks. If this is a trap, the monarch's people should already be on their way."

The old saying is true, everyone has a weakness, and the Han family is the general's weakness.

"Ma'am, what do you mean?" Yun Ni raised her head abruptly, and couldn't help but look at the dark three that appeared.

"It's obvious, the monarch is so generous, he doesn't hesitate to kill two birds with one stone, he will definitely send his confidantes to come to condolences, and by the way to appease the soldiers, what do you think will happen if the general is not in the barracks at this time?"

Everyone: "..."

The confidant of the Lord is coming?If the general is not around, he will definitely be charged with dereliction of duty.

"Don't take chances. The general of the town army is not guarding the border at the border, but he led people to sneak into Qingdu secretly. What is his intention? It must be related to the rebellion. Such a serious crime cannot be tolerated by the Han family."

Bai Ningxiang looked at the pale faces of several people, reached out to stroke her stomach again, and silently recited a few words of the Diamond Sutra.

Everyone: "..."


How can it be?

"As long as the handle falls into the hands of the monarch, whether it's leaving his post without authorization, or having bad intentions, or intending to's just a word from the monarch. He can put whatever hat he wants on the Han family, and he can't take it off."

If the general cares about it, he will be in chaos. This time he really made a mistake.

"Yun Ni, how long has it been since I received a letter from my mother?" Bai Ningxiang looked at Yun Ni at the side, frowning.

"The last letter was on the fifth day of last month, exactly 25 days from now." Yun Ni did the calculations, and was taken aback for a moment, looking at Bai Ningxiang.

"Don't worry, and don't scare yourself, mother may be delayed by something, maybe the situation in Qingdu is not good, and it's not easy to write too frequently..."

Bai Ningxiang comforted herself, and hurriedly ordered.

"Ding Yang, prepare your pen and ink. I will give you a letter of divorce. Send it to Uncle Liang immediately, and ask him to take someone to replace the general and secretly protect the Han family."


Ding Yang agreed, and the others watched his wife's quick letter without daring to disturb her at all. It wasn't until Bai Ningxiang melted the credit wax on it and handed it to Ding Yang that she came back to her senses, stuffed the letter into her arms, and turned to go to the barn .

An San and An Si looked at each other, and said in a hoarse voice, "Master, I can go alone now, let An Si stay and protect you."

Bai Ningxiang was silent for a moment, then shook her head resolutely,

"No, if you go together, there will be someone to take care of you on the way. Remember, even if you meet someone who intercepts you, you can't love to fight. Taking care of the general is the most important thing."

"Yes, master,"

Watching everyone leave, Bai Ningxiang stroked her belly, tried to relax herself, closed her eyes and recited the Heart Sutra silently again, and then opened her eyes to let Yun Ni wake up.

"Ma'am, are you all right?"

At this time, Yun Ni's heart was very complicated. In order to protect his wife, the general didn't want her to worry. Similarly, his wife could share the general's worries, which was unexpected to her.

Grandma Gong once taught that a real husband and wife should complement each other and support each other. At that time, she didn't understand, and she didn't understand. She felt that men had to take care of women, and women only needed to stay in the backyard.

Although her wife is a different kind, she has only seen such a wife since she was a child.

Through today's incident, her brain was refreshed again. It turns out that Madam's thoughts are also so meticulous, the key is suitable, not weaker than the general.

"Ma'am, I worry you. It's because the servant girl is not doing well."

"Let's not take this as an example. Although we are born as women, as long as we put our heart into it, our wisdom is no less than that of a man."

Bai Ningxiang is not an unreasonable person, she knows her own situation, and it is for her own good that the girls hide it from her, but there are some things that are useless just to hide them.

"This matter is obviously aimed at the Han family. We can't sit still and wait for death. You order, the whole house is under martial law, and the door is closed to thank guests."

"Yes, ma'am."

Yun Ni nodded, the prince's death was due to emotion and reason, and it was not suitable for making noise.

In the blink of an eye, another ten days passed.

Although Bai Ningxiang was anxious, she didn't receive any bad news, and she finally felt a little relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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