Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 1110 Dispatching

Chapter 1110 Dispatching
Han Jing nodded, "Those who come to express their condolences are not allowed to go to the backyard, and they will be strictly guarded so as not to disturb Madam."

During the period of condolences, those with ulterior motives are not ruled out, and safety is the first priority.

"Don't worry, general. In addition to the courtyard guard, there are also hidden guards in the mansion. If someone breaks in and kills without mercy, it will be used as a sacrificial flag."

Feng Yi stood up, looked at the three gentlemen opposite, saluted,

"Leave the text to the three gentlemen, and leave the military to us."

"The guard of the wind is right. In this critical period, it is best for us to divide the work and cooperate."

Mr. Mu stood up, bowed to Han Jing,

"If you have any other orders, the general, please ask."

The old general is the pillar of the country, and he cannot be neglected. If there is any negligence, it will be a pity.

Han Jing held the armrest of the chair with one hand, her grief was unprecedentedly cold,
"Father was a soldier all his life, and it was no surprise that the horse leather shrouded his body, but he didn't expect to end up like this. Presumably he himself didn't expect it either... Just follow the rules of ordinary people's families. Since the monarch hates the Han family, the merits of the past will not be mentioned. Forget it, it’s just a joke.”

"Yes, General."

Alas, who would say otherwise? He worked for the imperial court all his life, but in the end, he was wronged to death by the imperial court. Moreover, he died so dishonorably that any bloody man would disdain that little honor.

What is the use of coming if it loses its original meaning?
After everyone agrees, everyone divides the work and cooperates, and the funeral and the righteousness are both correct.

For a time, no matter if they were ordinary people or heroes, if they knew about the situation of the Han family, many people would complain about the Han family. Although some people were not familiar with the Han family, their achievements in protecting the common people had long been passed down among the people.

For a while, there was an endless stream of chivalrous men and local people who came to express their condolences. The general's mansion alone received hundreds of people every day.

For those who came to express their condolences, the General's Mansion would warmly entertain them, take care of food and drink, and come and stay as they wished.

Such a move is gratifying, but also more sympathetic and lamentable.

The matter had fermented for more than a month, and it spread throughout the Daqing Dynasty. Whenever someone mentioned the Han family, they all lamented, shook their heads and sighed, vaguely accusing the monarch of being unfair and killing Zhongliang in vain.

Han Jing sat in the big tent, listening to the report below, a sneer appeared on the corner of his lips,
"I don't care about the public opinion in the future, let him ferment, I want to see how Yin Yi handles this time, and what excuses do he have to excuse himself?"

"General, when are we going to send troops?" The generals below were anxious. They had been building momentum for more than a month, and it was time to start a crusade.

"Don't worry, it's not time yet, and you will have a chance to make a contribution." Han Jing waved his hand,
"Now, the general is reassigning the guards and defenses. Participating General Liu Heng will be the leader of the left-wing defense battalion. He will guard the western frontier defense. There must be no mistakes."

"The last general takes orders." Liu Heng cupped his fists and retreated happily.

"General Zhang Shen, let you be the leader of the right-wing defense battalion, guarding the eastern frontier."

"The last general takes orders." Zhang Shen bowed his hands and retreated to his seat.

"General Yang, the central defense battalion is entrusted to you. The three of you will guard the rear for the general and save me from worrying about the future. This is a great achievement and a blessing to the people."

Han Jing looked at the crowd, stood up directly, bowed,
"Although the Han family's grievances are important, the security of the border defense cannot be ignored, so please, everyone."

"Please rest assured, general, people are on the frontier, and we will never let the southern barbarians step into the territory."

Everyone stood up and shouted in unison. They were all generals guarding the frontier.

When everyone was seated, Yang Han bowed with a cold face,
"General, the last general asked to follow the general to attack Qingdu. The last general has selfish intentions and wants to avenge his sister."

The girl he took care of with all his heart, just found her home, and her soul returned to the underworld. He didn't want to believe it, and he was not reconciled. He was going to cut off Yin Yi's head to pay homage to his sister's spirit in heaven.

No one can stop him from taking revenge, he wants to make the Yin clan pay for their blood.

In the world, there is nothing so cheap. His father was framed and held for more than ten years, and he admitted it.If you want to blame it, blame your father for not being able to understand clearly. He fell into the tricks of the Nine Kings. In the game between men, there is no regret in winning or losing.

But his younger sister was different. She didn't understand anything, she didn't know anything, and she was killed for no reason. He couldn't get over this hurdle in his heart.

Therefore, he had to go to Qingdu to ask Yin Yi himself, why did he implicate the innocent, why did he mutilate his sister?

Han Jing looked at Yang Han's flickering scarlet eyes, and sighed in her heart, after all, it was the Han family who was sorry for the siblings, who were just newly married and then disappeared.

"Forget it, Zhao Chuan, the Central Frontier Battalion will be handed over to you, and Yang Han will be the general of the Central Army. He will follow me to Qingdu. There are some accounts that need to be settled face to face."

Zhao Chuan glanced at Yang Han, and understood his anger in his heart, without any hesitation,

"The last general takes orders, and he will live up to his entrustment."

Yang Han clasped his fists, thanked Zhao Chuan with a nod, and returned to his seat.

Han Jing looked at the generals in the big tent, got up and walked to the sand table, looked at the troops about to march, and began to dispatch the left and right vanguards...

Except for the few generals who stayed behind, all the rest followed the army, and there were also many knights from the rivers and lakes who had defected here in the past month.

Outside the general's mansion, there was also a shed for recruiting soldiers. Several people from Mr. Mu recruited soldiers, and then they were sent to the barracks for training. After half a year, they would be able to enter the battlefield and guard the frontier.

At this time, Bai Ningxiang let the girl help her to walk around the yard again, watching her stomach getting worse day by day, she was worried, but also had unprecedented anticipation.

Her child is about to come to this world, and the joy of welcoming a new life has diluted a lot of grief, and it has also allowed her and the general to ease the grief of losing a loved one.

Now she can't see her feet while standing, and it's difficult for her to sit upright.If he wanted to rest, he could only lie on his side, and every time he got up, he had to help the girl.

Nine months have passed, and Wei Zixian has brought Miss Qingqing to live in the mansion, ready to give birth to her at any time, and Yun Ni, as a medical girl, is always by her side.

Pregnant women with twins usually give birth ahead of schedule. In recent days, people in the mansion have been cautious, even walking around deliberately, for fear of disturbing the wife and causing fetal gas.

Bai Ningxiang was half lying on the beauty's couch, wearing a loose plain dress, with a simple bun on her head, which was only fixed with a white jade hairpin, her flushed cheeks were slightly swollen, and she looked much more charming.

Even so, she still looked at the ledger in her hand,
"Recently, there have been a lot of people coming and going in the mansion, and the consumption of money and food is much faster than usual. You send a letter to the sea and ask someone to bring another batch of food to register and put it in the warehouse."

"In addition, send a message to Changzi, and ask him to assist his cousin to purchase grain, and store it in the warehouse according to the general's marching route, so that it can be used at any time."

(End of this chapter)

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