Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 1112 It is good to be able to cheat for a lifetime

Chapter 1112 It's Good To Be Deceived For A Lifetime
Listening to Bai Ningxiang's persuasion, Qingqing smiled wryly,
"Although Madam's words are reasonable, but Qingqing came from the mire, and compared with Madam, she is incomparable and incomparable."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

It's useless to co-author her to say so much?
This person is not stupid, so she naturally knows the benefits of jumping out of that circle, but she seems to have kept herself locked there, and she is unwilling to step out no matter what.

Since she and Wei Zixian are in love with each other, shouldn't they work hard for the one they love?

Could there be something else involving her?

Thinking of this, Bai Ningxiang narrowed her eyes, took the ginseng tea in hand and took a sip.

"No matter what other thoughts Miss Qingqing has, Dr. Wei treats you with sincerity, and I hope you don't let him down."

Qingqing: "..."

Zuo Lan looked at Qingqing's flushed face, and at Xiangxiang's slightly tired expression, then stood up holding the girl's hand,
"Xiangxiang, it's getting late, and you can't be too tired. We shouldn't bother you, so let's take our leave."

"Alright, I really need to rest for a while. Qinglian, send sister-in-law, Miss Qingqing back to the yard, let the girl take good care of her, don't miss anything."

Bai Ningxiang put down her teacup, pressed the corner of her mouth with a handkerchief, looked at Qingqing's back, thoughtfully.

Seeing Madam's expression, Yun Ni's heart skipped a beat, "Madam, are you suspicious of Miss Qingqing?"

"It's not that I doubt her, but that she has gone too far."

Bai Ningxiang pinched the center of her brows, and to put it bluntly, a geisha, no matter how lofty she is, should stop in moderation. When meeting an infatuated kind like Wei Zixian, she should catch it in time, but she wants to refuse and welcome, she would rather be a red-sleeved gimmick Xiang's concubine is also unwilling to marry.

Don't want to be a lady, is it addictive to be a geisha?
"Yun Ni, call Mama Zhang here."

After a year of conditioning and learning the rules, Mama Zhang has already adapted to life in the mansion.But since she lost her child, she loves to stay in sister Xi's yard.

She has no objection to this point. It is also a good thing that multiple people help her take care of the child.

After a while, Zhang's mother in a dark blue dress came over.

"My servant greets Madam, I don't know what order Madam has for calling this servant?"

"Mother Zhang, please, you know, there are many things going on in the mansion recently, and the sister-in-law of the Yang family and Miss Qingqing live in the mansion, so more people are needed. Needless to say, the sister-in-law of the Yang family, the maids and mother-in-law around me Enough."

When Bai Ningxiang said this, she looked into Mama Zhang's eyes, and bent the corner of her lower lip,

"Ms. Qingqing is also familiar with Zhang's mother. If you have nothing to do, go to her yard to see more. If you need help, just lend a hand, so that our mansion will not neglect you."

Upon hearing this, Mother Zhang bowed immediately, "Madam, don't worry, I will do my best."

Although she didn't understand Madam's intentions, it was always right to obey orders.

"Go, Sister Xi has troubled you for the past few years. When things at home stabilize, you should learn from Mother Xue. Then I will let you go to Sister Xi's yard to be the mother in charge. In the future Marry with her."

Mother Zhang has no children all her life, and it is also a good way out to marry with Sister Xi in the future.

Hearing Madam's plan, Zhang's mother's eyes lit up, she knelt on the ground suddenly,

"Thank you Madam for your kindness. This servant will protect my sister loyally and will not let anyone bully her."

Watching her grow up since she was a child, and marrying with her in the future, although she is a master and servant in honor, she is almost the same as the daughter she raised. Watching her sister grow up in front of her can be regarded as making up for her regrets in this life up.

After Zhang's mother went out, Yun Ni looked at Madam, hesitated, but couldn't help but speak.

"Madam, what if that woman really cheated Wei Zixian?"

"Heh~, I've been with you for so many years, it's ironic if it's really the same bed with different dreams. If she has unavoidable difficulties, for the sake of the one she loves, it's considered capable to lie to her for a lifetime."

Bai Ningxiang caressed the jade ring on her ring finger, with a hint of mockery in her eyes,
"If she can't do it, it won't be us who will be beaten by chickens and eggs."

No matter how difficult it is, losing a man who loved her with his life is a complete loss for a woman.

Yun Ni blinked her eyes thoughtfully, she didn't feel it even if she didn't say anything, now that she thinks about Qingqing's actions, there are indeed a lot of doubts.

"Master, if this woman really has a problem, what is her purpose?"

"Hiding your head and showing your tail all these years, you have come to Zhangzhou Mansion all the way, what purpose can you have?"

Bai Ningxiang's eyes were slightly cold. To everyone, Wei Zixian was not only the bastard son of the Wei family, but also the title of Marching Doctor.

But those who are familiar with him know that Wei Zixian is like a brother to Han Jing.

"Ansi, stare at Qingqing's yard to see if she really has a ghost?"


The deep voice was accompanied by a hoarse voice, which disappeared into the air with a gust of wind.

Bai Ningxiang squinted her eyes, and just as soon as she was meditating, her stomach was kicked. The little guy might have figured it out, and her activities have been extremely frequent these days.

"Ouch, kick again, cubs are naughty."

"Ma'am, my brothers must think that you should rest. Now that the month is so old, you can't bear to worry about it."

Bai Ningxiang stroked her stomach with her hand, raised her hand and yawned,
"I'm really sleepy, let's take a nap."

No matter how turbulent it is outside, the general's mansion is still peaceful at present. As for whether there are ghosts in the dark, it depends on whose methods are better.

within the palace walls,

In the silent night, there was a crackling sound, followed by a burst of violent cursing, which made the little eunuch at the door tremble with fright, for fear that if he didn't pay attention, he might not see the sun tomorrow.

"Bastards, they're all bastards. You still don't believe me when Gu says they're wolfish ambitions. Now it's alright. He wants to get rid of Gu. Do you hear that evil Han Jing wants to get rid of Gu!"

With a roar, Yin Yi stretched out his long arms and swept all the four treasures of the study on the table to the ground. Even so, he still couldn't relieve his anger.

He is the son of heaven, the chosen one, and no one can replace him.

What kind of thing is Han Jing?
Living on the imperial salary, raising private soldiers and refusing to pay them, and now daring to rebel, what is the ambition if it is not a wolf?
The Daqing Dynasty is the Yin family's world, and no one can take it away. He will smash the Han family into pieces and leave a bad reputation for thousands of years.

Thinking of this, Yin looked at the few courtiers prostrate on the ground with particularly persistent eyes.

"Several Qing families, you are the mainstay of the imperial court, the important ministers of the country, Gu has always trusted you, now that the Han family rebelled, how do you say how to deal with it?"

(End of this chapter)

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