Chapter 1114 Alive~
"Order the military department of the household department to gather food and grass to mobilize troops, and Huaihualang alone will make Sun Tingyan the general marshal of the army and horses, and be on standby at any time to resist the rebels."

"Old minister obeys the order." Shang Shuling sighed inwardly, and bowed down in response.

Walking out of the emperor's study, Shang Shuling looked up at the night sky above the moon and sighed faintly.

"Master Shang Shuling, do you have something on your mind or do you disagree with the Lord's arrangement?" Zhong Shuling put his hands behind his back and looked extremely relaxed.

"What does Master Zhongshu Ling mean today? This old man finds it strange. You talk about recruiting famous officials all day long, but I haven't seen you recruit anyone for your lord. Today, you pushed me, Shang Shuxing, to be your lord." Go into the water, what is your intention?"

"Master Shang Shuling, you really wronged me. All kinds of expenses of the court, eating, drinking, and messing around, can't get away from Shang Shusheng. You are in charge of the six ministries. Naturally, you have to give instructions on dispatching troops and generals."

Shang Shuling: "...I don't care what your idea is, old man, but I still want to remind you, don't deceive the Lord, the peace and prosperity of the people in the world is my priority."

After saying this, without waiting for Zhong Shuling to speak up, he flicked his sleeves and strode away.

The lord's aptitude is mediocre, and it's not appropriate to maintain the status quo. Someone actually bewitched the lord to eliminate dissidents under their noses, seriously injuring the court officials.

Nowadays, there is civil strife in the court, and the monarch and ministers are centrifugal, which hurts the foundation of the court.

An accident happened to the Han family, and Han Jing was so angry that he was afraid that he could not wait for the imperial court to send troops, so the handsome soldiers approached.

Why doesn't the monarch understand that the Han family's prestige is far and wide, and who else is Han Jing's opponent inside and outside the court.

After a few courtiers retreated, the smile on Yin Yi's face disappeared completely.

A bunch of trash, he wanted to wipe out the Han family completely, but this group of old foxes forced him to negotiate peace.

The old man Han Dong is dead, how could Han Jing be willing to negotiate peace?

The best way is to kill, as long as the Han family is completely wiped out, those Han family troops will have no leader, and there is nothing to fear.

The Han family is immortal, so he cannot be completely at ease.

The group of dead soldiers last time were also trash, and they didn't hurt Han Jing. However, through this matter, he also understood that Han Jing had hidden a lot of tricks in private.

The game between him and Han Jing has already begun. As for success or failure, he has never worried about it. Rebellious ministers and thieves are rebellious officials and thieves. His Yin clan is the orthodox in the world, and no one can replace it.

Dare to give him the name of the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, it's really courting death.

"Where is the supervisor?"

"The servant is here." The supervisor moved out carefully.

"The decree, the Han family, with ulterior motives, ambitions, murdered the prince, and tried to rebel. Han Dong and his wife have now been executed, leaving behind the two sons of Han Jing and Han Jue, who are cholera and harassing the borderlands, disturbing the common people. Everyone will be free from these scourges." To punish him, thinking of the people in the borderlands alone, makes my heart ache, and I hope that the righteous people in the world will lend a helping hand. If this thief is captured, the imperial court will reward you..."

After Yin Yi finished dictating, he looked at the edict written by the supervisor, with a smug look on his lips.

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man, he didn't believe it, a mere Han Jing, no one can subdue him yet?

"Take it down, print a hundred copies, and tomorrow morning, all the prefectures will post it."


The supervisor held the imperial decree tremblingly, his legs trembled with fright, and he couldn't help being suspicious.

I just discussed with a few ministers about peace talks. After this list is posted, wouldn't the peace talks lose their meaning?
What's the matter, my lord, it's just a matter of thinking about it. Although my temper was not very good in private before, it was not so violent and disregarded the overall situation.

It's only been more than half a year, it's like eating a gunpowder cannon, it can't withstand a little spark, and it will explode as soon as it is rubbed.

The supervisor had a bitter face, looking at the heavy imperial decree, he really wanted to pass out, the master is in a fit of anger at the moment, if he has any doubts, maybe he won't be able to see the sun tomorrow.

If the rubbings are promulgated regardless of disregard, if the master thinks it is inappropriate, he will not be able to escape his responsibility.

It's been a difficult day for the left and right, and I don't know how many days he can live with the old bones?

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Little Photon couldn't help being curious as he looked at the master's pale face, who looked like his dead parents.

"Boy, your master and I are in trouble. I don't know how to do this job."

The supervisor put the imperial decree into the disciple's hands and shook his head.

"Boy, be more lucky in your next life, cast a good baby, and don't enter the palace to be slaves again. The lives of us people are not as good as the pugs in the arms of the master. You can get delicious food by sticking out your tongue and being good." , there are still people waiting on you."

Listening to the master's emotion, little photon trembled with fright, and followed the master with a crying voice.

"Master, the luckiest time in my life was when I met you, Master. Don't leave me alone, I'm afraid."

"Stupid boy, what are you afraid of? Stretching out your head and retracting your head is also a stab. When you see through it, you will get used to it."

The supervisor squinted at the boy beside him, a rare flash of pity flashed in his eyes,

"Forget it, you print a hundred copies of this, and ask Master Ming'er to ask for instructions again. The left and right are dead, no matter how dead they are, they will be dead. If the Lord hesitates, we can still breathe for two more days."

"Really? Master."

"Is that still fake?"

As the two of them talked farther and farther away, the shadow hidden in the dark followed silently, and when they saw the content of the imperial decree, they took a copy and disappeared in a flash.

Early the next morning, the supervisor had the courage to ask if it was too early to post the list before the peace talks?
Yin Yi hesitated for a moment, then waved his hand directly, "Put it down for a while, and post it after the peace talks are over."

Sometimes, in addition to the list, there is also a large army pressing down on the situation. Even if Han Jing has three heads and six arms, he can't stop everyone.

"My lord is wise."

The supervisor silently breathed a sigh of relief, stepped back gently, ordered someone to wait on him, and he went down to breathe a sigh of relief.

Regarding the peace talks, after the ministers discussed, they sorted out the files according to the content of the peace talks, and the peace talks team led by Wei Jijiu and Lou Xiuqing set off, aiming at Zhangzhou Mansion.

"From Qingdu to Zhangzhou Mansion, the journey will take more than a month. What is Master Wei's plan?"

Before Lou Xiuqing got into the carriage, he looked at Wei Jijiu and asked modestly.

"Don't worry, Lou Shaoqing. There are officials who have already set off in advance. We passed by the station along the way, and the servants have already got the news. They must have been arranged in advance. We only need to make arrangements according to the rules."

Wei Jijiu looked at the young Lou Xiuqing, stroked his beard, and made a few remarks for the sake of the deceased Guanglu Siqing.

"You and I both represent the majesty of the emperor, and we must not act recklessly."

"Thank you, Lord Wei, for calling."

Lou Xiuqing bowed, and hid the sarcasm in his eyes. According to his speed, he wants to reach Zhangzhou Mansion in less than two months.

(End of this chapter)

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