Chapter 1116
Seeing that the palace mouth opened with ten fingers, the midwife restrained her thoughts, "Ma'am, let's start to exert force after opening the ten fingers."

Bai Ningxiang breathed out, she had the experience of having a first child, she knew what to do to her advantage, so she cooperated with the midwife very well.

Grit your teeth and squeeze out if you want to use force, accumulate strength if you don't let force, and wait for the next wave of force.

She endured it from the beginning of labor, and never uttered a cry.

Han Jing clenched his fists and stood at the door with obvious anxiety in his eyes. He wanted to lift the curtain but was afraid of being yelled at by his wife.

After not hearing anything for a while, he began to panic, and his forehead couldn't help sweating.

"Wei Zixian, why didn't Madam shout anymore? Do I want to go in and have a look?"

"Don't worry, general. If the midwife doesn't speak, it's all right."

"Then why is there no sound?"

"Sister-in-law is saving her energy to have a baby, how can she have time to shout?"

Wei Zixian looked helplessly at Han Jing, who was like a door god, and the iron armor gleaming on his body.

Fortunately, it wasn't the first time he saw Han Jing so anxious. When his sister-in-law gave birth for the first time, she threw herself out because she refused to let him in.

Fortunately, this time I was more rational and didn't use much force.

Hearing Wei Zixian's comfort, Han Jing gave him a serious look, as if to confirm whether what he said was true or not, seeing that Wei Zixian was about to go crazy, and then slowly stopped.

I went to the door and took a look in. Except for the heavy curtain and the smell of blood, I didn't see anything else.

"General, why don't you change the iron armor on your body first? You won't be afraid to hold the baby's delicate flesh when the baby comes out later?"

Wei Zixian looked at him in full armor, in order to divert his attention, he reached out and patted his armor.

"No, I'll wait for my wife to give birth safely." Han Jing rubbed her hands and sat down on a chair beside her.

A few days ago, he received a secret report that in order to damage the reputation of the Han family, Yin Yi did not hesitate to fabricate rumors in order to confuse the public.It is also necessary to incite righteous men in the rivers and lakes and offer rewards for murder.

Moreover, before that, the negotiators sent by the imperial court were already on their way... But behind the scenes, they were also gathering an army, ready to go to war at any time.

Now that he is putting pressure on him again, Yin Yi can't wait any longer.

He wanted to pour another pot of sewage on him, but fortunately he was still a little rational, so he suppressed it and didn't post it for the time being, as if he was waiting for the result of the negotiation before making any plans.

Know yourself, know your enemy, and win every battle. If you want to seize the opportunity, you have to send troops in advance.

Unexpectedly, just as he was gathering his troops to set off, his wife was about to give birth.

When he got the news, he temporarily handed over the military affairs to Yang Han, and galloped back.

"Wow wow..."

"It was born, it was born, congratulations madam, Mrs. He Xi, you are a big fat boy."

The midwife cut the umbilical cord, handed the baby over to a girl beside her, and then went to deliver the baby herself. A quarter of an hour later, another loud cry sounded in the delivery room.

"I gave birth again. Congratulations Madam, Madam He Xi, she is a sister with really delicate features. She will definitely be a beautiful woman in the future."

After exerting the last force, Bai Ningxiang was completely exhausted, not to mention wanting to see what the child looked like, she didn't even have the strength to open her eyes, she just fell asleep.

After the child is packed, Mother Xue and another woman will carry the child to Han Jing,

"Congratulations, General, Madam gave birth to another pair of twins. The boy is an older brother, and the girl is a younger sister."

"Okay, it's all a great achievement, reward, how is Madam?"

Han Jing looked down at the squinting baby, and just as soon as he raised his hand, he heard the rustling of the iron armor. The baby's skin is tender and fleshy, so it's really hard to touch.

"Madam is fine, but she is too tired and exhausted, and has fallen asleep." Mother Xue blessed Fushen with a smile, and when she got up, she saw the general walked in through the curtain.

The room was filled with a strong smell of blood. The midwife was helping his wife clean up the aftermath. The moment she saw the general, she hurriedly saluted.

Han Jing waved her hands, walked to the bed, looked at the sleepy daughter-in-law, her hair was wet with sweat, her face was pale, and the corners of her lips were blood-colored, she was so miserable, her heart ached so badly, she wanted to hold her in her arms, and then Afraid that the iron armor would hold her, she could only gently hold Bai Ningxiang's hand, put it to her lips and kiss it.

"Madam, you have worked hard. Now our daughters are both alive. I will never let you suffer like this again."

Looking at her slightly undulating chest, the dignified War God General couldn't help turning his eyes red,
"Ma'am, it's urgent, I can't stay with you all the time, but you have to be good and wait for me to come back."

Bai Ningxiang fell asleep in a daze, as for what Han Jing said, she had no idea.

Bai Ningxiang didn't wake up until Han Jing got up to leave.

Han Jing walked to the door and said directly, "The general's mansion welcomes the twins of the dragon and phoenix, which means that the dragon and the phoenix will bring good fortune. The general's mansion will reward you with double monthly money as a sign of joy."

"Han Xiang and Han Feng are the names of my brothers and sisters."

When Mother Xue heard this, she quickly bowed her knees and saluted, "Thank you General for the reward, this old slave is on behalf of Brother Xiang, and Sister Feng bowed down to thank General for giving me your name."

"The general is not here, you have to take good care of your wife, and wait for the general to return home."

Han Jing waved his hand, glanced at Wei Zixian who had already packed the medicine box,
"Doctor Xingjun is not short of you, and it won't be too late for you to follow up after Madam is done with the full moon."

"Huh? The general asked me to serve my sister-in-law confinement?"

Hearing Wei Zixian's tone, Han Jing gave him a very rude look,
"Who asked you to wait on my wife's confinement? I asked you to stay in the mansion for a month. In case the lady is not feeling well, you can temporarily act as a mansion doctor and help take care of it."

"Isn't there still Yun Ni? Her medical skills have been exhausted very quickly in the past few years, she is no worse than me, and she doesn't need me at all."

Wei Zixian rubbed his nose embarrassingly. As a military doctor, he was naturally unwilling to stay when the army was dispatched.

Han Jing thought for a while, but didn't object, "If that's the case, then settle down your confidante and set off with me."

"Qingqing lives as a guest in the General's Mansion, so there is no need to make special arrangements. I'll go and tell her, just meet at the gate of the city."

Seeing Wei Zixian running away with the medicine box, Han Jing called Butler Yuan again, and explained the affairs of the mansion. After walking for several steps, he still couldn't let go, so he left Dazhuo again.

"You stayed to assist Steward Yuan's mother, Xue, to take care of the general's mansion. My wife is still awake, and the general is about to leave. I always feel uneasy."

"Don't worry, the general, the subordinates will take good care of the mansion, and will report to the general about Madam's current situation every day."

As for the general's arrangement, Da Zha didn't object at all. It's a pity that my wife didn't even see the general's face after running around the gate of hell.

(End of this chapter)

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