Chapter 1119
"Li Chong, this general doesn't believe you if you grow others' morale to destroy your prestige. What is Han Jing? Isn't he just spending a few more years in the barracks than others? Do you really think everyone is afraid of him?"

Li Chong glanced at him and sneered, "You're right, you've actually defeated what you said in the book."


Sun Tingyan's face turned red, and he really couldn't refute it. Although he bears the title of General Huaihua, he has never been to the battlefield. This is his shortcoming.

"My lord, the last general requests to go to war." The more so, the more he wanted to prove himself.

Yin Yi stared at him for a moment, then slammed the table down, "Okay, as expected of me, Daqing Haoerlang, I will seal you as the Marshal of the Army and Horses if you are isolated, and you can take them with you to conquer the traitors, regardless of life or death."

The soldiers and horses had already assembled, but before they could leave, Han Jing sent troops first.

It's just so good, so lonely that I let Han Jing take a look, the Daqing Dynasty is still strong without the Han family.

"Thank you, Lord." Sun Ting was overjoyed and immediately took orders.

Shang Shuling looked at the morale of the master, hesitated for a moment, and still bowed.

"My lord, please issue another transfer order, ordering General Lu to return to Qingdu and be on standby at any time, just in case. If the lord is worried that the Northwest Tartars will invade, you can send a suitable person to take over."

"Master Shang Shuling, the northwestern Tartars are only afraid of the Han family and the Lu family. Even if the Lord changes other generals to go, there is almost no deterrence."

"But if you want to defend against Han Jing, the Lu family must take the lead. And the civil war must be resolved as soon as possible, so as not to give foreign enemies an opportunity."

Sitting behind the desk, Yin Yi watched the courtiers arguing, and felt a little regretful in his heart. If he knew it, he would have selected a group of generals in advance, so that no one would be available to him when the situation was imminent.

At the end of the discussion, although Yin Yi issued a transfer order to the Lu family in the northwest, he asked the Lu family to prepare for war at any time just in case.

But before the messengers from Qingdu returned, the battle report from the northwest had already arrived. Recently, the Tartars frequently harassed the border and harassed the people. General Lu wrote a letter requesting a war.

As soon as the battle report came out, the court was in turmoil. I was really afraid of something coming. Now that the Lu family army didn't have to come back, it was enough to directly defend against the Tartars.

The fighting in the Northwest has not stopped yet, the army led by Sun Tingyan faced Han Jing, and after two battles, Sun Tingyan's team has been defeated.

The team of 20 was recruited by Han Jing in a blink of an eye, and Sun Tingyan was defeated and captured.

At the moment when the news came, Yin Yi shut himself up in Mingcheng Hall for a whole day, neither eating nor drinking, other than roaring, just smashing things.

It wasn't until the palace servants informed the queen to come that the movement of Ming Cheng Palace disappeared.

"My lord, let's send someone to negotiate peace."

The queen had already received a letter from the Sun family, saying that her nephew was captured, asking her to ask the Lord to save him.

But now the lord is in a fit of anger, even if she doesn't speak, she can't escape the lord's reprimand, despise the incompetence of the Sun family, and let him lose face.

Hearing the queen's tone, Yin Yi suddenly raised his head and stared at her, his eyes were red,

"Sun Tingyan, that arrogant guy, kept saying that he would fight Han Jing to the death. What happened? He was captured directly. Why didn't he just apologize with death for such a shameful thing?"

Yin Yi roared angrily, "Kui Gu trusts him wholeheartedly, is this how the Sun family repays Gu?"

"My lord, appease your anger. The concubine is guilty. It is the concubine's negligence for not stopping it in time."

Hearing the lord's anger, the queen's face turned blue and red, but she was powerless to refute. Her son died, and the lord supported her grandson.

For the grandson's sake, the Sun family shared the master's worries, and it was their duty. Although the nephew of the natal family practiced martial arts, he was not skilled, so he was naturally incomparable with the Han family.

In the final analysis, the lord still underestimated the Han family.

"The Sun family ruled the family with martial arts, Ting Yan is good at martial arts, and has good abilities, but he has never really been on the battlefield. The Han family ruled the family with martial arts, which has been passed down through generations. The descendants of the Han family have been trained in the military camp since childhood, so it is naturally different."

Yin Yi stared at the top of the queen's head, his eyes were still scarlet,

"Trash is all trash. Without the Han family, Gu is still the emperor of the Daqing Dynasty."

"Come here, courtier Xuan enters the Mingcheng Hall."

After the dragon case,
With a sullen face, Yin Yi watched the courtiers below quarreling into a pot of porridge, some in the main battle, and some in peace talks.

Yin Yi's face was dark, and it wasn't until this time that he began to feel a little regretful in his heart. If he had known this, he would have dealt with the Han family slowly.

"Okay, stop arguing, Han Jing is at the gates of the city, and I only asked you to come up with countermeasures, not to listen to your quarrel."

"The crime of the minister." The courtier prostrated himself on the ground and kowtowed to plead guilty.

When they were asked about their countermeasures, they were still arguing endlessly, insisting on their own words and refusing to give in to each other.

At the same time, Han Jing went all the way to the north, with left and right vanguards opening the way in front of him, and the army went all the way unimpeded. In just two months, they attacked Dingzhou.

Collected all the way down, the team quickly grew to 60.

The army stopped in Dingzhou for a day, then marched out again, and set up camp at the twenty miles of Qingdu.

Standing under the city gate, Han Jing sent the letter prepared in advance to the head of the city with a loud arrow, so that the city guards could go straight to the heaven and hand it to Yin Yi.

And bluntly, only give three days of consideration,

If you don't announce it to the world within three days according to the requirements in the letter, you can attack the city.

The city guard tremblingly looked at the dark heads below, and the hand holding the saber kept shaking.

"Master Captain, what should we do?"

"What else can I do? Send the letter to the palace and ask the Lord to make a decision."

Qing is about to change.

The school captain took the ringing arrow and entered the Mingcheng Hall smoothly all the way, offering it with both hands.

"General Han...Han Jing's army has arrived outside the city, please make a decision."

Yin Yi suppressed his expression and had stubble on his face. In just a few days, his whole body became decadent.

He stared intently at the ringing arrow with the red tassel on the case, and stared at the letter tied on the arrow with the corners of his lips pursed.

It took a while to reach out to open it, seeing the disrespectful tone of the letter, and the listed conditions, etc., before he read it, he tore it to pieces.

"Trash is all trash. No one can share the worries of the orphan, and no one can help the orphan."

No matter how he vented and clamored in Mingcheng Hall, no one dared to approach him.

The servants in the palace hid far away. A few days ago, the supervisor who had been serving him all his life was pierced by the lord's sword, but the newly appointed supervisor disappeared from time to time, except for a few shivering palace officials. People, there is no one to drive.

Following the sound of chaotic footsteps, a few old ministers came uninvited and directly knelt down to beg the Lord.

"Han Jing's soldiers are approaching the city, please make a quick decision, the Lord, and don't delay any longer."

"May the Lord decide."

Yin Yi looked at several courtiers, and suddenly raised his head and burst out laughing,
(End of this chapter)

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