Chapter 1127

Xiao Qi slapped his head, he was negligent, said, immediately called the carriage to enter the city, and drove straight to the Han Mansion.

Entering Qingdu, Bai Ningxiang gently opened the curtain, and looked at the familiar streets, the flow of people passing by, and the din of hawkers, making it look prosperous and peaceful.

The people in the city were very happy, and Bai Ningxiang found that they did not feel panic about changing the monarch.

Han Jing comforted him very well. Although she also heard some rumors along the way, fortunately, they were all dealt with properly in the end.

When the Yin family fell, Han Jing reduced a lot of taxes in order to comfort the people, and dealt with some tyrannical powers by making an example of them.

In fact, she also knew that the common people didn't care too much about who would be the emperor. They only cared about the new king's ascendancy, what benefits it could bring them, and whether it could fill their stomachs.

As long as they can live and work in peace and contentment and get benefits, the people will be happy.

Therefore, as far as the current situation is concerned, the entire Daqing Dynasty is apparently stable.

Looking at the bustling holy city in front of you, the busy and happy figures of the people, the son who is waving a folding fan to amuse the birds, and the little girl who is enthusiastically soliciting business at the door... Who would remember that the dynasty has changed and changed hands?

The carriage stopped at the gate of the Han Mansion, and Bai Ningxiang was helped out of the carriage by the girl, and looked up at the mansion door plaque, feeling deeply moved in her heart, the familiar mansion, the familiar decoration, and occasionally a few familiar faces flashed by, but no one smiled They stood at the door to welcome them back.

A few years later, things have already changed.

Before she could go in, she heard a sound of hoofbeats, Han Jing got off the horse, threw the whip to Feng Yi behind her, walked up to Bai Ningxiang by herself, and embraced her in her arms.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry, I was temporarily caught up in something, and I didn't make it to the gate of the city in time to pick you up."

"It's okay, it's the same if Xiao Qi comes to pick her up." Bai Ningxiang raised her head, Han Jing's expression became more stable after not seeing her for half a year.

The aura of iron and blood on his body has also become stronger. It can be seen that the six months of training have been a great baptism for the body and mind.

"It's cold outside, let's go in first."

Han Jing greeted Xiao Qi, and carried Bai Ningxiang back to the Bihu Courtyard where they used to live. As soon as she entered, Bai Ningxiang felt a rush of heat.

Taking off the cloak on her body, without waiting for the girl to wash her up, Bai Ningxiang was carried onto the couch by Han Jing, kissed her forehead, nose, mouth... After rubbing her for a long time, she sighed contentedly.

"If Ma'am doesn't come back, I'll go to Zhangzhou to pick you up." In the entire Qingdu, except for Xiao Qi, he was surrounded by officials who let him handle affairs.

Bai Ningxiang breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes were rippling, listening to Han Jing's resentful tone, she unceremoniously twisted his waist,
"Do you think it's so easy to move your family?"

She has been so busy these days that she has no time to spare.

"Hiss~ Ma'am, you've worked hard, I'll make it up to you for my husband." Han Jing held her in his arms, and rubbed her fleshy place, his eyes became darker and darker.

The maids wisely didn't come in to disturb her, but Bai Ningxiang was not as thick-skinned as Han Jing, so she slapped off his paws and gave him a supercilious look before she got up and asked the maids to come in and wash up.

After arriving home, there are a lot of things that need to be put away, no matter whether it is brought by her or the girls and women in Fuzhong, they are all busy.

Waves of things were delivered, what should be put into the warehouse, what should be put out, and for a while, the entire mansion was full of people, and the flow was endless.

Bai Ningxiang washed up, and the two nannies brought the baby in, put them on the Arhat bed, and took off their heavy clothes.

It has been six months since the baby was born, and this is the first time Han Jing saw her. Looking at the chubby, pink baby, especially those two pairs of dark and big eyes, she couldn't help but make people like her.

It was also the first time for the two children to see their father, and they were not afraid at all, especially Sister Feng, who was still grinning, which made Han Jing extremely rare.

Holding Sister Feng in my arms for a long time, the more so, the more Sister Feng laughed happily.Bai Ningxiang was speechless, she really couldn't explain the bloodline, when most children saw Han Jing, they would either hide in fright, or cry in fright.

The two of her family only stared at him with big black eyes, and they were probably quite curious looking at those eyes.

"The children look like you, especially those big eyes, which are exactly like you."

"Daddy, have you forgotten me and brother?"

Before Bai Ningxiang could speak, sister Xi hurried in, pouted, looked at Han Jing, pinched her waist angrily.

Unruly like a little princess.

"My good girl, let Daddy hug me, how can I forget Sister Xi, you are Daddy's eldest daughter, the most precious thing."

Han Jing got up, picked up the man, and held him high until the little girl giggled, before putting him down.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw the proud Mo Geer looking at him eagerly.

Han Jing walked over, reached out and rubbed his head, "Brother Mo, do you want Daddy to hold you high?"

"Hmph, I'm a man, so I don't want to hold it high." Han Mo folded his arms with both hands, snorted, and turned his head like a proud little rooster.

"Haha...the six-year-old milk baby is indeed a little man."

Han Jing said, while he was not paying attention, he picked up the person and threw it upwards. Poor little Mo'er didn't react at all, and was thrown into the air, screaming in fright.

It wasn't until he landed firmly in Han Jing's arms, with his eyes still closed and his eyelashes trembling slightly, that after a while, he secretly opened a slit to look at the father in front of him.

The little guy was startled and excited, and his heart was pounding. At the moment when he was running away, his body was thrown up again, but this time he didn't scream out of fright, but pursed his lips tightly, pretending to be calm He looked like that, but he couldn't hold back the corners of his mouth.

Little guy, dare to pretend to be with him.

Seeing his son pretending to be old-fashioned, Han Jing twitched the corners of his lips, and suddenly thought of himself when he was a child.

At that time, he followed his father every day, like a follower, and he didn't know how many times he was teased.But my father is busy, every time he notices him and asks him, he also pretends that he doesn't need anything, he's even worse than Mo Geer.

Han Jing put the person on the ground, watched Brother Mo tidy up his clothes, then waved his hand,
"Your room is in the east wing next door, go and see for yourself, if you need anything, just tell Yun Ni."

"Okay Daddy."

Sister Xi held Brother Mo's hand, bouncing outside, smiling, "I know brother's little secret, you are afraid of heights."

"Xi'er is talking nonsense, I'm not afraid, it's because you heard it wrong." Brother Mo blushed, how could he be afraid, anyway, Dad would not fall on him.

(End of this chapter)

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