Chapter 1131 Cleanse ~
"This is the first time I've become an empress, so I don't have enough experience. Ding has been serving as an internal servant and supervisor for many years, so he's already familiar with it. Is there anything else I can add?"

Mi Zhi & Dai Chun: "..."

Empress Empress is Empress Empress, Niu.

"The empress is naturally noble, with elegant character, but the subordinates are dull and mentally inferior to the empress. In case, I ask the empress to forgive me."

Looking at the empress's peaceful eyes, she didn't show any emotion or anger, and even the question she asked was flat and unremarkable. It was obviously a major matter in the palace, but it seemed to him that it didn't matter.

This thought came to Ding Gui's heart, and he suddenly thought of the promenade connecting the imperial garden, the red lacquered columns, the golden gallery, the silver trim, and the grandeur.

The former monarch liked bright colors, and the buildings and palaces were so gorgeous, but the current empress bluntly dislikes these. How could he change this huge project in just a few days?

Thinking of this, Ding Gui broke out in a cold sweat and knelt on the ground with a bitter face,

"Empress, there is not much time left until the night banquet. Even if the servants are superficial, they still can't finish it."

The queen actually shattered his embarrassment lightly.

Bai Ningxiang looked at Ding Gui, lowered the coldness in her eyes, and glanced at him curiously,
"Oh? But there is not enough manpower. Would you like me to add some more people for you?"

"Going back to the Empress, it's not about people, it's about not having enough time."

Ding Gui really wanted to slap himself twice at this time, because he was a cheap talker, why would he test the depth of the queen.

Now that someone proposes a style he likes, but he can't do it, he really shoots himself in the foot.

"So that's the case. It's my fault that I didn't think carefully. I forgot that the palace is no better than a mansion. Repairing it will not only consume manpower and material resources, but also keep up with the construction schedule."

Bai Ningxiang sighed regretfully, "Since time is pressing, how should we deal with this matter according to Ding Zhangshi's usual practice?"

"This... in the past, during festivals and festivals, the palace had to be thoroughly cleaned from the inside to the outside. The cleaning was spotless, and then the flowers and plants cultivated in the greenhouse were placed, and the palace lanterns and fringed ribbons were hung, and it was finished."

Ding Zhangshi wiped the sweat from his forehead and spoke in a sly voice.

"Oh? It turned out to be the general cleaning of the people. New year and new atmosphere, removing the old and ushering in the new, clearing away the dust, removing bad luck. Putting flowers and plants, adding vitality, as far as the eye can see, it is a scene of prosperity, but that's it?"

Bai Ningxiang said, looking at Ding Zhangshi's flushed cheeks, her eyes were still calm and indifferent.

It's really uncomfortable for such a small person to be angry with her, so she just dismissed him from his post.

Don't forget, she is now the queen, the highest being in the whole of Korea.

Seeing Ding Gui's embarrassment, Mi Zhi twitched the corners of his mouth almost imperceptibly, old man, have you screwed up?

"It's still in the words of the empress. The New Year is a grand festival celebrated by the whole world. Naturally, there are similarities between the customs of the palace and the folks. Many rules are also derived from the ancestors."

She didn't want to intercede with Ding Gui either, but they came together, and if they were implicated, none of them would feel better about it.

"Mi Zhangshi is right, Ding Zhangshi, the palace banquet is imminent, you can take some time to clean up and decorate the palace, and use all the people in the inner prison later, don't be lazy, or the empress will give you a few boards directly .”

Dai Chun followed up with a joke, then bowed and saluted, "My empress, this is the palace banquet menu temporarily prepared by Dai Chun, please have a look at it, and if there are any additions or subtractions, please show me."

As he spoke, he handed the menu to Qinglian respectfully, his attitude was completely different from Ding Gui's.

Bai Ningxiang watched them act, but didn't care, she opened the menu, took a rough look, and placed it on the desk button.
"Shangshifang should have a cookbook. Show me it later. It just so happens that I have a cookbook here. I will take it back together. You know that I was born in the folk and is located in the southwest. Naturally, the diet is similar to that of Kyoto. different."

"Not only my palace, but also the emperor. Although he is from the capital, he has been guarding the frontier in the southwest all these years, and his taste has long been different. As royal food, you must keep pace with the times in order to serve the royal family. Otherwise, I will have to go to trouble and redeploy a new cook.”

Several people:"……"

Did the Empress mention them or want to change them?

"Yes, Madam Empress, please rest assured, Shangshi will definitely not disappoint Madam."

Hearing the faint warning from the empress, Dai Chun's heart moved, and he suddenly realized how stupid Ding Gui's actions were just now, and how ridiculous it was for her to come here today to watch the excitement.

Immersed in the imperial palace for these years, seeing all the concubines in the harem torn apart, they got a lot of benefits from these in charge, and lived a comfortable life, but she forgot that in the harem today, there is only the master in front of her, who is still the supreme one. one.

Mi Zhi understood, "Shangyi's embroiderer also prepared a new pattern, and then sent it to the empress."

"Alright, time is running out, let's go down and get ready." Bai Ningxiang didn't make things difficult for them, and sent them away directly.

Ding Yang stared at the backs of the three of them coldly, "Empress, Ding Gui dared to challenge your majesty, do you want to dismiss him?"

"Not for now, the palace banquet is coming soon, let's see how they perform."

Smart people know how to make choices. As for stupid people, they can't wake up with a stick. They can make a mistake once, and there will be a second time. Dealing with such a person is the easiest.

It's ridiculous that an internal servant wants to test her bottom line.

This little disturbance just passed away without a trace, Bai Ningxiang didn't take it seriously, and continued to do what she should do, but when the news reached Han Jing's ears, the situation was different.

Han Jing has a dark face, and dare to behave wildly even if he is an idiot?

"What is the queen doing at this time?"

Da Zhuo stood aside, "I heard from Ding Yang that the empress has built a small study and moved many classics from Chengde Hall."

He is temporarily in charge of the position of eunuch, and he is not a real eunuch, so he dare not step into the harem unless there are special circumstances.

Hearing Da Zhuo's reply, Han Jing smiled. He had just had a heart-to-heart relationship with the queen last night, and that girl is not a disadvantaged one.

"Your Majesty, do you want to get rid of Ding Gui?" It's really tiresome to dare to embarrass their mistress without discerning things and not seeing whose territory it is.

"Not for now, the queen is not angry, just wait."

Han Jing picked up a memorial, opened it and continued to rummage, "During this time, you should also have some snacks, visit the Ministry of Internal Affairs more often, and find a reliable successor for yourself, otherwise, you can just cleanse yourself."

Da Zhua raised his head in shock, jumped back in a gesture, and tightened his legs.

"Don't worry, your majesty, I will fulfill my mission in a humble position."

(End of this chapter)

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