Chapter 1133
Thinking of the little iceberg she smashed at home, Han Jing was so innocent,

Fortunately, that baby is the eldest son, and now he is the prince, so it's better to be colder.

"I've been thinking about it for the past few days. I'm going to invite the reclusive Confucian who doesn't know anything about it to be the Taifu, and he will teach the prince's knowledge. That gentleman is a contemporary Confucian. The prince is the most suitable."

The tempers of the two are completely different, and it should be very pleasant to get along with each other.

"Do you know? He is very strange, he may not give the face of the royal family."

"A competent person has a temper. If you want to learn something, you have to let go of your social status and invite you sincerely."

"Dealing with that old man is not something that can be solved with sincerity. My younger brother is not optimistic about it."

Han Jue looked at the emperor, he wasn't throwing cold water on him, but he had a bad relationship with the old man and was scolded bloody by him.

Although he had a bad temper and was a bit playful back then, it was his bottom line not to hit the elderly and children.

Naturally, I can't argue with an old man, but I really don't like the old man at all.

What kind of great Confucianism, what kind of erudition, let alone a chest, are simply boasted by outsiders.

Obviously, her mind is as small as an embroidery needle.

Looking at the world, which great scholar is not personable and elegant.

It's not like him, he's in a bad mood, he doesn't like it, he scolds when he opens his mouth, he can also be rude, he just doesn't like it.

Little Bingshan encounters a strange old man, what is that scene?
Just thinking about it, Han Jue couldn't help mourning for his little nephew. It's a pity to be so angry at such a young age that he accidentally died at the age of ten or less.

"What's your expression like?"

Han Jing looked at Xiaoqi's trembling face and shook his head. After all, he is a great Confucian, how difficult can it be?

"After all, the prince is too young, so I will leave it to you to invite the unknown. After dinner in the evening, you will take the prince back to your palace. When will you invite people, and then send the prince back."

Han Jue: "..."

What, give it to him?
"Your majesty, I'm not good at this kind of thing. You leave it to Mr. Mu, oh no, it should be Mu Yushi. That man can speak eloquently and deduce. He must know when it will be auspicious to visit." At that time, the younger brother is not suitable."

Hearing the emperor's arrangement, Han Jue was so frightened that he almost jumped up.

"Mu Yushi has a lot of things to do, and I'm afraid he won't be able to get out. I can rest assured that the prince will leave it to you, and there is no time limit. What are you afraid of? Take it easy."

Seeing his anxious expression, Han Jing couldn't help being curious,

"What's the matter with you? I'm so afraid that I don't know. You two have a festival?"

"I don't have any holidays with that old man. He has a weird temper like a stinky stone in a cesspit. I don't want to know him."

When mentioning Wen Bu, Xiao Qi refused without even thinking about it. Seeing that he was eager to put aside the relationship, if he said that the two did not know each other, ghosts would not believe it.

"Since that's the case, what are you afraid of? Just take the prince there, where there is a will, there is a way. As long as you are sincere, Wen Daru will only joke at most, and will not embarrass you."

Han Jing coughed lightly, suppressed the curvature of the corner of her mouth, looked at Xiao Qi's tangled expression, got up and went over to pat him on the shoulder,

"Let's go, let's have a drink today, brothers."

When Bai Ningxiang saw Xiao Qi coming, she immediately ordered Yun Ni to ask the cook to make some of Xiao Qi's favorite food,

"I was thinking about getting someone to find you?"

"Sister-in-law Huang has orders, just say them."

After marching and fighting, Han Jue now admires Bai Ningxiang very much. He never knew that a woman could prepare so much food and grass for hundreds of thousands of troops.

In order to allow the soldiers to have food to eat, even the wine shop was suspended.

"They're all in the same family. I can't talk about orders. It's not your little nephew who has been talking about you these days, saying that the palace is boring and wants to live with the emperor's uncle, and that he wants to go to the school to practice martial arts with you."

Han Jue: "..."

He suspected that the couple had made an agreement and deliberately dug a hole for him.

Han Jing glanced at the queen unexpectedly, then looked at Xiao Qi's surprised look, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

Sure enough, their husband and wife are in harmony.

"What's the matter, Xiaoqi, are you not willing to bring a baby?" Bai Ningxiang looked at the two brothers, thought about what she said, and didn't think there was anything wrong.

"Haha... I also think the prince is too free. I just told Xiao Qi to take Mo Er to find a teacher. The contemporary Confucian don't know about it, but the queen knows it too. Let Xiao Qi take Mo Er to find him, and then please come back. Be a master."

Before Han Jue could speak, Han Jing narrated what happened in Chengde Palace, and then couldn't help but patted Xiao Qi on the shoulder.

"I agree with your sister-in-law, you must not refuse."

Han Jue looked at the two pairs of expectant eyes, and finally broke the jar and sat down on the chair,
"Brother Huang, sister-in-law, if you let me take Mo'er to practice martial arts, I have nothing to say, but if you let me take him there, I don't know. I think it's better for you to go with someone else."

Having said that, Han Jue blushed a little.

In the past, he was ignorant and looked down on the great contemporary Confucians. In his eyes, those people were just sour students.

Seeing that they dragged two to five to eighty thousand yuan, I feel uncomfortable. I can only memorize a few articles, so there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Especially that stinky old man who didn't know, always squinting his eyes, as if his eyes were clean, and it was annoying to watch, so he found a few bad friends to play tricks on him.

He threw a few dead mice into the bamboo house where he lived, watched him bury them calmly, caught a few snakes and put them in his bed, and he roasted them again.

Seeing the old man turning the snake segments on the tiles and sprinkling some salt from time to time, his eyes turned red when he was so angry.

Just when he was racking his brains to think of other ways, who would have thought that those bad friends killed the old man's dog and stewed a pot of meat.

The old man smelled it and looked for it. Several guys threw the pot on his head and ran away.

At that time, he didn't know that the stew in the pot was the old watchdog Ahua, so he greeted him with a smile and asked him to taste it.

The old man looked at the meat in the pot, then at him, holding the broom in his hand and asked him if it smelled good.

Although I didn't eat it myself, the aroma from the pot had already wafted out, so I nodded without thinking about it.

"It's fragrant but not firewood, fat but not greasy, old man, you will know after a taste."

"...It's really rotten wood that can't be carved. The old man thought you were just naughty, but I didn't expect you to be black-hearted." After saying this, he rushed over with a broom.

The old man was old, so he couldn't hit him naturally, but he found it interesting to see the old man's mustache curling up and down.

Just hide, generally laugh, deliberately slow down so that he can see but not catch up.

In this way, they spent three whole streets, and the old man fainted from exhaustion.

He was just teasing people, and he didn't want to hurt anyone, so he sent the old man back.

(End of this chapter)

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