Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 1138 1 forehead lawsuit

Chapter 1138
Hearing Fei Ran's beating tone, Han Jing gave him a direct look, he was really a lunatic.

"Do you know, in order for my mother's wish to be fulfilled, I went into the palace and negotiated an exchange with Yin Yi. I would be a knife in his hand for him to drive, and he only needs to make my mother happy, and then give her a knife." name."

After Feiran said this, seeing Han Jing's shocked expression, he smiled casually.

"Since then, I have killed people for him. As for whether the other party should kill him, it is out of my consideration... And he also went to see his mother as promised. Although he didn't take him into the palace, he coaxed him Mother is very happy."

"From childhood to adulthood, this is the first time I've seen her smile from the bottom of her heart, the kind with glowing eyes, so people can't bear to tell her the truth..."

Listening to Fei Fei's tone, especially the unspeakable sadness, makes people feel very uncomfortable.

"Your mother has a good son."

"Heh~, yes, my mother is stupid, so how can my son be smart? Knowing that everything is a scam, he is willing to fall into it, even with blood on his hands, just to see that silly woman smile."

Feiran raised his head, the wine slid down his mouth and into his throat, wrapping his heart, burning his entire chest, making the end of his eyes red and his throat blocked.

"Cough cough..."

Feng Er, who was hiding in the dark, kept watching Fei Ran's every move, fearing that he would suddenly go crazy and hurt his master.Listening to his words now, her eyes that had never been turbulent moved, she silently raised her hand, and stepped back a few steps.

Feiran lowered his eyelids, twitched the corners of his mouth, staggered to the stone steps, and swayed, his whole body was as lazy as a bug.

"Ha~, do you know, the first time I met Xiangxiang, I received a summons from Yin Yi, and he asked me to help him kill Nine King Yin Chi. You should also know the reason, that guy is planning to usurp the throne."

"The original plan was very good, but who knew it was interrupted by the prince. As you know, I failed and was injured. I was saved by Xiangxiang."

Han Jing raised her eyebrows, it turned out that the injury was done by the prince's people.

"At that time, we all thought it was someone from the Nine Kings who hurt you."

"Yeah, who would have thought that the crown prince would go and talk about his father's painstakingly arranged assassination in order to gain recognition. Hmph, the Tian family has no invitation, let alone a father and son. I really experienced it at that moment."

This kind of experience is what he bought with his life, which is really a bit sad.

"After I was injured, Meng Xiangxiang took care of me all the time, and my nominal father, not only did not care about my injury, but blamed me for being incompetent. After planning for a long time, it still failed."

"Fortunately, the ending is not bad. You found the evidence of the rebellion of the Nine Kings. Yin Yi struck while the iron was hot and directly overthrew Yin Chi."

Han Jing was stunned, now he finally understood the reason for the strange look in the Lord's eyes when he heard them provide Yin Chi's criminal evidence.

Moreover, it was too eager to convict the Nine Kings, killing people without any hesitation.

"No wonder, at that time, I felt that the Lord approved Yin Chi's matter too quickly, and he didn't even think about a thorough investigation. The review of the case in Dali Temple was just a show and ended."

Feiran smiled lightly, "Although something went wrong in the process of bringing down Yin Chi, fortunately you made up for it, so it's considered complete."

"And you have given the crown prince the credit for this matter. Although Yin Yi is dissatisfied, he can't say anything. After all, the serious problem of his confidant has been solved. And I am useless for the time being, so I was dismissed."

"After that, after a long time, he went to see his mother again, but he was very impatient. After he left, my mother lost her usual smile, until I couldn't stand it anymore, and went to the palace again, pinching her. Let him go to see his mother, and it will be over."

"Since then, besides hating me, Yin Yi seems to have begun to fear me. Because as long as I think about it, I can go in and out of the palace at will, and the people around him don't notice it at all. So, he warned me that there is no summon, no Enter the palace."

"It's ridiculous to think about it. He should be afraid that I will be in a bad mood one day and kill him to vent his anger."

Han Jing shook his head. Although this guy would go crazy occasionally, he still kept his bottom line, which was not easy.

"Yin Yi didn't let you kill me?"

With such a powerful knife, he should be the first person Yin Yi wants to get rid of, right?
"Hey~, how do you know that?"

Feiran stared at Han Jing with teasing eyes, just like looking at a fool,
"It's a pity that we don't like each other. He can't order me, so he can only stare angrily."

"Later, he asked me for Wangyousan from the Western Regions, and he asked me to visit my mother twice. I agreed, and I found it for him. Later, he actually put Wangyousan on the prince, which is quite surprising to me. Unexpected."

"You also know what happened later. Yin Yi poisoned his son to put blame on you. The medicine in the Western Regions is colorless, tasteless and ignorant. This rarely occurs in the Central Plains, so those who are still in the pharmacy Even the imperial physician couldn’t find out.”

"You know what happened later, Yin Yi dumped the blame on the Han family, and took the opportunity to kill the old general and his wife... And my mother also knew about my deal with Yin Yi, and locked herself in the room for a day One night, after two days of crying and laughing, people went crazy and their hair turned white."

"He vomited blood one after another, and after that, people became unconscious, but they kept chanting Yin Yi's name, narrating all the good things they had met before, because she was too stimulated, and she forgot some things... until the end of her life, she always had beautiful dreams. go."

Han Jing: "..."

Feiran raised his head and poured half a jug of wine, wiped his mouth,

"It's fine if you die, so you don't have to live in pain every day. If she dies, I don't have to live so aggrieved."

Now Han Jing finally understands why Feiran didn't show up, and finally understands the purpose of his Swallow Gate.

Thinking about it, it's really a pity that Yin Yi's only outstanding son was pushed away by him.

Otherwise, in this world, it is still uncertain who owns it.

Thinking of this, Han Jing's heart moved, and she looked at Feiran, "Did Yin Yi ask you to arrange the night attack on Zhangzhou Mansion?"

"Ahem...that's right."

Yin Yi wanted to bring down the Han family, so he insisted on letting him do it. He thought of Xiangxiang's life-saving grace, but he didn't agree, and left after a big fight with Yin Yi.

Later, the more I thought about it, the more worried I became, so I took Zuo Ben to Zhangzhou Mansion.

If Yin Yi really sent someone to do it, he would repay Xiangxiang's life-saving grace.

It's a pity that he saw from the beginning to the end, and he didn't use any strength. Since that day, he knew that Han Jing was not as harmless as he appeared on the surface.

No wonder Yin Yi was jealous of the Han family, so anxious that he couldn't sleep every night.

For such a powerful tiger, anyone who has evil thoughts in his heart can replace it.

(End of this chapter)

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